;;;# ParenScript Tutorial ;;; This chapter is a short introductory tutorial to ParenScript. It ;;; hopefully will give you an idea how ParenScript can be used in a ;;; Lisp web application. ;;;# Setting up the ParenScript environment ;;; In this tutorial, we will use the Portable Allegroserve webserver ;;; to serve the tutorial web application. We use the ASDF system to ;;; load both Allegroserve and ParenScript. I assume you have ;;; installed and downloaded Allegroserve and Parenscript, and know ;;; how to setup the central registry for ASDF. (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :aserve) ; ... lots of compiler output ... (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :parenscript) ; ... lots of compiler output ... ;;; The tutorial will be placed in its own package, which we first ;;; have to define. (defpackage :js-tutorial (:use :common-lisp :net.aserve :net.html.generator :parenscript)) (in-package :js-tutorial) ;;; Since we will not be using ParenScript's package system for this ;;; tutorial, disable it for now. (setf *enable-package-system* nil) ;;; The next command starts the webserver on the port 8000. (start :port 8000) ;;; We are now ready to generate the first JavaScript-enabled webpages ;;; using ParenScript. ;;;# A simple embedded example ;;; The first document we will generate is a simple HTML document, ;;; which features a single hyperlink. When clicking the hyperlink, a ;;; JavaScript handler opens a popup alert window with the string ;;; "Hello world". To facilitate the development, we will factor out ;;; the HTML generation to a separate function, and setup a handler ;;; for the url "/tutorial1", which will generate HTTP headers and ;;; call the function `TUTORIAL1'. At first, our function does nothing. (defun tutorial1 (req ent) (declare (ignore req ent)) nil) (publish :path "/tutorial1" :content-type "text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" :function #'(lambda (req ent) (with-http-response (req ent) (with-http-body (req ent) (tutorial1 req ent))))) ;;; Browsing "http://localhost:8000/tutorial1" should return an empty ;;; HTML page. It's now time to fill this rather page with ;;; content. ParenScript features a macro that generates a string that ;;; can be used as an attribute value of HTML nodes. (defun tutorial1 (req ent) (declare (ignore req ent)) (html (:html (:head (:title "ParenScript tutorial: 1st example")) (:body (:h1 "ParenScript tutorial: 1st example") (:p "Please click the link below." :br ((:a :href "#" :onclick (js-inline (alert "Hello World"))) "Hello World")))))) ;;; Browsing "http://localhost:8000/tutorial1" should return the ;;; following HTML: ParenScript tutorial: 1st example

ParenScript tutorial: 1st example

Please click the link below.
Hello World

;;;# Adding an inline ParenScript ;;; Suppose we now want to have a general greeting function. One way ;;; to do this is to add the javascript in a `SCRIPT' element at the ;;; top of the HTML page. This is done using the `JS-SCRIPT' macro ;;; which will generate the necessary XML and comment tricks to ;;; cleanly embed JavaScript. We will redefine our `TUTORIAL1' ;;; function and add a few links: (defun tutorial1 (req ent) (declare (ignore req ent)) (html (:html (:head (:title "ParenScript tutorial: 2nd example") (js-script (defun greeting-callback () (alert "Hello World")))) (:body (:h1 "ParenScript tutorial: 2nd example") (:p "Please click the link below." :br ((:a :href "#" :onclick (js-inline (greeting-callback))) "Hello World") :br "And maybe this link too." :br ((:a :href "#" :onclick (js-inline (greeting-callback))) "Knock knock") :br "And finally a third link." :br ((:a :href "#" :onclick (js-inline (greeting-callback))) "Hello there")))))) ;;; This will generate the following HTML page, with the embedded ;;; JavaScript nicely sitting on top. Take note how ;;; `GREETING-CALLBACK' was converted to camelcase, and how the lispy ;;; `DEFUN' was converted to a JavaScript function declaration. ParenScript tutorial: 2nd example

ParenScript tutorial: 2nd example

Please click the link below.
Hello World
And maybe this link too.
Knock knock
And finally a third link.
Hello there

;;;# Generating a JavaScript file ;;; The best way to integrate ParenScript into a Lisp application is ;;; to generate a JavaScript file from ParenScript code. This file can ;;; be cached by intermediate proxies, and webbrowsers won't have to ;;; reload the javascript code on each pageview. A standalone ;;; JavaScript can be generated using the macro `JS-FILE'. We will ;;; publish the tutorial JavaScript under "/tutorial.js". (defun tutorial1-file (req ent) (declare (ignore req ent)) (js-file (defun greeting-callback () (alert "Hello World")))) (publish :path "/tutorial1.js" :content-type "text/javascript; charset=ISO-8859-1" :function #'(lambda (req ent) (with-http-response (req ent) (with-http-body (req ent) (tutorial1-file req ent))))) (defun tutorial1 (req ent) (declare (ignore req ent)) (html (:html (:head (:title "ParenScript tutorial: 3rd example") ((:script :language "JavaScript" :src "/tutorial1.js"))) (:body (:h1 "ParenScript tutorial: 3rd example") (:p "Please click the link below." :br ((:a :href "#" :onclick (js-inline (greeting-callback))) "Hello World") :br "And maybe this link too." :br ((:a :href "#" :onclick (js-inline (greeting-callback))) "Knock knock") :br "And finally a third link." :br ((:a :href "#" :onclick (js-inline (greeting-callback))) "Hello there")))))) ;;; This will generate the following JavaScript code under ;;; "/tutorial1.js": function greetingCallback() { alert("Hello World"); } ;;; and the following HTML code: ParenScript tutorial: 3rd example

