#Copyright (C) 2011 by Sagar G V # #Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy #of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal #in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights #to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell #copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is #furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # #The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in #all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # #THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR #IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, #FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE #AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER #LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, #OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN #THE SOFTWARE. # # Updates: # Arthur Wolf & Adam Green in 2011 - 2012 - Updated to work with mbed. ############################################################################### # Check for undefined variables. ifndef PROJECT $(error makefile must set PROJECT variable.) endif ifndef BUILD_DIR $(error makefile must set BUILD_DIR.) endif # Set VERBOSE make variable to 1 to output all tool commands. VERBOSE?=0 ifeq "$(VERBOSE)" "0" Q=@ else Q= endif # Default variables. SRC ?= . BUILD_TYPE ?= Release MRI_BREAK_ON_INIT ?= 1 MRI_UART ?= MRI_UART_MBED_USB HEAP_TAGS ?= 0 WRITE_BUFFER_DISABLE ?= 0 STACK_SIZE ?= 0 # Configure MRI variables based on BUILD_TYPE build type variable. ifeq "$(BUILD_TYPE)" "Release" OPTIMIZATION ?= 2 MRI_ENABLE = 0 MRI_SEMIHOST_STDIO ?= 0 endif ifeq "$(BUILD_TYPE)" "Debug" OPTIMIZATION = 0 MRI_ENABLE ?= 1 MRI_SEMIHOST_STDIO ?= 1 endif ifeq "$(BUILD_TYPE)" "Checked" OPTIMIZATION ?= 2 MRI_ENABLE = 1 MRI_SEMIHOST_STDIO ?= 1 endif MRI_INIT_PARAMETERS=$(MRI_UART) # Output Object Directory OUTDIR=../$(DEVICE) # List of sources to be compiled/assembled CSRCS = $(wildcard $(SRC)/*.c $(SRC)/*/*.c $(SRC)/*/*/*.c $(SRC)/*/*/*/*.c $(SRC)/*/*/*/*/*.c) ASRCS = $(wildcard $(SRC)/*.S $(SRC)/*/*.S $(SRC)/*/*/*.S $(SRC)/*/*/*/*.S $(SRC)/*/*/*/*/*.S) ifneq "$(OS)" "Windows_NT" ASRCS += $(wildcard $(SRC)/*.s $(SRC)/*/*.s $(SRC)/*/*/*.s $(SRC)/*/*/*/*.s $(SRC)/*/*/*/*/*.s) endif CPPSRCS = $(wildcard $(SRC)/*.cpp $(SRC)/*/*.cpp $(SRC)/*/*/*.cpp $(SRC)/*/*/*/*.cpp $(SRC)/*/*/*/*/*.cpp) # List of the objects files to be compiled/assembled OBJECTS = $(patsubst %.c,$(OUTDIR)/%.o,$(CSRCS)) $(patsubst %.s,$(OUTDIR)/%.o,$(patsubst %.S,$(OUTDIR)/%.o,$(ASRCS))) $(patsubst %.cpp,$(OUTDIR)/%.o,$(CPPSRCS)) # Add in the MBED customization stubs which allow hooking in the MRI debug monitor. OBJECTS += $(OUTDIR)/mbed_custom.o OBJECTS += $(OUTDIR)/configdefault.o # List of the header dependency files, one per object file. DEPFILES = $(patsubst %.o,%.d,$(OBJECTS)) # Linker