;;; srfi-41.scm -- SRFI 41 streams ;; Copyright (c) 2007 Philip L. Bewig ;; Copyright (c) 2011, 2012, 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining ;; a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the ;; "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including ;; without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, ;; distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to ;; permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to ;; the following conditions: ;; ;; The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be ;; included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. ;; ;; THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, ;; EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES ;; OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND ;; NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS ;; BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES, OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ;; ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF, OR IN ;; CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE ;; SOFTWARE. (define-module (srfi srfi-41) #:use-module (srfi srfi-1) #:use-module (srfi srfi-8) #:use-module (srfi srfi-9) #:use-module (srfi srfi-9 gnu) #:use-module (srfi srfi-26) #:use-module (ice-9 match) #:export (stream-null stream-cons stream? stream-null? stream-pair? stream-car stream-cdr stream-lambda define-stream list->stream port->stream stream stream->list stream-append stream-concat stream-constant stream-drop stream-drop-while stream-filter stream-fold stream-for-each stream-from stream-iterate stream-length stream-let stream-map stream-match stream-of stream-range stream-ref stream-reverse stream-scan stream-take stream-take-while stream-unfold stream-unfolds stream-zip)) (cond-expand-provide (current-module) '(srfi-41)) ;;; Private supporting functions and macros. (define-syntax-rule (must pred obj func msg args ...) (let ((item obj)) (unless (pred item) (throw 'wrong-type-arg func msg (list args ...) (list item))))) (define-syntax-rule (must-not pred obj func msg args ...) (let ((item obj)) (when (pred item) (throw 'wrong-type-arg func msg (list args ...) (list item))))) (define-syntax-rule (must-every pred objs func msg args ...) (let ((flunk (remove pred objs))) (unless (null? flunk) (throw 'wrong-type-arg func msg (list args ...) flunk)))) (define-syntax-rule (first-value expr) (receive (first . _) expr first)) (define-syntax-rule (second-value expr) (receive (first second . _) expr second)) (define-syntax-rule (third-value expr) (receive (first second third . _) expr third)) (define-syntax define-syntax* (syntax-rules () ((_ (name . args) body ...) (define-syntax name (lambda* args body ...))) ((_ name syntax) (define-syntax name syntax)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; Here we include a copy of the code of srfi-45.scm (but with renamed ;; identifiers), in order to create a new promise type that's disjoint ;; from the promises created by srfi-45. Ideally this should be done ;; using a 'make-promise-type' macro that instantiates a copy of this ;; code, but a psyntax bug in Guile 2.0 prevents this from working ;; properly: . So for now, we duplicate the ;; code. ;; Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; Copyright (C) 2003 André van Tonder. All Rights Reserved. ;; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person ;; obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation ;; files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without ;; restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, ;; modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies ;; of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is ;; furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: ;; The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be ;; included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. ;; THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, ;; EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF ;; MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND ;; NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS ;; BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ;; ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN ;; CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE ;; SOFTWARE. (define-record-type stream-promise (make-stream-promise val) stream-promise? (val