(* * Copyright 2012, INRIA * Julia Lawall, Gilles Muller * Copyright 2010-2011, INRIA, University of Copenhagen * Julia Lawall, Rene Rydhof Hansen, Gilles Muller, Nicolas Palix * Copyright 2005-2009, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, University of Copenhagen * Yoann Padioleau, Julia Lawall, Rene Rydhof Hansen, Henrik Stuart, Gilles Muller, Nicolas Palix * This file is part of Coccinelle. * * Coccinelle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, according to version 2 of the License. * * Coccinelle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Coccinelle. If not, see . * * The authors reserve the right to distribute this or future versions of * Coccinelle under other licenses. *) # 0 "./compute_lines.ml" (* Computes starting and ending logical lines for statements and expressions. every node gets an index as well. *) module Ast0 = Ast0_cocci module Ast = Ast_cocci (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Result *) (* This is a horrible hack. We need to have a special treatment for the code inside a nest, and this is to avoid threading that information around everywhere *) let in_nest_count = ref 0 let check_attachable v = if !in_nest_count > 0 then false else v let mkres x e left right = let lstart = Ast0.get_info left in let lend = Ast0.get_info right in let pos_info = { Ast0.line_start = lstart.Ast0.pos_info.Ast0.line_start; Ast0.line_end = lend.Ast0.pos_info.Ast0.line_end; Ast0.logical_start = lstart.Ast0.pos_info.Ast0.logical_start; Ast0.logical_end = lend.Ast0.pos_info.Ast0.logical_end; Ast0.column = lstart.Ast0.pos_info.Ast0.column; Ast0.offset = lstart.Ast0.pos_info.Ast0.offset;} in let info = { Ast0.pos_info = pos_info; (* not clear that the next two lines serve any purpose *) Ast0.attachable_start = check_attachable lstart.Ast0.attachable_start; Ast0.attachable_end = check_attachable lend.Ast0.attachable_end; Ast0.mcode_start = lstart.Ast0.mcode_start; Ast0.mcode_end = lend.Ast0.mcode_end; (* only for tokens, not inherited upwards *) Ast0.strings_before = []; Ast0.strings_after = []; Ast0.isSymbolIdent = false; } in {x with Ast0.node = e; Ast0.info = info} (* This looks like it is there to allow distribution of plus code over disjunctions. But this doesn't work with single_statement, as the plus code has not been distributed to the place that it expects. So the only reasonably easy solution seems to be to disallow distribution. *) (* inherit attachable is because single_statement doesn't work well when + code is attached outside an or, but this has to be allowed after isomorphisms have been introduced. So only set it to true then, or when we know that the code involved cannot contain a statement, ie it is a declaration. *) let inherit_attachable = ref false let mkmultires x e left right (astart,start_mcodes) (aend,end_mcodes) = let lstart = Ast0.get_info left in let lend = Ast0.get_info right in let pos_info = { Ast0.line_start = lstart.Ast0.pos_info.Ast0.line_start; Ast0.line_end = lend.Ast0.pos_info.Ast0.line_end; Ast0.logical_start = lstart.Ast0.pos_info.Ast0.logical_start; Ast0.logical_end = lend.Ast0.pos_info.Ast0.logical_end; Ast0.column = lstart.Ast0.pos_info.Ast0.column; Ast0.offset = lstart.Ast0.pos_info.Ast0.offset; } in let info = { Ast0.pos_info = pos_info; Ast0.attachable_start = check_attachable (if !inherit_attachable then astart else false); Ast0.attachable_end = check_attachable (if !inherit_attachable then aend else false); Ast0.mcode_start = start_mcodes; Ast0.mcode_end = end_mcodes; (* only for tokens, not inherited upwards *) Ast0.strings_before = []; Ast0.strings_after = []; Ast0.isSymbolIdent = false; } in {x with Ast0.node = e; Ast0.info = info} (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let get_option fn = function None -> None | Some x -> Some (fn x) (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Mcode *) let promote_mcode (_,_,info,mcodekind,_,_) = let new_info = {info with Ast0.mcode_start = [mcodekind]; Ast0.mcode_end = [mcodekind]} in {(Ast0.wrap ()) with Ast0.info = new_info; Ast0.mcodekind = ref mcodekind} let promote_mcode_plus_one (_,_,info,mcodekind,_,_) = let new_pos_info = {info.Ast0.pos_info with Ast0.line_start = info.Ast0.pos_info.Ast0.line_start + 1; Ast0.logical_start = info.Ast0.pos_info.Ast0.logical_start + 1; Ast0.line_end = info.Ast0.pos_info.Ast0.line_end + 1; Ast0.logical_end = info.Ast0.pos_info.Ast0.logical_end + 1; } in let new_info = {info with Ast0.pos_info = new_pos_info; Ast0.mcode_start = [mcodekind]; Ast0.mcode_end = [mcodekind]} in {(Ast0.wrap ()) with Ast0.info = new_info; Ast0.mcodekind = ref mcodekind} let promote_to_statement stm mcodekind = let info = Ast0.get_info stm in let new_pos_info = {info.Ast0.pos_info with Ast0.logical_start = info.Ast0.pos_info.Ast0.logical_end; Ast0.line_start = info.Ast0.pos_info.Ast0.line_end; } in let new_info = {info with Ast0.pos_info = new_pos_info; Ast0.mcode_start = [mcodekind]; Ast0.mcode_end = [mcodekind]; Ast0.attachable_start = check_attachable true; Ast0.attachable_end = check_attachable true} in {(Ast0.wrap ()) with Ast0.info = new_info; Ast0.mcodekind = ref mcodekind} let promote_to_statement_start stm mcodekind = let info = Ast0.get_info stm in let new_pos_info = {info.Ast0.pos_info with Ast0.logical_end = info.Ast0.pos_info.Ast0.logical_start; Ast0.line_end = info.Ast0.pos_info.Ast0.line_start; } in let new_info = {info with Ast0.pos_info = new_pos_info; Ast0.mcode_start = [mcodekind]; Ast0.mcode_end = [mcodekind]; Ast0.attachable_start = check_attachable true; Ast0.attachable_end = check_attachable true} in {(Ast0.wrap ()) with Ast0.info = new_info; Ast0.mcodekind = ref mcodekind} (* mcode is good by default *) let bad_mcode (t,a,info,mcodekind,pos,adj) = let new_info = {info with Ast0.attachable_start = check_attachable false; Ast0.attachable_end = check_attachable false} in (t,a,new_info,mcodekind,pos,adj) let normal_mcode (t,a,info,mcodekind,pos,adj) = let new_info = if !in_nest_count > 0 then {info with Ast0.attachable_start = check_attachable false; Ast0.attachable_end = check_attachable false} else info in (t,a,new_info,mcodekind,pos,adj) let get_all_start_info l = (List.for_all (function x -> (Ast0.get_info x).Ast0.attachable_start) l, List.concat (List.map (function x -> (Ast0.get_info x).Ast0.mcode_start) l)) let get_all_end_info l = (List.for_all (function x -> (Ast0.get_info x).Ast0.attachable_end) l, List.concat (List.map (function x -> (Ast0.get_info x).Ast0.mcode_end) l)) (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Dots *) (* for the logline classification and the mcode field, on both sides, skip over initial minus dots, as they don't contribute anything *) let dot_list is_dots fn = function [] -> failwith "dots should not be empty" | l -> let get_node l fn = let first = List.hd l in let chosen = match (is_dots first, l) with (true,_::x::_) -> x | _ -> first in (* get the logline decorator and the mcodekind of the chosen node *) fn (Ast0.get_info chosen) in let forward = List.map fn l in let backward = List.rev forward in let (first_attachable,first_mcode) = get_node forward (function x -> (x.Ast0.attachable_start,x.Ast0.mcode_start)) in let (last_attachable,last_mcode) = get_node backward (function x -> (x.Ast0.attachable_end,x.Ast0.mcode_end)) in let first = List.hd forward in let last = List.hd backward in let first_info = { (Ast0.get_info first) with Ast0.attachable_start = check_attachable first_attachable; Ast0.mcode_start = first_mcode } in let last_info = { (Ast0.get_info last) with Ast0.attachable_end = check_attachable last_attachable; Ast0.mcode_end = last_mcode } in let first = Ast0.set_info first first_info in let last = Ast0.set_info last last_info in (forward,first,last) let dots is_dots prev fn d = match (prev,Ast0.unwrap d) with (Some prev,Ast0.DOTS([])) -> mkres d (Ast0.DOTS []) prev prev | (None,Ast0.DOTS([])) -> Ast0.set_info d {(Ast0.get_info d) with Ast0.attachable_start = check_attachable false; Ast0.attachable_end = check_attachable false} | (_,Ast0.DOTS(x)) -> let (l,lstart,lend) = dot_list is_dots fn x in mkres d (Ast0.DOTS l) lstart lend | (_,Ast0.CIRCLES(x)) -> let (l,lstart,lend) = dot_list is_dots fn x in mkres d (Ast0.CIRCLES l) lstart lend | (_,Ast0.STARS(x)) -> let (l,lstart,lend) = dot_list is_dots fn x in mkres d (Ast0.STARS l) lstart lend (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Disjunctions *) let do_disj e starter xs mids ender processor rebuilder = let starter = bad_mcode starter in let xs = List.map processor xs in let mids = List.map bad_mcode mids in let ender = bad_mcode ender in mkmultires e (rebuilder starter xs mids ender) (promote_mcode starter) (promote_mcode ender) (get_all_start_info xs) (get_all_end_info xs) (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Identifier *) (* for #define name, with no value, to compute right side *) let mkidres a b c d r = (mkres a b c d,r) let rec full_ident i = match Ast0.unwrap i with Ast0.Id(nm) -> let nm = normal_mcode nm in let name = promote_mcode nm in mkidres i (Ast0.Id(nm)) name name (Some name) | Ast0.MetaId(nm,a,b,c) -> let nm = normal_mcode nm in let name = promote_mcode nm in mkidres i (Ast0.MetaId(nm,a,b,c)) name name (Some name) | Ast0.MetaFunc(nm,a,b) -> let nm = normal_mcode nm in let name = promote_mcode nm in mkidres i (Ast0.MetaFunc(nm,a,b)) name name (Some name) | Ast0.MetaLocalFunc(nm,a,b) -> let nm = normal_mcode nm in let name = promote_mcode nm in mkidres i (Ast0.MetaLocalFunc(nm,a,b)) name name (Some name) | Ast0.DisjId(starter,ids,mids,ender) -> let res = do_disj i starter ids mids ender ident (fun starter ids mids ender -> Ast0.DisjId(starter,ids,mids,ender)) in (res,None) | Ast0.OptIdent(id) -> let (id,r) = full_ident id in mkidres i (Ast0.OptIdent(id)) id id r | Ast0.UniqueIdent(id) -> let (id,r) = full_ident id in mkidres