[bpt/guile.git] / module / language / elisp / compile-tree-il.scm
... / ...
1;;; Guile Emacs Lisp
3;; Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
5;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
8;; any later version.
10;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13;; GNU General Public License for more details.
15;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16;; along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
17;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
18;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
20;;; Code:
22(define-module (language elisp compile-tree-il)
23 #:use-module (language elisp bindings)
24 #:use-module (language elisp runtime)
25 #:use-module (language tree-il)
26 #:use-module (system base pmatch)
27 #:use-module (system base compile)
28 #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
29 #:use-module (srfi srfi-8)
30 #:use-module (srfi srfi-11)
31 #:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
32 #:use-module (ice-9 format)
33 #:export (compile-tree-il
34 compile-progn
35 compile-eval-when-compile
36 compile-if
37 compile-defconst
38 compile-defvar
39 compile-setq
40 compile-let
41 compile-flet
42 compile-labels
43 compile-let*
44 compile-guile-ref
45 compile-guile-private-ref
46 compile-guile-primitive
47 compile-%function
48 compile-function
49 compile-defmacro
50 compile-defun
51 #{compile-`}#
52 compile-quote
53 compile-%funcall
54 compile-%set-lexical-binding-mode))
56;;; Certain common parameters (like the bindings data structure or
57;;; compiler options) are not always passed around but accessed using
58;;; fluids to simulate dynamic binding (hey, this is about elisp).
60;;; The bindings data structure to keep track of symbol binding related
61;;; data.
63(define bindings-data (make-fluid))
65;;; Find the source properties of some parsed expression if there are
66;;; any associated with it.
68(define (location x)
69 (and (pair? x)
70 (let ((props (source-properties x)))
71 (and (not (null? props))
72 props))))
74;;; Values to use for Elisp's nil and t.
76(define (nil-value loc)
77 (make-const loc (@ (language elisp runtime) nil-value)))
79(define (t-value loc)
80 (make-const loc (@ (language elisp runtime) t-value)))
82;;; Modules that contain the value and function slot bindings.
84(define runtime '(language elisp runtime))
86(define value-slot (@ (language elisp runtime) value-slot-module))
88(define function-slot (@ (language elisp runtime) function-slot-module))
90;;; The backquoting works the same as quasiquotes in Scheme, but the
91;;; forms are named differently; to make easy adaptions, we define these
92;;; predicates checking for a symbol being the car of an
93;;; unquote/unquote-splicing/backquote form.
95(define (unquote? sym)
96 (and (symbol? sym) (eq? sym '#{,}#)))
98(define (unquote-splicing? sym)
99 (and (symbol? sym) (eq? sym '#{,@}#)))
101;;; Build a call to a primitive procedure nicely.
103(define (call-primitive loc sym . args)
104 (make-primcall loc sym args))
106;;; Error reporting routine for syntax/compilation problems or build
107;;; code for a runtime-error output.
109(define (report-error loc . args)
110 (apply error args))
112(define (access-variable loc symbol handle-lexical handle-dynamic)
113 (cond
114 ((get-lexical-binding (fluid-ref bindings-data) symbol)
115 => handle-lexical)
116 (else
117 (handle-dynamic))))
119(define (reference-variable loc symbol)
120 (access-variable
121 loc
122 symbol
123 (lambda (lexical)
124 (if (symbol? lexical)
125 (make-lexical-ref loc symbol lexical)
126 (make-call loc lexical '())))
127 (lambda ()
128 (make-call loc
129 (make-module-ref loc runtime 'symbol-value #t)
130 (list (make-const loc symbol))))))
132(define (global? symbol)
133 (module-variable value-slot symbol))
135(define (ensure-globals! loc names body)
136 (if (and (every global? names)
137 (every symbol-interned? names))
138 body
139 (list->seq
140 loc
141 `(,@(map
142 (lambda (name)
143 (symbol-desc name)
144 (make-call loc
145 (make-module-ref loc runtime 'symbol-desc #t)
146 (list (make-const loc name))))
147 names)
148 ,body))))
150(define (set-variable! loc symbol value)
151 (access-variable
152 loc
153 symbol
154 (lambda (lexical)
155 (if (symbol? lexical)
156 (make-lexical-set loc symbol lexical value)
157 (make-call loc lexical (list value))))
158 (lambda ()
159 (ensure-globals!
