FTP Snapshots ======================================================== Each night, we make the current Guile sources available via anonymous FTP. Please keep in mind that these sources are strictly experimental; they will usually not be well-tested, and may not even compile on some systems. They may contain interfaces which will change. They will usually not be of sufficient quality for use by people not comfortable hacking the innards of Guile. Caveat! However, we're providing them anyway for several reasons. We'd like to encourage people to get involved in developing Guile. People willing to use the bleeding edge of development can get earlier access to new, experimental features. Patches submitted relative to recent snapshots will be easier for us to evaluate and install, since the patch's original sources will be closer to what we're working with. And it allows us to start testing features earlier. Nightly snapshots of the Guile development sources are available via anonymous FTP from ftp.red-bean.com, as /pub/guile/snapshots/guile-core-snap.tar.gz. Via the web, that's: ftp://ftp.red-bean.com/pub/guile/snapshots/guile-core-snap.tar.gz For getit, that's: ftp.red-bean.com:/pub/guile/snapshots/guile-core-snap.tar.gz The snapshot FTP site is mirrored at the following location: Japan: ftp://ftp.jaist.ac.jp/pub/lang/scheme/guile To build the snapshot, you will need to have autoconf, automake, and libtool installed on your system; the recommended versions are listed in HACKING. After you have unpacked the tar file, run the command `./autogen.sh'. This builds the configure script, Makefile.in, and other derived files used by the build system.