minidsp-lcd-monitor: clear entire line when displaying preset/input
[clinton/scratch.git] / arduino_rgb_led /
1 #
2 # Lookup table generator
3 #
4 # Really it's correcting for the eye's luminance response, it's not actually gamma correction (it's misnamed!)
5 #
6 # We're generating a set of 256-entry lookup tables which you use to (separately) convert the 8-bit R, G and B components of your color
7 # into something you output, typically with an intelligent RGB LED such as a WS2812B; but a simple CPU-based PWM will give the same results (and benefit from this correction)
8 #
9 # We generate several sets (2,4,8...) of 256-entry tables so you can cycle through them, using a successive 8-bit lookup table each successive output frame.
10 # This is 'temporal dithering', which aims to give you better color resolution at the dark end of the scale.
11 # If you update at e.g. 100hz, try using two or three 'ditherBits' (i.e. 2^^2 or 2^^3=8 tables. The faster your update the more tables you can use
12 # and you get better color resolution. More than 5 ditherbits is probably excessive, even 2 will help somewhat.
13 #
14 # If you get objectionable flickering when displaying low-intensity pixels, you should either update your leds faster or reduce ditherBits
15 #
16 #
17 #
18 fout=open("gamma.h","wt")
20 #adjust me! Each extra bit doubles the table size
21 ditherBits=1
23 ditherMSB=1<<(ditherBits-1)
25 res="/* Dithered luminance correction table - autogenerated by */\n#define DITHER_BITS %d\nconst prog_uchar PROGMEM gammaTable[]={" % ditherBits
27 useRealLuminanceCalcuation=True # CIE 1931 formula
29 finalAdjust=0 #set this to 1 if you want your values to start at one (1..255). This is a quirky request for FastLED users only
31 for dither in range(1<<ditherBits):
32 out=[]
34 #reverse the low order bits so the dithering is less flickery
35 ditherValue=0
36 dread=1<<ditherBits
37 dout=1
38 for d in range(ditherBits):
39 dread>>=1
40 if dither & dread:
41 ditherValue|=dout
42 dout<<=1;
44 ditherValue=(ditherValue<<(8-ditherBits))
46 for n in range(256):
47 if useRealLuminanceCalcuation:
48 # CIE 1931
49 brightness=n/2.56
50 if brightness > 8:
51 pwmValue= pow( ((brightness + 16) / 116) , 3 )
52 else:
53 pwmValue = brightness / 903.3
54 pwmValue*=256
55 else:
56 #use simple power
57 pwmValue=pow(255,(n/256.0))-1
58 pwmValue=int(pwmValue*256)
59 pwmValue+=ditherValue
60 pwmValue=min(255, (pwmValue>>8)+finalAdjust)
61 out.append( pwmValue )
62 if dither:
63 res+=","
64 res+="\n\t"+(",".join([ "0x%x"%n for n in out]))
66 res+="\n\t};\n"
68 print >>fout,res
69 fout.close()