
<% switch Web.getExn () of Fail msg => %> Fail: <% Web.htmlNl msg %> <% | OS.SysErr (name, NONE) => %> System error: <% Web.html name %> <% | OS.SysErr (name, SOME syserr) => %> System error: <% Web.html name %>: <% Web.html (OS.errorName syserr) %>: <% Web.htmlNl (OS.errorMsg syserr) %> <% | IO.Io {name, function, cause, ...} => %> IO error: <% Web.html name %> for <% Web.html function %>
Cause: <% Web.html (Init.explain cause) %>

<% Web.htmlNl (Init.tokens ()) %>

<% | Init.C.Sql msg => %> SQL: <% Web.htmlNl msg %> <% | Init.Access msg => %> Authorization error: <% Web.htmlNl msg %> <% | Web.Format s => %> Format: <% Web.htmlNl s %> <% | Init.NeedTos => %>

Our records indicate that you need to agree to our Terms of Service.

<% val ap = #app (Init.getUser ()); App.readTosBody () %>

<% val ap = App.lookupApp ap; switch #gname ap of NONE => %> Real name: <% Web.html (#rname ap) %>
<% App.readTosAgree () | SOME gname => %> Member name: <% Web.html (#rname ap) %>
Legal guardian name: <% Web.html gname %>
<% App.readTosMinorAgree () end %>

<% | ex => %> Unknown exception kind. Backtrace: <% foreach s in SMLofNJ.exnHistory ex do %>
  • <% Web.html s %>
  • <% end end %>