Un-hard code some things
[bpt/mlt.git] / src / compiler.sml
1 (*
2 * Dynamic web page generation with Standard ML
3 * Copyright (C) 2003 Adam Chlipala
4 *
5 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
7 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
8 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
9 *
10 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
14 *
15 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
16 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
17 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
18 *)
20 (* Template compiler interface *)
22 structure Compiler :> COMPILER =
23 struct
24 open Settings
26 exception Error
28 val cgiMode = Posix.FileSys.S.flags [Posix.FileSys.S.irwxu,
29 Posix.FileSys.S.iroth,
30 Posix.FileSys.S.ixoth]
32 val consumer = {consumer = TextIO.print,
33 flush = fn () => TextIO.flushOut TextIO.stdOut,
34 linewidth = 80}
36 fun getFname path =
37 let
38 fun look i =
39 if i < 0 then
40 path
41 else if String.sub (path, i) = #"/" then
42 String.extract (path, i+1, NONE)
43 else
44 look (i-1)
45 in
46 look (size path - 1)
47 end
49 fun removeExt path =
50 let
51 val len = size path
53 fun look i =
54 if i >= len then
55 path
56 else if String.sub (path, i) = #"." then
57 String.substring (path, 0, i)
58 else
59 look (i+1)
60 in
61 look 0
62 end
64 fun getExt path =
65 let
66 val len = size path
68 fun look i =
69 if i >= len then
70 path
71 else if String.sub (path, i) = #"." then
72 String.extract (path, i+1, NONE)
73 else
74 look (i+1)
75 in
76 look 0
77 end
79 val upperOffset = ord #"A" - ord #"a"
80 fun toUpper ch =
81 if Char.isLower ch then
82 chr (ord ch + upperOffset)
83 else
84 ch
86 fun makeName name =
87 let
88 val name =
89 if size name >= 1 then
90 str (toUpper (String.sub (name, 0))) ^ String.extract (name, 1, NONE)
91 else
92 raise Error
93 val name = name ^ "_"
94 in
95 name
96 end
98 fun compileTemplate (config, env, templates) path =
99 let
100 val fname = getFname path
101 val name = removeExt fname
102 val name = makeName name
103 in
104 (name, Mlt.trans (config, env, templates, name, Parse.parse path))
105 end
107 fun compileDirectory config =
108 let
109 val path = Config.inPath config
110 val outPath = Config.outPath config
111 val sml = Config.sml config
113 val dir = Posix.FileSys.opendir path
115 fun loop (smls, mlts) =
116 (case Posix.FileSys.readdir dir of
117 NONE => (smls, mlts)
118 | SOME fname =>
119 (case getExt fname of
120 "mlt" => loop (smls, (path ^ "/" ^ fname) :: mlts)
121 | ("sml"|"sig") =>
122 let
123 val fname = getFname fname
124 in
125 if String.sub (fname, 0) = #"_" then
126 loop (smls, mlts)
127 else
128 loop ((path ^ "/" ^ fname) :: smls, mlts)
129 end
130 | _ => loop (smls, mlts)))
132 val (smls, mlts) = loop ([], [])
134 val outf = TextIO.openOut (outPath ^ "/libs.cm")
135 val printNames = app (fn name => TextIO.output (outf, "\t" ^ name ^ "\n"))
136 val _ = TextIO.output (outf, "Group is\n\t");
137 val _ = TextIO.output (outf, Config.lib config)
138 val _ = TextIO.output (outf, "\n")
139 val _ = TextIO.output (outf, "\n\t(* Extra libraries and such *)\n\n")
140 val _ = printNames (Config.cm config)
141 val _ = TextIO.output (outf, "\n\t(* Project SML sources *)\n\n")
142 val _ = printNames smls
143 val _ = TextIO.closeOut outf
145 val outf = TextIO.openOut (outPath ^ "/.build.sml")
146 val _ = TextIO.output (outf, "Control.quotation := true;\nControl.printWarnings := false;\n")
147 fun printMlts [] = ()
148 | printMlts (h::t) =
149 (TextIO.output (outf, "\"" ^ h ^ "\"");
150 List.app (fn n => TextIO.output (outf, ", \"" ^ n ^ "\"")) t)
152 val libList = foldl (fn (l, s) => s ^ "if CM.make \"" ^ l ^ "\" then () else OS.Process.exit OS.Process.failure;\n") "" (Config.cm config)
153 in
154 TextIO.output (outf, "if CM.make \"" ^ outPath ^ "/libs.cm\" then () else OS.Process.exit OS.Process.failure;\nif CM.make \"" ^ Config.compiler config ^ "\" then () else OS.Process.exit OS.Process.failure;\nif CM.make \"" ^ Config.lib config ^ "\" then () else OS.Process.exit OS.Process.failure;\n");
155 TextIO.output (outf, libList);
156 TextIO.output (outf, "Compiler.compileTemplates (Config.read \"mlt.conf\" (Config.default ())) ([");
157 printMlts mlts;
158 TextIO.output (outf, "], [");
159 printMlts smls;
160 TextIO.output (outf, "]);\n");
161 TextIO.closeOut outf;
