structure Quotas :> QUOTAS = struct fun getQuotas uname = let val proc = Unix.execute ("/bin/sh", ["-c", "/usr/bin/vos listvol -long deleuze"]) val inf = Unix.textInstreamOf proc fun eatUntilBlankLine () = case TextIO.inputLine inf of NONE => () | SOME "\n" => () | SOME _ => eatUntilBlankLine () val suffix = "." ^ uname fun loop acc = case TextIO.inputLine inf of NONE => acc | SOME line => case String.tokens Char.isSpace line of [vol, _, _, kbs, _, _] => if String.isSuffix suffix vol then let val _ = TextIO.inputLine inf val _ = TextIO.inputLine inf in case TextIO.inputLine inf of NONE => loop acc | SOME line => let val quota = case String.tokens Char.isSpace line of [_, quota, _] => quota | _ => raise Fail "Bad quota string" in eatUntilBlankLine (); loop ({vol = vol, used = valOf (Int.fromString kbs), quota = valOf (Int.fromString quota)} :: acc) end end else (eatUntilBlankLine (); loop acc) | _ => loop acc val _ = TextIO.inputLine inf in loop [] before ignore (Unix.reap proc) end fun goofy s = if size s < 2 then raise Fail "Username too short" else String.concat [String.substring (s, 0, 1), "/", String.substring (s, 0, 2), "/", s] fun splitVol vol = let val (befor, after) = Substring.splitl (fn ch => ch <> #".") (Substring.full vol) in (Substring.string befor, Substring.string (Substring.slice (after, 1, NONE))) end fun path vol = let val (kind, uname) = splitVol vol in case kind of "user" => "/afs/" ^ goofy uname | "db" => "/afs/" ^ goofy uname | "mail" => "/afs/" ^ goofy uname ^ "/Maildir" | _ => raise Fail ("Don't know how to find mount point for volume " ^ vol) end end