// quick hack to test ooze with ninjaflex // lots of small towerslike in the make magazine tests are doomed with // ninjaflex, so just use four larger towers tower_base_d = 10; tower_top_d = 2; tower_height = 20; tower_spacing = 15; base_height = 0.8; base_extra_d = 0; $fn = 4; module tower () { cylinder (d1=tower_base_d, d2=tower_top_d, h=tower_height); } module towers () { spacing = tower_spacing + tower_base_d; for (x = [0, spacing], y = [0, spacing]) { translate ([x, y, 0]) tower (); } translate ([spacing/2, spacing/2, 0]) tower (); } difference () { linear_extrude (height = base_height) offset (r = base_extra_d/2, chamfer=true) hull () projection () towers (); translate ([0, 0, 0]) cylinder (d=tower_base_d/2, h=base_height/2); } translate ([0, 0, base_height]) towers ();