160 loc
161 (list symbol)
162 (make-call loc
163 (make-module-ref loc runtime 'set-symbol-value! #t)
164 (list (make-const loc symbol)
165 value))))))
167(define (access-function loc symbol handle-lexical handle-global)
168 (cond
169 ((get-function-binding (fluid-ref bindings-data) symbol)
170 => handle-lexical)
171 (else
172 (handle-global))))
174(define (reference-function loc symbol)
175 (access-function
176 loc
177 symbol
178 (lambda (gensym) (make-lexical-ref loc symbol gensym))
179 (lambda ()
180 (make-module-ref loc '(elisp-functions) symbol #t))))
182(define (set-function! loc symbol value)
183 (access-function
184 loc
185 symbol
186 (lambda (gensym) (make-lexical-set loc symbol gensym value))
187 (lambda ()
188 (make-call
189 loc
190 (make-module-ref loc runtime 'set-symbol-function! #t)
191 (list (make-const loc symbol) value)))))
193(define (bind-lexically? sym decls)
194 (let ((decl (assq-ref decls sym)))
195 (or (eq? decl 'lexical)
196 (and
197 (lexical-binding?)
198 (not (special? sym))))))
200(define (parse-let-binding loc binding)
201 (pmatch binding
202 ((unquote var)
203 (guard (symbol? var))
204 (cons var #nil))
205 ((,var)
206 (guard (symbol? var))
207 (cons var #nil))
208 ((,var ,val)
209 (guard (symbol? var))
210 (cons var val))
211 (else
212 (report-error loc "malformed variable binding" binding))))
214(define (parse-flet-binding loc binding)
215 (pmatch binding
216 ((,var ,args . ,body)
217 (guard (symbol? var))
218 (cons var `(function (lambda ,args ,@body))))
219 (else
220 (report-error loc "malformed function binding" binding))))
222(define (parse-declaration expr)
223 (pmatch expr
224 ((lexical . ,vars)
225 (map (cut cons <> 'lexical) vars))
226 (else
227 '())))
229(define (parse-body-1 body lambda?)
230 (let loop ((lst body)
231 (decls '())
232 (intspec #f)
233 (doc #f))
234 (pmatch lst
235 (((declare . ,x) . ,tail)
236 (loop tail (append-reverse x decls) intspec doc))
237 (((interactive) . ,tail)
238 (guard lambda? (not intspec))
239 (loop tail decls (cons 'interactive-form #nil) doc))
240 (((interactive ,x) . ,tail)
241 (guard lambda? (not intspec))
242 (loop tail decls (cons 'interactive-form x) doc))
243 ((,x . ,tail)
244 (guard lambda? (or (string? x) (lisp-string? x)) (not doc) (not (null? tail)))
245 (loop tail decls intspec x))
246 (else
247 (values (append-map parse-declaration decls)
248 intspec
249 doc
250 lst)))))
252(define (parse-lambda-body body)
253 (parse-body-1 body #t))
255(define (parse-body body)
256 (receive (decls intspec doc body) (parse-body-1 body #f)
257 (values decls body)))
259;;; Partition the argument list of a lambda expression into required,
260;;; optional and rest arguments.
