;;;# Parenscript Language Reference ;;; Create a useful package for the code here... (in-package #:cl-user) (defpackage #:ps-ref (:use #:ps)) (in-package #:ps-ref) ;;; This chapters describes the core constructs of Parenscript, as ;;; well as its compilation model. This chapter is aimed to be a ;;; comprehensive reference for Parenscript developers. Programmers ;;; looking for how to tweak the Parenscript compiler itself should ;;; turn to the Parenscript Internals chapter. ;;;# Statements and Expressions ;;;t \index{statement} ;;;t \index{expression} ;;; In contrast to Lisp, where everything is an expression, JavaScript ;;; makes the difference between an expression, which evaluates to a ;;; value, and a statement, which has no value. Examples for ;;; JavaScript statements are `for', `with' and `while'. Most ;;; Parenscript forms are expression, but certain special forms are ;;; not (the forms which are transformed to a JavaScript ;;; statement). All Parenscript expressions are statements ;;; though. Certain forms, like `IF' and `PROGN', generate different ;;; JavaScript constructs whether they are used in an expression ;;; context or a statement context. For example: (+ i (if 1 2 3)) => i + (1 ? 2 : 3); (if 1 2 3) => if (1) { 2; } else { 3; }; ;;;# Symbol conversion ;;;t \index{symbol} ;;;t \index{symbol conversion} ;;; Lisp symbols are converted to JavaScript symbols by following a ;;; few simple rules. Special characters `!', `?', `#', `@', `%', ;;; '/', `*' and `+' get replaced by their written-out equivalents ;;; "bang", "what", "hash", "at", "percent", "slash", ;;; "start" and "plus" respectively. The `$' character is untouched. !?#@% => bangwhathashatpercent; ;;; The `-' is an indication that the following character should be ;;; converted to uppercase. Thus, `-' separated symbols are converted ;;; to camelcase. The `_' character however is left untouched. bla-foo-bar => blaFooBar; ;;; If you want a JavaScript symbol beginning with an uppercase, you ;;; can either use a leading `-', which can be misleading in a ;;; mathematical context, or a leading `*'. *array => Array; ;;; A symbol beggining and ending with `+' or `*' is converted to all ;;; uppercase, to signify that this is a constant or a global ;;; variable. *global-array* => GLOBALARRAY; ;;;## Reserved Keywords ;;;t \index{keyword} ;;;t \index{reserved keywords} ;;; The following keywords and symbols are reserved in Parenscript, ;;; and should not be used as variable names. ! ~ ++ -- * / % + - << >> >>> < > <= >= == != ==== !== & ^ | && || *= /= %= += -= <<= >>= >>>= &= ^= |= 1- 1+ @ ABSTRACT AND AREF ARRAY BOOLEAN BREAK BYTE CASE CATCH CC-IF CHAR CLASS COMMA CONST CONTINUE CREATE DEBUGGER DECF DEFAULT DEFUN DEFVAR DELETE DO DO* DOEACH DOLIST DOTIMES DOUBLE ELSE ENUM EQL EXPORT EXTENDS F FALSE FINAL FINALLY FLOAT FLOOR FOR FOR-IN FUNCTION GOTO IF IMPLEMENTS IMPORT IN INCF INSTANCEOF INT INTERFACE JS LABELED-FOR LAMBDA LET LET* LISP LIST LONG MAKE-ARRAY NATIVE NEW NIL NOT OR PACKAGE PRIVATE PROGN PROTECTED PUBLIC RANDOM REGEX RETURN SETF SHORT SLOT-VALUE STATIC SUPER SWITCH SYMBOL-MACROLET SYNCHRONIZED T THIS THROW THROWS TRANSIENT TRY TYPEOF UNDEFINED UNLESS VAR VOID VOLATILE WHEN WHILE WITH WITH-SLOTS ;;;# Literal values ;;;t \index{literal value} ;;;## Number literals ;;;t \index{number} ;;;t \index{number literal} ; number ::= a Lisp number ;;; ;;; Parenscript supports the standard JavaScript literal ;;; values. Numbers are compiled into JavaScript numbers. 1 => 1; 123.123 => 123.123; ;;; Note that the base is not conserved between Lisp and JavaScript. #x10 => 16; ;;;## String literals ;;;t \index{string} ;;;t \index{string literal} ; string ::= a Lisp string ;;; Lisp strings are converted into JavaScript literals. "foobar" => 'foobar'; "bratzel bub" => 'bratzel bub'; ;;; Special characters such as newline and backspace are converted ;;; into their corresponding JavaScript escape sequences. " " => '\\t'; ;;;## Array literals ;;;t \index{array} ;;;t \index{ARRAY} ;;;t \index{MAKE-ARRAY} ;;;t \index{AREF} ;;;t \index{array literal} ; (ARRAY {values}*) ; (MAKE-ARRAY {values}*) ; (AREF array index) ; ; values ::= a Parenscript expression ; array ::= a Parenscript expression ; index ::= a Parenscript expression ;;; Array literals can be created using the `ARRAY' form. (array) => [ ]; (array 1 2 3) => [ 1, 2, 3 ]; (array (array 2 3) (array "foobar" "bratzel