<% val you = Init.getUser(); val bal = Balance.lookupBalance (#bal you); val deposit = Balance.depositAmount (#id bal); @header [] %> <% @payment [] %>

Your recent account activity

<% foreach (amount, trn) in Money.listUserTransactionsLimit (Init.getUserId (), 5) do %> <% end %>
Date Description Amount
<% #d trn %> <% Web.html (#descr trn) %> <% amount %>/<% #amount trn %>
Balance: $<% Util.sub (#amount bal, deposit) %>
Deposit: $<% deposit %> (3 months of dues at your current pledge level) <% val polls = Poll.listCurrentPolls (); switch polls of _::_ => %>

Current polls

<% foreach pol in polls do %>
  • <% Web.html (#title pol) %> <% if Poll.takingVotes pol then %>[VOTE]<% end %> (<% Web.html (#starts pol) %> to <% Web.html (#ends pol) %>)
  • <% end end %> <% val issues = Support.listOpenIssues (#id you); switch issues of _::_ => %>

    Open support issues

    <% foreach (name, issue) in issues do %> <% name %>: <% Web.html (#title issue) %> <% switch #status issue of Support.NEW => %>(New)<% | Support.PENDING => %>(Pending)<% | Support.CLOSED => %>(Closed)<% end %>
    <% end end; @footer [] %>