262(define (parse-lambda-list lst)
263 (define (%match lst null optional rest symbol list*)
264 (pmatch lst
265 (() (null))
266 ((&optional . ,tail) (optional tail))
267 ((&rest . ,tail) (rest tail))
268 ((,arg . ,tail) (guard (symbol? arg)) (symbol arg tail))
269 ((,arg . ,tail) (guard (list? arg)) (list* arg tail))
270 (else (fail))))
271 (define (return rreq ropt rest)
272 (values #t (reverse rreq) (reverse ropt) rest))
273 (define (fail)
274 (values #f #f #f #f))
275 (define (parse-req lst rreq)
276 (%match lst
277 (lambda () (return rreq '() #f))
278 (lambda (tail) (parse-opt tail rreq '()))
279 (lambda (tail) (parse-rest tail rreq '()))
280 (lambda (arg tail) (parse-req tail (cons arg rreq)))
281 (lambda (arg tail) (fail))))
282 (define (parse-opt lst rreq ropt)
283 (%match lst
284 (lambda () (return rreq ropt #f))
285 (lambda (tail) (fail))
286 (lambda (tail) (parse-rest tail rreq ropt))
287 (lambda (arg tail) (parse-opt tail rreq (cons (list arg) ropt)))
288 (lambda (arg tail) (parse-opt tail rreq (cons arg ropt)))))
289 (define (parse-rest lst rreq ropt)
290 (%match lst
291 (lambda () (fail))
292 (lambda (tail) (fail))
293 (lambda (tail) (fail))
294 (lambda (arg tail) (parse-post-rest tail rreq ropt arg))
295 (lambda (arg tail) (fail))))
296 (define (parse-post-rest lst rreq ropt rest)
297 (%match lst
298 (lambda () (return rreq ropt rest))
299 (lambda () (fail))
300 (lambda () (fail))
301 (lambda (arg tail) (fail))
302 (lambda (arg tail) (fail))))
303 (parse-req lst '()))
305(define (make-simple-lambda loc meta req opt init rest vars body)
306 (make-lambda loc
307 meta
308 (make-lambda-case #f req opt rest #f init vars body #f)))
310(define (make-dynlet src fluids vals body)
311 (let ((f (map (lambda (x) (gensym "fluid ")) fluids))
312 (v (map (lambda (x) (gensym "valud ")) vals)))
313 (make-let src (map (lambda (_) 'fluid) fluids) f fluids
314 (make-let src (map (lambda (_) 'val) vals) v vals
315 (let lp ((f f) (v v))
316 (if (null? f)
317 body
318 (make-call src
319 (make-module-ref src runtime 'bind-symbol #t)
320 (list (make-lexical-ref #f 'fluid (car f))
321 (make-lexical-ref #f 'val (car v))
322 (make-lambda
323 src '()
324 (make-lambda-case
325 src '() #f #f #f '() '()
326 (lp (cdr f) (cdr v))
327 #f))))))))))
329(define (compile-lambda loc meta args body)
330 (receive (valid? req-ids opts rest-id)
331 (parse-lambda-list args)
332 (if valid?
333 (let* ((all-ids (append req-ids
334 (and opts (map car opts))
335 (or (and=> rest-id list) '())))
336 (all-vars (map (lambda (ignore) (gensym)) all-ids)))
337 (let*-values (((decls intspec doc forms)
338 (parse-lambda-body body))
339 ((lexical dynamic)
340 (partition
341 (compose (cut bind-lexically? <> decls)
342 car)
343 (map list all-ids all-vars)))
344 ((lexical-ids lexical-vars) (unzip2 lexical))
345 ((dynamic-ids dynamic-vars) (unzip2 dynamic)))
346 (with-dynamic-bindings
347 (fluid-ref bindings-data)
348 dynamic-ids
349 (lambda ()
350 (with-lexical-bindings
351 (fluid-ref bindings-data)
352 lexical-ids
353 lexical-vars
354 (lambda ()
355 (ensure-globals!
356 loc
357 dynamic-ids
358 (let* ((tree-il
359 (compile-expr
360 (if rest-id
361 `(let ((,rest-id (if ,rest-id
362 ,rest-id
363 nil)))
364 ,@forms)
365 `(progn ,@forms))))
366 (full-body
367 (if (null? dynamic)
368 tree-il
369 (make-dynlet
370 loc
371 (map (cut make-const loc <>) dynamic-ids)
372 (map (cut make-lexical-ref loc <> <>)
373 dynamic-ids
374 dynamic-vars)
375 tree-il))))
376 (make-simple-lambda loc
377 (append (if intspec
378 (list intspec)
379 '())
380 (if doc
381 (list (cons 'emacs-documentation doc))
382 '())
383 meta)
384 req-ids
385 (map car opts)
386 (map (lambda (x)
387 (if (pair? (cdr x))
388 (compile-expr (car (cdr x)))
389 (make-const loc #nil)))
390 opts)
391 rest-id
392 all-vars
393 full-body)))))))))
394 (report-error "invalid function" `(lambda ,args ,@body)))))
396;;; Handle macro and special operator bindings.
