real_escape_string($web_first_name); $web_last_name = $petition->real_escape_string($web_last_name); $web_house_number = $petition->real_escape_string($web_house_number); $web_zip_code = $petition->real_escape_string($web_zip_code); $DOB = $petition->real_escape_string($DOB); $PHONE = $petition->real_escape_string($PHONE); }else{ header('Location: warning_incomplete.php'); } // V2 API - Remote include_once('api/maryland_voter.php'); $month = date('m',strtotime($DOB)); $day = date('d',strtotime($DOB)); $year = date('Y',strtotime($DOB)); $error = 'Based on what you entered, we were unable to find any information.'; $error2 = 'MISSING NAME'; $error3 = 'My Voter Registration Record'; $error4 = 'Your search cannot be processed at this time'; $sbe_response = md_voter_lookup($web_first_name,$web_last_name,$month,$day,$year,$web_zip_code,'',''); $pos = strpos($sbe_response, $error4); if ($pos !== false) { slack_general_admin("Voter API v2 Block: $web_first_name,$web_last_name,$month,$day,$year,$web_zip_code $error4",'md-petition-api'); }else{ $pos = strpos($sbe_response, $error); if ($pos !== false) { slack_general_admin("Voter API v2 Fail: $web_first_name,$web_last_name,$month,$day,$year,$web_zip_code $error",'md-petition-api'); } $pos = strpos($sbe_response, $error2); if ($pos !== false) { slack_general_admin("Voter API v2 Fail: $web_first_name,$web_last_name,$month,$day,$year,$web_zip_code $error2",'md-petition-api'); } $pos = strpos($sbe_response, $error3); if ($pos !== false) { slack_general_admin("Voter API v2 Success: $web_first_name,$web_last_name,$month,$day,$year,$web_zip_code $error3",'md-petition-api'); } } // v3 update to VoterList $q = "select * from VoterList2 where LASTNAME = '$web_last_name' and FIRSTNAME = '$web_first_name' and HOUSE_NUMBER = '$web_house_number' and RESIDENTIALZIP5 = '$web_zip_code'"; $r = $petition->query($q); $d = mysqli_fetch_array($r); if ($d['VTRID'] != ''){ slack_general_admin("VoterList2 Search Found",'md-petition-api'); $VoterList_table = 'VoterList2'; }else{ $q = "select * from VoterList where LASTNAME = '$web_last_name' and FIRSTNAME = '$web_first_name' and HOUSE_NUMBER = '$web_house_number' and RESIDENTIALZIP5 = '$web_zip_code'"; $r = $petition->query($q); $d = mysqli_fetch_array($r); if ($d['VTRID'] != ''){ slack_general_admin("VoterList Search Found",'md-petition-api'); $VoterList_table = 'VoterList'; }else{ slack_general_admin("VoterList and VoterList2 Search Not Found",'md-petition-api'); //slack_general('MISS: Is the information correct ('.$web_first_name.' '.$web_last_name.' '.$PHONE.') ('.$_COOKIE['invite'].')','md-petition'); setcookie("signature_status", 'notfound'); header('Location: warning_not_found.php'); die(); } } setcookie("VoterList_table", $VoterList_table); $q = "select * from $VoterList_table where LASTNAME = '$web_last_name' and FIRSTNAME = '$web_first_name' and HOUSE_NUMBER = '$web_house_number' and RESIDENTIALZIP5 = '$web_zip_code'"; $r = $petition->query($q); $d = mysqli_fetch_array($r); $VTRID = $d['VTRID']; $FIRSTNAME = $d['FIRSTNAME']; $MIDDLENAME = $d['MIDDLENAME']; if ($MIDDLENAME == ''){ slack_general_admin("WARN: Blank Middle Name Detected",'md-petition-signed'); } $LASTNAME = $d['LASTNAME']; $pos = strpos($LASTNAME, '-'); if ($pos !== false) { slack_general_admin("WARN: Hyphen in Last Name Detected",'md-petition-signed'); } $ADDRESS = $d['ADDRESS']; $RESIDENTIALCITY = $d['RESIDENTIALCITY']; $COUNTY = $d['COUNTY']; $RESIDENTIALZIP5 = $d['RESIDENTIALZIP5']; // set cookies for hard_copy.php setcookie("pCOUNTY", $COUNTY); if ($MIDDLENAME == ''){ setcookie("pNAME", "$FIRSTNAME $LASTNAME"); }else{ setcookie("pNAME", "$FIRSTNAME $MIDDLENAME $LASTNAME"); } setcookie("pADDRESS", "$ADDRESS $RESIDENTIALCITY $RESIDENTIALZIP5"); setcookie("pADDRESS1", "$ADDRESS"); setcookie("pADDRESS2", "$RESIDENTIALCITY MD $RESIDENTIALZIP5"); setcookie("pVTRID", $VTRID); setcookie("signature_status", 'verified'); slack_general('MATCH: Is the information correct ('.$FIRSTNAME.' '.$LASTNAME.' '.$RESIDENTIALCITY.') ('.$_COOKIE['invite'].')','md-petition'); $qX = "select * from website_text where id = '6'"; $rX = $petition->query($qX); $dX = mysqli_fetch_array($rX); ?>

First Name

Middle Name

Last Name

Date of Birth

Full Addresss