script to be used. Indicates what code should be placed where in memory. LSCRIPT=$(MBED_DIR)/$(DEVICE)/GCC_ARM/$(DEVICE).ld # Location of external library and header dependencies. MBED_DIR = $(BUILD_DIR)/../mbed/drop MRI_DIR = $(BUILD_DIR)/../mri # Include path which points to external library headers and to subdirectories of this project which contain headers. SUBDIRS = $(wildcard $(SRC)/* $(SRC)/*/* $(SRC)/*/*/* $(SRC)/*/*/*/* $(SRC)/*/*/*/*/*) PROJINCS = $(sort $(dir $(SUBDIRS))) INCDIRS += $(SRC) $(PROJINCS) $(MRI_DIR) $(MBED_DIR) $(MBED_DIR)/$(DEVICE) # DEFINEs to be used when building C/C++ code DEFINES += -DTARGET_$(DEVICE) DEFINES += -DMRI_ENABLE=$(MRI_ENABLE) -DMRI_INIT_PARAMETERS='"$(MRI_INIT_PARAMETERS)"' DEFINES += -DMRI_BREAK_ON_INIT=$(MRI_BREAK_ON_INIT) -DMRI_SEMIHOST_STDIO=$(MRI_SEMIHOST_STDIO) DEFINES += -DWRITE_BUFFER_DISABLE=$(WRITE_BUFFER_DISABLE) -DSTACK_SIZE=$(STACK_SIZE) ifeq "$(OPTIMIZATION)" "0" DEFINES += -DDEBUG endif # Libraries to be linked into final binary MBED_LIBS = $(MBED_DIR)/$(DEVICE)/GCC_ARM/libmbed.a SYS_LIBS = -lstdc++_s -lsupc++_s -lm -lgcc -lc_s -lgcc -lc_s -lnosys LIBS = $(LIBS_PREFIX) ifeq "$(MRI_ENABLE)" "1" LIBS += $(MRI_DIR)/mri.ar endif LIBS += $(MBED_LIBS) LIBS += $(SYS_LIBS) LIBS += $(LIBS_SUFFIX) # Compiler flags used to enable creation of header dependencies. DEPFLAGS = -MMD -MP # Setup wraps for newlib read/writes to redirect to MRI debugger. ifeq "$(MRI_ENABLE)" "1" MRI_WRAPS=,--wrap=_read,--wrap=_write,--wrap=semihost_connected else MRI_WRAPS= endif # Setup wraps to memory allocations routines if we want to tag heap allocations. ifeq "$(HEAP_TAGS)" "1" DEFINES += -DHEAP_TAGS endif # Compiler Options GCFLAGS += -O$(OPTIMIZATION) -g3 $(DEVICE_CFLAGS) GCFLAGS += -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-exceptions -fno-delete-null-pointer-checks GCFLAGS += $(patsubst %,-I%,$(INCDIRS)) GCFLAGS += $(DEFINES) GCFLAGS += $(DEPFLAGS) GCFLAGS += -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -Wcast-align -Wpointer-arith -Wredundant-decls -Wcast-qual -Wcast-align GPFLAGS += $(GCFLAGS) -fno-rtti -std=gnu++11 AS_GCFLAGS += -g3 $(DEVICE_FLAGS) -x assembler-with-cpp AS_GCFLAGS += $(patsubst %,-I%,$(INCDIRS)) AS_FLAGS += -g3 $(DEVICE_FLAGS) # Linker Options. LDFLAGS = $(DEVICE_FLAGS) -specs=$(BUILD_DIR)/startfile.spec LDFLAGS += -Wl,-Map=$(OUTDIR)/$(PROJECT).map,--cref,--gc-sections,--wrap=_isatty,--wrap=malloc,--wrap=realloc,--wrap=free$(MRI_WRAPS) LDFLAGS += -T$(LSCRIPT) -L $(EXTERNAL_DIR)/gcc/LPC1768 ifneq "$(NO_FLOAT_SCANF)" "1" LDFLAGS += -u _scanf_float endif ifneq "$(NO_FLOAT_PRINTF)" "1" LDFLAGS += -u _printf_float endif # Compiler/Assembler/Linker Paths GCC = arm-none-eabi-gcc GPP = arm-none-eabi-g++ AS = arm-none-eabi-as LD = arm-none-eabi-g++ OBJCOPY = arm-none-eabi-objcopy OBJDUMP = arm-none-eabi-objdump