398(define (find-operator name type)
399 (and
400 (symbol? name)
401 (module-defined? function-slot name)
402 (let ((op (module-ref function-slot name)))
403 (if (and (pair? op) (eq? (car op) type))
404 (cdr op)
405 #f))))
407(define (contains-unquotes? expr)
408 (if (pair? expr)
409 (if (or (unquote? (car expr)) (unquote-splicing? (car expr)))
410 #t
411 (or (contains-unquotes? (car expr))
412 (contains-unquotes? (cdr expr))))
413 #f))
415;;; Process a backquoted expression by building up the needed
416;;; cons/append calls. For splicing, it is assumed that the expression
417;;; spliced in evaluates to a list. The emacs manual does not really
418;;; state either it has to or what to do if it does not, but Scheme
419;;; explicitly forbids it and this seems reasonable also for elisp.
421(define (unquote-cell? expr)
422 (and (list? expr) (= (length expr) 2) (unquote? (car expr))))
424(define (unquote-splicing-cell? expr)
425 (and (list? expr) (= (length expr) 2) (unquote-splicing? (car expr))))
427(define (process-backquote loc expr)
428 (if (contains-unquotes? expr)
429 (if (pair? expr)
430 (if (or (unquote-cell? expr) (unquote-splicing-cell? expr))
431 (compile-expr (cadr expr))
432 (let* ((head (car expr))
433 (processed-tail (process-backquote loc (cdr expr)))
434 (head-is-list-2 (and (list? head)
435 (= (length head) 2)))
436 (head-unquote (and head-is-list-2
437 (unquote? (car head))))
438 (head-unquote-splicing (and head-is-list-2
439 (unquote-splicing?
440 (car head)))))
441 (if head-unquote-splicing
442 (call-primitive loc
443 'append
444 (compile-expr (cadr head))
445 processed-tail)
446 (call-primitive loc 'cons
447 (if head-unquote
448 (compile-expr (cadr head))
449 (process-backquote loc head))
450 processed-tail))))
451 (report-error loc
452 "non-pair expression contains unquotes"
453 expr))
454 (make-const loc expr)))
456;;; Special operators
458(defspecial progn (loc args)
459 (list->seq loc
460 (if (null? args)
461 (list (nil-value loc))
462 (map compile-expr-1 args))))
464(defspecial eval-when-compile (loc args)
465 (make-const loc (compile `(progn ,@args) #:from 'elisp #:to 'value)))
467(define toplevel? (make-fluid))
469(define compile-time-too? (make-fluid))
471(defspecial eval-when (loc args)
472 (pmatch args
473 ((,situations . ,forms)
474 (let ((compile? (memq ':compile-toplevel situations))
475 (load? (memq ':load-toplevel situations))
476 (execute? (memq ':execute situations)))
477 (cond
478 ((not (fluid-ref toplevel?))
479 (if execute?
480 (compile-expr `(progn ,@forms))
481 (make-const loc #nil)))
482 (load?
483 (with-fluids ((compile-time-too?
484 (cond (compile? #t)
485 (execute? (fluid-ref compile-time-too?))
486 (else #f))))
487 (when (fluid-ref compile-time-too?)
488 (eval-elisp `(progn ,@forms)))
489 (compile-expr-1 `(progn ,@forms))))
490 ((or compile? (and execute? (fluid-ref compile-time-too?)))