bub")) => [ [ 2, 3 ], [ 'foobar', 'bratzel bub' ] ]; ;;; Arrays can also be created with a call to the `Array' function ;;; using the `MAKE-ARRAY'. The two forms have the exact same semantic ;;; on the JavaScript side. (make-array) => new Array(); (make-array 1 2 3) => new Array(1, 2, 3); (make-array (make-array 2 3) (make-array "foobar" "bratzel bub")) => new Array(new Array(2, 3), new Array('foobar', 'bratzel bub')); ;;; Indexing arrays in Parenscript is done using the form `AREF'. Note ;;; that JavaScript knows of no such thing as an array. Subscripting ;;; an array is in fact reading a property from an object. So in a ;;; semantic sense, there is no real difference between `AREF' and ;;; `SLOT-VALUE'. ;;;## Object literals ;;;t \index{CREATE} ;;;t \index{SLOT-VALUE} ;;;t \index{@} ;;;t \index{WITH-SLOTS} ;;;t \index{object literal} ;;;t \index{object} ;;;t \index{object property} ;;;t \index{property} ; (CREATE {name value}*) ; (SLOT-VALUE object slot-name) ; (WITH-SLOTS ({slot-name}*) object body) ; ; name ::= a Parenscript symbol or a Lisp keyword ; value ::= a Parenscript expression ; object ::= a Parenscript object expression ; slot-name ::= a quoted Lisp symbol ; body ::= a list of Parenscript statements ;;; ;;; Object literals can be create using the `CREATE' form. Arguments ;;; to the `CREATE' form is a list of property names and values. To be ;;; more "lispy", the property names can be keywords. (create :foo "bar" :blorg 1) => { foo : 'bar', blorg : 1 }; (create :foo "hihi" :blorg (array 1 2 3) :another-object (create :schtrunz 1)) => { foo : 'hihi', blorg : [ 1, 2, 3 ], anotherObject : { schtrunz : 1 } }; ;;; Object properties can be accessed using the `SLOT-VALUE' form, ;;; which takes an object and a slot-name. (slot-value an-object 'foo) => anObject.foo; ;;; The convenience macro `@' is provided to make multiple levels of ;;; indirection easy to express (@ an-object foo bar) => anObject.foo.bar; ;;; The form `WITH-SLOTS' can be used to bind the given slot-name ;;; symbols to a macro that will expand into a `SLOT-VALUE' form at ;;; expansion time. (with-slots (a b c) this (+ a b c)) => this.a + this.b + this.c; ;;;## Regular Expression literals ;;;t \index{REGEX} ;;;t \index{regular expression} ;;;t \index{CL-INTERPOL} ; (REGEX regex) ; ; regex ::= a Lisp string ;;; Regular expressions can be created by using the `REGEX' form. If ;;; the argument does not start with a slash, it is surrounded by ;;; slashes to make it a proper JavaScript regex. If the argument ;;; starts with a slash it is left as it is. This makes it possible ;;; to use modifiers such as slash-i (case-insensitive) or ;;; slash-g (match-globally (all)). (regex "foobar") => /foobar/; (regex "/foobar/i") => /foobar/i; ;;; Here CL-INTERPOL proves really useful. (regex #?r"/([^\s]+)foobar/i") => /([^\s]+)foobar/i; ;;;## Literal symbols ;;;t \index{T} ;;;t \index{F} ;;;t \index{FALSE} ;;;t \index{NIL} ;;;t \index{UNDEFINED} ;;;t \index{THIS} ;;;t \index{literal symbols} ;;;t \index{null} ;;;t \index{true} ; T, F, FALSE, NIL, UNDEFINED, THIS ;;; The Lisp symbols `T' and `FALSE' (or `F') are converted to their ;;; JavaScript boolean equivalents `true' and `false'. T => true; FALSE => false; F => false; ;;; The Lisp symbol `NIL' is converted to the JavaScript keyword ;;; `null'. NIL => null; ;;; The Lisp symbol `UNDEFINED' is converted to the JavaScript keyword ;;; `undefined'. UNDEFINED => undefined; ;;; The Lisp symbol `THIS' is converted to the JavaScript keyword ;;; `this'. THIS => this; ;;;# Variables ;;;t \index{variable} ;;;t \index{symbol} ; variable ::= a Lisp symbol ;;; All the other literal Lisp values that are not recognized as ;;; special forms or symbol macros are converted to JavaScript ;;; variables. This extreme freedom is actually quite useful, as it ;;; allows the Parenscript programmer to be flexible, as flexible as ;;; JavaScript itself. variable => variable; a-variable => aVariable; *math => Math; ;;;# Function calls and method calls ;;;t \index{function} ;;;t \index{function call} ;;;t \index{method} ;;;t \index{method call} ; (function {argument}*) ; ; function ::= a Parenscript expression or a Lisp symbol ; object ::= a Parenscript expression ; argument ::= a Parenscript expression ;;; Any list passed to the JavaScript that is not recognized as a ;;; macro or a special form (see "Macro Expansion" below) is ;;; interpreted