X-Git-Url: http://git.hcoop.net/clinton/guile-figl.git/blobdiff_plain/b002944dd992dc5a273e0067504beb48e1ae3d1c..a6a00658f26c164551287799b194cc2f07eb78be:/upstream-doc/man2/pdf/header diff --git a/upstream-doc/man2/pdf/header b/upstream-doc/man2/pdf/header new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7c487d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/upstream-doc/man2/pdf/header @@ -0,0 +1,346 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + +<graphic fileref="opengl_logo.gif" scale="25"/>Reference Pages + + +OpenGL® Reference Pages + + + + OpenGL® Architectural Review Board TSG, Khronos Group Inc. + BrentInskoE + 2.1 11/14/2007 - DRAFT + 2007 + Khronos Group, Inc. + + + Contents + + This document contains reference information for the OpenGL® Application +Programming Interface. These reference pages (also known as "man pages") include +all of the important usage information for each command. This information includes +a description of all parameters, return values, error conditions, and related +commands. In addition, this document also provides usage information for the OpenGL® +Utility Library (GLU) and the OpenGL® extension to the X Window System (GLX). + + + These pages also exist online in the +OpenGL® SDK. + + +If you find any inaccuracies or typos in the reference pages, don't hesitate to inform us via +the online specification feedback form. + + + + + + + + + +Copyrights + + + +The following OpenGL reference pages are Copyright © 2007 The Khronos Group Inc. and licensed under the Khronos Free Use License. For details, see http://www.khronos.org/help/legal/KFUL/. + + +
+ + glBlendEquationSeparate, + glStencilFuncSeparate, + glStencilMaskSeparate, + glStencilOpSeparate + +
+ + +The following OpenGL reference pages are Copyright © 2005 Addison-Wesley and may be distributed subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Open Publication Licesnse, v 1.0, 8, June 1999. For details, see http://openlcontent.org/openpub/. + + +
+ + glBeginQuery, + glBindBuffer, + glBufferData, + glBufferSubData, + glDeleteBuffers, + glDeleteQueries, + glGenBuffers, + glGenQueries, + glGetBufferParameteriv, + glGetBufferPointerv, + glGetBufferSubData, + glGetQueryiv, + glGetQueryObject, + glIsBuffer, + glIsQuery, + glMapBuffer + +
+ + +The following OpenGL reference pages are Copyright © 2003-2005 3Dlabs, Inc. Ltd. And may be distributed subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Open Publication License, v 1.0, 8, June 1999. For details, see http://openlcontent.org/openpub/. + + +
+ + glAttachShader, + glBindAttribLocation, + glCompileShader, + glCreateProgram, + glCreateShader, + glDeleteProgram, + glDeleteShader, + glDetachShader, + glDrawBuffers, + glEnableVertexAttribArray, + glGetActiveAttrib, + glGetActiveUniform, + glGetAttachedShaders, + glGetAttribLocation, + glGetProgram, + glGetProgramInfoLog, + glGetShader, + glGetShaderInfoLog, + glGetShaderSource, + glGetUniform, + glGetUniformLocation, + glGetVertexAttrib, + glGetVertexAttribPointerv, + glIsProgram, + glIsShader, + glLinkProgram, + glShaderSource, + glUniform, + glUseProgram, + glValidateProgram, + glVertexAttrib, + glVertexAttribPointer + +
+ + + + All reference pages referring to the OpenGL Utility Library and the OpenGL +extension to the X Window System, and the following core OpenGL reference pages +are Copyright © 1991-2006 Silicon Graphics, Inc. and may be distributed +subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Free Software B License. +For details, see +http://oss.sgi.com/projects/FreeB/. + +