stream-promise-val stream-promise-val-set!)) (define-record-type stream-value (make-stream-value tag proc) stream-value? (tag stream-value-tag stream-value-tag-set!) (proc stream-value-proc stream-value-proc-set!)) (define-syntax-rule (stream-lazy exp) (make-stream-promise (make-stream-value 'lazy (lambda () exp)))) (define (stream-eager x) (make-stream-promise (make-stream-value 'eager x))) (define-syntax-rule (stream-delay exp) (stream-lazy (stream-eager exp))) (define (stream-force promise) (let ((content (stream-promise-val promise))) (case (stream-value-tag content) ((eager) (stream-value-proc content)) ((lazy) (let* ((promise* ((stream-value-proc content))) (content (stream-promise-val promise))) (if (not (eqv? (stream-value-tag content) 'eager)) (begin (stream-value-tag-set! content (stream-value-tag (stream-promise-val promise*))) (stream-value-proc-set! content (stream-value-proc (stream-promise-val promise*))) (stream-promise-val-set! promise* content))) (stream-force promise)))))) ;; ;; End of the copy of the code from srfi-45.scm ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Primitive stream functions and macros: (streams primitive) (define stream? stream-promise?) (define %stream-null (cons 'stream 'null)) (define stream-null (stream-eager %stream-null)) (define (stream-null? obj) (and (stream-promise? obj) (eqv? (stream-force obj) %stream-null))) (define-record-type stream-pare (make-stream-pare kar kdr) stream-pare? (kar stream-kar) (kdr stream-kdr)) (define (stream-pair? obj) (and (stream-promise? obj) (stream-pare? (stream-force obj)))) (define-syntax-rule (stream-cons obj strm) (stream-eager (make-stream-pare (stream-delay obj) (stream-lazy strm)))) (define (stream-car strm) (must stream? strm 'stream-car "non-stream") (let ((pare (stream-force strm))) (must stream-pare? pare 'stream-car "null stream") (stream-force (stream-kar pare)))) (define (stream-cdr strm) (must stream? strm 'stream-cdr "non-stream") (let ((pare (stream-force strm))) (must stream-pare? pare 'stream-cdr "null stream") (stream-kdr pare))) (define-syntax-rule (stream-lambda formals body0 body1 ...) (lambda formals (stream-lazy (begin body0 body1 ...)))) (define* (stream-promise-visit promise #:key on-eager on-lazy) (define content (stream-promise-val promise)) (case (stream-value-tag content) ((eager) (on-eager (stream-value-proc content))) ((lazy) (on-lazy (stream-value-proc content))))) (set-record-type-printer! stream-promise (lambda (strm port) (display "# port)) (else (write-char #\space port) (stream-promise-visit (stream-kar pare) #:on-eager (cut write <> port) #:on-lazy (lambda (_) (write-char #\? port))) (loop (stream-kdr pare))))) #:on-lazy (lambda (_) (display " ...>" port)))))) ;;; Derived stream functions and macros: (streams derived) (define-syntax-rule (define-stream (name . formal) body0 body1 ...) (define name (stream-lambda formal body0 body1 ...))) (define-syntax-rule (stream-let tag ((name val) ...) body1 body2 ...) ((letrec ((tag (stream-lambda (name ...) body1 body2 ...))) tag) val ...)) (define (list->stream objs) (define (list? x) (or (proper-list? x) (circular-list? x))) (must list? objs 'list->stream "non-list argument") (stream-let recur ((objs objs)) (if (null? objs) stream-null (stream-cons (car objs) (recur (cdr objs)))))) (define* (port->stream #:optional (port (current-input-port))) (must input-port? port 'port->stream "non-input-port argument") (stream-let recur () (let ((c (read-char port))) (if (eof-object? c) stream-null (stream-cons c (recur)))))) (define-syntax stream (syntax-rules () ((_) stream-null) ((_ x y ...) (stream-cons x (stream y ...))))) ;; Common helper for the various eager-folding functions, such as ;; stream-fold, stream-drop, stream->list, stream-length, etc. (define-inlinable (stream-fold-aux proc base strm limit) (do ((val base (and proc (proc val (stream-car strm)))) (strm strm (stream-cdr strm)) (limit limit (and limit (1- limit)))) ((or (and limit (zero? limit)) (stream-null? strm)) (values val strm limit)))) (define stream->list (case-lambda ((strm) (stream->list #f strm)) ((n strm) (must stream? strm 'stream->list "non-stream argument") (when n (must integer? n 'stream->list "non-integer count") (must exact? n 'stream->list "inexact count") (must-not negative? n 'stream->list "negative count")) (reverse! (first-value (stream-fold-aux xcons '() strm n)))))) (define (stream-append . strms) (must-every