i (Ast0.UniqueIdent(id)) id id r and ident i = let (id,_) = full_ident i in id (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Expression *) let is_exp_dots e = match Ast0.unwrap e with Ast0.Edots(_,_) | Ast0.Ecircles(_,_) | Ast0.Estars(_,_) -> true | _ -> false let rec expression e = match Ast0.unwrap e with Ast0.Ident(id) -> let id = ident id in mkres e (Ast0.Ident(id)) id id | Ast0.Constant(const) -> let const = normal_mcode const in let ln = promote_mcode const in mkres e (Ast0.Constant(const)) ln ln | Ast0.FunCall(fn,lp,args,rp) -> let fn = expression fn in let lp = normal_mcode lp in let rp = normal_mcode rp in let args = dots is_exp_dots (Some(promote_mcode lp)) expression args in mkres e (Ast0.FunCall(fn,lp,args,rp)) fn (promote_mcode rp) | Ast0.Assignment(left,op,right,simple) -> let left = expression left in let op = normal_mcode op in let right = expression right in mkres e (Ast0.Assignment(left,op,right,simple)) left right | Ast0.Sequence(left,op,right) -> let left = expression left in let op = normal_mcode op in let right = expression right in mkres e (Ast0.Sequence(left,op,right)) left right | Ast0.CondExpr(exp1,why,exp2,colon,exp3) -> let exp1 = expression exp1 in let why = normal_mcode why in let exp2 = get_option expression exp2 in let colon = normal_mcode colon in let exp3 = expression exp3 in mkres e (Ast0.CondExpr(exp1,why,exp2,colon,exp3)) exp1 exp3 | Ast0.Postfix(exp,op) -> let exp = expression exp in let op = normal_mcode op in mkres e (Ast0.Postfix(exp,op)) exp (promote_mcode op) | Ast0.Infix(exp,op) -> let exp = expression exp in let op = normal_mcode op in mkres e (Ast0.Infix(exp,op)) (promote_mcode op) exp | Ast0.Unary(exp,op) -> let exp = expression exp in let op = normal_mcode op in mkres e (Ast0.Unary(exp,op)) (promote_mcode op) exp | Ast0.Binary(left,op,right) -> let left = expression left in let op = normal_mcode op in let right = expression right in mkres e (Ast0.Binary(left,op,right)) left right | Ast0.Nested(left,op,right) -> let left = expression left in let op = normal_mcode op in let right = expression right in mkres e (Ast0.Nested(left,op,right)) left right | Ast0.Paren(lp,exp,rp) -> let lp = normal_mcode lp in let rp = normal_mcode rp in mkres e (Ast0.Paren(lp,expression exp,rp)) (promote_mcode lp) (promote_mcode rp) | Ast0.ArrayAccess(exp1,lb,exp2,rb) -> let exp1 = expression exp1 in let lb = normal_mcode lb in let exp2 = expression exp2 in let rb = normal_mcode rb in mkres e (Ast0.ArrayAccess(exp1,lb,exp2,rb)) exp1 (promote_mcode rb) | Ast0.RecordAccess(exp,pt,field) -> let exp = expression exp in let pt = normal_mcode pt in let field = ident field in mkres e (Ast0.RecordAccess(exp,pt,field)) exp field | Ast0.RecordPtAccess(exp,ar,field) -> let exp = expression exp in let ar = normal_mcode ar in let field = ident field in mkres e (Ast0.RecordPtAccess(exp,ar,field)) exp field | Ast0.Cast(lp,ty,rp,exp) -> let lp = normal_mcode lp in let exp = expression exp in let rp = normal_mcode rp in mkres e (Ast0.Cast(lp,typeC ty,rp,exp)) (promote_mcode lp) exp | Ast0.SizeOfExpr(szf,exp) -> let szf = normal_mcode szf in let exp = expression exp in mkres e (Ast0.SizeOfExpr(szf,exp)) (promote_mcode szf) exp | Ast0.SizeOfType(szf,lp,ty,rp) -> let szf = normal_mcode szf in let lp = normal_mcode lp in let rp = normal_mcode rp in mkres e (Ast0.SizeOfType(szf,lp,typeC ty,rp)) (promote_mcode szf) (promote_mcode rp) | Ast0.TypeExp(ty) -> let ty = typeC ty in mkres e (Ast0.TypeExp(ty)) ty ty | Ast0.Constructor(lp,ty,rp,init) -> let lp = normal_mcode lp in let init = initialiser init in let rp = normal_mcode rp in mkres e (Ast0.Constructor(lp,typeC ty,rp,init)) (promote_mcode lp) init | Ast0.MetaErr(name,a,b) -> let name = normal_mcode name in let ln = promote_mcode name in mkres e (Ast0.MetaErr(name,a,b)) ln ln | Ast0.MetaExpr(name,a,b,c,d) -> let name = normal_mcode name in let ln = promote_mcode name in mkres e (Ast0.MetaExpr(name,a,b,c,d)) ln ln | Ast0.MetaExprList(name,a,b) -> let name = normal_mcode name in let ln = promote_mcode name in mkres e (Ast0.MetaExprList(name,a,b)) ln ln | Ast0.EComma(cm) -> (*let cm = bad_mcode cm in*) (* why was this bad??? *) let cm = normal_mcode cm in let ln = promote_mcode cm in mkres e (Ast0.EComma(cm)) ln ln | Ast0.DisjExpr(starter,exps,mids,ender) -> do_disj e starter exps mids ender expression (fun starter exps mids ender -> Ast0.DisjExpr(starter,exps,mids,ender)) | Ast0.NestExpr(starter,exp_dots,ender,whencode,multi) -> (* See explanation on Nest *) let wrapper f = match Ast0.get_mcode_mcodekind starter with Ast0.MINUS _ -> in_nest_count := !in_nest_count + 1; let res = f() in in_nest_count := !in_nest_count - 1; res | _ -> f() in let exp_dots = wrapper (function _ -> dots is_exp_dots None expression exp_dots) in let starter = bad_mcode starter in let ender = bad_mcode ender in mkres e (Ast0.NestExpr(starter,exp_dots,ender,whencode,multi)) (promote_mcode