[clinton/scripts.git] / ca-install
1 #!/bin/bash
2 #
3 # Install a signed certificate, placing a complimentary copy in the
4 # member's homedir. Also grant member domtool permissions for the
5 # certificate.
6 #
7 # If the certificate comes from the member's home directory, then
8 # don't place an extra copy there.
9 #
10 # Run this on deleuze as an admin.
11 #
12 # Usage: ca-install member domain cert-file.pem [key-file.pem]
14 function usage () {
15 echo "Usage: ca-install member domain cert-file.pem [key-file.pem]"
16 exit 1
17 }
19 # Check arguments
20 if test -n "$5"; then
21 echo "Error: Too many arguments."
22 usage
23 elif test -z "$3"; then
24 echo "Error: Not enough arguments."
25 usage
26 else
27 MEMBER=$1
28 DOMAIN=$2
29 CERT=$3
30 KEY=$4
31 fi
33 WEBSERVER=mire.hcoop.net
35 function verify_cert () {
36 if test -z "$2" || test -n "$3"; then
37 echo "Bad programming."
38 exit 1
39 fi
40 local CERT=$1
41 local KEY=$2
42 local MOD1=$(openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in "$CERT" 2>&1)
43 if test $(echo "$MOD1" | wc -c) -lt 500; then
44 echo "Error: Bad x509 part in certificate."
45 exit 1
46 fi
47 local MOD2=$(openssl rsa -noout -modulus -in "$KEY" 2>&1)
48 if test $(echo "$MOD2" | wc -c) -lt 500; then
49 echo "Error: Bad RSA part in certificate or key."
50 exit 1
51 fi
52 if test "$MOD1" != "$MOD2"; then
53 echo "Error: x509 and RSA parts in certificate do not match."
54 exit 1
55 fi
56 }
58 # Make sure we run this from deleuze
59 if test "$(hostname -s)" != "deleuze"; then
60 echo "Error: This script must be run from deleuze."
61 exit 1
62 fi
64 # Sanity-check some paths
65 if test ! -f "$CERT"; then
66 echo "Error: Nonexistent or unreadable cert $CERT."
67 exit 1
68 fi
69 if test -n "$KEY" && test ! -f "$KEY"; then
70 echo "Error: Nonexistent or unreadable key $KEY."
71 exit 1
72 fi
74 # Check for valid username
75 if ! getent passwd "$MEMBER" > /dev/null; then
76 echo "Error: Invalid user \"$MEMBER\"."
77 exit 1
78 fi
80 # Figure out destination for complimentary copy
81 APACHE_DEST=/etc/apache2/ssl/user/$DOMAIN.pem
82 MEMBERHOME=$(getent passwd $MEMBER | cut -d':' -f 6)
83 if test -n "$KEY"; then
84 DEST="$(dirname $KEY)/$DOMAIN.pem"
85 else
86 DEST=
87 fi
89 # Perform complimentary copy
90 if test -z "$DEST"; then
91 echo "No key specified, so skipping complimentary copy."
92 elif echo "$CERT" | grep "^$MEMBERHOME" > /dev/null; then
93 echo "Member already has a cert, skipping the complimentary copy."
94 elif test -f "$DEST"; then
95 echo "Not overwriting existing file $DEST."
96 else
97 echo "Copying signed certificate to member's home directory ..."
98 cp "$CERT" "$DEST"
99 chown $MEMBER:nogroup "$DEST"
100 fi
101 echo
103 # Determine whether we need to concatenate a private key
104 if grep "^-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----" "$CERT" > /dev/null; then
105 KEY=
106 else
107 if test -z "$KEY"; then
108 echo "Error: No RSA private key is included with this certificate."
109 exit 1
110 fi
111 fi
113 # Verify certificate and key
114 echo "Validating certificate ..."
115 if test -z "$KEY"; then
116 verify_cert "$CERT" "$CERT"
117 else
118 verify_cert "$CERT" "$KEY"
119 fi
120 echo "Certificate passed validatation."
121 echo
123 # Copy complete certificate to webserver
124 if test -z "$KEY"; then
125 echo "Installing certificate to Apache SSL directory ..."
126 < "$CERT" ssh $WEBSERVER sudo tee "$APACHE_DEST" > /dev/null
127 else
128 echo "Installing certificate and key to Apache SSL directory ..."
129 cat "$CERT" "$KEY" | ssh $WEBSERVER sudo tee "$APACHE_DEST" > /dev/null
130 fi
131 echo
133 # Grant Domtool permissions
134 echo "Granting member Domtool permissions for the certificate ..."
135 domtool-admin grant $MEMBER cert "$APACHE_DEST"
136 echo
138 # Tell admin what to do
139 echo "Done. Tell $MEMBER that the certificate is available for use at"
140 echo " $APACHE_DEST"