stream? strms 'stream-append "non-stream argument") (stream-let recur ((strms strms)) (if (null? strms) stream-null (let ((strm (car strms))) (if (stream-null? strm) (recur (cdr strms)) (stream-cons (stream-car strm) (recur (cons (stream-cdr strm) (cdr strms))))))))) (define (stream-concat strms) (must stream? strms 'stream-concat "non-stream argument") (stream-let recur ((strms strms)) (if (stream-null? strms) stream-null (let ((strm (stream-car strms))) (must stream? strm 'stream-concat "non-stream object in input stream") (if (stream-null? strm) (recur (stream-cdr strms)) (stream-cons (stream-car strm) (recur (stream-cons (stream-cdr strm) (stream-cdr strms))))))))) (define stream-constant (case-lambda (() stream-null) (objs (list->stream (apply circular-list objs))))) (define-syntax* (stream-do x) (define (end x) (syntax-case x () (() #'(if #f #f)) ((result) #'result) ((result ...) #'(begin result ...)))) (define (var-step v s) (syntax-case s () (() v) ((e) #'e) (_ (syntax-violation 'stream-do "bad step expression" x s)))) (syntax-case x () ((_ ((var init . step) ...) (test result ...) expr ...) (with-syntax ((result (end #'(result ...))) ((step ...) (map var-step #'(var ...) #'(step ...)))) #'(stream-let loop ((var init) ...) (if test result (begin expr ... (loop step ...)))))))) (define (stream-drop n strm) (must integer? n 'stream-drop "non-integer argument") (must exact? n 'stream-drop "inexact argument") (must-not negative? n 'stream-drop "negative argument") (must stream? strm 'stream-drop "non-stream argument") (second-value (stream-fold-aux #f #f strm n))) (define (stream-drop-while pred? strm) (must procedure? pred? 'stream-drop-while "non-procedural argument") (must stream? strm 'stream-drop-while "non-stream argument") (stream-do ((strm strm (stream-cdr strm))) ((or (stream-null? strm) (not (pred? (stream-car strm)))) strm))) (define (stream-filter pred? strm) (must procedure? pred? 'stream-filter "non-procedural argument") (must stream? strm 'stream-filter "non-stream argument") (stream-let recur ((strm strm)) (cond ((stream-null? strm) stream-null) ((pred? (stream-car strm)) (stream-cons (stream-car strm) (recur (stream-cdr strm)))) (else (recur (stream-cdr strm)))))) (define (stream-fold proc base strm) (must procedure? proc 'stream-fold "non-procedural argument") (must stream? strm 'stream-fold "non-stream argument") (first-value (stream-fold-aux proc base strm #f))) (define stream-for-each (case-lambda ((proc strm) (must procedure? proc 'stream-for-each "non-procedural argument") (must stream? strm 'stream-for-each "non-stream argument") (do ((strm strm (stream-cdr strm))) ((stream-null? strm)) (proc (stream-car strm)))) ((proc strm . rest) (let ((strms (cons strm rest))) (must procedure? proc 'stream-for-each "non-procedural argument") (must-every stream? strms 'stream-for-each "non-stream argument") (do ((strms strms (map stream-cdr strms))) ((any stream-null? strms)) (apply proc (map stream-car strms))))))) (define* (stream-from first #:optional (step 1)) (must number? first 'stream-from "non-numeric starting number") (must number? step 'stream-from "non-numeric step size") (stream-let recur ((first first)) (stream-cons first (recur (+ first step))))) (define (stream-iterate proc base) (must procedure? proc 'stream-iterate "non-procedural argument") (stream-let recur ((base base)) (stream-cons base (recur (proc base))))) (define (stream-length strm) (must stream? strm 'stream-length "non-stream argument") (- -1 (third-value (stream-fold-aux #f #f strm -1)))) (define stream-map (case-lambda ((proc strm) (must procedure? proc 'stream-map "non-procedural argument") (must stream? strm 'stream-map "non-stream argument") (stream-let recur ((strm strm)) (if (stream-null? strm) stream-null (stream-cons (proc (stream-car strm)) (recur (stream-cdr strm)))))) ((proc strm . rest) (let ((strms (cons strm rest))) (must procedure? proc 'stream-map "non-procedural argument") (must-every stream? strms 'stream-map "non-stream argument") (stream-let recur ((strms strms)) (if (any stream-null? strms) stream-null (stream-cons (apply proc (map stream-car strms)) (recur (map stream-cdr strms))))))))) (define-syntax* (stream-match x) (define (make-matcher x) (syntax-case x () (() #'(? stream-null?)) (rest (identifier? #'rest) #'rest) ((var . rest) (identifier? #'var) (with-syntax ((next (make-matcher #'rest))) #'(? (negate stream-null?) (= stream-car var) (= stream-cdr