query("update signatures set signature_status = 'verified' where id = '$id' "); header('Location: report.php'); } if (isset($_GET['delete'])){ $id = $_GET['delete']; $petition->query("update signatures set signature_status = 'deleted' where id = '$id' "); header('Location: report.php'); } if (isset($_GET['review'])){ $id = $_GET['review']; $petition->query("update signatures set signature_status = 'review_requested' where id = '$id' "); header('Location: report.php'); } include_once('header.php'); slack_general('ADMIN: Reports Loaded ('.$_COOKIE['name'].') ('.$_COOKIE['level'].')','md-petition'); $group_id = $_COOKIE['group_id']; $javascript=''; ?> $q"; $r = $petition->query($q); while($d = mysqli_fetch_array($r)){ $pID = $d['petition_id']; echo "
"; $chart=''; $chart2=''; $chart3=''; $q3 = "SELECT just_date FROM signatures where petition_id = '$pID' and just_date <> '0000-00-00' group by just_date"; //echo "
  • $q3
  • "; $r3 = $petition->query($q3); $total=0; $goal = $d['signature_goal']; if ($goal == 0){ $goal = 10000; } while ($d3 = mysqli_fetch_array($r3)){ $just_date = $d3['just_date']; $q2 = "SELECT * FROM signatures where petition_id = '$pID' and just_date = '$just_date' and signature_status = 'verified' "; //echo "
  • $q2
  • "; $r2 = $petition->query($q2); $count = mysqli_num_rows($r2); $chart .= '{ label: "'.$just_date.'", y: '.intval($count).' }, '; $total = $total + intval($count); $chart2 .= '{ label: "'.$just_date.'", y: '.intval($total).' }, '; $goal = $goal - intval($count); $chart3 .= '{ label: "'.$just_date.'", y: '.intval($goal).' }, '; } $chart = rtrim(trim($chart), ","); $chart2 = rtrim(trim($chart2), ","); $chart3 = rtrim(trim($chart3), ","); ob_start(); ?> var chart = new CanvasJS.Chart("chartContainer", { theme:"light2", animationEnabled: true, exportEnabled: true, title:{ text: " MD-Petition.com Signature Tracker" }, axisY :{ includeZero: false, title: "Number of Signatures", suffix: "", scaleBreaks: { autoCalculate: true } }, toolTip: { shared: "true" }, legend:{ cursor:"pointer", itemclick : toggleDataSeries }, data: [{ type: "line", visible: true, showInLegend: true, yValueFormatString: "#####", name: "Total Signatures Count", dataPoints: [ ] },{ type: "line", visible: true, showInLegend: true, yValueFormatString: "#####", name: "Signatures Remaining to Goal", dataPoints: [ ] },{ type: "column", visible: true, showInLegend: true, yValueFormatString: "#####", name: "New Daily Signatures", dataPoints: [ ] }] } ); chart.render();
    query($q); while($d = mysqli_fetch_array($r)){ echo "
    $d[petition_name] - Unprinted Check All Uncheck All "; echo ""; unset($hide); $hide = array(); $pID = $d['petition_id']; $q2="SELECT * FROM signatures where petition_id = '$pID' and printed_status = '' and signature_status = 'verified' order by signature_status, id desc"; $r2 = $petition->query($q2); while($d2 = mysqli_fetch_array($r2)){ if ($d2['signature_status'] == 'verified'){ echo ""; }else{ echo ""; } } echo '
    $d2[ip_address]$d2[date_time_signed]$d2[signed_name_as]$d2[signed_name_as_circulator]$d2[contact_phone]$d2[signature_status]-Flag for Review$d2[printed_status]
    Override or Delete$d2[ip_address]$d2[date_time_signed]$d2[signed_name_as]$d2[signed_name_as_circulator]$d2[contact_phone]$d2[signature_status]$d2[printed_status]
    '; } ?>
    query($q); while($d = mysqli_fetch_array($r)){ echo "
    $d[petition_name] - Flagged for Deletion or Override Check All Uncheck All "; echo ""; unset($hide); $hide = array(); $pID = $d['petition_id']; $q2="SELECT * FROM signatures where petition_id = '$pID' and printed_status = '' and signature_status <> 'deleted' and signature_status <> 'verified' order by signature_status, id desc"; $r2 = $petition->query($q2); while($d2 = mysqli_fetch_array($r2)){ if ($d2['signature_status'] == 'verified'){ echo ""; }else{ echo ""; } } echo '
    $d2[ip_address]$d2[date_time_signed]$d2[signed_name_as]$d2[signed_name_as_circulator]$d2[contact_phone]$d2[signature_status]-Flag for Review$d2[printed_status]
    Override or Delete$d2[ip_address]$d2[date_time_signed]$d2[signed_name_as]$d2[signed_name_as_circulator]$d2[contact_phone]$d2[signature_status]$d2[printed_status]
    '; } ?>
    query($q); while($d = mysqli_fetch_array($r)){ echo "
    $d[petition_name] - Printed Check All Uncheck All "; echo ""; unset($hide); $hide = array(); $pID = $d['petition_id']; $q2="SELECT * FROM signatures where petition_id = '$pID' and printed_status <> '' and signature_status <> 'deleted' order by signature_status, id desc"; $r2 = $petition->query($q2); while($d2 = mysqli_fetch_array($r2)){ if ($d2['signature_status'] == 'verified'){ echo ""; }else{ echo ""; } } echo '
    $d2[ip_address]$d2[date_time_signed]$d2[signed_name_as]$d2[signed_name_as_circulator]$d2[contact_phone]$d2[signature_status]-Flag for Review$d2[printed_status]
    Override or Delete$d2[ip_address]$d2[date_time_signed]$d2[signed_name_as]$d2[signed_name_as_circulator]$d2[contact_phone]$d2[signature_status]$d2[printed_status]
    '; } ?>