<% @header [("title", ["Apply for membership"])] %> <% if $"cmd" = "app" then val name = $"name"; val rname = $"rname"; val email = $"email"; val forward = $"forward" <> "on"; val uses = $"uses"; val other = $"other"; if name = "" then %>

Please enter a username

<% elseif rname = "" then %>

Please enter your name

<% elseif email = "" then %>

Please enter your contact e-mail address

<% elseif uses = "" then %>

Please enter your proposed uses

<% elseif not (App.validUser name) then %>

Invalid requested username

<% elseif App.userExists name then %>

That username is already in use.

<% elseif not (App.validEmail email) then %>

Invalid e-mail address

<% elseif not (App.apply { name = name, rname = rname, email = email, forward = forward, uses = uses, other = other }) then %>

Error sending confirmation e-mail

<% else %>

Application recorded

Check your e-mail for a message with further instructions.<% end else %>
Desired username:
You should follow usual UNIX conventions, and it's helpful to pick a name you wouldn't mind using to identify yourself to strangers.
Your "real" name:
Contact e-mail address
Check this box if you would like to use hcoop as your primary e-mail provider.
If you don't select this option and you are approved to join, e-mail to your account will be forwarded to the address you provide here.
You can change this option later, but we'll probably have helpul things to e-mail you as soon as you join. It's important that we be able to reach members reliably, so please don't decide to use us as your primary e-mail provider unless you can commit to checking your hcoop mailbox just as often as any other personal accounts you have.
How do you plan to use a hcoop membership?
Any other information about yourself
<% end %> <% @footer[] %>