// Power Supply Cover // Copyright (c) 2014 "gregington" // CC BY-SA 3.0, http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:216951 // Customized by Clinton Ebadi for the // SE-600 power supply. Copyright (c) 2016. // TODO: // - powerSocket, powerSwitch, screwHoles, ... might be cleaner if // placement were done separately. Should be possible to add // modules for placing parts (lying flat, centered on the origin) // on each surface of the psu cover, fine tuning positions using // translate(). // // - add powerpole mount option // new todo: - recheck dimensions -- screw holes are fixed offset from // cover_depth... cover_depth needs to be rechecked/recalculated as // wall + clearance needed for power socket + screw y offset // or: optimal case depth is buffer + screw hole distance from edge of // case + whatever space is needed inside the case + back wall // thickness // case depth = back wall thickness + cavity size + mounting hole offset + extra behind mounting hole // cavity size is usually just enough for the plug or terminals + some extra WALL = 2; PSU_CLEARANCE = 1; PSU_WIDTH = 127 + PSU_CLEARANCE; PSU_HEIGHT = 63.5 + PSU_CLEARANCE; PSU_DEPTH = 200; COVER_WIDTH = PSU_WIDTH + (2 * WALL); COVER_HEIGHT = PSU_HEIGHT + (2 * WALL); //COVER_DEPTH = 11 + 60 + WALL; COVER_DEPTH = 11 + 6 + 2*(25.4+2) + WALL; // ac //COVER_DEPTH = 11 + 5 + 25 + WALL; // dc //COVER_SUPPORT_WIDTH = 20; // ?? VENT_HEIGHT = PSU_HEIGHT - PSU_CLEARANCE - WALL - 1; VENT_WIDTH = 2; VENT_DISTANCE = 5; // was 4 CABLE_SLOT_WIDTH = 18; CABLE_SLOT_HEIGHT = 50; CABLE_SLOT_Y_OFFSET = 40; //CABLE_SLOT_VENT_DISTANCE = 2; // ??? POWER_SOCKET_OFFSET = WALL*2 + 43/2; POWER_SWITCH_OFFSET = 20; SCREW_HOLE_HEIGHT = 12; SCREW_HOLE_WIDTH = 3; SCREW_HOLE_Z_OFFSET = 30; // offset from top of PSU SCREW_HOLE_GAP = 20; // distance between screw holes SCREW_HOLE_Y_OFFSET = COVER_DEPTH - 6; // offset from back of case module cover() { difference() { minkowski () { cube([COVER_WIDTH, COVER_DEPTH, COVER_HEIGHT]); // sphere (d=1); } translate([WALL, WALL, WALL]) { # cube([PSU_WIDTH, PSU_DEPTH, PSU_HEIGHT]); } } } module vents(offset = 0, limit = COVER_WIDTH - WALL) { for (x = [ WALL + VENT_DISTANCE + offset : VENT_DISTANCE : limit ]) { translate([x, WALL, (COVER_HEIGHT - VENT_HEIGHT) / 2]) { rotate([0, -90, 90]) { slot(VENT_WIDTH, VENT_HEIGHT, 2 * WALL); } } } } module slot(width, height, depth, center = false) { translate([width / 2, 0, 0]) { union() { cube([height - width, width, depth]); translate([0, width / 2, 0]) { cylinder(h = depth, r = width / 2); } translate([height - width, width / 2, 0]) { cylinder(h = depth, r = width / 2); } } } } module cslot(width, height, depth) { translate ([-height/2, -width/2, -depth/2]) slot (width, height, depth); } // defaults for https://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/1-1609112-2/CCM1916-ND/2292077 //module powerSocket(width = 27, height = 38, screw_distance = 35, side=0) { module powerSocket(width = 1.06*25.4, height = 1.56*25.4, screw_distance = 1.42*25.4, side=0) { translate([WALL*(side ? 2 : 1) + 2 + (side ? PSU_WIDTH : 0), POWER_SOCKET_OFFSET, (COVER_HEIGHT/2+height)/2]) { rotate([0, 90, 0]) { translate([0,screw_distance/2,-5]) { rotate ([0, 0, 90]) cslot (3, 5, 22); } translate([0,-screw_distance/2,-5]) { rotate ([0, 0, 90]) cslot (3, 5, 22); } translate([0,0,-5.5 - 1.5]) minkowski() { cube([height-8,width-8,11], center=true); cylinder(r=4,h=0.1); } } } } module powerSwitch() { translate([COVER_WIDTH / 2, POWER_SWITCH_OFFSET, COVER_HEIGHT + 2]) { rotate([0, 0, -90]) { cube([14.8,20.8,2], center=true); translate([0,0,-7-1]) cube([13,19.8,14], center=true); } } } module cableSlot() { translate([(PSU_WIDTH - CABLE_SLOT_HEIGHT) / 2, WALL, (COVER_HEIGHT - VENT_HEIGHT) / 2]) { rotate([90, 0, 0]) { slot(CABLE_SLOT_WIDTH, CABLE_SLOT_HEIGHT, WALL * 2); } } } module cableSlotOutline() { border = 4; translate([(PSU_WIDTH - CABLE_SLOT_HEIGHT - border) / 2, WALL, (COVER_HEIGHT - VENT_HEIGHT - border) / 2]) { rotate([90, 0, 0]) { slot(CABLE_SLOT_WIDTH + border, CABLE_SLOT_HEIGHT + border, WALL * 2); } } } module screwHoles() { translate ([-2.5, SCREW_HOLE_Y_OFFSET + WALL - SCREW_HOLE_HEIGHT, -SCREW_HOLE_WIDTH/2 + WALL + + PSU_CLEARANCE/2 + SCREW_HOLE_Z_OFFSET]) { rotate([90, 0, 90]) { #slot(SCREW_HOLE_WIDTH, SCREW_HOLE_HEIGHT, COVER_WIDTH + 5); translate ([0, SCREW_HOLE_GAP, 0]) slot(SCREW_HOLE_WIDTH, SCREW_HOLE_HEIGHT, COVER_WIDTH + 5); } } } module ac_cover () { translate([0, COVER_HEIGHT, 0]) rotate([90, 0, 0]) { difference() { cover(); vents(offset = PSU_WIDTH/2 ); powerSocket(side=1); screwHoles(); } } } module dc_cover () { translate([0, COVER_HEIGHT, 0]) rotate([90, 0, 0]) { difference() { cover(); difference () { vents(limit = PSU_WIDTH); cableSlotOutline(); } cableSlot(); screwHoles(); } } } $fs = 0.5; intersection () { // translate ([115, -10, -1]) #cube ([50, 100, 100]); ac_cover (); } //translate ([200,0,0]) dc_cover (); // power socket mockups /* difference () { */ /* cube ([5,45,50]); */ /* #translate ([0, 0, -10]) powerSocket (); */ /* } */ /* translate ([100, 0, 0]) */ /* difference () { */ /* cube ([5, 40,50]); */ /* translate ([0, -30, -20]) #screwHoles(); */ /* } */