+ + glAccum, + glActiveTexture, + glAlphaFunc, + glAreTexturesResident, + glArrayElement, + glBegin, + glBindTexture, + glBitmap, + glBlendColor, + glBlendEquation, + glBlendFunc, + glBlendFuncSeparate, + glCallList, + glCallLists, + glClear, + glClearAccum, + glClearColor, + glClearDepth, + glClearIndex, + gllearStencil, + glCLientActiveTexture, + glClipPlane, + glColor, + glColorMask, + glColorMaterial, + glColorPointer, + glColorSubTable, + glColorTable, + glColorTableParameter, + glCompressedTexImage1D, + glCompressedTexImage2D, + glCompressedTexImage3D, + glCompressedTexSubImage1D, + glCompressedTexSubImage2D, + glCompressedTexSubImage3D, + glConvolutionFilter1D, + glConvolutionFilter2D, + glConvolutionParameter, + glCopyColorSubTable, + glCopyColorTable, + glCopyConvolutionFilter1D, + glCopyConvolutionFilter2D, + glCopyPixels, + glCopyTexImage1D, + glCopyTexImage2D, + glCopyTexSubImage1D, + glCopyTexSubImage2D, + glCopyTexSubImage3D, + glCullFace, + glDeleteLists, + glDeleteTextures, + glDepthFunc, + glDepthMask, + glDepthRange, + glDrawArrays, + glDrawBuffer, + glDrawElements, + glDrawPixels, + glDrawRangeElements, + glEdgeFlag, + glEdgeFlagPointer, + glEnable, + glEnableClientState, + glEvalCoord, + glEvalMesh, + glEvalPoint, + glFeedbackBuffer, + glFinish, + glFlush, + glFog, + glFogCoord, + glFogCoordPointer, + glFrontFace, + glFrustum, + glGenLists, + glGenTextures, + glGet, + glGetClipPlane, + glGetColorTable, + glGetColorTableParameter, + glGetCompressedTexImage, + glGetConvolutionFilter, + glGetConvolutionParameter, + glGetError, + glGetHistogram, + glGetHistogramParameter, + glGetLight, + glGetMap, + glGetMaterial, + glGetMinmax, + glGetMinmaxParameter, + glGetPixelMap, + glGetPointerv, + glGetPolygonStipple, + glGetSeparableFilter, + glGetString, + glGetTexEnv, + glGetTexGen, + glGetTexImage, + glGetTexLevelParameter, + glGetTexParameter, + glHint, + glHistogram, + glIndex, + glIndexMask, + glIndexPointer, + glInitNames, + glInterleavedArrays, + glIsEnabled, + glIsList, + glIsTexture, + glLight, + glLightModel, + glLineStipple, + glLineWidth, + glListBase, + glLoadIdentity, + glLoadMatrix, + glLoadName, + glLoadTransposeMatrix, + glLogicOp, + glMap1, + glMap2, + glMapGrid, + glMaterial, + glMatrixMode, + glMinmax, + glMultiDrawArrays, + glMultiDrawElements, + glMultiTexCoord, + glMultMatrix, + glMultTransposeMatrix, + glNewList, + glNormal, + glNormalPointer, + glOrtho, + glPassThrough, + glPixelMap, + glPixelStore, + glPixelTransfer, + glPixelZoom, + glPointParameter, + glPointSize, + glPolygonMode, + glPolygonOffset, + glPolygonStipple, + glPrioritizeTextures, + glPushAttrib, + glPushClientAttrib, + glPushMatrix, + glPushName, + glRasterPos, + glReadBuffer, + glReadPixels, + glRect, + glRenderMode, + glResetHistogram, + glResetMinmax, + glRotate, + glSampleCoverage, + glScale, + glScissor, + glSecondaryColor, + glSecondaryColorPointer, + glSelectBuffer, + glSeparableFilter2D, + glShadeModel, + glStencilFunc, + glStencilMask, + glStencilOp, + glTexCoord, + glTexCoordPointer, + glTexEnv, + glTexGen, + glTexImage1D, + glTexImage2D, + glTexImage3D, + glTexParameter, + glTexSubImage1D, + glTexSubImage2D, + glTexSubImage3D, + glTranslate, + glVertex, + glVertexPointer, + glViewport, + glWindowPos + +
+ + +
+ + + + + + +OpenGL<superscript>®</superscript> Commands