(* Copyright (C) 2009 Matthew Fluet. * Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Henry Cejtin, Matthew Fluet, Suresh * Jagannathan, and Stephen Weeks. * * MLton is released under a BSD-style license. * See the file MLton-LICENSE for details. *) ann "nonexhaustiveBind warn" "nonexhaustiveMatch warn" "redundantBind warn" "redundantMatch warn" "sequenceNonUnit warn" "warnUnused false" "forceUsed" in local $(SML_LIB)/basis/basis.mlb $(SML_LIB)/basis/mlton.mlb $(SML_LIB)/basis/sml-nj.mlb $(SML_LIB)/basis/unsafe.mlb ../pervasive/sources.mlb error.sig error.sml exn0.sml outstream0.sml layout.sig relation0.sml char0.sig char0.sml string0.sml layout.sml substring.sig assert.sig assert.sml list.sig fold.sig fold.fun list.sml word.sig word8.sml max-pow-2-that-divides.fun word.sml string1.sml substring.sml outstream.sig outstream.sml relation.sig relation.sml order0.sig order.sig time.sig time.sml instream.sig char.sig computation.sig trace.sig exn.sig exn.sml date.sig date.sml pid.sig option.sig option.sml pid.sml intermediate-computation.sig instream0.sml intermediate-computation.sml string-map.sig string-map.sml t.sig unit.sig unit.sml trace.sml bool.sig bool.sml char.sml string.sig stream.sig promise.sig promise.sml stream.sml ring.sig ring-with-identity.sig euclidean-ring.sig integer.sig euclidean-ring.fun ring.fun ordered-ring.sig ordered-ring.fun power.sml ring-with-identity.fun integer.fun int.sml real.sig field.sig field.fun ordered-field.sig ordered-field.fun real.sml random.sig random.sml vector.sig vector.fun vector.sml array.sig array.fun array.sml binary-search.sig binary-search.sml hash-set.sig hash-set.sml string.sml instream.sml file.sig file.sml signal.sml process.sig dir.sig dir.sml function.sig function.sml file-desc.sig file-desc.sml process.sml append-list.sig append-list.sml property-list.sig ref.sig ref.sml het-container.sig property-list.fun het-container.fun property.sig property.fun dot-color.sml dot.sig dot.sml tree.sig counter.sig counter.sml tree.sml int-inf.sig int-inf.sml control.sig control.fun queue.sig two-list-queue.sml array2.sig array2.sml env.sig env.fun unique-id.sig unique-id.fun clearable-promise.sig clearable-promise.sml justify.sig justify.sml directed-graph.sig directed-graph.sml large-word.sml quick-sort.sig insertion-sort.sig insertion-sort.sml quick-sort.sml unique-set.sig unique-set.fun fixed-point.sig fixed-point.sml mono-vector.fun result.sig result.sml parse.sig parse.sml regexp.sig regexp.sml popt.sig popt.sml sexp.sig sexp.sml choice-pattern.sig choice-pattern.sml escape.sig escape.sml buffer.sig buffer.sml base64.sig base64.sml in signature ARRAY signature ENV signature ERROR signature EUCLIDEAN_RING signature INTEGER signature INT_INF signature LIST signature OPTION signature ORDER signature ORDERED_RING signature PARSE signature PROMISE signature REAL signature RING signature RING_WITH_IDENTITY signature STREAM signature STRING signature T signature UNIQUE_ID signature VECTOR structure AppendList structure Array structure Array2 structure Assert structure Base64 structure BinarySearch structure Bool structure Buffer structure Char (* structure CharArray *) structure CharVector structure ChoicePattern structure ClearablePromise structure CommandLine structure Computation structure Counter structure Date structure Dir structure DirectedGraph structure Dot structure DotColor structure Error structure Escape structure Exn structure File structure FileDesc structure FixedPoint structure Function structure HashSet (* structure Http *) structure In structure Int (* structure Int32 *) structure IntInf structure InsertionSort structure Justify structure LargeInt structure LargeWord structure Layout structure List structure List structure MLton (* structure MergeSortList *) (* structure MergeSortVector *) structure OS structure Option structure Out structure Parse structure Pervasive structure Pid structure Popt structure Position structure Power structure Process structure Promise structure Property structure PropertyList structure Queue structure QuickSort structure Random structure Real (* structure RealVector *) structure Real32 structure Real64 structure Ref structure Regexp structure Relation structure Result structure SMLofNJ structure Sexp structure Signal structure Stream structure String structure StringCvt structure Substring structure SysWord structure Time structure Trace structure Tree structure TwoListQueue structure Unit structure Vector structure Word structure Word8 (* structure Word8Array *) (* structure Word8Vector *) (* structure Word32 *) functor Control functor Env functor EuclideanRing functor IntUniqueId functor MonoArray functor MonoVector functor OrderedField functor PolyEnv functor Ring functor RingWithIdentity functor Tree functor UniqueId functor UniqueSet end end