491 (eval-elisp `(progn ,@forms))
492 (make-const loc #nil))
493 (else
494 (make-const loc #nil)))))))
496(defspecial if (loc args)
497 (pmatch args
498 ((,cond ,then . ,else)
499 (make-conditional
500 loc
501 (call-primitive loc 'not
502 (call-primitive loc 'nil? (compile-expr cond)))
503 (compile-expr then)
504 (compile-expr `(progn ,@else))))
505 (else (report-error loc "Bad if" args))))
507(defspecial defconst (loc args)
508 (pmatch args
509 ((,sym ,value . ,doc)
510 (proclaim-special! sym)
511 (make-seq
512 loc
513 (make-call loc
514 (make-module-ref loc runtime 'proclaim-special! #t)
515 (list (make-const loc sym)))
516 (make-seq loc
517 (set-variable! loc sym (compile-expr value))
518 (make-const loc sym))))
519 (else (report-error loc "Bad defconst" args))))
521(defspecial defvar (loc args)
522 (pmatch args
523 ((,sym)
524 (proclaim-special! sym)
525 (make-seq loc
526 (make-call loc
527 (make-module-ref loc runtime 'proclaim-special! #t)
528 (list (make-const loc sym)))
529 (make-const loc sym)))
530 ((,sym ,value . ,doc)
531 (proclaim-special! sym)
532 (make-seq
533 loc
534 (make-call loc
535 (make-module-ref loc runtime 'proclaim-special! #t)
536 (list (make-const loc sym)))
537 (make-seq
538 loc
539 (make-conditional
540 loc
541 (make-call loc
542 (make-module-ref loc runtime 'symbol-default-bound? #t)
543 (list (make-const loc sym)))
544 (make-void loc)
545 (make-call loc
546 (make-module-ref loc runtime 'set-symbol-default-value! #t)
547 (list (make-const loc sym)
548 (compile-expr value))))
549 (make-const loc sym))))
550 (else (report-error loc "Bad defvar" args))))
552(defspecial setq (loc args)
553 (define (car* x) (if (null? x) '() (car x)))
554 (define (cdr* x) (if (null? x) '() (cdr x)))
555 (define (cadr* x) (car* (cdr* x)))
556 (define (cddr* x) (cdr* (cdr* x)))
557 (list->seq
558 loc
559 (let loop ((args args) (last (nil-value loc)))
560 (if (null? args)
561 (list last)
562 (let ((sym (car args))
563 (val (compile-expr (cadr* args))))
564 (if (not (symbol? sym))
565 (report-error loc "expected symbol in setq" args)
566 (cons
567 (set-variable! loc sym val)
568 (loop (cddr* args)
569 (reference-variable loc sym)))))))))
571(defspecial let (loc args)
572 (pmatch args
573 ((,varlist . ,body)
574 (let ((bindings (map (cut parse-let-binding loc <>) varlist)))
575 (receive (decls forms) (parse-body body)
576 (receive (lexical dynamic)
577 (partition
578 (compose (cut bind-lexically? <> decls)
579 car)
580 bindings)
581 (let ((make-values (lambda (for)
582 (map (lambda (el) (compile-expr (cdr el)))
583 for)))
584 (make-body (lambda () (compile-expr `(progn ,@forms)))))
585 (ensure-globals!
586 loc
587 (map car dynamic)
588 (if (null? lexical)
589 (make-dynlet loc
590 (map (compose (cut make-const loc <>) car)
591 dynamic)
592 (map (compose compile-expr cdr)
593 dynamic)
594 (make-body))
595 (let* ((lexical-syms (map (lambda (el) (gensym)) lexical))
596 (dynamic-syms (map (lambda (el) (gensym)) dynamic))
597 (all-syms (append lexical-syms dynamic-syms))
598 (vals (append (make-values lexical)
599 (make-values dynamic))))
600 (make-let loc
601 all-syms
602 all-syms
603 vals
604 (with-lexical-bindings
605 (fluid-ref bindings-data)
606 (map car lexical)
607 lexical-syms
608 (lambda ()
609 (if (null? dynamic)
610 (make-body)
611 (make-dynlet loc
612 (map
613 (compose (cut make-const
614 loc
615 <>)
616 car)
617 dynamic)
618 (map
619 (lambda (sym)
620 (make-lexical-ref
621 loc
622 sym
623 sym))
624 dynamic-syms)
625 (make-body))))))))))))))
626 (else (report-error loc "bad let args"))))
628(defspecial let* (loc args)
629 (pmatch args
630 ((,varlist . ,body)
631 (let ((bindings (map (cut parse-let-binding loc <>) varlist)))
632 (receive (decls forms) (parse-body body)
633 (let iterate ((tail bindings))
634 (if (null? tail)
635 (compile-expr `(progn ,@forms))
636 (let ((sym (caar tail))
637 (value (compile-expr (cdar tail))))
638 (if (bind-lexically? sym decls)
639 (let ((target (gensym)))
640 (make-let loc
641 `(,target)
642 `(,target)
643 `(,value)
644 (with-lexical-bindings
645 (fluid-ref bindings-data)
646 `(,sym)
647 `(,target)
648 (lambda () (iterate (cdr tail))))))
649 (ensure-globals!