next)))))) (define (make-guarded x fail) (syntax-case (list x fail) () (((expr) _) #'expr) (((guard expr) fail) #'(if guard expr (fail))))) (syntax-case x () ((_ strm-expr (pat . expr) ...) (with-syntax (((fail ...) (generate-temporaries #'(pat ...)))) (with-syntax (((matcher ...) (map make-matcher #'(pat ...))) ((expr ...) (map make-guarded #'(expr ...) #'(fail ...)))) #'(let ((strm strm-expr)) (must stream? strm 'stream-match "non-stream argument") (match strm (matcher (=> fail) expr) ...))))))) (define-syntax-rule (stream-of expr rest ...) (stream-of-aux expr stream-null rest ...)) (define-syntax stream-of-aux (syntax-rules (in is) ((_ expr base) (stream-cons expr base)) ((_ expr base (var in stream) rest ...) (stream-let recur ((strm stream)) (if (stream-null? strm) base (let ((var (stream-car strm))) (stream-of-aux expr (recur (stream-cdr strm)) rest ...))))) ((_ expr base (var is exp) rest ...) (let ((var exp)) (stream-of-aux expr base rest ...))) ((_ expr base pred? rest ...) (if pred? (stream-of-aux expr base rest ...) base)))) (define* (stream-range first past #:optional step) (must number? first 'stream-range "non-numeric starting number") (must number? past 'stream-range "non-numeric ending number") (when step (must number? step 'stream-range "non-numeric step size")) (let* ((step (or step (if (< first past) 1 -1))) (lt? (if (< 0 step) < >))) (stream-let recur ((first first)) (if (lt? first past) (stream-cons first (recur (+ first step))) stream-null)))) (define (stream-ref strm n) (must stream? strm 'stream-ref "non-stream argument") (must integer? n 'stream-ref "non-integer argument") (must exact? n 'stream-ref "inexact argument") (must-not negative? n 'stream-ref "negative argument") (let ((res (stream-drop n strm))) (must-not stream-null? res 'stream-ref "beyond end of stream") (stream-car res))) (define (stream-reverse strm) (must stream? strm 'stream-reverse "non-stream argument") (stream-do ((strm strm (stream-cdr strm)) (rev stream-null (stream-cons (stream-car strm) rev))) ((stream-null? strm) rev))) (define (stream-scan proc base strm) (must procedure? proc 'stream-scan "non-procedural argument") (must stream? strm 'stream-scan "non-stream argument") (stream-let recur ((base base) (strm strm)) (if (stream-null? strm) (stream base) (stream-cons base (recur (proc base (stream-car strm)) (stream-cdr strm)))))) (define (stream-take n strm) (must stream? strm 'stream-take "non-stream argument") (must integer? n 'stream-take "non-integer argument") (must exact? n 'stream-take "inexact argument") (must-not negative? n 'stream-take "negative argument") (stream-let recur ((n n) (strm strm)) (if (or (zero? n) (stream-null? strm)) stream-null (stream-cons (stream-car strm) (recur (1- n) (stream-cdr strm)))))) (define (stream-take-while pred? strm) (must procedure? pred? 'stream-take-while "non-procedural argument") (must stream? strm 'stream-take-while "non-stream argument") (stream-let recur ((strm strm)) (cond ((stream-null? strm) stream-null) ((pred? (stream-car strm)) (stream-cons (stream-car strm) (recur (stream-cdr strm)))) (else stream-null)))) (define (stream-unfold mapper pred? generator base) (must procedure? mapper 'stream-unfold "non-procedural mapper") (must procedure? pred? 'stream-unfold "non-procedural pred?") (must procedure? generator 'stream-unfold "non-procedural generator") (stream-let recur ((base base)) (if (pred? base) (stream-cons (mapper base) (recur (generator base))) stream-null))) (define (stream-unfolds gen seed) (define-stream (generator-stream seed) (receive (next . items) (gen seed) (stream-cons (list->vector items) (generator-stream next)))) (define-stream (make-result-stream genstrm index) (define head (vector-ref (stream-car genstrm) index)) (define-stream (tail) (make-result-stream (stream-cdr genstrm) index)) (match head (() stream-null) (#f (tail)) ((item) (stream-cons item (tail))) ((? list? items) (stream-append (list->stream items) (tail))))) (must procedure? gen 'stream-unfolds "non-procedural argument") (let ((genstrm (generator-stream seed))) (apply values (list-tabulate (vector-length (stream-car genstrm)) (cut make-result-stream genstrm <>))))) (define (stream-zip strm . rest) (let ((strms (cons strm rest))) (must-every stream? strms 'stream-zip "non-stream argument") (stream-let recur ((strms strms)) (if (any stream-null? strms) stream-null (stream-cons (map stream-car strms) (recur (map stream-cdr strms)))))))