as a function call. The function call is converted to ;;; the normal JavaScript function call representation, with the ;;; arguments given in paren after the function name. (blorg 1 2) => blorg(1, 2); (foobar (blorg 1 2) (blabla 3 4) (array 2 3 4)) => foobar(blorg(1, 2), blabla(3, 4), [ 2, 3, 4 ]); ((slot-value this 'blorg) 1 2) => this.blorg(1, 2); ((aref foo i) 1 2) => foo[i](1, 2); ((slot-value (aref foobar 1) 'blorg) NIL T) => foobar[1].blorg(null, true); ;;;# Operator Expressions ;;;t \index{operator} ;;;t \index{operator expression} ;;;t \index{assignment operator} ;;;t \index{EQL} ;;;t \index{NOT} ;;;t \index{AND} ;;;t \index{OR} ; (operator {argument}*) ; (single-operator argument) ; ; operator ::= one of *, /, %, +, -, <<, >>, >>>, < >, EQL, ; ==, !=, =, ===, !==, &, ^, |, &&, AND, ||, OR. ; single-operator ::= one of INCF, DECF, ++, --, NOT, ! ; argument ::= a Parenscript expression ;;; Operator forms are similar to function call forms, but have an ;;; operator as function name. ;;; ;;; Please note that `=' is converted to `==' in JavaScript. The `=' ;;; Parenscript operator is not the assignment operator. (* 1 2) => 1 * 2; (= 1 2) => 1 == 2; ;;; Note that the resulting expression is correctly parenthesized, ;;; according to the JavaScript operator precedence that can be found ;;; in table form at: ;;; http://www.codehouse.com/javascript/precedence/ (* 1 (+ 2 3 4) 4 (/ 6 7)) => 1 * (2 + 3 + 4) * 4 * (6 / 7); ;;; The pre increment and decrement operators are also ;;; available. `INCF' and `DECF' are the pre-incrementing and ;;; pre-decrementing operators. These operators can ;;; take only one argument. (incf i) => ++i; (decf i) => --i; ;;; The `1+' and `1-' operators are shortforms for adding and ;;; substracting 1. (1- i) => i - 1; (1+ i) => i + 1; ;;; If `not' is used on another boolean-returning operator, the ;;; operator is reversed. (not (< i 2)) => i >= 2; ;;;# Body forms ;;;t \index{body form} ;;;t \index{PROGN} ;;;t \index{body statement} ; (PROGN {statement}*) in statement context ; (PROGN {expression}*) in expression context ; ; statement ::= a Parenscript statement ; expression ::= a Parenscript expression ;;; The `PROGN' special form defines a sequence of statements when ;;; used in a statement context, or sequence of expression when used ;;; in an expression context. The `PROGN' special form is added ;;; implicitly around the branches of conditional executions forms, ;;; function declarations and iteration constructs. ;;; For example, in a statement context: (progn (blorg i) (blafoo i)) => blorg(i); blafoo(i); ;;; In an expression context: (+ i (progn (blorg i) (blafoo i))) => i + (blorg(i), blafoo(i)); ;;; A `PROGN' form doesn't lead to additional indentation or ;;; additional braces around it's body. ;;;# Function Definition ;;;t \index{function} ;;;t \index{method} ;;;t \index{function definition} ;;;t \index{DEFUN} ;;;t \index{LAMBDA} ;;;t \index{closure} ;;;t \index{anonymous function} ; (DEFUN name ({argument}*) body) ; (LAMBDA ({argument}*) body) ; ; name ::= a Lisp Symbol ; argument ::= a Lisp symbol ; body ::= a list of Parenscript statements ;;; As in Lisp, functions are defined using the `DEFUN' form, which ;;; takes a name, a list of arguments, and a function body. An ;;; implicit `PROGN' is added around the body statements. (defun a-function (a b) (return (+ a b))) => function aFunction(a, b) { return a + b; }; ;;; Anonymous functions can be created using the `LAMBDA' form, which ;;; is the same as `DEFUN', but without function name. In fact, ;;; `LAMBDA' creates a `DEFUN' with an empty function name. (lambda (a b) (return (+ a b))) => function (a, b) { return a + b; }; ;;;# Assignment ;;;t \index{assignment} ;;;t \index{SETF} ;;;t \index{PSETF} ;;;t \index{SETQ} ;;;t \index{PSETQ} ;;;t \index{DEFSETF} ;;;t \index{assignment operator} ; (SETF {lhs rhs}*) ; (PSETF {lhs rhs}*) ; ; lhs ::= a Parenscript left hand side expression ; rhs ::= a Parenscript expression ; (SETQ {lhs rhs}*) ; (PSETQ {lhs rhs}*) ; ; lhs ::= a Parenscript symbol ; rhs ::= a Parenscript expression ;;; Assignment is done using the `SETF', `PSETF', `SETQ', and `PSETQ' ;;; forms, which are transformed into a series of assignments using ;;; the JavaScript `=' operator. (setf a 1) => a = 1; (setf a 2 b 3 c 4 x (+ a b c)) => a = 2; b = 3; c = 4; x = a + b + c; ;;; The `SETF' form can transform assignments of a