(in-package :mewa) (defparameter *default-type* :ucw) ;;; maps meta-model slot-types to slot-presentation (defparameter *slot-type-map* '(boolean ucw::mewa-boolean string ucw::mewa-string number ucw::mewa-currency integer ucw::mewa-integer currency ucw::mewa-currency )) ;;; an alist of model-class-name . attributes ;;; should really be a hash-table. (defvar *attribute-map* (list)) ;;; some utilities for merging plists (defun plist-nunion (new-props plist) (loop for cons on new-props by #'cddr do (setf (getf plist (first cons)) (second cons)) finally (return plist))) (defun plist-union (new-props plist) "Non-destructive version of plist-nunion" (plist-nunion new-props (copy-list plist))) (defun gen-ptype (type) (or (getf *slot-type-map* type) type)) (defun gen-presentation-slots (instance) (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (gen-pslot (cadr x) (string (car x)) (car x))) (meta-model:list-slot-types instance))) (defun gen-pslot (type label slot-name) (copy-list `(,(gen-ptype type) :label ,label :slot-name ,slot-name))) (defun gen-presentation-args (instance args) (declare (ignore instance)) (if args args nil)) (defun find-or-create-attributes (class-name) "return an exisiting class attribute map or create one. A map is a cons of class-name . attributes. attributes is an alist keyed on the attribute name." (or (assoc class-name *attribute-map*) (progn (setf *attribute-map* (acons class-name (list (list)) *attribute-map*)) (assoc class-name *attribute-map*)))) (defgeneric find-class-attributes (class)) (defmethod find-class-attributes ((model t)) (find-or-create-attributes (class-name (class-of model)))) (defmethod find-class-attributes ((model symbol)) (find-or-create-attributes model)) (defmethod clear-class-attributes ((model t)) (setf (cdr (find-class-attributes model)) nil)) (defmethod add-attribute ((model t) name def) (let ((map (find-class-attributes model))) (setf (cdr map) (acons name def (cdr map))))) (defmethod find-attribute ((model t) name) (assoc name (cdr (find-class-attributes model)))) (defmethod (setf find-attribute) ((def list) (model t) name) (let ((attr (find-attribute model name))) (if attr (prog2 (setf (cdr attr) def) attr) (prog2 (add-attribute model name def) (find-attribute model name))))) (defmethod set-attribute ((model t) name definition &key (inherit t)) (setf (find-attribute model name) (if inherit (cons (car definition) (plist-union (cdr definition) (cddr (find-attribute model name)))) definition))) (defmethod perform-set-attributes ((model t) definitions) (dolist (def definitions) (funcall #'set-attribute model (first def) (rest def)))) (defmethod set-attribute-properties ((model t) attribute properties) (let ((a (find-attribute model attribute))) (if a (setf (cddr a) (plist-nunion properties (cddr a))) (error "Attribute ~A does not exist" attribute) ))) (defmethod perform-set-attribute-properties ((model t) definitions) (dolist (def definitions) (funcall #'set-attribute-properties model (car def) (cdr def)))) (defmethod default-attributes ((model t)) "return the default attributes for a given model using the meta-model's meta-data" (append (mapcar #'(lambda (s) (cons (car s) (gen-pslot (if (meta-model:foreign-key-p model (car s)) 'ucw::foreign-key (cadr s)) (string (car s)) (car s)))) (meta-model:list-slot-types model)) (mapcar #'(lambda (s) (cons s (append (gen-pslot 'ucw::has-many (string s) s) `(:presentation (make-presentation ,model :type :one-line))))) (meta-model:list-has-many model)))) (defmethod set-default-attributes ((model t)) "Set the default attributes for MODEL" (clear-class-attributes model) (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (setf (find-attribute model (car x)) (cdr x))) (default-attributes model))) (defgeneric attributes-getter (model)) ;;;presentations (defcomponent mewa () ((ucw::instance :accessor instance :initarg :instance) (attributes :initarg :attributes :accessor attributes :initform nil) (attributes-getter :accessor attributes-getter :initform #'get-attributes :initarg :attributes-getter) (attribute-slot-map :accessor attribute-slot-map :initform nil) (global-properties :initarg :global-properties :accessor global-properties :initform nil) (classes :initarg :classes :accessor classes :initform nil) (use-instance-class-p :initarg :use-instance-class-p :accessor use-instance-class-p :initform t) (initializedp :initform nil) (modifiedp :accessor modifiedp :initform nil :initarg :modifiedp) (modifications :accessor modifications :initform nil))) (defmethod attributes :around ((self mewa)) (let ((a (call-next-method))) (or a (funcall (attributes-getter self) self)))) (defgeneric get-attributes (mewa)) (defmethod get-attributes ((self mewa)) (if (instance self) (append (meta-model:list-slots (instance self)) (meta-model:list-has-many (instance self))) nil)) (defmethod find-instance-classes ((self mewa)) (mapcar #'class-name (it.bese.arnesi.mopp:compute-class-precedence-list (class-of (instance self))))) (defmethod find-all-attributes ((self mewa)) (reduce #'append (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (cdr (find-class-attributes x))) (classes self)))) (defun make-attribute (&rest props &key type &allow-other-keys) (remf props :type) (cons (gensym) (cons type props))) (defmethod find-applicable-attributes ((self mewa)) (let ((all-attributes (find-all-attributes self))) (flet ((gen-att (x) (let ((att (assoc x all-attributes))) (when att (setf (cddr att) (plist-union (global-properties self) (cddr att))) att)))) (if (attributes self) (remove 