starter) (promote_mcode ender) | Ast0.Edots(dots,whencode) -> let dots = bad_mcode dots in let ln = promote_mcode dots in mkres e (Ast0.Edots(dots,whencode)) ln ln | Ast0.Ecircles(dots,whencode) -> let dots = bad_mcode dots in let ln = promote_mcode dots in mkres e (Ast0.Ecircles(dots,whencode)) ln ln | Ast0.Estars(dots,whencode) -> let dots = bad_mcode dots in let ln = promote_mcode dots in mkres e (Ast0.Estars(dots,whencode)) ln ln | Ast0.OptExp(exp) -> let exp = expression exp in mkres e (Ast0.OptExp(exp)) exp exp | Ast0.UniqueExp(exp) -> let exp = expression exp in mkres e (Ast0.UniqueExp(exp)) exp exp | Ast0.AsExpr _ -> failwith "not possible" and expression_dots x = dots is_exp_dots None expression x (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Types *) and typeC t = match Ast0.unwrap t with Ast0.ConstVol(cv,ty) -> let cv = normal_mcode cv in let ty = typeC ty in mkres t (Ast0.ConstVol(cv,ty)) (promote_mcode cv) ty | Ast0.BaseType(ty,strings) -> let strings = List.map normal_mcode strings in let first = List.hd strings in let last = List.hd (List.rev strings) in mkres t (Ast0.BaseType(ty,strings)) (promote_mcode first) (promote_mcode last) | Ast0.Signed(sgn,None) -> let sgn = normal_mcode sgn in mkres t (Ast0.Signed(sgn,None)) (promote_mcode sgn) (promote_mcode sgn) | Ast0.Signed(sgn,Some ty) -> let sgn = normal_mcode sgn in let ty = typeC ty in mkres t (Ast0.Signed(sgn,Some ty)) (promote_mcode sgn) ty | Ast0.Pointer(ty,star) -> let ty = typeC ty in let star = normal_mcode star in mkres t (Ast0.Pointer(ty,star)) ty (promote_mcode star) | Ast0.FunctionPointer(ty,lp1,star,rp1,lp2,params,rp2) -> let ty = typeC ty in let lp1 = normal_mcode lp1 in let star = normal_mcode star in let rp1 = normal_mcode rp1 in let lp2 = normal_mcode lp2 in let params = parameter_list (Some(promote_mcode lp2)) params in let rp2 = normal_mcode rp2 in mkres t (Ast0.FunctionPointer(ty,lp1,star,rp1,lp2,params,rp2)) ty (promote_mcode rp2) | Ast0.FunctionType(Some ty,lp1,params,rp1) -> let ty = typeC ty in let lp1 = normal_mcode lp1 in let params = parameter_list (Some(promote_mcode lp1)) params in let rp1 = normal_mcode rp1 in let res = Ast0.FunctionType(Some ty,lp1,params,rp1) in mkres t res ty (promote_mcode rp1) | Ast0.FunctionType(None,lp1,params,rp1) -> let lp1 = normal_mcode lp1 in let params = parameter_list (Some(promote_mcode lp1)) params in let rp1 = normal_mcode rp1 in let res = Ast0.FunctionType(None,lp1,params,rp1) in mkres t res (promote_mcode lp1) (promote_mcode rp1) | Ast0.Array(ty,lb,size,rb) -> let ty = typeC ty in let lb = normal_mcode lb in let rb = normal_mcode rb in mkres t (Ast0.Array(ty,lb,get_option expression size,rb)) ty (promote_mcode rb) | Ast0.EnumName(kind,Some name) -> let kind = normal_mcode kind in let name = ident name in mkres t (Ast0.EnumName(kind,Some name)) (promote_mcode kind) name | Ast0.EnumName(kind,None) -> let kind = normal_mcode kind in let mc = promote_mcode kind in mkres t (Ast0.EnumName(kind,None)) mc mc | Ast0.EnumDef(ty,lb,ids,rb) -> let ty = typeC ty in let lb = normal_mcode lb in let ids = dots is_exp_dots (Some(promote_mcode lb)) expression ids in let rb = normal_mcode rb in mkres t (Ast0.EnumDef(ty,lb,ids,rb)) ty (promote_mcode rb) | Ast0.StructUnionName(kind,Some name) -> let kind = normal_mcode kind in let name = ident name in mkres t (Ast0.StructUnionName(kind,Some name)) (promote_mcode kind) name | Ast0.StructUnionName(kind,None) -> let kind = normal_mcode kind in let mc = promote_mcode kind in mkres t (Ast0.StructUnionName(kind,None)) mc mc | Ast0.StructUnionDef(ty,lb,decls,rb) -> let ty = typeC ty in let lb = normal_mcode lb in let decls = dots is_decl_dots (Some(promote_mcode lb)) declaration decls in let rb = normal_mcode rb in mkres t (Ast0.StructUnionDef(ty,lb,decls,rb)) ty (promote_mcode rb) | Ast0.TypeName(name) -> let name = normal_mcode name in let ln = promote_mcode name in mkres t (Ast0.TypeName(name)) ln ln | Ast0.MetaType(name,a) -> let name = normal_mcode name in let ln = promote_mcode name in mkres t (Ast0.MetaType(name,a)) ln ln | Ast0.DisjType(starter,types,mids,ender) -> do_disj t starter types mids ender typeC (fun starter types mids ender -> Ast0.DisjType(starter,types,mids,ender)) | Ast0.OptType(ty) -> let ty = typeC ty in mkres t (Ast0.OptType(ty)) ty ty | Ast0.UniqueType(ty) -> let ty = typeC ty in mkres t (Ast0.UniqueType(ty)) ty ty | Ast0.AsType _ -> failwith "not possible" (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Variable declaration *) (* Even if the Cocci program specifies a list of declarations, they are split out into multiple declarations of a single variable each. *) and is_decl_dots s = match Ast0.unwrap s with Ast0.Ddots(_,_) -> true | _ -> false and declaration d = match Ast0.unwrap d with Ast0.MetaDecl(name,a) -> let name = normal_mcode name in let ln = promote_mcode name in mkres d (Ast0.MetaDecl(name,a)) ln ln | Ast0.MetaField(name,a) -> let