ParenScript tutorial: 3rd example

Please click the link below.
Hello World
And maybe this link too.
Knock knock
And finally a third link.
Hello there

;;;# A ParenScript slideshow ;;; While developing ParenScript, I used JavaScript programs from the ;;; web and rewrote them using ParenScript. This is a nice slideshow ;;; example from http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex14/dhtmlslide.htm ;;; The slideshow will be accessible under "/slideshow", and will ;;; slide through the images "photo1.png", "photo2.png" and ;;; "photo3.png". The first ParenScript version will be very similar ;;; to the original JavaScript code. The second version will then show ;;; how to integrate data from the Lisp environment into the ;;; ParenScript code, allowing us to customize the slideshow ;;; application by supplying a list of image names. We first setup the ;;; slideshow path. (publish :path "/slideshow" :content-type "text/html" :function #'(lambda (req ent) (with-http-response (req ent) (with-http-body (req ent) (slideshow req ent))))) (publish :path "/slideshow.js" :content-type "text/html" :function #'(lambda (req ent) (with-http-response (req ent) (with-http-body (req ent) (js-slideshow req ent))))) ;;; The images are just random images I found on my harddrive. We will ;;; publish them by hand for now. (publish-file :path "/photo1.png" :file "/home/manuel/bknr-sputnik.png") (publish-file :path "/photo2.png" :file "/home/manuel/bknrlogo_red648.png") (publish-file :path "/photo3.png" :file "/home/manuel/bknr-sputnik.png") ;;; The function `SLIDESHOW' generates the HTML code for the main ;;; slideshow page. It also features little bits of ParenScript. These ;;; are the callbacks on the links for the slideshow application. In ;;; this special case, the javascript generates the links itself by ;;; using `document.write' in a "SCRIPT" element. Users that don't ;;; have JavaScript enabled won't see anything at all. ;;; ;;; `SLIDESHOW' also generates a static array called `PHOTOS' which ;;; holds the links to the photos of the slideshow. This array is ;;; handled by the ParenScript code in "slideshow.js". Note how the ;;; HTML code issued by the JavaScript is generated using the `HTML' ;;; construct. In fact, we have two different HTML generators in the ;;; example below, one is the standard Lisp HTML generator, and the ;;; other is the JavaScript HTML generator, which generates a ;;; JavaScript expression. (defun slideshow (req ent) (declare (ignore req ent)) (html (:html (:head (:title "ParenScript slideshow") ((:script :language "JavaScript" :src "/slideshow.js")) (js-script (defvar *linkornot* 0) (defvar photos (array "photo1.png" "photo2.png" "photo3.png")))) (:body (:h1 "ParenScript slideshow") (:body (:h2 "Hello") ((:table :border 0 :cellspacing 0 :cellpadding 0) (:tr ((:td :width "100%" :colspan 2 :height 22) (:center (js-script (let ((img (html ((:img :src (aref photos 0) :name "photoslider" :style ( + "filter:" (js (reveal-trans (setf duration 2) (setf transition 23)))) :border 0))))) (document.write (if (= *linkornot* 1) (html ((:a :href "#" :onclick (js-inline (transport))) img)) img))))))) (:tr ((:td :width "50%" :height "21") ((:p :align "left") ((:a :href "#" :onclick (js-inline (backward) (return false))) "Previous Slide"))) ((:td :width "50%" :height "21") ((:p :align "right") ((:a :href "#" :onclick (js-inline (forward) (return false))) "Next Slide")))))))))) ;;; `SLIDESHOW' generates the following HTML code (long lines have ;;; been broken down): ParenScript slideshow

