//-- Stepper mounted extruder cable harness strain relief //-- with nylon ties //-- by AndrewBCN - Barcelona, Spain - December 2014 //-- GPLV3 //-- I designed this for use with Marty Rice's awesome //-- Direct Drive Extruder which I have installed on my //-- P3Steel, but it can probably be used for many other //-- extruder setups. Simple fact is, there is a thick //-- bunch of electrical wires that comes out of the extruder, go //-- around the top of the printer and then down to the //-- RAMPS electronics. All this moves left and right together //-- with the X-carriage and common sense dictates that a strain //-- relief is required to avoid wire breakage and the usual //-- disastrous consequences. //-- I have designed this strain relief so that it is very easy //-- to install even after everything is in place. It requires //-- one long and two short nylon ties, the long one goes around //-- the stepper and the two shorter ones are tightened around the //-- cable harness. //-- Some tweaks by MRice - I made the bit around the cables //-- curved so that it would grab a little better, and //-- parameterized the larger ziptie cut and then made it a //-- little wider than the original. //-- Parameters large_ziptie_w = 6; small_ziptie_w = 3; mount_w = 4 + large_ziptie_w; //-- Modules module ziptie_groove() { rotate([90,0,0]) difference() { cylinder(r=12,h=small_ziptie_w); translate([0,0,-1]) cylinder(r=10,h=small_ziptie_w+2); } } module strf() { // stepper mount difference() { union() { union() { cube([17.2,6,mount_w]); translate([17.2,0,0]) rotate([0,0,45]) cube([6,6,mount_w]); } mirror([1,0,0]) union() { cube([17.2,6,mount_w]); translate([17.2,0,0]) rotate([0,0,45]) cube([6,6,mount_w]); } } // tunnel for nylon tie translate([-25,2.2,mount_w/2-large_ziptie_w/2]) cube([50,large_ziptie_w/3,large_ziptie_w]); // delete some useless material translate([-30.4,-1,-.5]) cube([10,10,mount_w+1]); mirror([1,0,0]) translate([-30.4,-1,-.5]) cube([10,10,mount_w+1]); } // arm difference() { union() { translate([7,0,7]) cube([6,6,28]); translate([7,6,25]) cube([6,6,10]); translate([7,0,33]) rotate([0,45,0]) cube([6,12,10]); translate([13,0,33]) mirror([1,0,0]) rotate([0,45,0]) cube([6,12,10]); translate([7,0,33]) cube([6,12,10]); } // cup to hold harness translate([10,16,49.5]) rotate([90,0,0]) scale([1,1.4,1]) #cylinder(r=9, h=18,$fn=40); // save some material translate([4,13.08,17.9]) rotate([45,0,0]) cube([10,10,10]); // tunnels for nylon ties translate([10,4,46]) #ziptie_groove(); translate([10,11,46]) #ziptie_groove(); } } //-- Print the part rotate([90,0,0]) strf();