name = normal_mcode name in let ln = promote_mcode name in mkres d (Ast0.MetaField(name,a)) ln ln | Ast0.MetaFieldList(name,a,b) -> let name = normal_mcode name in let ln = promote_mcode name in mkres d (Ast0.MetaFieldList(name,a,b)) ln ln | Ast0.Init(stg,ty,id,eq,exp,sem) -> let ty = typeC ty in let id = ident id in let eq = normal_mcode eq in let exp = initialiser exp in let sem = normal_mcode sem in (match stg with None -> mkres d (Ast0.Init(stg,ty,id,eq,exp,sem)) ty (promote_mcode sem) | Some x -> let stg = Some (normal_mcode x) in mkres d (Ast0.Init(stg,ty,id,eq,exp,sem)) (promote_mcode x) (promote_mcode sem)) | Ast0.UnInit(stg,ty,id,sem) -> let ty = typeC ty in let id = ident id in let sem = normal_mcode sem in (match stg with None -> mkres d (Ast0.UnInit(stg,ty,id,sem)) ty (promote_mcode sem) | Some x -> let stg = Some (normal_mcode x) in mkres d (Ast0.UnInit(stg,ty,id,sem)) (promote_mcode x) (promote_mcode sem)) | Ast0.MacroDecl(name,lp,args,rp,sem) -> let name = ident name in let lp = normal_mcode lp in let args = dots is_exp_dots (Some(promote_mcode lp)) expression args in let rp = normal_mcode rp in let sem = normal_mcode sem in mkres d (Ast0.MacroDecl(name,lp,args,rp,sem)) name (promote_mcode sem) | Ast0.MacroDeclInit(name,lp,args,rp,eq,ini,sem) -> let name = ident name in let lp = normal_mcode lp in let args = dots is_exp_dots (Some(promote_mcode lp)) expression args in let rp = normal_mcode rp in let eq = normal_mcode eq in let ini = initialiser ini in let sem = normal_mcode sem in mkres d (Ast0.MacroDeclInit(name,lp,args,rp,eq,ini,sem)) name (promote_mcode sem) | Ast0.TyDecl(ty,sem) -> let ty = typeC ty in let sem = normal_mcode sem in mkres d (Ast0.TyDecl(ty,sem)) ty (promote_mcode sem) | Ast0.Typedef(stg,ty,id,sem) -> let stg = normal_mcode stg in let ty = typeC ty in let id = typeC id in let sem = normal_mcode sem in mkres d (Ast0.Typedef(stg,ty,id,sem)) (promote_mcode stg) (promote_mcode sem) | Ast0.DisjDecl(starter,decls,mids,ender) -> do_disj d starter decls mids ender declaration (fun starter decls mids ender -> Ast0.DisjDecl(starter,decls,mids,ender)) | Ast0.Ddots(dots,whencode) -> let dots = bad_mcode dots in let ln = promote_mcode dots in mkres d (Ast0.Ddots(dots,whencode)) ln ln | Ast0.OptDecl(decl) -> let decl = declaration decl in mkres d (Ast0.OptDecl(declaration decl)) decl decl | Ast0.UniqueDecl(decl) -> let decl = declaration decl in mkres d (Ast0.UniqueDecl(declaration decl)) decl decl | Ast0.AsDecl _ -> failwith "not possible" (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Initializer *) and is_init_dots i = match Ast0.unwrap i with Ast0.Idots(_,_) -> true | _ -> false and initialiser i = match Ast0.unwrap i with Ast0.MetaInit(name,a) -> let name = normal_mcode name in let ln = promote_mcode name in mkres i (Ast0.MetaInit(name,a)) ln ln | Ast0.MetaInitList(name,a,b) -> let name = normal_mcode name in let ln = promote_mcode name in mkres i (Ast0.MetaInitList(name,a,b)) ln ln | Ast0.InitExpr(exp) -> let exp = expression exp in mkres i (Ast0.InitExpr(exp)) exp exp | Ast0.InitList(lb,initlist,rb,ordered) -> let lb = normal_mcode lb in let initlist = dots is_init_dots (Some(promote_mcode lb)) initialiser initlist in let rb = normal_mcode rb in mkres i (Ast0.InitList(lb,initlist,rb,ordered)) (promote_mcode lb) (promote_mcode rb) | Ast0.InitGccExt(designators,eq,ini) -> let (delims,designators) = (* non empty due to parsing *) List.split (List.map designator designators) in let eq = normal_mcode eq in let ini = initialiser ini in mkres i (Ast0.InitGccExt(designators,eq,ini)) (promote_mcode (List.hd delims)) ini | Ast0.InitGccName(name,eq,ini) -> let name = ident name in let eq = normal_mcode eq in let ini = initialiser ini in mkres i (Ast0.InitGccName(name,eq,ini)) name ini | Ast0.IComma(cm) -> let cm = normal_mcode cm in let ln = promote_mcode cm in mkres i (Ast0.IComma(cm)) ln ln | Ast0.Idots(dots,whencode) -> let dots = bad_mcode dots in let ln = promote_mcode dots in mkres i (Ast0.Idots(dots,whencode)) ln ln | Ast0.OptIni(ini) -> let ini = initialiser ini in mkres i (Ast0.OptIni(ini)) ini ini | Ast0.UniqueIni(ini) -> let ini = initialiser ini in mkres i (Ast0.UniqueIni(ini)) ini ini | Ast0.AsInit _ -> failwith "not possible" and designator = function Ast0.DesignatorField(dot,id) -> let dot = normal_mcode dot in (dot,Ast0.DesignatorField(dot,ident id)) | Ast0.DesignatorIndex(lb,exp,rb) -> let lb = normal_mcode lb in let rb = normal_mcode rb in (lb,Ast0.DesignatorIndex(lb,expression exp,rb)) | Ast0.DesignatorRange(lb,min,dots,max,rb) -> let lb = normal_mcode lb in let dots = normal_mcode dots in let rb = normal_mcode rb in (lb,Ast0.DesignatorRange(lb,expression min,dots,expression max,rb)) and initialiser_list prev = dots is_init_dots prev initialiser (* for export *) and initialiser_dots x = dots is_init_dots None initialiser x (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Parameter *) and is_param_dots p = match Ast0.unwrap p with Ast0.Pdots(_) | Ast0.Pcircles(_) -> true | _ -> false and parameterTypeDef p = match Ast0.unwrap p with Ast0.VoidParam(ty) -> let ty = typeC ty in mkres p (Ast0.VoidParam(ty)) ty ty | Ast0.Param(ty,Some id) -> let id = ident id in let ty = typeC ty in mkres p (Ast0.Param(ty,Some id)) ty id | Ast0.Param(ty,None) -> let ty = typeC ty in mkres p (Ast0.Param(ty,None)) ty ty | Ast0.MetaParam(name,a) -> let name = normal_mcode name in let ln = promote_mcode name in mkres p (Ast0.MetaParam(name,a)) ln ln | Ast0.MetaParamList(name,a,b) -> let name = normal_mcode name in let ln = promote_mcode name in mkres p (Ast0.MetaParamList(name,a,b)) ln ln | Ast0.PComma(cm) -> (*let cm = bad_mcode cm in*) (* why was this bad??? *) let cm = normal_mcode cm in let ln = promote_mcode cm in mkres p (Ast0.PComma(cm)) ln ln | Ast0.Pdots(dots) -> let dots = bad_mcode dots in let ln = promote_mcode dots in mkres p (Ast0.Pdots(dots)) ln ln | Ast0.Pcircles(dots) -> let dots = bad_mcode dots in let ln = promote_mcode dots in mkres p (Ast0.Pcircles(dots)) ln ln | Ast0.OptParam(param) -> let res = parameterTypeDef param in mkres p (Ast0.OptParam(res)) res res | Ast0.UniqueParam(param) -> let res = parameterTypeDef param in mkres p (Ast0.UniqueParam(res)) res res and parameter_list prev = dots is_param_dots prev parameterTypeDef (* for export *) let parameter_dots x = dots is_param_dots None parameterTypeDef x (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let is_define_param_dots s = match Ast0.unwrap s with Ast0.DPdots(_) | Ast0.DPcircles(_) -> true | _ -> false let rec define_param p = match Ast0.unwrap p with Ast0.DParam(id) -> let id = ident id in mkres p (Ast0.DParam(id)) id id | Ast0.DPComma(cm) -> (*let cm = bad_mcode cm in*) (* why was this bad??? *) let cm = normal_mcode cm in let ln = promote_mcode cm in mkres p (Ast0.DPComma(cm)) ln ln | Ast0.DPdots(dots) -> let dots = bad_mcode dots in let ln = promote_mcode dots in mkres p (Ast0.DPdots(dots)) ln ln | Ast0.DPcircles(dots) -> let dots = bad_mcode dots in let ln = promote_mcode dots in mkres p (Ast0.DPcircles(dots)) ln ln | Ast0.OptDParam(dp) -> let res = define_param dp in mkres p (Ast0.OptDParam(res)) res res | Ast0.UniqueDParam(dp) -> let res = define_param dp in mkres p (Ast0.UniqueDParam(res)) res res let define_parameters x id = match Ast0.unwrap x with Ast0.NoParams -> (x,id) (* no info, should be ignored *) | Ast0.DParams(lp,dp,rp) -> let lp = normal_mcode lp in let dp = dots is_define_param_dots None define_param dp in let rp = normal_mcode rp in let l = promote_mcode lp in let r = promote_mcode rp in (mkres x (Ast0.DParams(lp,dp,rp)) l r, r) (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Top-level code *) let is_stm_dots s = match Ast0.unwrap s with Ast0.Dots(_,_) | Ast0.Circles(_,_) | Ast0.Stars(_,_) -> true | _ -> false let rec statement s = let res = match Ast0.unwrap s with Ast0.Decl((_,bef),decl) -> let decl = declaration decl in let left = promote_to_statement_start decl bef in mkres s (Ast0.Decl((Ast0.get_info left,bef),decl)) decl decl | Ast0.Seq(lbrace,body,rbrace) -> let lbrace = normal_mcode lbrace in let body = dots is_stm_dots (Some(promote_mcode lbrace)) statement body in let rbrace = normal_mcode rbrace in mkres s (Ast0.Seq(lbrace,body,rbrace)) (promote_mcode lbrace) (promote_mcode rbrace) | Ast0.ExprStatement(Some exp,sem) -> let exp = expression exp in let sem = normal_mcode sem in mkres s (Ast0.ExprStatement(Some exp,sem)) exp (promote_mcode sem) | Ast0.ExprStatement(None,sem) -> let sem = normal_mcode sem in let promoted_sem = promote_mcode sem in mkres s (Ast0.ExprStatement(None,sem)) promoted_sem promoted_sem | Ast0.IfThen(iff,lp,exp,rp,branch,(_,aft)) -> let iff = normal_mcode iff in let lp = normal_mcode lp in let exp = expression exp in let rp = normal_mcode rp in let branch = statement branch in let right = promote_to_statement branch aft in mkres s (Ast0.IfThen(iff,lp,exp,rp,branch,(Ast0.get_info right,aft))) (promote_mcode iff) right | Ast0.IfThenElse(iff,lp,exp,rp,branch1,els,branch2,(_,aft)) -> let iff = normal_mcode iff in let lp = normal_mcode lp in let exp = expression exp in let rp = normal_mcode rp in let branch1 = statement branch1 in let els = normal_mcode els in let branch2 = statement branch2 in let right = promote_to_statement branch2 aft in mkres s (Ast0.IfThenElse(iff,lp,exp,rp,branch1,els,branch2, (Ast0.get_info right,aft))) (promote_mcode iff) right | Ast0.While(wh,lp,exp,rp,body,(_,aft)) -> let wh = normal_mcode wh in let lp = normal_mcode lp in let exp = expression exp in let rp = normal_mcode rp in let body = statement body in let right = promote_to_statement body aft in mkres s (Ast0.While(wh,lp,exp,rp,body,(Ast0.get_info right,aft))) (promote_mcode wh) right | Ast0.Do(d,body,wh,lp,exp,rp,sem) -> let d = normal_mcode d in let body = statement body in let wh = normal_mcode wh in let lp = normal_mcode lp in let exp = expression exp in let rp = normal_mcode rp in mkres s (Ast0.Do(d,body,wh,lp,exp,rp,sem)) (promote_mcode d) (promote_mcode sem) | Ast0.For(fr,lp,exp1,sem1,exp2,sem2,exp3,rp,body,(_,aft)) -> let fr = normal_mcode fr in let lp = normal_mcode lp in let exp1 = get_option expression exp1 in let sem1 = normal_mcode sem1 in let exp2 = get_option expression exp2 in let sem2 = normal_mcode sem2 in let exp3 = get_option expression exp3 in let rp = normal_mcode rp in let body = statement body in let right = promote_to_statement body aft in mkres s (Ast0.For(fr,lp,exp1,sem1,exp2,sem2,exp3,rp,body, (Ast0.get_info right,aft))) (promote_mcode fr) right | Ast0.Iterator(nm,lp,args,rp,body,(_,aft)) -> let nm = ident nm in let lp = normal_mcode lp in let args = dots is_exp_dots (Some(promote_mcode lp)) expression args in let rp = normal_mcode rp in let body = statement body in let right = promote_to_statement body aft in mkres s (Ast0.Iterator(nm,lp,args,rp,body,(Ast0.get_info right,aft))) nm right | Ast0.Switch(switch,lp,exp,rp,lb,decls,cases,rb) -> let switch = normal_mcode switch in let lp = normal_mcode lp in let exp = expression exp in let rp = normal_mcode rp in let lb = normal_mcode lb in let decls = dots is_stm_dots (Some(promote_mcode lb)) statement decls in let cases = dots (function _ -> false) (if Ast0.undots decls = [] then (Some(promote_mcode lb)) else None (* not sure this is right, but not sure the case can arise either *)) case_line cases in let rb = normal_mcode rb in mkres s (Ast0.Switch(switch,lp,exp,rp,lb,decls,cases,rb)) (promote_mcode switch) (promote_mcode rb) | Ast0.Break(br,sem) -> let br = normal_mcode br in let sem = normal_mcode sem in mkres s (Ast0.Break(br,sem)) (promote_mcode br) (promote_mcode sem) | Ast0.Continue(cont,sem) -> let cont = normal_mcode cont in let sem = normal_mcode sem in mkres s (Ast0.Continue(cont,sem)) (promote_mcode cont) (promote_mcode sem) | Ast0.Label(l,dd) -> let l = ident l in let dd = normal_mcode dd in mkres s (Ast0.Label(l,dd)) l (promote_mcode dd) | Ast0.Goto(goto,id,sem) -> let goto = normal_mcode goto in let id = ident id in let sem = normal_mcode sem in mkres s (Ast0.Goto(goto,id,sem)) (promote_mcode goto) (promote_mcode sem) | Ast0.Return(ret,sem) -> let ret = normal_mcode ret in let sem = normal_mcode sem in mkres s (Ast0.Return(ret,sem)) (promote_mcode ret) (promote_mcode sem) | Ast0.ReturnExpr(ret,exp,sem) -> let ret = normal_mcode ret in let exp = expression exp in let sem = normal_mcode sem in mkres s (Ast0.ReturnExpr(ret,exp,sem)) (promote_mcode ret) (promote_mcode sem) | Ast0.MetaStmt(name,a) -> let ln = promote_mcode name in mkres s (Ast0.MetaStmt(name,a)) ln ln | Ast0.MetaStmtList(name,a) -> let ln = promote_mcode name in mkres s (Ast0.MetaStmtList(name,a)) ln ln | Ast0.Exp(exp) -> let exp = expression exp in mkres s (Ast0.Exp(exp)) exp exp | Ast0.TopExp(exp) -> let exp = expression exp in mkres s (Ast0.TopExp(exp)) exp exp | Ast0.Ty(ty) -> let ty = typeC ty in mkres s (Ast0.Ty(ty)) ty ty | Ast0.TopInit(init) -> let init = initialiser init in mkres s (Ast0.TopInit(init)) init init | Ast0.Disj(starter,rule_elem_dots_list,mids,ender) -> let starter = bad_mcode starter in let mids = List.map bad_mcode mids in let ender = bad_mcode ender in let rec loop prevs = function [] -> [] | stm::stms -> (dots is_stm_dots (Some(promote_mcode_plus_one(List.hd prevs))) statement stm):: (loop (List.tl prevs) stms) in let elems = loop (starter::mids) rule_elem_dots_list in mkmultires s (Ast0.Disj(starter,elems,mids,ender)) (promote_mcode starter) (promote_mcode ender) (get_all_start_info elems) (get_all_end_info elems) | Ast0.Nest(starter,rule_elem_dots,ender,whencode,multi) -> let starter = bad_mcode starter in let ender = bad_mcode ender in let wrapper f = match Ast0.get_mcode_mcodekind starter with Ast0.MINUS _ -> (* if minus, then all nest code has to be minus. This is checked at the token level, in parse_cocci.ml. All nest code is also unattachable. We strip the minus annotations from the nest code because in the CTL another metavariable will take care of removing all the code matched by the nest. Without stripping the minus annotations, we would get a double transformation. Perhaps there is a more elegant way to do this in the CTL, but it is not easy, because of the interaction with the whencode and the implementation of plus *) in_nest_count := !in_nest_count + 1; let res = f() in in_nest_count := !in_nest_count - 1; res | _ -> f() in let rule_elem_dots = wrapper (function _ -> dots is_stm_dots None statement rule_elem_dots) in mkres s (Ast0.Nest(starter,rule_elem_dots,ender,whencode,multi)) (promote_mcode starter) (promote_mcode ender) | Ast0.Dots(dots,whencode) -> let dots = bad_mcode dots in let ln = promote_mcode dots in mkres s (Ast0.Dots(dots,whencode)) ln ln | Ast0.Circles(dots,whencode) -> let dots = bad_mcode dots in let ln = promote_mcode dots in