ParenScript slideshow


Previous Slide

Next Slide

;;; The actual slideshow application is generated by the function ;;; `JS-SLIDESHOW', which generates a ParenScript file. The code is ;;; pretty straightforward for a lisp savy person. Symbols are ;;; converted to JavaScript variables, but the dot "." is left as ;;; is. This enables us to access object "slots" without using the ;;; `SLOT-VALUE' function all the time. However, when the object we ;;; are referring to is not a variable, but for example an element of ;;; an array, we have to revert to `SLOT-VALUE'. (defun js-slideshow (req ent) (declare (ignore req ent)) (js-file (defvar *preloaded-images* (make-array)) (defun preload-images (photos) (dotimes (i photos.length) (setf (aref *preloaded-images* i) (new *Image) (slot-value (aref *preloaded-images* i) 'src) (aref photos i)))) (defun apply-effect () (when (and document.all photoslider.filters) (let ((trans photoslider.filters.reveal-trans)) (setf (slot-value trans '*Transition) (floor (* (random) 23))) (trans.stop) (trans.apply)))) (defun play-effect () (when (and document.all photoslider.filters) (photoslider.filters.reveal-trans.play))) (defvar *which* 0) (defun keep-track () (setf window.status (+ "Image " (1+ *which*) " of " photos.length))) (defun backward () (when (> *which* 0) (decf *which*) (apply-effect) (setf document.images.photoslider.src (aref photos *which*)) (play-effect) (keep-track))) (defun forward () (when (< *which* (1- photos.length)) (incf *which*) (apply-effect) (setf document.images.photoslider.src (aref photos *which*)) (play-effect) (keep-track))) (defun transport () (setf window.location (aref photoslink *which*))))) ;;; `JS-SLIDESHOW' generates the following JavaScript code: var PRELOADEDIMAGES = new Array(); function preloadImages(photos) { for (var i = 0; i != photos.length; i = i++) { PRELOADEDIMAGES[i] = new Image; PRELOADEDIMAGES[i].src = photos[i]; } } function applyEffect() { if (document.all && photoslider.filters) { var trans = photoslider.filters.revealTrans; trans.Transition = Math.floor(Math.random() * 23); trans.stop(); trans.apply(); } } function playEffect() { if (document.all && photoslider.filters) { photoslider.filters.revealTrans.play(); } } var WHICH = 0; function keepTrack() { window.status = "Image " + (WHICH + 1) + " of " + photos.length; } function backward() { if (WHICH > 0) { --WHICH; applyEffect(); document.images.photoslider.src = photos[WHICH]; playEffect(); keepTrack(); } } function forward() { if (WHICH < photos.length - 1) { ++WHICH; applyEffect(); document.images.photoslider.src = photos[WHICH]; playEffect(); keepTrack(); } } function transport() { window.location = photoslink[WHICH]; } ;;;# Customizing the slideshow ;;; For now, the slideshow has the path to all the slideshow images ;;; hardcoded in the HTML code, as well as in the publish ;;; statements. We now want to customize this by publishing a ;;; slideshow under a certain path, and giving it a list of image urls ;;; and pathnames where those images can be found. For this, we will ;;; create a function `PUBLISH-SLIDESHOW' which takes a prefix as ;;; argument, as well as a list of image pathnames to be published. (defun publish-slideshow (prefix images) (let* ((js-url (format nil "~Aslideshow.js" prefix)) (html-url (format nil "~Aslideshow" prefix)) (image-urls (mapcar #'(lambda (image) (format nil "~A~A.~A" prefix (pathname-name image) (pathname-type image))) images))) (publish :path html-url :content-type "text/html" :function #'(lambda (req ent) (with-http-response (req ent) (with-http-body (req ent) (slideshow2 req ent image-urls))))) (publish :path js-url :content-type "text/html" :function #'(lambda (req ent) (with-http-response (req ent) (with-http-body (req ent) (js-slideshow req ent))))) (map nil #'(lambda (image url) (publish-file :path url :file image)) images image-urls))) (defun slideshow2 (req ent image-urls) (declare (ignore req ent)) (html (:html (:head (:title "ParenScript slideshow") ((:script :language "JavaScript" :src "/slideshow.js")) ((:script :type "text/javascript") (:princ (format nil "~%// ~%")))) (:body (:h1 "ParenScript slideshow") (:body (:h2 "Hello") ((:table :border 0 :cellspacing 0 :cellpadding 0) (:tr ((:td :width "100%" :colspan 2 :height 22) (:center (js-script (let ((img (html ((:img :src (aref photos 0) :name "photoslider" :style ( + "filter:" (js (reveal-trans (setf duration 2) (setf transition 23)))) :border 0))))) (document.write (if (= *linkornot* 1) (html ((:a :href "#" :onclick (js-inline (transport))) img)) img))))))) (:tr ((:td :width "50%" :height "21") ((:p :align "left") ((:a :href "#" :onclick (js-inline (backward) (return false))) "Previous Slide"))) ((:td :width "50%" :height "21") ((:p :align "right") ((:a :href "#" :onclick (js-inline (forward) (return false))) "Next Slide")))))))))) ;;; We can now publish the same slideshow as before, under the ;;; "/bknr/" prefix: (publish-slideshow "/bknr/" `("/home/manuel/bknr-sputnik.png" "/home/manuel/bknrlogo_red648.png" "/home/manuel/screenshots/screenshot-14.03.2005-11.54.33.png")) ;;; That's it, we can now access our customized slideshow under http://localhost:8000/bknr/slideshow