(((|William| |Blake|) "Blake is my favorite of the English poets." ("The Four Zoas" :fiction 10 "The unfinished manuscript of Blake's longest apocalypse. The Four Zoas divide from Albion and rage through the ages of dismal woe to bring about the end of the cycle of Ulro and restore the cycle of Beulah.") ("Jerusalem" :fiction 10 "The finest of Blake's Illuminated works.")) ((|Kahlil| |Gibran|) "A strange prophet" ("Sand and Foam" :fiction 7 "Aphorisms") ("The Prophet" :fiction 9 "The says of the Prophet.") ("The Madman" :fiction 8 "The ramblings of a madman.")) ((|John| |Taylor| |Gatto|) "Former teacher and now author-activist." ("Underground History of American Education" :nonfiction 9 "An interesting *underground* history of the American education system.")))