variable with an ;;; operator expression using this variable into a more "efficient" ;;; assignment operator form. For example: (setf a (+ a 2 3 4 a)) => a += 2 + 3 + 4 + a; (setf a (- 1 a)) => a = 1 - a; ;;; The `PSETF' and `PSETQ' forms perform parallel assignment of ;;; places or variables using a number of temporary variables created ;;; by `PS-GENSYM'. For example: (let ((a 1) (b 2)) (psetf a b b a)) => var a = 1; var b = 2; var _js1 = b; var _js2 = a; a = _js1; b = _js2; ;;; The `SETQ' and `PSETQ' forms operate identically to `SETF' and ;;; `PSETF', but throw a compile-time error if the left-hand side form ;;; is not a symbol. For example: (setq a 1) => a = 1; ;; but... (setq (aref a 0) 1) ;; => ERROR: The value (AREF A 0) is not of type SYMBOL. ;;; New types of setf places can be defined in one of two ways: using ;;; `DEFSETF' or using `DEFUN' with a setf function name; both are ;;; analogous to their Common Lisp counterparts. ;;; `DEFSETF' supports both long and short forms, while `DEFUN' of a ;;; setf place generates a JavaScript function name with the __setf_ ;;; prefix: (defun (setf color) (new-color el) (setf (slot-value (slot-value el 'style) 'color) new-color)) => function __setf_color(newColor, el) { el.style.color = newColor; }; (setf (color some-div) (+ 23 "em")) => var _js2 = someDiv; var _js1 = 23 + 'em'; __setf_color(_js1, _js2); ;;; Note that temporary variables are generated to preserve evaluation ;;; order of the arguments as they would be in Lisp. ;;; The following example illustrates how setf places can be used to ;;; provide a uniform protocol for positioning elements in HTML pages: (defsetf left (el) (offset) `(setf (slot-value (slot-value ,el 'style) 'left) ,offset)) => null; (setf (left some-div) (+ 123 "px")) => var _js2 = someDiv; var _js1 = 123 + 'px'; _js2.style.left = _js1; (macrolet ((left (el) `(slot-value ,el 'offset-left))) (left some-div)) => someDiv.offsetLeft; ;;;# Single argument statements ;;;t \index{single-argument statement} ;;;t \index{RETURN} ;;;t \index{THROW} ;;;t \index{THROW} ;;;t \index{function} ; (RETURN {value}?) ; (THROW {value}?) ; ; value ::= a Parenscript expression ;;; The single argument statements `return' and `throw' are generated ;;; by the form `RETURN' and `THROW'. `THROW' has to be used inside a ;;; `TRY' form. `RETURN' is used to return a value from a function ;;; call. (return 1) => return 1; (throw "foobar") => throw 'foobar'; ;;;# Single argument expression ;;;t \index{single-argument expression} ;;;t \index{object creation} ;;;t \index{object deletion} ;;;t \index{DELETE} ;;;t \index{VOID} ;;;t \index{TYPEOF} ;;;t \index{INSTANCEOF} ;;;t \index{NEW} ;;;t \index{new} ; (DELETE {value}) ; (VOID {value}) ; (TYPEOF {value}) ; (INSTANCEOF {value}) ; (NEW {value}) ; ; value ::= a Parenscript expression ;;; The single argument expressions `delete', `void', `typeof', ;;; `instanceof' and `new' are generated by the forms `DELETE', ;;; `VOID', `TYPEOF', `INSTANCEOF' and `NEW'. They all take a ;;; Parenscript expression. (delete (new (*foobar 2 3 4))) => delete new Foobar(2, 3, 4); (if (= (typeof blorg) *string) (alert (+ "blorg is a string: " blorg)) (alert "blorg is not a string")) => if (typeof blorg == String) { alert('blorg is a string: ' + blorg); } else { alert('blorg is not a string'); }; ;;;# Conditional Statements ;;;t \index{conditional statements} ;;;t \index{IF} ;;;t \index{WHEN} ;;;t \index{UNLESS} ;;;t \index{conditionals} ; (IF conditional then {else}) ; (WHEN condition then) ; (UNLESS condition then) ; ; condition ::= a Parenscript expression ; then ::= a Parenscript statement in statement context, a ; Parenscript expression in expression context ; else ::= a Parenscript statement in statement context, a ; Parenscript expression in expression context ;;; The `IF' form compiles to the `if' javascript construct. An ;;; explicit `PROGN' around the then branch and the else branch is ;;; needed if they consist of more than one statement. When the `IF' ;;; form is used in an expression context, a JavaScript `?', `:' ;;; operator form is generated. (if ((@ blorg is-correct)) (progn (carry-on) (return i)) (alert "blorg is not correct!")) => if (blorg.isCorrect()) { carryOn(); return i; } else { alert('blorg is not correct!'); }; (+ i (if ((@ blorg add-one)) 1 2)) => i + (blorg.addOne() ? 