650 loc
651 (list sym)
652 (make-dynlet loc
653 (list (make-const loc sym))
654 (list value)
655 (iterate (cdr tail)))))))))))
656 (else (report-error loc "Bad let*" args))))
658(defspecial flet (loc args)
659 (pmatch args
660 ((,bindings . ,body)
661 (let ((names+vals (map (cut parse-flet-binding loc <>) bindings)))
662 (receive (decls forms) (parse-body body)
663 (let ((names (map car names+vals))
664 (vals (map cdr names+vals))
665 (gensyms (map (lambda (x) (gensym)) names+vals)))
666 (with-function-bindings
667 (fluid-ref bindings-data)
668 names
669 gensyms
670 (lambda ()
671 (make-let loc
672 names
673 gensyms
674 (map compile-expr vals)
675 (compile-expr `(progn ,@forms)))))))))
676 (else (report-error loc "bad flet" args))))
678(defspecial labels (loc args)
679 (pmatch args
680 ((,bindings . ,body)
681 (let ((names+vals (map (cut parse-flet-binding loc <>) bindings)))
682 (receive (decls forms) (parse-body body)
683 (let ((names (map car names+vals))
684 (vals (map cdr names+vals))
685 (gensyms (map (lambda (x) (gensym)) names+vals)))
686 (with-function-bindings
687 (fluid-ref bindings-data)
688 names
689 gensyms
690 (lambda ()
691 (make-letrec #f
692 loc
693 names
694 gensyms
695 (map compile-expr vals)
696 (compile-expr `(progn ,@forms)))))))))
697 (else (report-error loc "bad labels" args))))
699;;; guile-ref allows building TreeIL's module references from within
700;;; elisp as a way to access data within the Guile universe. The module
701;;; and symbol referenced are static values, just like (@ module symbol)
702;;; does!
704(defspecial guile-ref (loc args)
705 (pmatch args
706 ((,module ,sym) (guard (and (list? module) (symbol? sym)))
707 (make-module-ref loc module sym #t))
708 (else (report-error loc "bad guile-ref" args))))
710(defspecial guile-private-ref (loc args)
711 (pmatch args
712 ((,module ,sym) (guard (and (list? module) (symbol? sym)))
713 (make-module-ref loc module sym #f))
714 (else (report-error loc "bad guile-private-ref" args))))
716;;; guile-primitive allows to create primitive references, which are
717;;; still a little faster.
