;;; arithmetic-flonums.test --- Test suite for R6RS (rnrs arithmetic flonums) ;; Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; ;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; Lesser General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software ;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA (define-module (test-suite test-r6rs-arithmetic-flonums) :use-module ((rnrs arithmetic flonums) :version (6)) :use-module ((rnrs conditions) :version (6)) :use-module ((rnrs exceptions) :version (6)) :use-module (test-suite lib)) (define fake-pi 3.14159265) (define (reasonably-close? x y) (< (abs (- x y)) 0.0000001)) (with-test-prefix "flonum?" (pass-if "flonum? is #t on flonum" (flonum? 1.5)) (pass-if "flonum? is #f on non-flonum" (not (flonum? 3)))) (with-test-prefix "real->flonum" (pass-if "simple" (flonum? (real->flonum 3)))) (with-test-prefix "fl=?" (pass-if "fl=? is #t for eqv inputs" (fl=? 3.0 3.0 3.0)) (pass-if "fl=? is #f for non-eqv inputs" (not (fl=? 1.5 0.0 3.0))) (pass-if "+inf.0 is fl= to itself" (fl=? +inf.0 +inf.0)) (pass-if "0.0 and -0.0 are fl=" (fl=? 0.0 -0.0))) (with-test-prefix "fl?" (pass-if "fl>? is #t for monotonically > inputs" (fl>? 3.0 2.0 1.0)) (pass-if "fl>? is #f for non-monotonically > inputs" (not (fl>? 1.0 1.0 1.2)))) (with-test-prefix "fl>=?" (pass-if "fl>=? is #t for monotonically > or = inputs" (fl>=? 3.0 2.0 2.0)) (pass-if "fl>=? is #f for non-monotonically > or = inputs" (not (fl>=? 1.0 1.2 1.2)))) (with-test-prefix "flinteger?" (pass-if "flinteger? is #t on integer flomnums" (flinteger? 1.0)) (pass-if "flinteger? is #f on non-integer flonums" (not (flinteger? 1.5)))) (with-test-prefix "flzero?" (pass-if "flzero? is #t for 0.0 and -0.0" (and (flzero? 0.0) (flzero? -0.0))) (pass-if "flzero? is #f for non-zero flonums" (not (flzero? 1.0)))) (with-test-prefix "flpositive?" (pass-if "flpositive? is #t on positive flonum" (flpositive? 1.0)) (pass-if "flpositive? is #f on negative flonum" (not (flpositive? -1.0))) (pass-if "0.0 and -0.0 are not flpositive" (and (not (flpositive? 0.0)) (not (flpositive? -0.0))))) (with-test-prefix "flnegative?" (pass-if "flnegative? is #t on negative flonum" (flnegative? -1.0)) (pass-if "flnegative? is #f on positive flonum" (not (flnegative? 1.0))) (pass-if "0.0 and -0.0 are not flnegative" (and (not (flnegative? 0.0)) (not (flnegative? -0.0))))) (with-test-prefix "flodd?" (pass-if "&assertion raised on non-integer flonum" (guard (condition ((assertion-violation? condition) #t) (else #f)) (begin (flodd? 1.5) #f))) (pass-if "flodd? is #t on odd flonums" (flodd? 3.0)) (pass-if "flodd? is #f on even flonums" (not (flodd? 2.0)))) (with-test-prefix "fleven?" (pass-if "&assertion raised on non-integer flonum" (guard (condition ((assertion-violation? condition) #t) (else #f)) (begin (fleven? 1.5) #f))) (pass-if "fleven? is #t on even flonums" (fleven? 2.0)) (pass-if "fleven? is #f on odd flonums" (not (fleven? 3.0)))) (with-test-prefix "flfinite?" (pass-if "flfinite? is #t on non-infinite flonums" (flfinite? 2.0)) (pass-if "flfinite? is #f on infinities" (and (not (flfinite? +inf.0)) (not (flfinite? -inf.0))))) (with-test-prefix "flinfinite?" (pass-if "flinfinite? is #t on infinities" (and (flinfinite? +inf.0) (flinfinite? -inf.0))) (pass-if "flinfinite? is #f on non-infinite flonums" (not (flinfinite? 2.0)))) (with-test-prefix "flnan?" (pass-if "flnan? is #t on NaN and -NaN" (and (flnan? +nan.0) (flnan? -nan.0))) (pass-if "flnan? is #f on non-NaN values" (not (flnan? 