// PRUSA iteration3 // Z axis // GNU GPL v3 // Josef Průša // Václav 'ax' Hůla // http://www.reprap.org/wiki/Prusa_Mendel // http://github.com/prusajr/PrusaMendel include module zmotorholder(thickness=13){ difference(){ union(){ // Motor holding part difference(){ union(){ zrodholder(thickness=thickness, xlen=45, ylen=45); translate([board_to_xz_distance, board_to_xz_distance, 0]) { nema17(places=[0,1,1,1], h=thickness); } } // motor screw holes translate([board_to_xz_distance, board_to_xz_distance, thickness]) { mirror([0,0,1]) translate([0,0,thickness-8]) nema17(places=[0,1,1,1], holes=true, h=thickness, shadow=5); } } } } } module zrodholder(thickness=13, ylen=40, xlen=34){ difference(){ union(){ // Rod holding part difference(){ union(){ //piece along the flat side of a board cube_fillet([14, ylen, thickness]); //hole for Z axis is thru this cube_fillet([xlen, 14, thickness]); //piece along cut side of the board translate([-board_thickness,0,0]) cube_fillet([board_thickness*2, 5, thickness], radius=2); } //smooth rod hole translate([board_to_xz_distance,5+(smooth_bar_diameter*1.05/2),-1]) cylinder(h=board_thickness+2, r=(smooth_bar_diameter*1.05/2)); //inside rouned corner translate([0,5,-1]) cylinder(r=1.2, h=thickness+2, $fn=8); //side screw translate([-board_thickness/2, 0, thickness/2]) rotate([-90, 0, 0]) screw(); //front screw translate([13.3, 19, thickness/2]) rotate([0, -90, 0]) screw(head_drop=5); translate([14, 33, thickness/2]) rotate([0, -90, 0]) screw(head_drop=5); } } } } translate([0, -2, 0]) mirror([0,1,0]) zmotorholder(); translate([0,2,0]) zmotorholder(); translate([21,-59,0]) zrodholder(); translate([20,59,0]) mirror([0,1,0]) zrodholder();