<% @header [("title", ["MoneyMatters"])]; val root = Group.inGroupNum 0; ref showNormal = true; if $"hist" <> "" then showNormal := false; val id = Web.stoi ($"hist") %> <% foreach (amount, trn) in Money.listUserTransactions id do %> <% end %>
Date Description Amount
<% #d trn %> <% Web.html (#descr trn) %> <% amount %>/<% #amount trn %>
<% elseif $"cmd" = "list" then val admin = Group.inGroupName "money"; showNormal := false %>


<% foreach trn in Money.listTransactions () do %> <% switch Money.listChargesWithNames (#id trn) of [(name, cha)] => %><% | _ => %><% end; if admin then %><% end %><% end %>
Date Description Amount Last modified Participants
<% #d trn %> <% Web.html (#descr trn) %> <% #amount trn %> <% #stamp trn %><% name %>multi[Bill] [Payment] [Other] [Delete]
<% elseif $"cmd" = "primary" then val admin = Group.inGroupName "money"; showNormal := false %>

Primary Transactions

<% foreach (amt, trn) in Money.listUserTransactions (valOf (Init.userNameToId "hcoop")) do %> <% switch Money.listChargesWithNames (#id trn) of [(name, cha)] => %><% | _ => %><% end; if admin then %><% end %><% end %>
Date Description Amount Last modified Participants
<% #d trn %> <% Web.html (#descr trn) %> <% #amount trn %> <% #stamp trn %><% name %>multi[Bill] [Payment] [Other] [Delete]
<% elseif $"cmd" = "bals" then showNormal := false %>

Active Balances

<% foreach bal in Balance.listOwnedBalances () do %> <% end %>
<% #name bal %> <% #amount bal %> <% switch Balance.listBalanceUsers (#id bal) of [] => | (user :: users) => %><% Web.html (#name user) %> [History]<% foreach user in users do %>, <% Web.html (#name user) %><% end end %>
<% elseif $"cmd" = "deadbals" then showNormal := false %>

Retired Balances

<% foreach bal in Balance.listUnownedBalances () do %> <% end %>
<% #name bal %> <% #amount bal %> <% switch Balance.listBalanceUsers (#id bal) of [] => | (user :: users) => %><% Web.html (#name user) %> [History]<% foreach user in users do %>, <% Web.html (#name user) %> [History]<% end end %>
<% elseif $"cmd" = "nbals" then showNormal := false; val bals = Balance.listNegativeOwnedBalances () %>

Negative Active Balances (<% length bals %>)

<% foreach bal in bals do %> <% end %>
<% #name bal %> <% #amount bal %> <% switch Balance.listBalanceUsers (#id bal) of [] => | (user :: users) => %><% Web.html (#name user) %> [History]<% foreach user in users do %>, <% Web.html (#name user) %> [History]<% end end %>
<% elseif $"cmd" = "hosting" then Group.requireGroupName "money"; showNormal := false %>

New hosting bill

Free bandwidth cutoff (MB):
Member usage:
<% elseif $"cmd" = "hosting2" then Group.requireGroupName "money"; val id = Money.addTransaction ($"descr", Util.neg (Web.stor ($"amount")), $"d"); Money.addHostingCharges {trn = id, cutoff = 1000 * Web.stoi ($"cutoff"), cost = Web.stor ($"cost"), usage = $"usage"}; %>

Hosting transaction added.

<% elseif $"modHosting" <> "" then Group.requireGroupName "money"; showNormal := false; val id = Web.stoi ($"modHosting"); val trn = Money.lookupTransaction id %>

Modify hosting bill

Free bandwidth cutoff (MB):
Member usage:
<% elseif $"saveHosting" <> "" then Group.requireGroupName "money"; val id = Web.stoi ($"saveHosting"); val trn = Money.lookupTransaction id; Money.clearCharges id; Money.modTransaction {trn with descr = $"descr", d = $"d", amount = Util.neg (Web.stor ($"amount"))}; Money.addHostingCharges {trn = id, cutoff = 1000 * Web.stoi ($"cutoff"), cost = Web.stor ($"cost"), usage = $"usage"}; %>

Hosting transaction modified.

<% elseif $"cmd" = "bill" then Group.requireGroupName "money"; showNormal := false %>

New bill for the co-op

<% elseif $"cmd" = "bill2" then Group.requireGroupName "money"; val id = Money.addTransaction ($"descr", Util.neg (Web.stor ($"amount")), $"d"); Money.addCharge {trn = id, usr = valOf (Init.userNameToId "hcoop"), amount = Util.neg (Web.stor ($"amount"))}; Money.applyCharges id; %>

Bill added.

<% elseif $"modBill" <> "" then Group.requireGroupName "money"; showNormal := false; val id = Web.stoi ($"modBill"); val trn = Money.lookupTransaction id %>

Modify bill

<% elseif $"saveBill" <> "" then Group.requireGroupName "money"; val id = Web.stoi ($"saveBill"); val trn = Money.lookupTransaction id; Money.clearCharges id; Money.modTransaction {trn with descr = $"descr", d = $"d", amount = Util.neg (Web.stor ($"amount"))}; Money.addCharge {trn = id, usr = valOf (Init.userNameToId "hcoop"), amount = Util.neg (Web.stor ($"amount"))}; Money.applyCharges id; %>

Bill modified.

