pacman-ghost: remove sacrificial support layer
[clinton/3d-models.git] / pacman-ghost / pacman-ghost.scad
1 //
2 // Pacman Ghost
3 // ------------
4 //
5 // Created by Joao Alves (
6 // Tea Light added by Clinton Ebadi <>
7 // Pac Guy model by Fry Hyde (
8 // ------------------------------------------
9 //
10 // Parameters:
12 // Figure diameter
13 ghost_diameter = 50; // [25:5:100]
14 pacguy_diameter = ghost_diameter * 1.5;
16 height = ghost_diameter*0.65;
17 // Add keychain
18 key_chain = 0; // [1:On, 0:Off]
19 // Add LED hole
20 led_hole = 0; // [0:Off, 5:5mm, 8:8mm, 10:10mm]
21 // Add tea light holder
22 tea_light = true;
24 // Render Ghost
25 ghost = true;
26 // Render Pac Guy
27 pacguy = true;
29 // Detail
30 $fa=4; // [20:Low Res, 10:Normal Res, 4:Hi Res]
32 /* [Hidden] */
33 $fs=0.1;
35 module ghost() {
36 difference () {
37 union() {
38 cylinder(d = ghost_diameter, h = height);
39 translate([0, 0, height]) sphere(d = ghost_diameter);
40 if (key_chain == 1) {
41 translate([0, 0, height+ghost_diameter/2])
42 rotate([0, 90, 0])
43 rotate_extrude()
44 translate([4, 0, 0])
45 circle(r = 1.5);
46 }
47 }
48 translate([ghost_diameter/2, -ghost_diameter/4, height])
49 sphere(d = ghost_diameter/3.5);
50 translate([ghost_diameter/2, ghost_diameter/4, height])
51 sphere(d = ghost_diameter/3.5);
52 translate([0, 0, -0.1])
53 for(a = [0:11]) {
54 rotate([a/12*360,-90,0])
55 scale([1.5,1,1])
56 translate([0,0,ghost_diameter/12.5])
57 cylinder(ghost_diameter, 0,ghost_diameter/25*6.5, $fn=4);
58 }
59 }
60 }
62 module led_hole (led_d = led_hole, led_h = 0) {
63 // led_h==0 auto-sets height, openscad can't reference other
64 // arguments so this abomination arises
65 led_h = led_h ? led_h : height - (led_d+2);
67 union() {
68 cylinder(d = led_d+2, h = led_h);
69 translate([0, 0, led_h]) sphere(d = led_d+2);
70 }
71 }
73 module tea_light_base () {
74 base_diameter = 30;
75 base_height = 16.2;
76 bulb_ghost_diameter = 9;
78 difference () {
79 union () {
80 cylinder (d = base_diameter + 1, h = base_height + 1);
81 led_hole (led_d = bulb_ghost_diameter, led_h = base_height+8);
82 }
83 }
85 }
87 module pacguy () {
88 // original model ghost_diameter is 30.464mm, scale to 1mm and then to
89 // final ghost_diameter. z is slightly smaller due to bottom being cut
90 // flat.
91 s = 1 / 30.464 * pacguy_diameter;
92 scale ([s, s, s]) translate ([0, 0, 28.742 / 2]) import ("PacGuy.stl", convexity=10);
93 }
95 module subtract_led () {
96 difference () {
97 children ();
98 if (led_hole > 0) led_hole ();
99 if (tea_light) tea_light_base ();
100 }
101 }
102 if (ghost) {
103 subtract_led () {
104 rotate ([0, 0, -90]) ghost ();
105 }
106 }
108 if (pacguy) {
109 translate ([ ghost ? (ghost_diameter + pacguy_diameter) / 2 + 10 : 0, 0, 0]) subtract_led () {
110 pacguy ();
111 }
112 }