#!/bin/sh -e # # Sign a certificate request as a CA. Run this on deleuze as an # admin. # # Usage: ca-sign days request.csr out-cert-file.pem if test -n "$3" || test -z "$2"; then echo "Incorrect arguments." echo "Usage: ca-sign days request.csr out-cert-file.pem" exit 1 fi DIR=/var/local/lib/ca CONF=$DIR/openssl.cnf POLICY=policy_anything # Certificate revocation list CRL1=$DIR/crl-v1 CRL2=$DIR/crl-v2 CA_LOC=/afs/hcoop.net/user/h/hc/hcoop/public_html/ca DAYS=$1 REQUEST=$2 PEM=$3 ID=$(cat -- $DIR/serial) # Sign. echo "Signing certificate request $REQUEST ..." openssl ca -config $CONF -policy $POLICY -out $PEM -in $REQUEST -days $DAYS echo # Make a copy of the request cp $REQUEST $DIR/requests/$ID.csr # Update revocation list. echo "Updating certificate revocation list ..." openssl ca -config $CONF -batch -gencrl -crldays 30 -out $CRL1.pem openssl crl -outform DER -out $CRL1.crl -in $CRL1.pem openssl ca -config $CONF -batch -gencrl -crldays 30 -crlexts crl_ext \ -out $CRL2.pem openssl crl -outform DER -out $CRL2.crl -in $CRL2.pem cp $CRL1.crl $CRL2.crl $CA_LOC echo echo "Don't forget to run ca-install to install the signed certificate!"