(in-package :parenscript) (defgeneric script-equal (compiled-ast-node1 compiled-ast-node2) (:documentation "Determines if the AST nodes are equal.")) ;;; AST node equality (defmethod script-equal ((obj1 list) (obj2 list)) (and (= (length obj1) (length obj2)) (every #'script-equal obj1 obj2))) (defmethod script-equal ((obj1 t) (obj2 t)) (equal obj1 obj2)) (defmacro defscriptclass (name superclasses slots &rest class-options) (let ((slot-names (mapcar #'(lambda (slot) (if (atom slot) slot (first slot))) slots))) `(progn (defclass ,name ,superclasses ,slots ,@class-options) (defmethod script-equal ((obj1 ,name) (obj2 ,name)) (every #'(lambda (slot) (script-equal (slot-value obj1 slot) (slot-value obj2 slot))) ',slot-names))))) (in-package :parenscript.javascript) (defgeneric expression-precedence (expression) (:documentation "Returns the precedence of an enscript-javascript expression")) ;;;; define Javascript language types (defclass statement () ((value :initarg :value :accessor value :initform nil)) (:documentation "A Javascript entity without a value.")) (defclass expression (statement) () (:documentation "A Javascript entity with a value.")) ;;; array literals (defscriptclass array-literal (expression) ((values :initarg :values :accessor array-values))) (defscriptclass js-aref (expression) ((array :initarg :array :accessor aref-array) (index :initarg :index :accessor aref-index))) ;;; object literals (maps and hash-tables) (defscriptclass object-literal (expression) ((values :initarg :values :accessor object-values))) ;;; string literals (defscriptclass string-literal (expression) (value)) ;;; number literals (defscriptclass number-literal (expression) (value)) ;;; variables (defscriptclass js-variable (expression) (value)) ;;; operators (defscriptclass op-form (expression) ((operator :initarg :operator :accessor operator) (args :initarg :args :accessor op-args))) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defparameter *op-precedence-hash* (make-hash-table :test #'equal)) ;;; generate the operator precedences from *OP-PRECEDENCES* (let ((precedence 1)) (dolist (ops '((aref) (slot-value) (! not ~) (* / %) (+ -) (<< >>) (>>>) (< > <= >=) (in if) (eql == != =) (=== !==) (&) (^) (\|) (\&\& and) (\|\| or) (setf *= /= %= += -= <<= >>= >>>= \&= ^= \|=) (comma))) (dolist (op ops) (let ((op-name (symbol-name op))) (setf (gethash op-name *op-precedence-hash*) precedence))) (incf precedence))) (defun op-precedence (op) (gethash (if (symbolp op) (symbol-name op) op) *op-precedence-hash*))) (defscriptclass one-op (expression) ((pre-p :initarg :pre-p :initform nil :accessor one-op-pre-p) (op :initarg :op :accessor one-op))) ;;; function calls (defscriptclass function-call (expression) ((function :initarg :function :accessor f-function) (args :initarg :args :accessor f-args))) (defscriptclass method-call (expression) ((method :initarg :method :accessor m-method) (object :initarg :object :accessor m-object) (args :initarg :args :accessor m-args))) ;;; body forms (defscriptclass js-block (expression) ((statements :initarg :statements :accessor block-statements) (indent :initarg :indent :initform "" :accessor block-indent))) (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((block js-block) &rest initargs) (declare (ignore initargs)) (let* ((statements (block-statements block)) (last (last statements)) (last-stmt (car last))) (when (typep last-stmt 'js-block) (setf (block-statements block) (nconc (butlast statements) (block-statements last-stmt)))))) (defscriptclass js-sub-block (js-block) (statements indent)) ;;; function definition (defscriptclass js-lambda (expression) ((args :initarg :args :accessor lambda-args) (body :initarg :body :accessor lambda-body))) (defscriptclass js-defun (js-lambda) ((name :initarg :name :accessor defun-name))) ;;; object creation (defscriptclass js-object (expression) ((slots :initarg :slots :accessor o-slots))) (defscriptclass js-slot-value (expression) ((object :initarg :object :accessor sv-object) (slot :initarg :slot :accessor sv-slot))) ;;; cond (defscriptclass js-cond (expression) ((tests :initarg :tests :accessor cond-tests) (bodies :initarg :bodies :accessor cond-bodies))) (defscriptclass js-if (expression) ((test :initarg :test :accessor if-test) (then :initarg :then :accessor if-then) (else :initarg :else :accessor if-else))) (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((if js-if) &rest initargs) (declare (ignore initargs)) (when (and (if-then if) (typep (if-then if) 'js-sub-block)) (change-class (if-then if) 'js-block)) (when (and (if-else if) (typep (if-else if) 'js-sub-block)) (change-class (if-else if) 'js-block))) ;;; switch (defscriptclass js-switch (statement) ((value :initarg :value :accessor case-value) (clauses :initarg :clauses :accessor case-clauses))) ;;; assignment (defscriptclass js-setf (expression) ((lhs :initarg :lhs :accessor setf-lhs) (rhsides :initarg :rhsides :accessor setf-rhsides))) ;;; defvar (defscriptclass js-defvar (statement) ((names :initarg :names :accessor var-names) (value :initarg :value :accessor var-value))) ;;; iteration (defscriptclass js-for (statement) ((vars :initarg :vars :accessor for-vars) (steps :initarg :steps :accessor for-steps) (check :initarg :check :accessor for-check) (body :initarg :body :accessor for-body))) (defscriptclass for-each (statement) ((name :initarg :name :accessor fe-name) (value :initarg :value :accessor fe-value) (body :initarg :body :accessor fe-body))) (defscriptclass js-while (statement) ((check :initarg :check :accessor while-check) (body :initarg :body :accessor while-body))) ;;; with (defscriptclass js-with (statement) ((obj :initarg :obj :accessor with-obj) (body :initarg :body :accessor with-body))) ;;; try-catch (defscriptclass js-try (statement) ((body :initarg :body :accessor try-body) (catch :initarg :catch :accessor try-catch) (finally :initarg :finally :accessor try-finally))) ;;; regular expressions (defscriptclass regex (expression) (value)) ;;; conditional compilation (defscriptclass cc-if () ((test :initarg :test :accessor cc-if-test) (body :initarg :body :accessor cc-if-body))) ;; TODO this may not be the best integrated implementation of ;; instanceof into the rest of the code (defscriptclass js-instanceof (expression) ((value) (type :initarg :type))) (defmacro define-js-single-op (name &optional (superclass 'expression)) (let ((js-name (intern (concatenate 'string "JS-" (symbol-name name)) #.*package*))) `(progn (defscriptclass ,js-name (,superclass) (value))))) (define-js-single-op return statement) (define-js-single-op throw statement) (define-js-single-op delete) (define-js-single-op void) (define-js-single-op typeof) (define-js-single-op new)