<% elseif $"cmd" = "evenForm" then Group.requireGroupName "money"; showNormal := false %>

New generic/even transaction

<% elseif $"cmd" = "pay" then Group.requireGroupName "money"; val uid = (case $"user" of "" => ~1 | s => Web.stoi s); showNormal := false %>

New member payment

Date: ">
<% elseif $"cmd" = "pay2" then Group.requireGroupName "money"; val amount = Web.stor ($"amount"); val descr = $"descr"; val descr = iff descr = "" then $"descr2" else descr; val id = Money.addTransaction (descr, amount, $"d"); Money.addCharge {trn = id, usr = Web.stoi ($"usr"), amount = amount}; Money.applyCharges id; %>

Payment transaction added.

<% elseif $"modPay" <> "" then Group.requireGroupName "money"; showNormal := false; val id = Web.stoi ($"modPay"); val trn = Money.lookupTransaction id %>

Modify member payment

<% elseif $"savePay" <> "" then Group.requireGroupName "money"; val id = Web.stoi ($"savePay"); val trn = Money.lookupTransaction id; val amount = Web.stor ($"amount"); Money.clearCharges id; Money.modTransaction {trn with descr = $"descr", d = $"d", amount = amount}; Money.addCharge {trn = id, usr = Web.stoi ($"usr"), amount = amount}; Money.applyCharges id; %>

Member payment modified.

<% elseif $"cmd" = "evenForm" then Group.requireGroupName "money"; showNormal := false %>

New generic/even transaction

<% elseif $"cmd" = "dues" then Group.requireGroupName "money"; showNormal := false %>

Monthly dues

<% elseif $"cmd" = "dues2" then Group.requireGroupName "money"; Money.billDues {descr = $"descr", base = Web.stor ($"base"), date = $"d"}; %>

Dues debits added.

<% elseif $"cmd" = "even" then Group.requireGroupName "money"; val id = Money.addTransaction ($"descr", Web.stor ($"amount"), $"d"); Money.addEvenCharges (id, map Web.stoi (Web.getMultiParam "usrs")) %>

Even transaction added.

<% elseif $"modEven" <> "" then Group.requireGroupName "money"; showNormal := false; val trn = Money.lookupTransaction (Web.stoi ($"modEven")) %>

Modify even transaction

<% elseif $"saveEven" <> "" then Group.requireGroupName "money"; val id = Web.stoi ($"saveEven"); val trn = Money.lookupTransaction id; Money.clearCharges id; Money.modTransaction {trn with descr = $"descr", d = $"d", amount = Web.stor ($"amount")}; Money.addEvenCharges (id, map Web.stoi (Web.getMultiParam "usrs")) %>

Even transaction modified

<% elseif $"del" <> "" then Group.requireGroupName "money"; showNormal := false; val trn = Money.lookupTransaction (Web.stoi ($"del")) %>

Are you sure you want to delete transaction <% Web.html (#descr trn) %>?

">Yes, delete <% Web.html (#descr trn) %>! <% elseif $"del2" <> "" then Group.requireGroupName "money"; val id = Web.stoi ($"del2"); val trn = Money.lookupTransaction id; Money.clearCharges id; Money.deleteTransaction id %>

<% Web.html (#descr trn) %> deleted!

<% elseif $"cmd" = "equalize" then Group.requireGroupName "money"; Money.equalizeBalances (); %>

Balances equalized

<% elseif $"trn" <> "" then showNormal := false; val id = Web.stoi ($"trn"); val trn = Money.lookupTransaction id %> <% ref first = true; foreach (name, cha) in Money.listChargesWithNames id do if first then first := false else %> <% end %><% end %>
TRN#: <% id %>
Description: <% Web.html (#descr trn) %>
Date: <% #d trn %>
Amount: $<% #amount trn %>
<% name %> $<% #amount cha %>
<% elseif $"cmd" = "paypal" then showNormal := false; val apps = App.searchPaypal ($"email"); val users = Init.searchPaypal ($"email"); switch apps of _ :: _ => %>

Approved applications

<% foreach appl in apps do %>

<% switch #paypal appl of SOME s => %> <% end; switch #checkout appl of SOME s => %> <% end %>
Received: <% #applied appl %>
Approved by: <% ref first = true; ref found = false; foreach (id, name) in App.votes (#id appl) do if first then first := false else %>, <% end %><% name %><% end %>
Username: <% #name appl %>
Real name: <% Web.html (#rname appl) %>
E-mail address: <% #email appl %>
PayPal: <% s %>
Google Checkout: <% s %>
Forward e-mail? <% if #forward appl then %>yes<% else %>no<% end %>
Proposed uses: <% Web.htmlNl (#uses appl) %>
Other information: <% Web.htmlNl (#other appl) %>
<% if root then %> Add this member.
<% end end end; switch users of _ :: _ => %>