SIZE = arm-none-eabi-size # Some tools are different on Windows in comparison to Unix. ifeq "$(OS)" "Windows_NT" REMOVE = del SHELL=cmd.exe REMOVE_DIR = rd /s /q MKDIR = mkdir QUIET=>nul 2>nul & exit 0 BLANK_LINE=echo - else REMOVE = rm REMOVE_DIR = rm -r -f MKDIR = mkdir -p QUIET=> /dev/null 2>&1 ; exit 0 BLANK_LINE=echo endif # Create macro which will convert / to \ on Windows. ifeq "$(OS)" "Windows_NT" define convert-slash $(subst /,\,$1) endef else define convert-slash $1 endef endif ######################################################################### .PHONY: all clean size all:: $(OUTDIR)/$(PROJECT).hex $(OUTDIR)/$(PROJECT).bin $(OUTDIR)/$(PROJECT).disasm size $(OUTDIR)/$(PROJECT).bin: $(OUTDIR)/$(PROJECT).elf @echo Extracting $@ $(Q) $(MKDIR) $(call convert-slash,$(dir $@)) $(QUIET) $(Q) $(OBJCOPY) -O binary $< $@ $(OUTDIR)/$(PROJECT).hex: $(OUTDIR)/$(PROJECT).elf @echo Extracting $@ $(Q) $(MKDIR) $(call convert-slash,$(dir $@)) $(QUIET) $(Q) $(OBJCOPY) -R .stack -O ihex $< $@ $(OUTDIR)/$(PROJECT).disasm: $(OUTDIR)/$(PROJECT).elf @echo Extracting disassembly to $@ $(Q) $(MKDIR) $(call convert-slash,$(dir $@)) $(QUIET) $(Q) $(OBJDUMP) -d -f -M reg-names-std --demangle $< >$@ $(OUTDIR)/$(PROJECT).elf: $(LSCRIPT) $(OBJECTS) @echo Linking $@ $(Q) $(MKDIR) $(call convert-slash,$(dir $@)) $(QUIET) $(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJECTS) $(LIBS) -o $@ size: $(OUTDIR)/$(PROJECT).elf $(Q) $(SIZE) $< @$(BLANK_LINE) clean: @echo Cleaning up all build generated files $(Q) $(REMOVE_DIR) $(OUTDIR) $(QUIET) -include $(DEPFILES) ######################################################################### # Default rules to compile .c and .cpp file to .o # and assemble .s files to .o $(OUTDIR)/mbed_custom.o : $(BUILD_DIR)/mbed_custom.cpp makefile @echo Compiling $< $(Q) $(MKDIR) $(call convert-slash,$(dir $@)) $(QUIET) $(Q) $(GPP) $(GPFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ $(OUTDIR)/%.o : %.cpp makefile @echo Compiling $< $(Q) $(MKDIR) $(call convert-slash,$(dir $@)) $(QUIET) $(Q) $(GPP) $(GPFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ $(OUTDIR)/%.o : %.c makefile @echo Compiling $< $(Q) $(MKDIR) $(call convert-slash,$(dir $@)) $(QUIET) $(Q) $(GCC) $(GCFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ $(OUTDIR)/%.o : %.S makefile @echo Assembling $< $(Q) $(MKDIR) $(call convert-slash,$(dir $@)) $(QUIET) $(Q) $(GCC) $(AS_GCFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ $(OUTDIR)/%.o : %.s makefile @echo Assembling $< $(Q) $(MKDIR) $(call convert-slash,$(dir $@)) $(QUIET) $(Q) $(AS) $(AS_FLAGS) -o $@ $< $(OUTDIR)/configdefault.o : config.default $(Q) $(OBJCOPY) -I binary -O elf32-littlearm -B arm --readonly-text --rename-section .data=.rodata.configdefault $< $@ #########################################################################