THIS IS BOBOT++ VERSION 2.2 (this file is also -*- text -*-) === REQUIREMENTS (Compile) === Guile Scheme ( Version 1.6 is used for scripting. It is optional and may be disabled by passing `--disable-scripting' to configure. === BACKGROUND === This is the new stable. Upgrading from 2.0 is recommended, especially if you use the scripting interface. === BIG CHANGES FROM 2.0 === The biggest change is that all bot-* functions are now bot:*. A simple 'perl -pi -e s/bot-/bot:/g SCRIPT1 SCRIPT2 .. SCRIPTN' should be enough to update your scripts. The bot-* functions are defined as aliases for the bot:* functions in bobot-utils.scm, which is autoloaded by bobot++. The binary is now named bobotpp because of automake choking on ++ in rule names. In order for the bot to work properly, you must 'make install' it so that bobot-utils.scm is installed and can be loaded for scripts to use (unless you have Guile disabled). === IMPORTANT NOTES === 2.2 should compile on GNU/Linux and FreeBSD. There are some compatibility hacks for HP/UX, but they may not works as I don't have access to an HP/UX machine. I'm not sure if it builds on other systems, if it does please email me. If it doesn't, please email so I can fix it. === DOCUMENTATION === There is a texinfo manual. It should be complete. "info bobot++" to read it. It has sections on configuring, running, and scripting the bot. Suggestions are welcome. bobotpp --help is also helpful. === LICENSE === This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later. See the COPYING file for details. === CONTACT INFO === Clinton Ebadi (Maintainer) Official IRC Channel: #bobotpp on freenode