1 : 2); ;;; The `WHEN' and `UNLESS' forms can be used as shortcuts for the ;;; `IF' form. (when ((@ blorg is-correct)) (carry-on) (return i)) => if (blorg.isCorrect()) { carryOn(); return i; }; (unless ((@ blorg is-correct)) (alert "blorg is not correct!")) => if (!blorg.isCorrect()) { alert('blorg is not correct!'); }; ;;;# Variable declaration ;;;t \index{variable} ;;;t \index{variable declaration} ;;;t \index{binding} ;;;t \index{scoping} ;;;t \index{DEFVAR} ;;;t \index{VAR} ;;;t \index{LET} ;;;t \index{LET*} ; (DEFVAR var {value}?) ; (VAR var {value}?) ; (LET ({var | (var value)}*) body) ; (LET* ({var | (var value)}*) body) ; ; var ::= a Lisp symbol ; value ::= a Parenscript expression ; body ::= a list of Parenscript statements ;;; Parenscript special variables can be declared using the `DEFVAR' ;;; special form, which is similar to its equivalent form in ;;; Lisp. Note that the result is undefined if `DEFVAR' is not used as ;;; a top-level form. (defvar *a* (array 1 2 3)) => var A = [ 1, 2, 3 ]; ;;; One feature present in Parenscript that is not part of Common Lisp ;;; are lexically-scoped global variables, which are declared using ;;; the `VAR' special form. ;;; Parenscript provides the `LET' and `LET*' special forms for ;;; creating new variable bindings. Both special forms implement ;;; lexical scope by renaming the provided variables via `GENSYM', and ;;; implement dynamic binding using `TRY'-`FINALY'. Note that ;;; top-level `LET' and `LET*' forms will create new global variables. ;;; Moreover, beware that scoping rules in Lisp and JavaScript are ;;; quite different. For example, don't rely on closures capturing ;;; local variables in the way that you would normally expect. ;;; examples: (progn (defvar *a* 4) (let ((x 1) (*a* 2)) (let* ((y (+ x 1)) (x (+ x y))) (+ *a* x y)))) => var A = 4; var x = 1; var A_TMPSTACK1; try { A_TMPSTACK1 = A; A = 2; var y = x + 1; var x2 = x + y; A + x2 + y; } finally { A = A_TMPSTACK1; }; ;;;# Iteration constructs ;;;t \index{iteration} ;;;t \index{iteration construct} ;;;t \index{loop} ;;;t \index{array traversal} ;;;t \index{property} ;;;t \index{object property} ;;;t \index{DO} ;;;t \index{DOTIMES} ;;;t \index{DOLIST} ;;;t \index{FOR-IN} ;;;t \index{WHILE} ; (DO ({var | (var {init}? {step}?)}*) (end-test {result}?) body) ; (DO* ({var | (var {init}? {step}?)}*) (end-test {result}?) body) ; (DOTIMES (var numeric-form {result}?) body) ; (DOLIST (var list-form {result}?) body) ; (FOR-IN (var object) body) ; (WHILE end-test body) ; ; var ::= a Lisp symbol ; numeric-form ::= a Parenscript expression resulting in a number ; list-form ::= a Parenscript expression resulting in an array ; object-form ::= a Parenscript expression resulting in an object ; init ::= a Parenscript expression ; step ::= a Parenscript expression ; end-test ::= a Parenscript expression ; result ::= a Parenscript expression ; body ::= a list of Parenscript statements ;;; All interation special forms are transformed into JavaScript `for' ;;; statements and, if needed, lambda expressions. ;;; `DO', `DO*', and `DOTIMES' carry the same semantics as their ;;; Common Lisp equivalents. ;;; `DO*' (note the variety of possible init-forms: (do* ((a) b (c (array "a" "b" "c" "d" "e")) (d 0 (1+ d)) (e (aref c d) (aref c d))) ((or (= d (@ c length)) (== e "x"))) (setf a d b e) ((@ document write) (+ "a: " a " b: " b "
"))) => for (var a = null, b = null, c = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'], d = 0, e = c[d]; !(d == c.length || e == 'x'); d += 1, e = c[d]) { a = d; b = e; document.write('a: ' + a + ' b: ' + b + '
'); }; ;;; `DO' (do ((i 0 (1+ i)) (s 0 (+ s i (1+ i)))) ((> i 10)) ((@ document write) (+ "i: " i " s: " s "
"))) => var i = 0; var s = 0; for (; i <= 10; ) { document.write('i: ' + i + ' s: ' + s + '
'); var _js1 = i + 1; var _js2 = s + i + (i + 1); i = _js1; s = _js2; }; ;;; compare to `DO*': (do* ((i 0 (1+ i)) (s 0 (+ s i (1- i)))) ((> i 10)) ((@ document write) (+ "i: " i " s: " s "
"))) => for (var i = 0, s = 0; i <= 10; i += 1, s += i + (i - 1)) { document.write('i: ' + i + ' s: ' + s + '
'); }; ;;; `DOTIMES': (let ((arr (array "a" "b" "c" "d" "e"))) (dotimes (i (@ arr length)) ((@ document write) (+ "i: " i " arr[i]: " (aref arr i) "
")))) => var arr = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']; for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i += 1) { document.write('i: ' + i + ' arr[i]: ' + arr[i] + '
