<% @header [("title", ["SSL certificate signing requests"])]; val admin = Group.inGroupName "server"; if $"new" <> "" then val req = $"req"; val key = $"key"; val days = Web.stoi ($"days"); val domain = $"domain"; val msg = $"msg"; if req = "" then %>

Please fill in a path to a certificate request.

<% elseif key = "" then %>

Please fill in a path to a key.

<% elseif days <= 0 then %>

Please give a positive number of days for the certificate to live.

<% elseif not (ChooseDomain.yourDomain {user = Init.getUserName (), domain = domain}) then %>

You don't have permissions on domain <% Web.html domain %>.

<% else %>Are you sure you want to ask for permissions on an SSL certificate
  • with request <% Web.html req %>,
  • with key <% Web.html key %>,
  • for domain <% domain %>,
  • lasting <% days %> days?
  • Yes, I want to request that.<% end elseif $"cmd" = "request" then val req = $"req"; val key = $"key"; val days = Web.stoi ($"days"); val domain = $"domain"; val msg = $"msg"; if req = "" then %>

    Please fill in a path to a certificate request.

    <% elseif key = "" then %>

    Please fill in a path to a key.

    <% elseif days <= 0 then %>

    Please give a positive number of days for the certificate to live.

    <% elseif not (ChooseDomain.yourDomain {user = Init.getUserName (), domain = domain}) then %>

    You don't have permissions on domain <% Web.html domain %>.

    <% else val gen = req; val text = "/afs/hcoop.net/common/etc/scripts/ca-sign " ^ Int.toString days ^ " " ^ req ^ " " ^ key ^ " " ^ gen ^ " " ^ domain; val id = Sign.add (Init.getUserId (), text, msg); if not (Sign.notifyNew id) then %>

    Error sending e-mail notification

    <% end %>

    Request added

    <% end elseif $"cmd" = "open" then %>

    Open requests

    List all requests<% foreach (name, req) in Sign.listOpen () do %>

    By: <% name %>
    Time: <% #stamp req %> (<% Util.diffFromNow (#stamp req) %> ago)
    Request: <% #data req %>
    Reason: <% Web.html (#msg req) %>
    <% if admin then %>
    [Modify] [Delete]
    <% end %> <% end elseif $"cmd" = "list" then %>

    All requests

    <% foreach (name, req) in Sign.list () do %>

    By: <% name %>
    Time: <% #stamp req %> (<% Util.diffFromNow (#stamp req) %> ago)
    Request: <% #data req %>
    Reason: <% Web.html (#msg req) %>
    <% if admin then %>
    [Modify] [Delete] <% end %> <% end elseif $"mod" <> "" then Group.requireGroupName "server"; val id = Web.stoi ($"mod"); val req = Sign.lookup id; val user = Init.lookupUser (#usr req) %>

    Handle request

    Requestor: <% #name user %>
    Time: <% #stamp req %> (<% Util.diffFromNow (#stamp req) %> ago)
    <% elseif $"save" <> "" then Group.requireGroupName "server"; val id = Web.stoi ($"save"); val req = Sign.lookup id; val oldStatus = #status req; val newStatus = Sign.statusFromInt (Web.stoi ($"status")); Sign.modify {req with data = $"req", msg = $"msg", status = newStatus}; if not (Sign.notifyMod (oldStatus, newStatus, Init.getUserName(), id)) then %>

    Error sending e-mail notification

    <% end %>

    Request modified

    Back to: open requests, all requests <% elseif $"del" <> "" then Group.requireGroupName "server"; val id = Web.stoi ($"del"); val req = Sign.lookup id; val user = Init.lookupUser (#usr req) %>

    Are you sure you want to delete request by <% #name user %> for <% #data req %>?

    Yes, I'm sure! <% elseif $"del2" <> "" then Group.requireGroupName "server"; val id = Web.stoi ($"del2"); Sign.delete id %>

    Request deleted

    Back to: open requests, all requests <% else %>

    Request SSL certificate signing

    Use this form to request that we sign an an SSL certificate with our certificate authority. Give the location of your certificate request (.csr file) and key (.key file) within /afs/hcoop.net.

    The instructions on our wiki for creating SSL certificates may be helpful.

    Domain: <% @chooseDomain[] %>
    OpenSSL request file:
    OpenSSL key file:
    Certificate lifetime, in days:
    Additional comments:
    <% end %> <% @footer[] %>