mkres s (Ast0.Circles(dots,whencode)) ln ln | Ast0.Stars(dots,whencode) -> let dots = bad_mcode dots in let ln = promote_mcode dots in mkres s (Ast0.Stars(dots,whencode)) ln ln | Ast0.FunDecl((_,bef),fninfo,name,lp,params,rp,lbrace,body,rbrace) -> let fninfo = List.map (function Ast0.FType(ty) -> Ast0.FType(typeC ty) | x -> x) fninfo in let name = ident name in let lp = normal_mcode lp in let params = parameter_list (Some(promote_mcode lp)) params in let rp = normal_mcode rp in let lbrace = normal_mcode lbrace in let body = dots is_stm_dots (Some(promote_mcode lbrace)) statement body in let rbrace = normal_mcode rbrace in let left = (* cases on what is leftmost *) match fninfo with [] -> promote_to_statement_start name bef | Ast0.FStorage(stg)::_ -> promote_to_statement_start (promote_mcode stg) bef | Ast0.FType(ty)::_ -> promote_to_statement_start ty bef | Ast0.FInline(inline)::_ -> promote_to_statement_start (promote_mcode inline) bef | Ast0.FAttr(attr)::_ -> promote_to_statement_start (promote_mcode attr) bef in (* pretend it is one line before the start of the function, so that it will catch things defined at top level. We assume that these will not be defined on the same line as the function. This is a HACK. A better approach would be to attach top_level things to this node, and other things to the node after, but that would complicate insert_plus, which doesn't distinguish between different mcodekinds *) let res = Ast0.FunDecl((Ast0.get_info left,bef),fninfo,name,lp,params,rp,lbrace, body,rbrace) in (* have to do this test again, because of typing problems - can't save the result, only use it *) (match fninfo with [] -> mkres s res name (promote_mcode rbrace) | Ast0.FStorage(stg)::_ -> mkres s res (promote_mcode stg) (promote_mcode rbrace) | Ast0.FType(ty)::_ -> mkres s res ty (promote_mcode rbrace) | Ast0.FInline(inline)::_ -> mkres s res (promote_mcode inline) (promote_mcode rbrace) | Ast0.FAttr(attr)::_ -> mkres s res (promote_mcode attr) (promote_mcode rbrace)) | Ast0.Include(inc,stm) -> let inc = normal_mcode inc in let stm = normal_mcode stm in mkres s (Ast0.Include(inc,stm)) (promote_mcode inc) (promote_mcode stm) | Ast0.Undef(def,id) -> let def = normal_mcode def in let id = ident id in mkres s (Ast0.Undef(def,id)) (promote_mcode def) id | Ast0.Define(def,id,params,body) -> let def = normal_mcode def in let (id,right) = full_ident id in (match right with None -> failwith "no disj id for #define" | Some right -> let (params,prev) = define_parameters params right in let body = dots is_stm_dots (Some prev) statement body in mkres s (Ast0.Define(def,id,params,body)) (promote_mcode def) body) | Ast0.OptStm(stm) -> let stm = statement stm in mkres s (Ast0.OptStm(stm)) stm stm | Ast0.UniqueStm(stm) -> let stm = statement stm in mkres s (Ast0.UniqueStm(stm)) stm stm | Ast0.AsStmt _ -> failwith "not possible" in Ast0.set_dots_bef_aft res (match Ast0.get_dots_bef_aft res with Ast0.NoDots -> Ast0.NoDots | Ast0.AddingBetweenDots s -> Ast0.AddingBetweenDots(statement s) | Ast0.DroppingBetweenDots s -> Ast0.DroppingBetweenDots(statement s)) and case_line c = match Ast0.unwrap c with Ast0.Default(def,colon,code) -> let def = normal_mcode def in let colon = normal_mcode colon in let code = dots is_stm_dots (Some(promote_mcode colon)) statement code in mkres c (Ast0.Default(def,colon,code)) (promote_mcode def) code | Ast0.Case(case,exp,colon,code) -> let case = normal_mcode case in let exp = expression exp in let colon = normal_mcode colon in let code = dots is_stm_dots (Some(promote_mcode colon)) statement code in mkres c (Ast0.Case(case,exp,colon,code)) (promote_mcode case) code | Ast0.DisjCase(starter,case_lines,mids,ender) -> do_disj c starter case_lines mids ender case_line (fun starter case_lines mids ender -> Ast0.DisjCase(starter,case_lines,mids,ender)) | Ast0.OptCase(case) -> let case = case_line case in mkres c (Ast0.OptCase(case)) case case and statement_dots x = dots is_stm_dots None statement x (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Function declaration *) let top_level t = match Ast0.unwrap t with Ast0.FILEINFO(old_file,new_file) -> t | Ast0.NONDECL(stmt) -> let stmt = statement stmt in mkres t (Ast0.NONDECL(stmt)) stmt stmt | Ast0.CODE(rule_elem_dots) -> let rule_elem_dots = dots is_stm_dots None statement rule_elem_dots in mkres t (Ast0.CODE(rule_elem_dots)) rule_elem_dots rule_elem_dots | Ast0.ERRORWORDS(exps) -> t | Ast0.OTHER(_) | Ast0.TOPCODE(_) -> failwith "eliminated by top_level" (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Entry points *) let compute_lines attachable_or x = in_nest_count := 0; inherit_attachable := attachable_or; List.map top_level x let compute_statement_lines attachable_or x = in_nest_count := 0; inherit_attachable := attachable_or; statement x let compute_statement_dots_lines attachable_or x = in_nest_count := 0; inherit_attachable := attachable_or; statement_dots x