The Home of Your Friendly Neighborhood Terrorist

Boring Technical Stuff (I Know I Know, You're Probably Here for This)
Perhaps Interesting
Et cetera
Unabashed Navel Gazing
About Me / Contact
A Picture
Site Software

Greetings, my name is Clinton and you have stumbled upon my personal website. This is a continually evolving project as most things on the web are.


Boring Technical Stuff (I Know I Know, You're Probably Here for This)

Perhaps Interesting

Et cetera

Unabashed Navel Gazing


I used to keep a journal where I used to send ideas out into the Ether before reformulating them into coherent essays for the site sitting before you, occasionally interspersed with commentary on my mundane daily existence. As livejournal has sold out almost all of their former ideals I no longer use this, but might eventually set up a weblogging system locally.

The Old Site is still available. Links to pages there will remain stable indefinitely so as to not break the Holy Command of Our Sovran Hypertextia. Be warned I may have been a teenager when most of it was written.

About Me / Contact

I am a mild mannered hacker and metalhead.

I hack Lisp and am on the board of a hosting cooperative that you should join.

I welcome criticism and suggestions to improve anything I have written here.


BCE8 C667 7CD2 7139 735C 2F99 DB28 E55B 381E 3395 General use key. I sign my mail with this and you can send me encrypted messages using it if you fear the orbital mind control lasers.

F169 C3BC 9751 843F 9497 42BE 3F59 9AAE 7C43 A9F4 (key used for signing software release tarballs). Notice: I forgot the passphrase and lost the revocation (I know, I'm a terrible person) and so this key was regenerated 2010-04-16. Or perhaps The Network got to me.


clinton at unknownlamer dot gro (a simple puzzle)


clinton at hcoop dot net (this also works as an email address and must be protected as a result)


I hang out on Freenode and oftc as unknown_lamer in various channels. /whois will guide you to me.


I am a programmer by trade, and as such have a (potentially) fancy and most certainly oudated Résumé. I am quite familiar with UnCommon Web and Common Lisp in general. This, naturally, makes me pretty unemployable.

A Picture

A Furry Young Lad
A Furry Young Lad

Site Software

I use muse-mode to author the site because Emacs is all powerful, and the closest approximation to a good user interface available on any modern computer system. Muse allows me to simply write with very low overhead (I spend most of my time in Emacs, and having hyperlinks and a reasonable preview in the file buffer is quite useful). The file format is quite hairy, but luckily the code is Free Software and, if needed, I could easily write a publishing backend that transcoded my site to an easier to parse format. There are advantages to being a programmer.

I use darcs to push updates to the site and manage my muse files. As such there is a handy updates feed courtesy of a small Lisp program I wrote and darcs.

A more detailed description of my setup is available.

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Last Modified: January 21, 2013