'); }; ;;; `DOTIMES' with return value: (let ((res 0)) (alert (+ "Summation to 10 is " (dotimes (i 10 res) (incf res (1+ i)))))) => var res = 0; alert('Summation to 10 is ' + (function () { for (var i = 0; i < 10; i += 1) { res += i + 1; }; return res; })()); ;;; `DOLIST' is like CL:DOLIST, but that it operates on numbered JS ;;; arrays/vectors. (let ((l (list 1 2 4 8 16 32))) (dolist (c l) ((@ document write) (+ "c: " c "
")))) => var l = [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32]; for (var c = null, _js_arrvar2 = l, _js_idx1 = 0; _js_idx1 < _js_arrvar2.length; _js_idx1 += 1) { c = _js_arrvar2[_js_idx1]; document.write('c: ' + c + '
'); }; (let ((l '(1 2 4 8 16 32)) (s 0)) (alert (+ "Sum of " l " is: " (dolist (c l s) (incf s c))))) => var l = [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32]; var s = 0; alert('Sum of ' + l + ' is: ' + (function () { for (var c = null, _js_arrvar2 = l, _js_idx1 = 0; _js_idx1 < _js_arrvar2.length; _js_idx1 += 1) { c = _js_arrvar2[_js_idx1]; s += c; }; return s; })()); ;;; `FOR-IN' is translated to the JS `for...in' statement. (let ((obj (create :a 1 :b 2 :c 3))) (for-in (i obj) ((@ document write) (+ i ": " (aref obj i) "
")))) => var obj = { a : 1, b : 2, c : 3 }; for (var i in obj) { document.write(i + ': ' + obj[i] + '
'); }; ;;; The `WHILE' form is transformed to the JavaScript form `while', ;;; and loops until a termination test evaluates to false. (while ((@ film is-not-finished)) ((@ this eat) (new *popcorn))) => while (film.isNotFinished()) { this.eat(new Popcorn); }; ;;;# The `CASE' statement ;;;t \index{CASE} ;;;t \index{SWITCH} ;;;t \index{switch} ; (CASE case-value clause*) ; ; clause ::= (value body) | ((value*) body) | t-clause ; case-value ::= a Parenscript expression ; value ::= a Parenscript expression ; t-clause ::= {t | otherwise | default} body ; body ::= a list of Parenscript statements ;;; The Lisp `CASE' form is transformed to a `switch' statement in ;;; JavaScript. Note that `CASE' is not an expression in ;;; Parenscript. (case (aref blorg i) ((1 "one") (alert "one")) (2 (alert "two")) (t (alert "default clause"))) => switch (blorg[i]) { case 1: case 'one': alert('one'); break; case 2: alert('two'); break; default: alert('default clause'); }; ; (SWITCH case-value clause*) ; clause ::= (value body) | (default body) ;;; The `SWITCH' form is the equivalent to a javascript switch statement. ;;; No break statements are inserted, and the default case is named `DEFAULT'. ;;; The `CASE' form should be prefered in most cases. (switch (aref blorg i) (1 (alert "If I get here")) (2 (alert "I also get here")) (default (alert "I always get here"))) => switch (blorg[i]) { case 1: alert('If I get here'); case 2: alert('I also get here'); default: alert('I always get here'); }; ;;;# The `WITH' statement ;;;t \index{WITH} ;;;t \index{dynamic scope} ;;;t \index{binding} ;;;t \index{scoping} ;;;t \index{closure} ; (WITH object body) ; ; object ::= a Parenscript expression evaluating to an object ; body ::= a list of Parenscript statements ;;; The `WITH' form is compiled to a JavaScript `with' statements, and ;;; adds the object `object' as an intermediary scope objects when ;;; executing the body. (with (create :foo "foo" :i "i") (alert (+ "i is now intermediary scoped: " i))) => with ({ foo : 'foo', i : 'i' }) { alert('i is now intermediary scoped: ' + i); }; ;;;# The `TRY' statement ;;;t \index{TRY} ;;;t \index{CATCH} ;;;t \index{FINALLY} ;;;t \index{exception} ;;;t \index{error handling} ; (TRY body {(:CATCH (var) body)}? {(:FINALLY body)}?) ; ; body ::= a list of Parenscript statements ; var ::= a Lisp symbol ;;; The `TRY' form is converted to a JavaScript `try' statement, and ;;; can be used to catch expressions thrown by the `THROW' ;;; form. The body of the catch clause is invoked when an exception ;;; is catched, and the body of the finally is always invoked when ;;; leaving the body of the `TRY' form. (try (throw "i") (:catch (error) (alert (+ "an error happened: " error))) (:finally (alert "Leaving the try form"))) => try { throw 'i'; } catch (error) { alert('an error happened: ' + error); } finally { alert('Leaving the try form'); }; ;;;# The HTML Generator ;;;t \index{PS-HTML} ;;;t \index{HTML generation} ; (PS-HTML html-expression) ;;; The HTML generator of Parenscript is very similar to the htmlgen ;;; HTML generator library included with AllegroServe. It accepts