<% foreach user in users do %>
  • <% #name user %> [add payment]
  • <% end end; switch (apps, users) of (nil, nil) => %>No matches.<% end elseif $"cmd" = "checkout" then showNormal := false; val apps = App.searchCheckout ($"email"); val users = Init.searchCheckout ($"email"); switch apps of _ :: _ => %>

    Approved applications

    <% foreach appl in apps do %>

    <% switch #paypal appl of SOME s => %> <% end; switch #checkout appl of SOME s => %> <% end %>
    Received: <% #applied appl %>
    Approved by: <% ref first = true; ref found = false; foreach (id, name) in App.votes (#id appl) do if first then first := false else %>, <% end %><% name %><% end %>
    Username: <% #name appl %>
    Real name: <% Web.html (#rname appl) %>
    E-mail address: <% #email appl %>
    PayPal: <% s %>
    Google Checkout: <% s %>
    Forward e-mail? <% if #forward appl then %>yes<% else %>no<% end %>
    Proposed uses: <% Web.htmlNl (#uses appl) %>
    Other information: <% Web.htmlNl (#other appl) %>
    <% if root then %> Add this member.
    <% end end end; switch users of _ :: _ => %>


    <% foreach user in users do %>
  • <% #name user %> [add payment]
  • <% end end; switch (apps, users) of (nil, nil) => %>No matches.<% end elseif $"cmd" = "delinq" then showNormal := false; val dqs = Money.delinquentPledgers () %> <% foreach dq in dqs do %> <% end %>
    Member Pledge Balance
    <% #name dq %> <% #shares dq %> $<% #balance dq %>
    Int.toString (#id dq)) dqs) %>">Lower these pledges to 1 <% elseif $"lower" <> "" then Money.resetPledges (List.map Web.stoi (String.tokens (fn ch => ch = #",") ($"lower"))) %>

    Pledges reset.

    <% elseif $"cmd" = "freezeworthy" then showNormal := false; val dqs = Money.freezeworthyPledgers () %> <% foreach dq in dqs do %> <% if #joinedThisMonth dq then %><% end %> <% end %>
    Member Balance
    <% #name dq %> $<% #balance dq %>(joined this month)
    <% elseif $"cmd" = "bootworthy" then showNormal := false; val dqs = Money.bootworthyPledgers () %> <% foreach dq in dqs do %> <% if #joinedThisMonth dq then %><% end %> <% end %>
    Member Balance
    <% #name dq %> $<% #balance dq %>(joined this month)
    <% end %> <% if showNormal then val you = Init.getUser(); val bal = Balance.lookupBalance (#bal you); val deposit = Balance.depositAmount (#id bal); val showBal = Util.sub (#amount bal, deposit) %>

    Your balance: $<% showBal %>
    Deposit: $<% deposit %> (3 months of dues at the minimal pledge level)
    Co-op balance: $<% #amount (Balance.lookupBalance (valOf (Balance.balanceNameToId "hcoop"))) %>

    <% if (iff Group.inGroupName "money" then $"lookback" = "" else $"audit" <> "") then %>

    Sum of all active balances: $<% Balance.sumOwnedBalances () %>

    <% end %> List all transactions
    List primary transactions
    List active balances
    List negative active balances
    List members who deserve account freezing
    List members who deserve to be kicked out
    List retired balances
    <% if (Group.inGroupName "money" and $"lookback" = "") or $"audit" <> "" then %> Drop pledges of delinquent members
    Switch to regular member view

    New transaction:
    Bill for the co-op
    Payment from member
    Monthly dues
    New hosting bill (old style)

    Equalize balances

    Look up a PayPal e-mail address

    Look up a Google Checkout e-mail address

    Most recent transactions

    <% foreach trn in Money.listTransactionsLimit 20 do %> <% switch Money.listChargesWithNames (#id trn) of [(name, cha)] => %><% | _ => %><% end %> <% end %>
    Date Description Amount Participants Replace Delete
    <% #d trn %> <% Web.html (#descr trn) %> <% #amount trn %><% name %>multi[Bill] [Payment] [Other] [Delete]
    <% else %> Switch to audit view
    <% val lookback = case $"lookback" of "" => 20 | "inf" => 0 | lb => Web.stoi lb; @payment [] %>

    Your recent account activity

    Show most recent transactions.
    <% ref running = showBal; val trans = iff lookback = 0 then Money.listUserTransactions (Init.getUserId ()) else Money.listUserTransactionsLimit (Init.getUserId (), lookback) %> <% foreach (amount, trn) in trans do %> <% running := Util.sub (running, amount) end %>
    Date Description Debit Credit Balance
    <% #d trn %> <% Web.html (#descr trn) %> <% if Util.lt (amount, 0.0) then %><% amount %><% end %> <% if Util.ge (amount, 0.0) then %><% amount %><% end %> <% running %>
    <% if lookback <> 0 then %> Show all transactions
    <% end %> <% end end %> <% @footer [] %>