719(defspecial guile-primitive (loc args)
720 (pmatch args
721 ((,sym)
722 (make-primitive-ref loc sym))
723 (else (report-error loc "bad guile-primitive" args))))
725(defspecial %function (loc args)
726 (pmatch args
727 (((lambda ,args . ,body))
728 (compile-lambda loc '() args body))
729 (((closure ,env ,args . ,body))
730 (let ((bindings (map (lambda (x) (list (car x) (cdr x)))
731 (filter pair? env))))
732 (compile-expr
733 (let ((form `(let ,bindings
734 (declare ,@(map (lambda (x) (list 'lexical x))
735 bindings))
736 (function (lambda ,args
737 (declare
738 (lexical
739 ,@(filter-map
740 (lambda (x)
741 (cond
742 ((memq x '(&optional &rest))
743 #f)
744 ((symbol? x)
745 x)
746 ((list? x)
747 (car x))))
748 args)))
749 ,@body)))))
750 form))))
751 ((,sym) (guard (symbol? sym))
752 (reference-function loc sym))
753 ((,x)
754 (make-const loc x))
755 (else (report-error loc "bad function" args))))
757(defspecial function (loc args)
758 (pmatch args
759 ((,sym) (guard (symbol? sym))
760 (make-const loc sym))
761 (else ((cdr compile-%function) loc args))))
763(defspecial defmacro (loc args)
764 (pmatch args
765 ((,name ,args . ,body)
766 (if (not (symbol? name))
767 (report-error loc "expected symbol as macro name" name)
768 (let* ((tree-il
769 (make-seq
770 loc
771 (set-function!
772 loc
773 name
774 (make-call
775 loc
776 (make-module-ref loc '(guile) 'cons #t)
777 (list (make-const loc 'macro)
778 (compile-lambda loc
779 `((name . ,name))
780 args
781 body))))
782 (make-const loc name))))
783 (compile tree-il #:from 'tree-il #:to 'value)
784 tree-il)))
785 (else (report-error loc "bad defmacro" args))))
787(defspecial #{`}# (loc args)
788 (pmatch args
789 ((,val)
790 (process-backquote loc val))
791 (else (report-error loc "bad backquote" args))))
793(defspecial quote (loc args)
794 (pmatch args
795 ((,val)
796 (make-const loc val))
797 (else (report-error loc "bad quote" args))))
799(defspecial %funcall (loc args)
800 (pmatch args
801 ((,function . ,arguments)
802 (make-call loc
803 (compile-expr function)
804 (map compile-expr arguments)))
805 (else (report-error loc "bad %funcall" args))))
807(defspecial %set-lexical-binding-mode (loc args)
808 (pmatch args
809 ((,val)
810 (set-lexical-binding-mode val)
811 (make-void loc))
812 (else (report-error loc "bad %set-lexical-binding-mode" args))))
814(define (eget s p)
815 (if (symbol-fbound? 'get)
816 ((symbol-function 'get) s p)
817 #nil))
819;;; Compile a compound expression to Tree-IL.
821(define (compile-pair loc expr)
822 (let ((operator (car expr))
823 (arguments (cdr expr)))
824 (cond
825 ((find-operator operator 'special-operator)
826 => (lambda (special-operator-function)
827 (special-operator-function loc arguments)))
828 ((find-operator operator 'macro)
829 => (lambda (macro-function)
830 (compile-expr (apply macro-function arguments))))
831 ((and (symbol? operator)
832 (eget operator '%compiler-macro))
833 => (lambda (compiler-macro-function)
834 (let ((new (compiler-macro-function expr)))
835 (if (eq? new expr)
836 (compile-expr `(%funcall (%function ,operator) ,@arguments))
837 (compile-expr new)))))
838 (else
839 (compile-expr `(%funcall (%function ,operator) ,@arguments))))))
841;;; Compile a symbol expression. This is a variable reference or maybe
842;;; some special value like nil.
844(define (compile-symbol loc sym)
845 (case sym
846 ((nil) (nil-value loc))
847 ((t) (t-value loc))
848 (else (reference-variable loc sym))))
850;;; Compile a single expression to TreeIL.
852(define (compile-expr-1 expr)
853 (let ((loc (location expr)))
854 (cond
855 ((symbol? expr)
856 (compile-symbol loc expr))
857 ((pair? expr)
858 (compile-pair loc expr))
859 (else (make-const loc expr)))))
861(define (compile-expr expr)
862 (if (fluid-ref toplevel?)
863 (with-fluids ((toplevel? #f))
864 (compile-expr-1 expr))
865 (compile-expr-1 expr)))
867(define (compile-tree-il expr env opts)
868 (values
869 (with-fluids ((bindings-data (make-bindings))
870 (toplevel? #t)
871 (compile-time-too? #f))
872 (compile-expr-1 expr))
873 env
874 env))