the ;;; same input forms as the AllegroServer HTML generator. However, ;;; non-HTML construct are compiled to JavaScript by the Parenscript ;;; compiler. The resulting expression is a JavaScript expression. (ps-html ((:a :href "foobar") "blorg")) => 'blorg'; (ps-html ((:a :href (generate-a-link)) "blorg")) => 'blorg'; ;;; We can recursively call the Parenscript compiler in an HTML ;;; expression. ((@ document write) (ps-html ((:a :href "#" :onclick (ps-inline (transport))) "link"))) => document.write('link'); ;;; Forms may be used in attribute lists to conditionally generate ;;; the next attribute. In this example the textarea is sometimes disabled. (let ((disabled nil) (authorized t)) (setf (@ element inner-h-t-m-l) (ps-html ((:textarea (or disabled (not authorized)) :disabled "disabled") "Edit me")))) => var disabled = null; var authorized = true; element.innerHTML = 'Edit me'; ;;;# Macrology ;;;t \index{macro} ;;;t \index{macrology} ;;;t \index{DEFPSMACRO} ;;;t \index{DEFMACRO/PS} ;;;t \index{DEFMACRO+PS} ;;;t \index{DEFINE-PS-SYMBOL-MACRO} ;;;t \index{IMPORT-MACROS-FROM-LISP} ;;;t \index{MACROLET} ;;;t \index{SYMBOL-MACROLET} ;;;t \index{PS-GENSYM} ;;;t \index{compiler} ; (DEFPSMACRO name lambda-list macro-body) ; (DEFPSMACRO/PS name lambda-list macro-body) ; (DEFPSMACRO+PS name lambda-list macro-body) ; (DEFINE-PS-SYMBOL-MACRO symbol expansion) ; (IMPORT-MACROS-FROM-LISP symbol*) ; (MACROLET ({name lambda-list macro-body}*) body) ; (SYMBOL-MACROLET ({name macro-body}*) body) ; (PS-GENSYM {string}) ; ; name ::= a Lisp symbol ; lambda-list ::= a lambda list ; macro-body ::= a Lisp body evaluating to Parenscript code ; body ::= a list of Parenscript statements ; string ::= a string ;;; Parenscript can be extended using macros, just like Lisp can be ;;; extended using Lisp macros. Using the special Lisp form ;;; `DEFPSMACRO', the Parenscript language can be ;;; extended. `DEFPSMACRO' adds the new macro to the toplevel macro ;;; environment, which is always accessible during Parenscript ;;; compilation. For example, the `1+' and `1-' operators are ;;; implemented using macros. (defpsmacro 1- (form) `(- ,form 1)) (defpsmacro 1+ (form) `(+ ,form 1)) ;;; A more complicated Parenscript macro example is the implementation ;;; of the `DOLIST' form (note how `PS-GENSYM', the Parenscript of ;;; `GENSYM', is used to generate new Parenscript variable names): (defpsmacro dolist ((var array &optional (result nil result?)) &body body) (let ((idx (ps-gensym "_js_idx")) (arrvar (ps-gensym "_js_arrvar"))) `(do* (,var (,arrvar ,array) (,idx 0 (1+ ,idx))) ((>= ,idx (slot-value ,arrvar 'length)) ,@(when result? (list result))) (setq ,var (aref ,arrvar ,idx)) ,@body))) ;;; Macros can be defined in Parenscript code itself (as opposed to ;;; from Lisp) by using the Parenscript `MACROLET' and `DEFMACRO' ;;; forms. Note that macros defined this way are defined in a null ;;; lexical environment (ex - (let ((x 1)) (defmacro baz (y) `(+ ,y ;;; ,x))) will not work), since the surrounding Parenscript code is ;;; just translated to JavaScript and not actually evaluated. ;;; Parenscript also supports the use of macros defined in the ;;; underlying Lisp environment. Existing Lisp macros can be imported ;;; into the Parenscript macro environment by ;;; `IMPORT-MACROS-FROM-LISP'. This functionality enables code sharing ;;; between Parenscript and Lisp, and is useful in debugging since the ;;; full power of Lisp macroexpanders, editors and other supporting ;;; facilities can be used. However, it is important to note that the ;;; macroexpansion of Lisp macros and Parenscript macros takes place ;;; in their own respective environments, and many Lisp macros ;;; (especially those provided by the Lisp implementation) expand into ;;; code that is not usable by Parenscript. To make it easy for users ;;; to take advantage of these features, two additional macro ;;; definition facilities are provided by Parenscript: `DEFMACRO/PS' ;;; and `DEFMACRO+PS'. `DEFMACRO/PS' defines a Lisp macro and then ;;; imports it into the Parenscript macro environment, while ;;; `DEFMACRO+PS' defines two macros with the same name and expansion, ;;; one in Parenscript and one in Lisp. `DEFMACRO+PS' is used when the ;;; full 'macroexpand' of the Lisp macro yields code that cannot be ;;; used by Parenscript. ;;; Parenscript also supports symbol macros, which can be introduced ;;; using the Parenscript form `SYMBOL-MACROLET' or defined in Lisp ;;; with `DEFINE-PS-SYMBOL-MACRO'. For example, the Parenscript ;;; `WITH-SLOTS' is implemented using symbol macros. (defpsmacro with-slots (slots object &rest body) `(symbol-macrolet ,(mapcar #'(lambda (slot) `(,slot '(slot-value ,object ',slot))) slots) ,@body)) ;;;# The Parenscript namespace system ;;;t \index{package} ;;;t \index{namespace} ;;;t \index{PS-PACKAGE-PREFIX} ; (setf (PS-PACKAGE-PREFIX package-designator) string) ;;; Although JavaScript does not offer namespacing or a package ;;; system, Parenscript does provide a namespace mechanism for ;;; generated JavaScript by integrating with the Common Lisp package ;;; system. Since Parenscript code is normally read in by the Lisp ;;; reader, all symbols (except for uninterned ones, ie - those ;;; specified with the #: reader macro) have a Lisp package. By ;;; default, no packages are prefixed. You can specify that symbols in ;;; a particular package receive a prefix when translated to ;;; JavaScript with the `PS-PACKAGE-PREFIX' place. (defpackage "PS-REF.MY-LIBRARY" (:use "PARENSCRIPT")) (setf (ps-package-prefix "PS-REF.MY-LIBRARY") "my_library_") (defun ps-ref.my-library::library-function (x y) (return (+ x y))) -> function my_library_libraryFunction(x, y) { return x + y; }; ;;;# Identifier obfuscation ;;;t \index{obfuscation} ;;;t \index{identifiers} ;;;t \index{OBFUSCATE-PACKAGE} ;;;t \index{UNOBFUSCATE-PACKAGE} ; (OBFUSCATE-PACKAGE package-designator &optional symbol-map) ; (UNOBFUSCATE-PACKAGE package-designator) ;;; Similar to the namespace mechanism, Parenscript provides a ;;; facility to generate obfuscated identifiers in specified CL ;;; packages. The function `OBFUSCATE-PACKAGE' may optionally be ;;; passed a hash-table or a closure that maps symbols to their ;;; obfuscated counterparts. By default, the mapping is done using ;;; `PS-GENSYM'. (defpackage "PS-REF.OBFUSCATE-ME") (obfuscate-package "PS-REF.OBFUSCATE-ME" (let ((code-pt-counter #x8CF0) (symbol-map (make-hash-table))) (lambda (symbol) (or (gethash symbol symbol-map) (setf (gethash symbol symbol-map) (make-symbol (string (code-char (incf code-pt-counter))))))))) (defun ps-ref.obfuscate-me::a-function (a b ps-ref.obfuscate-me::foo) (+ a (ps-ref.my-library::library-function b ps-ref.obfuscate-me::foo))) -> function 賱(a, b, 賲) { a + my_library_libraryFunction(b, 賲); }; ;;; The obfuscation and namespace facilities can be used on packages ;;; at the same time. ;;;# The Parenscript Compiler ;;;t \index{compiler} ;;;t \index{Parenscript compiler} ;;;t \index{PS} ;;;t \index{PS*} ;;;t \index{PS1*} ;;;t \index{PS-INLINE} ;;;t \index{PS-INLINE*} ;;;t \index{LISP} ; (PS &body body) ; (PS* &body body) ; (PS1* parenscript-form) ; (PS-INLINE form &optional *js-string-delimiter*) ; (PS-INLINE* form &optional *js-string-delimiter*) ; (LISP lisp-forms) ; ; body ::= Parenscript statements comprising an implicit `PROGN' ;;; For static Parenscript code, the macro `PS' compiles the provided ;;; forms at Common Lisp macro-expansion time. `PS*' and `PS1*' ;;; evaluate their arguments and then compile them. All these forms ;;; except for `PS1*' treat the given forms as an implicit ;;; `PROGN'. ;;; `PS-INLINE' and `PS-INLINE*' take a single Parenscript form and ;;; output a string starting with "javascript:" that can be used in ;;; HTML node attributes. As well, they provide an argument to bind ;;; the value of *js-string-delimiter* to control the value of the ;;; JavaScript string escape character to be compatible with whatever ;;; the HTML generation mechanism is used (for example, if HTML ;;; strings are delimited using #\', using #\" will avoid conflicts ;;; without requiring the output JavaScript code to be escaped). By ;;; default the value is taken from *js-inline-string-delimiter*. ;;; Parenscript can also call out to arbitrary Common Lisp code at ;;; code output time using the special form `LISP'. The form provided ;;; to `LISP' is evaluated, and its result is compiled as though it ;;; were Parenscript code. For `PS' and `PS-INLINE', the Parenscript ;;; output code is generated at macro-expansion time, and the `LISP' ;;; statements are inserted inline and have access to the enclosing ;;; Common Lisp lexical environment. `PS*' and `PS1*' evaluate the ;;; `LISP' forms with eval, providing them access to the current ;;; dynamic environment only.