(* Expanding or extracting macros, at the token level *) (* corresponds to what is in the yacfe configuration file (e.g. standard.h) *) type define_def = string * define_param * define_body and define_param = | NoParam | Params of string list and define_body = | DefineBody of Parser_c.token list | DefineHint of parsinghack_hint (* strongly corresponds to the TMacroXxx in the grammar and lexer and the * MacroXxx in the ast. *) and parsinghack_hint = | HintIterator | HintDeclarator | HintMacroString | HintMacroStatement | HintAttribute | HintMacroIdentBuilder val string_of_define_def: define_def -> string (* This function work by side effect and may generate new tokens * in the new_tokens_before field of the token_extended in the * paren_grouped list. So don't forget to recall * Token_views_c.rebuild_tokens_extented after this call, as well * as probably insert_virtual_positions as new tokens * are generated. * * note: it does not do some fixpoint, so the generated code may also * contain some macros names. *) val apply_macro_defs: msg_apply_known_macro:(string -> unit) -> msg_apply_known_macro_hint:(string -> unit) -> ?evaluate_concatop:bool -> ?inplace_when_single:bool -> (string, define_def) Hashtbl.t -> Token_views_c.paren_grouped list -> unit (* extracting define_def, e.g. from a standard.h; assume have called * fix_tokens_define before to have the TDefEol *) val extract_macros : Parser_c.token list -> (string, define_def) Common.assoc