query($q); $d = mysqli_fetch_array($r); $DOB = $d['date_of_birth']; $SIGNED = $d['date_time_signed']; $PETITION_ID = $d['petition_id']; $signed_name_as = $d['signed_name_as']; if ($_COOKIE['pVTRID'] != $d['VTRID']){ die('Error #294'); } $q2 = "select * from VoterList where VTRID = '$d[VTRID]' "; $r2 = $petition->query($q2); $d2 = mysqli_fetch_array($r2); $FIRSTNAME = $d2['FIRSTNAME']; $MIDDLENAME = $d2['MIDDLENAME']; $LASTNAME = $d2['LASTNAME']; $ADDRESS = $d2['ADDRESS']; $RESIDENTIALCITY = $d2['RESIDENTIALCITY']; $COUNTY = $d2['COUNTY']; $RESIDENTIALZIP5 = $d2['RESIDENTIALZIP5']; $full_name = "$FIRSTNAME $MIDDLENAME $LASTNAME"; $address = "$ADDRESS $RESIDENTIALCITY $RESIDENTIALZIP5"; // imagettftext ( resource $image , float $size , float $angle , int $x , int $y , int $color , string $fontfile , string $text ) // x how far from left // y how far from top //Set the Content Type header('Content-type: image/jpeg'); // Create Image From Existing File -- going to have to make this a reqired size??? 2550x3300 $jpg_image = imagecreatefromjpeg('files/Green-Party-petition-1-page-001.jpg'); // Allocate A Color For The Text $black = imagecolorallocate($jpg_image, 0, 0, 0); // Set Path to Font File $font_path = 'files/coolvetica rg.ttf'; $font_path_sig = 'files/Claston Script.ttf'; if ( $COUNTY == 'Baltimore City'){ // City Checkbox imagettftext($jpg_image, 50, 0, 115, 365, $black, $font_path, 'X'); }else{ // County on Petition imagettftext($jpg_image, 50, 0, 220, 260, $black, $font_path, str_replace('County','',$COUNTY) ); } // name imagettftext($jpg_image, 50, 0, 350, 1070, $black, $font_path, $full_name); // signed imagettftext($jpg_image, 60, 0, 400, 1180, $black, $font_path_sig, $signed_name_as); // address imagettftext($jpg_image, 50, 0, 400, 1300, $black, $font_path, $address); // date of birth imagettftext($jpg_image, 50, 0, 1900, 1070, $black, $font_path, date('m d Y',strtotime($DOB))); // date signed imagettftext($jpg_image, 50, 0, 1900, 1200, $black, $font_path, date('m d Y',strtotime($SIGNED))); // Send Image to Browser imagejpeg($jpg_image); // Clear Memory imagedestroy($jpg_image); ?>