ca-sign: Various improvements.
[clinton/scripts.git] / ca-sign
1 #!/bin/bash
2 #
3 # Sign a certificate request as a CA. Run this on deleuze as an
4 # admin. If a domain is provided, then the certificate request must
5 # apply only to that domain.
6 #
7 # Usage: ca-sign days request.csr key.asc outfile.pem [domain]
9 if test -n "$6" || test -z "$4"; then
10 echo "Incorrect arguments."
11 echo "Usage: ca-sign days request.csr key.asc outfile.pem [domain]"
12 exit 1
13 fi
15 # Make sure we run this from deleuze
16 if test "$(hostname -s)" != "deleuze"; then
17 echo "Error: This script must be run from deleuze."
18 exit 1
19 fi
21 DIR=/var/local/lib/ca
22 CONF=$DIR/openssl.cnf
23 POLICY=policy_anything
25 # Certificate revocation list
26 CRL1=$DIR/crl-v1
27 CRL2=$DIR/crl-v2
28 CA_LOC=/afs/
30 # Parameters
31 DAYS=$1
33 KEY=$3
34 PEM=$4
35 DOMAIN=$5
37 # Make sure completed certificate does not already exist
38 if test -e "$PEM"; then
39 echo "Error: Refusing to overwrite existing certificate at"
40 echo " $PEM."
41 exit 1
42 fi
44 # Make sure that the key and request do exist
45 if test ! -f "$REQUEST"; then
46 echo "Error: The given certificate request file does not exist."
47 exit 1
48 fi
49 if test ! -f "$KEY"; then
50 echo "Error: The given key file does not exist."
51 exit 1
52 fi
54 # Verify request
55 STATUS=$(openssl req -noout -in "$REQUEST" -verify 2>&1)
56 if test "$STATUS" != "verify OK"; then
57 echo "Error: This is not a valid certificate request."
58 exit 1
59 fi
60 if test -n "$DOMAIN"; then
61 CN=$(openssl req -text -in "$REQUEST" | grep "Subject:" | grep "CN=." | \
62 sed -r -e 's/^.*CN=([^/=,]+).*$/\1/1')
63 if test "${CN%%${DOMAIN}}" = "${CN}"; then
64 echo "Error: Domain in cert does not match $DOMAIN."
65 exit 1
66 fi
67 fi
69 # Get new serial number
70 ID=$(cat -- $DIR/serial)
72 # Exit on error
73 set -e
75 # Sign
76 echo "Signing certificate request $REQUEST ..."
77 openssl ca -config $CONF -policy $POLICY -out "$PEM" -in "$REQUEST" \
78 -days "$DAYS"
79 echo
81 # Make a copy of the request
82 cp "$REQUEST" $DIR/requests/$ID.csr
84 # Append key to generated certificate
85 cat "$KEY" >> "$PEM"
87 # Update revocation list.
88 echo "Updating certificate revocation list ..."
89 openssl ca -config $CONF -batch -gencrl -crldays 30 -out $CRL1.pem
90 openssl crl -outform DER -out $CRL1.crl -in $CRL1.pem
91 openssl ca -config $CONF -batch -gencrl -crldays 30 -crlexts crl_ext \
92 -out $CRL2.pem
93 openssl crl -outform DER -out $CRL2.crl -in $CRL2.pem
94 cp $CRL1.crl $CRL2.crl $CA_LOC
95 echo
97 echo "Don't forget to run ca-install to install the signed certificate!"