162 OS.Process.system ("cat " ^ outPath ^ "/.build.sml | " ^ sml ^ "/sml")
163 end
165 fun compileTemplates config (mlts, smls) =
166 let
167 val err_flag = ref false
168 val _ = ErrorMsg.reset ()
170 val path = Config.inPath config
171 val outPath = Config.outPath config
172 val pubPath = Config.pubPath config
173 val sml = Config.sml config
175 val loc = Environment.staticPart (#get (EnvRef.loc ()) ())
176 val base = Environment.staticPart (#get (EnvRef.base ()) ())
177 val env = StaticEnv.atop (base, loc)
179 (*fun penv env = (print "I know about these symbols:\n";
180 StaticEnv.app (fn (sym, _) => print (Symbol.describe sym ^ "\n")) env)
182 val _ = penv base
183 val _ = penv loc*)
185 val templates = StringSet.addList (StringSet.empty, map (getFname o removeExt) mlts)
186 val _ = print "Templates: "
187 val _ = StringSet.app (fn s => print (s ^ "; ")) templates
188 val _ = print "\n"
190 fun ct (fname, (exports, outputs, scripts)) =
191 let
192 val _ = print ("Compiling " ^ fname ^ "....\n")
193 val (name, output) = compileTemplate (config, env, templates) fname
194 val _ = err_flag := (!err_flag orelse !ErrorMsg.anyErrors)
195 val scriptName = removeExt (getFname fname)
196 val outName = "__" ^ scriptName ^ ".sml"
197 val outf = TextIO.openOut (outPath ^ "/" ^ outName)
198 in
199 TextIO.output (outf, output);
200 TextIO.closeOut outf;
201 (name :: exports, outName :: outputs, (pubPath ^ "/" ^ scriptName) :: scripts)
202 end
204 val _ = print "Compiling templates....\n"
206 val (exports, outputs, scripts) = foldl ct ([], [], []) mlts
208 val outf = TextIO.openOut (outPath ^ "/_main.sml")
210 fun isTemplate x =
211 let
212 val x = makeName x
213 in
214 if List.exists (fn y => x = y) exports then
215 SOME x
216 else
217 NONE
218 end
219 fun decide NONE = "(fn () => ())"
220 | decide (SOME t) =
221 (case isTemplate t of
222 SOME t => t ^ ".exec"
223 | _ => (err_flag := true;
224 print ("Template " ^ t ^ " specified in mlt.conf does not exist!\n");
225 "(fn () => ())"))
226 val beforeT = decide (Config.beforeT config)
227 val afterT = decide (Config.afterT config)
228 val exnT = decide (Config.exnT config)
230 val _ = (TextIO.output (outf, "structure Templates :> TEMPLATES =\nstruct\n\tval beforeFn =");
231 TextIO.output (outf, beforeT);
232 TextIO.output (outf, "\n\tval afterFn = ");
233 TextIO.output (outf, afterT);
234 TextIO.output (outf, "\n\tval exnFn = ");
235 TextIO.output (outf, exnT);
236 TextIO.output (outf, "\n\n\tval templates = ["))
237 val _ = (case exports of
238 [] => ()
239 | (exp::rest) => (TextIO.output (outf, "(\"" ^ exp ^ "\", " ^ exp ^ ".exec)");
240 app (fn exp => TextIO.output (outf, ",\n\t\t(\"" ^ exp ^ "\", " ^ exp ^ ".exec)"))
241 rest))
242 val _ = TextIO.output (outf, "]\nend\n\nstructure Main = MainFn(Templates)\n")
243 val _ = TextIO.closeOut outf
245 val outf = TextIO.openOut (outPath ^ "/.build.sml")
246 val _ = TextIO.output (outf, "Control.printWarnings := false;\nprint \"Here we go\"\n;\nCM.make \"sources.cm\";\nSMLofNJ.exportFn (\"" ^ outPath ^ "/heap\", Main.main);\n")
247 val _ = TextIO.closeOut outf
249 val outf = TextIO.openOut (outPath ^ "/sources.cm")
250 val printNames = app (fn name => TextIO.output (outf, "\t" ^ name ^ "\n"))
252 fun makeScript (name, str) =
253 let
254 val outf = TextIO.openOut name
255 in
256 TextIO.output (outf, "#!/bin/sh\n\n");
257 TextIO.output (outf, sml ^ "/sml @SMLload=" ^ outPath ^ "/heap." ^ arch ^ " " ^ str ^ " $*\n");
258 TextIO.closeOut outf;
259 Posix.FileSys.chmod (name, cgiMode)
260 end
261 in
262 if !err_flag then
263 (TextIO.print "Errors compiling templates.\n";
264 OS.Process.failure)
265 else
266 (TextIO.output (outf, "(* Automatic generate web fun happyness *)\n\nLibrary\n\tstructure Main\nis\n\t(* Web library *)\n\t");
267 TextIO.output (outf, Config.lib config);
268 TextIO.output (outf, "\n\n\t(* Libraries *)\n\n");
269 printNames (Config.cm config);
270 TextIO.output (outf, "\n\t(* SML sources *)\n\n");
271 printNames smls;
272 TextIO.output (outf, "\n\t(* Templates *)\n\n");
273 printNames outputs;
274 TextIO.output (outf, "\n\t(* Driver *)\n\n\t_main.sml\n");
275 TextIO.closeOut outf;
276 if OS.Process.system ("cd " ^ outPath ^ " ; cat .build.sml | " ^ sml ^ "/sml") = OS.Process.success then
277 (ListPair.app makeScript (scripts, exports);
278 OS.Process.success)
279 else
280 OS.Process.failure)
281 end
282 end