1.5)))) (with-test-prefix "flmax" (pass-if "simple" (fl=? (flmax 1.0 3.0 2.0) 3.0))) (with-test-prefix "flmin" (pass-if "simple" (fl=? (flmin -1.0 0.0 2.0) -1.0))) (with-test-prefix "fl+" (pass-if "simple" (fl=? (fl+ 2.141 1.0 0.1) 3.241))) (with-test-prefix "fl*" (pass-if "simple" (fl=? (fl* 1.0 2.0 3.0 1.5) 9.0))) (with-test-prefix "fl-" (pass-if "unary fl- negates argument" (fl=? (fl- 2.0) -2.0)) (pass-if "simple" (fl=? (fl- 10.5 6.0 0.5) 4.0))) (with-test-prefix "fl/" (pass-if "unary fl/ returns multiplicative inverse" (fl=? (fl/ 10.0) 0.1)) (pass-if "simple" (fl=? (fl/ 10.0 2.0 2.0) 2.5))) (with-test-prefix "flabs" (pass-if "simple" (and (fl=? (flabs -1.0) 1.0) (fl=? (flabs 1.23) 1.23)))) (with-test-prefix "fldiv-and-mod" (pass-if "simple" (call-with-values (lambda () (fldiv-and-mod 5.0 2.0)) (lambda (div mod) (fl=? div 2.0) (fl=? mod 1.0))))) (with-test-prefix "fldiv" (pass-if "simple" (fl=? (fldiv 5.0 2.0) 2.0))) (with-test-prefix "flmod" (pass-if "simple" (fl=? (flmod 5.0 2.0) 1.0))) (with-test-prefix "fldiv0-and-mod0" (pass-if "simple" (call-with-values (lambda () (fldiv0-and-mod0 -123.0 10.0)) (lambda (div mod) (or (and (fl=? div -12.0) (fl=? mod -3.0)) (throw 'unresolved)))))) (with-test-prefix "fldiv0" (pass-if "simple" (or (fl=? (fldiv0 -123.0 10.0) -12.0) (throw 'unresolved)))) (with-test-prefix "flmod0" (pass-if "simple" (or (fl=? (flmod0 -123.0 10.0) -3.0) (throw 'unresolved)))) (with-test-prefix "flnumerator" (pass-if "simple" (fl=? (flnumerator 0.5) 1.0)) (pass-if "infinities" (and (fl=? (flnumerator +inf.0) +inf.0) (fl=? (flnumerator -inf.0) -inf.0))) (pass-if "negative zero" (fl=? (flnumerator -0.0) -0.0))) (with-test-prefix "fldenominator" (pass-if "simple" (fl=? (fldenominator 0.5) 2.0)) (pass-if "infinities" (and (fl=? (fldenominator +inf.0) 1.0) (fl=? (fldenominator -inf.0) 1.0))) (pass-if "zero" (fl=? (fldenominator 0.0) 1.0))) (with-test-prefix "flfloor" (pass-if "simple" (and (fl=? (flfloor -4.3) -5.0) (fl=? (flfloor 3.5) 3.0)))) (with-test-prefix "flceiling" (pass-if "simple" (and (fl=? (flceiling -4.3) -4.0) (fl=? (flceiling 3.5) 4.0)))) (with-test-prefix "fltruncate" (pass-if "simple" (and (fl=? (fltruncate -4.3) -4.0) (fl=? (fltruncate 3.5) 3.0)))) (with-test-prefix "flround" (pass-if "simple" (and (fl=? (flround -4.3) -4.0) (fl=? (flround 3.5) 4.0)))) (with-test-prefix "flexp" (pass-if "infinities" (and (fl=? (flexp +inf.0) +inf.0) (fl=? (flexp -inf.0) 0.0)))) (with-test-prefix "fllog" (pass-if "unary fllog returns natural log" (let ((l (fllog 2.718281828459045))) (and (fl<=? 0.9 l) (fl>=? 1.1 l)))) (pass-if "infinities" (and (fl=? (fllog +inf.0) +inf.0) (flnan? (fllog -inf.0)))) (pass-if "zeroes" (fl=? (fllog 0.0) -inf.0)) (pass-if "binary fllog returns log in specified base" (fl=? (fllog 8.0 2.0) 3.0))) (with-test-prefix "flsin" (pass-if "simple" (and (reasonably-close? (flsin (/ fake-pi 2)) 1.0) (reasonably-close? (flsin (/ fake-pi 6)) 0.5)))) (with-test-prefix "flcos" (pass-if "simple" (and (fl=? (flcos 0.0) 1.0) (reasonably-close? (flcos (/ fake-pi 3)) 0.5)))) (with-test-prefix "fltan" (pass-if "simple" (and (reasonably-close? (fltan (/ fake-pi 4)) 1.0) (reasonably-close? (fltan (/ (* 3 fake-pi) 4)) -1.0)))) (with-test-prefix "flasin" (pass-if "simple" (and (reasonably-close? (flasin 1.0) (/ fake-pi 2)) (reasonably-close? (flasin 0.5) (/ fake-pi 6))))) (with-test-prefix "flacos" (pass-if "simple" (and (fl=? (flacos 1.0) 0.0) (reasonably-close? (flacos 0.5) (/ fake-pi 3))))) (with-test-prefix "flatan" (pass-if "unary flatan" (and (reasonably-close? (flatan 1.0) (/ fake-pi 4)) (reasonably-close? (flatan -1.0) (/ fake-pi -4)))) (pass-if "infinities" (and (reasonably-close? (flatan -inf.0) -1.5707963267949) (reasonably-close? (flatan +inf.0) 1.5707963267949))) (pass-if "binary flatan" (and (reasonably-close? (flatan 3.5 3.5) (/ fake-pi 4))))) (with-test-prefix "flsqrt" (pass-if "simple" (fl=? (flsqrt 4.0) 2.0)) (pass-if "infinity" (fl=? (flsqrt +inf.0) +inf.0)) (pass-if "negative zero" (fl=? (flsqrt -0.0) -0.0))) (with-test-prefix "flexpt" (pass-if "simple" (fl=? (flexpt 2.0 3.0) 8.0))) (with-test-prefix "fixnum->flonum" (pass-if "simple" (fl=? (fixnum->flonum 100) 100.0)))