(in-package :cl-user) ;;;; Package definitions for the Parenscript ;; #: (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel) ;; exports shared between PARENSCRIPT and PARENSCRIPT.JAVASCRIPT (defparameter *shared-symbols-ps-js* '( ;; literals #:t #:f #:true "NIL" #:this #:false #:undefined ;; keywords #:break #:continue ;; array literals #:array #:list #:aref #:make-array ;; operators #:! #:not #:~ #:* #:/ #:% #:+ #:- #:<< #:>> #:>>> #:< #:> #:<= #:>= #:in #:eql #:== #:!= #:= #:=== #:!== #:& #:^ #:\| #:\&\& #:and #:\|\| #:or #:>>= #:<<= #:*= #:/= #:%= #:+= #:\&= #:^= #:\|= #:~= #:++ #:-- #:1+ #:1- #:incf #:decf ;; body forms #:progn ;; object literals #:create #:with-slots ;; macros #:macrolet #:symbol-macrolet ;; if #:if #:when #:unless ;; single argument statements #:return #:throw ;; single argument expressions #:delete #:void #:typeof #:instanceof #:new ;; assignment #:setf ;; variables #:defvar ;; iteration #:for #:doeach #:while ;; with #:with ;; case #:switch #:case #:default ;; try throw catch #:try ;; regex literals #:regex ;; conditional compilation (IE) #:cc-if) "Symbols exported from both the Parenscript and Javascript packages that are also valid as Parenscript symbols for the corresponding script packages.")) (defpackage parenscript.javascript (:use :common-lisp) (:nicknames javascript ps-js) #.(cons :export *shared-symbols-ps-js*) (:export ;; function definition #:%js-defun #:%js-lambda #:%js-slot-value ;; translate #:js-to-strings #:js-to-statement-strings ) (:documentation "The package used to define Javascript special forms. Most of Parenscript is defined as macros on top of Javascript special forms")) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defparameter *parenscript-lang-exports* (append *shared-symbols-ps-js* '( ;; package system #:defpackage #:in-package ;; function definition #:defun #:lambda ;; lambda lists #:&key #:&rest #:&body #:&optional #:&aux #:&environment #:&key-object #:optional-args ;; slot access #:with-slots #:slot-value ;; eval-when #:eval-when ;; macros #:macrolet #:symbol-macrolet #:define-symbol-macro #:define-script-symbol-macro #:defmacro ;; lisp eval #:lisp ;; assignment #:setf #:defaultf #:let ;; iteration #:do #:dotimes #:dolist #:doeach #:while ;; v v v STUFF WE SHOULD PROBABLY MOVE TO OTHER LIBS v v v ;; CSS #:css #:css-to-string #:css-inline #:css-file ;; html generator for javascript #:html ;; utils #:do-set-timeout )) "List of (uninterned) symbols. Contains all symbols considerred part of the Parenscript language. These should be exported within both the Lisp package and the script package for Parenscript.")) (defpackage :parenscript (:use :common-lisp :parenscript.javascript) (:nicknames :js :ps) #.(cons :export *shared-symbols-ps-js*) #.(cons :export *parenscript-lang-exports*) (:export ;; compiler #:compile-script #:script #:script* #:ps #:ps* #:js #:js* #:with-new-compilation-environment ; tentative #:with-compilation-environment ; tentative #:*compilation-environment* ;; package system #:find-script-package #:script-intern #:script-export #:find-script-symbol #:comp-env-current-package #:symbol-script-package #:script-package-name ;; for parenscript macro definition within lisp #:defscriptmacro #:defpsmacro ; should we use one or the other of these? #:defmacro/ps #:defmacro+ps #:import-macros-from-lisp ;; gensym #:with-unique-ps-names #:gen-script-name #:gen-script-name-string #:gen-ps-name ;; deprecated interface #:gen-js-name #:gen-js-name-string #:with-unique-js-names #:defjsmacro #:js-compile #:js-inline #:js-inline* #:js-file #:js-script #:js-to-statement-strings )) (in-package :parenscript) (import '(defscriptclass define-script-special-form defscriptmacro symbol-to-js script-quote *package-prefix-style* *script-macro-env* compile-to-statement compile-to-block compile-to-symbol compile-to-expression symbol-script-package script-package-name list-join list-to-string append-to-last prepend-to-first string-join val-to-string string-split script-special-form-p make-macro-env-dictionary script-equal compile-script-form ) :parenscript.javascript) (defpackage parenscript.global (:nicknames "GLOBAL") (:documentation "Symbols interned in the global package are serialized in Javascript as non-prefixed identifiers.")) (defpackage parenscript.user (:use :parenscript) (:nicknames ps-user parenscript-user) (:documentation "The default package a user is inside of when compiling code.")) (defpackage parenscript.non-prefixed (:nicknames ps.non-prefixed)) (defpackage parenscript.ps-gensyms)