'nil (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (cond ;;simple casee ((symbolp x) (gen-att x)) ;;if the car is a keyword then this is an inline def ((and (listp x) (keywordp (car x))) (let ((att (apply #'make-attribute x))) (setf (cddr att) (plist-union (cddr att) (global-properties self))) att)) ;; if the plist has a :type ((and (listp x) (getf (cdr x) :type)) (let ((new (cdr (apply #'make-attribute (cdr x)))) (def (gen-att (car x)))) (setf (cdr new) (plist-union (cdr new) (cddr def))) (cons (car def) new))) ;;finally if we are just overiding the props ((and (listp x) (symbolp (car x))) (let ((new (cdr (apply #'make-attribute (cdr x)))) (def (gen-att (car x)))) (setf (cdr new) (plist-union (cdr new) (cddr def))) (cons (car def) (cons (second def) (cdr new))))) ) ) (attributes self))) all-attributes)))) (defmethod find-slot-presentation-for-attribute ((self mewa) attribute) (let ((class-name (or (gethash (if (consp (second attribute)) (car (second attribute)) (second attribute)) ucw::*slot-type-mapping*) (error "Can't find slot type for ~A" (second attribute))))) (cons (first attribute) (apply #'make-instance class-name (append (cddr attribute) (list :parent self :size 30)))))) (defmethod find-slot-presentations ((self mewa)) (mapcar #'(lambda (a) (find-slot-presentation-for-attribute self a)) (find-applicable-attributes self))) (defmethod find-attribute-slot ((self mewa) (attribute symbol)) (cdr (assoc attribute (attribute-slot-map self)))) (defmethod initialize-slots ((self mewa)) (when (instance self) (when (use-instance-class-p self) (setf (classes self) (append (find-instance-classes self) (classes self)))) (setf (attribute-slot-map self) (find-slot-presentations self)) (setf (slots self) (mapcar #'(lambda (x)(cdr x)) (attribute-slot-map self ))))) (defmethod make-presentation ((object t) &key (type :viewer) (initargs nil)) (let* ((p (make-instance 'mewa-object-presentation)) (a (progn (setf (slot-value p 'ucw::instance) object) (initialize-slots p) (assoc type (find-all-attributes p)))) ;;;; TODO: this can be cleaned up, probably CHANGE-CLASS is better here (i (apply #'make-instance (or (second a) ;; if we didnt find the type, ;; use the symbol as a class. (if (eql (symbol-package type) (find-package 'keyword)) (symbol-name type) type)) (plist-union initargs (cddr a))))) (setf (slot-value i 'instance) object) (initialize-slots i) (setf (slot-value i 'initializedp) t) i)) (defmethod initialize-slots-place ((place ucw::place) (mewa mewa)) (setf (slots mewa) (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (prog1 x (setf (component.place x) place))) (slots mewa)))) (arnesi:defmethod/cc call-component :before ((from standard-component) (to mewa)) (unless (slot-value to 'initializedp) (initialize-slots to)) (setf (slot-value to 'initializedp) t) (initialize-slots-place (component.place from) to) to) (defmacro call-presentation (object &rest args) `(present-object ,object :presentation (make-presentation ,object ,@args))) (defcomponent about-dialog (option-dialog) ((body :initarg :body))) (defmethod render-on ((res response) (self about-dialog)) (call-next-method) (render-on res (slot-value self 'body))) (defmethod instance-is-stored-p ((instance clsql:standard-db-object)) (slot-value instance 'clsql-sys::view-database)) (defmethod instance-is-stored-p ((mewa mewa)) (instance-is-stored-p (instance mewa))) (defaction cancel-save-instance ((self mewa)) (cond ((instance-is-stored-p (instance self)) (meta-model::update-instance-from-records (instance self)) (answer self)) (t (answer nil)))) (defaction save-instance ((self mewa)) (meta-model:sync-instance (instance self)) (setf (modifiedp self) nil) (answer self)) (defaction ensure-instance-sync ((self mewa)) (when (modifiedp self) (let ((message (format nil "Record has been modified, Do you wish to save the changes?"))) (case (call 'about-dialog :body (make-presentation (instance self) :type :viewer) :message message :options '((:save . "Save changes to Database") (:cancel . "Cancel all changes"))) (:cancel (cancel-save-instance self)) (:save (save-instance self)))))) (defaction ok ((self mewa) &optional arg) "Returns the component if it has not been modified. if it has been, prompt user to save or cancel" ;(declare (ignore arg)) (meta-model::sync-instance (instance self)) (answer (instance self))) (defmethod (setf presentation-slot-value) :around (value (slot slot-presentation) instance) (let* ((old (prog1 (presentation-slot-value slot instance) (call-next-method))) (new (presentation-slot-value slot instance))) (unless (equal new old ) (let ((self (ucw::parent slot))) (setf (modifiedp self) instance (modifications self) (append (list new old value slot instance) (modifications self))))))) ;;;; * Finally set up some defaults (setf (find-attribute t :viewer) '(mewa-object-presentation :global-properties (:editablep nil)) (find-attribute t :editor) '(mewa-object-presentation :global-properties (:editablep t)) (find-attribute t :creator) '(mewa-object-presentation :global-properties (:editablep t)) (find-attribute t :one-line) '(mewa-one-line-presentation) (find-attribute t :listing) '(mewa-list-presentation :global-properties (:editablep nil) :editablep t) (find-attribute t :search-model) '(mewa-object-presentation)) ;; This software is Copyright (c) Drew Crampsie, 2004-2005. ;; You are granted the rights to distribute ;; and use this software as governed by the terms ;; of the Lisp Lesser GNU Public License ;; (http://opensource.franz.com/preamble.html), ;; known as the LLGPL.