(* Yoann Padioleau * * Copyright (C) 2010 INRIA, University of Copenhagen DIKU * Copyright (C) 1998-2009 Yoann Padioleau * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation, with the * special exception on linking described in file license.txt. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the file * license.txt for more details. *) (*****************************************************************************) (* Notes *) (*****************************************************************************) (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Maybe could split common.ml and use include tricks as in ofullcommon.ml or * Jane Street core lib. But then harder to bundle simple scripts like my * make_full_linux_kernel.ml because would then need to pass all the files * either to ocamlc or either to some #load. Also as the code of many * functions depends on other functions from this common, it would * be tedious to add those dependencies. Here simpler (have just the * pb of the Prelude, but it's a small problem). * * pixel means code from Pascal Rigaux * julia means code from Julia Lawall *) (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (*****************************************************************************) (* We use *) (*****************************************************************************) (* * modules: * - Pervasives, of course * - List * - Str * - Hashtbl * - Format * - Buffer * - Unix and Sys * - Arg * * functions: * - =, <=, max min, abs, ... * - List.rev, List.mem, List.partition, * - List.fold*, List.concat, ... * - Str.global_replace * - Filename.is_relative * - String.uppercase, String.lowercase * * * The Format library allows to hide passing an indent_level variable. * You use as usual the print_string function except that there is * this automatic indent_level variable handled for you (and maybe * more services). src: julia in coccinelle unparse_cocci. * * Extra packages * - ocamlbdb * - ocamlgtk, and gtksourceview * - ocamlgl * - ocamlpython * - ocamlagrep * - ocamlfuse * - ocamlmpi * - ocamlcalendar * * - pcre * - sdl * * Many functions in this file were inspired by Haskell or Lisp librairies. *) (*****************************************************************************) (* Prelude *) (*****************************************************************************) (* The following functions should be in their respective sections but * because some functions in some sections use functions in other * sections, and because I don't want to take care of the order of * those sections, of those dependencies, I put the functions causing * dependency problem here. C is better than caml on this with the * ability to declare prototype, enabling some form of forward * reference. *) let (+>) o f = f o let (++) = (@) exception Timeout exception UnixExit of int let rec (do_n: int -> (unit -> unit) -> unit) = fun i f -> if i = 0 then () else (f(); do_n (i-1) f) let rec (foldn: ('a -> int -> 'a) -> 'a -> int -> 'a) = fun f acc i -> if i = 0 then acc else foldn f (f acc i) (i-1) let sum_int = List.fold_left (+) 0 (* could really call it 'for' :) *) let fold_left_with_index f acc = let rec fold_lwi_aux acc n = function | [] -> acc | x::xs -> fold_lwi_aux (f acc x n) (n+1) xs in fold_lwi_aux acc 0 let rec drop n xs = match (n,xs) with | (0,_) -> xs | (_,[]) -> failwith "drop: not enough" | (n,x::xs) -> drop (n-1) xs let rec enum_orig x n = if x = n then [n] else x::enum_orig (x+1) n let enum x n = if not(x <= n) then failwith (Printf.sprintf "bad values in enum, expect %d <= %d" x n); let rec enum_aux acc x n = if x = n then n::acc else enum_aux (x::acc) (x+1) n in List.rev (enum_aux [] x n) let rec take n xs = match (n,xs) with | (0,_) -> [] | (_,[]) -> failwith "take: not enough" | (n,x::xs) -> x::take (n-1) xs let last_n n l = List.rev (take n (List.rev l)) let last l = List.hd (last_n 1 l) let (list_of_string: string -> char list) = function "" -> [] | s -> (enum 0 ((String.length s) - 1) +> List.map (String.get s)) let (lines: string -> string list) = fun s -> let rec lines_aux = function | [] -> [] | [x] -> if x = "" then [] else [x] | x::xs -> x::lines_aux xs in Str.split_delim (Str.regexp "\n") s +> lines_aux let push2 v l = l := v :: !l let null xs = match xs with [] -> true | _ -> false let debugger = ref false let unwind_protect f cleanup = if !debugger then f() else try f () with e -> begin cleanup e; raise e end let finalize f cleanup = if !debugger then f() else try let res = f () in cleanup (); res with e -> cleanup (); raise e let command2 s = ignore(Sys.command s) let (matched: int -> string -> string) = fun i s -> Str.matched_group i s let matched1 = fun s -> matched 1 s let matched2 = fun s -> (matched 1 s, matched 2 s) let matched3 = fun s -> (matched 1 s, matched 2 s, matched 3 s) let matched4 = fun s -> (matched 1 s, matched 2 s, matched 3 s, matched 4 s) let matched5 = fun s -> (matched 1 s, matched 2 s, matched 3 s, matched 4 s, matched 5 s) let matched6 = fun s -> (matched 1 s, matched 2 s, matched 3 s, matched 4 s, matched 5 s, matched 6 s) let matched7 = fun s -> (matched 1 s, matched 2 s, matched 3 s, matched 4 s, matched 5 s, matched 6 s, matched 7 s) let (with_open_stringbuf: (((string -> unit) * Buffer.t) -> unit) -> string) = fun f -> let buf = Buffer.create 1000 in let pr s = Buffer.add_string buf (s ^ "\n") in f (pr, buf); Buffer.contents buf let foldl1 p = function x::xs -> List.fold_left p x xs | _ -> failwith "foldl1" (*****************************************************************************) (* Debugging/logging *) (*****************************************************************************) (* I used this in coccinelle where the huge logging of stuff ask for * a more organized solution that use more visual indentation hints. * * todo? could maybe use log4j instead ? or use Format module more * consistently ? *) let _tab_level_print = ref 0 let _tab_indent = 5 let _prefix_pr = ref "" let indent_do f = _tab_level_print := !_tab_level_print + _tab_indent; finalize f (fun () -> _tab_level_print := !_tab_level_print - _tab_indent;) let pr s = print_string !_prefix_pr; do_n !_tab_level_print (fun () -> print_string " "); print_string s; print_string "\n"; flush stdout let pr_no_nl s = print_string !_prefix_pr; do_n !_tab_level_print (fun () -> print_string " "); print_string s; flush stdout let _chan_pr2 = ref (None: out_channel option) let out_chan_pr2 ?(newline=true) s = match !_chan_pr2 with | None -> () | Some chan -> output_string chan (s ^ (if newline then "\n" else "")); flush chan let print_to_stderr = ref true let pr2 s = if !print_to_stderr then begin prerr_string !_prefix_pr; do_n !_tab_level_print (fun () -> prerr_string " "); prerr_string s; prerr_string "\n"; flush stderr; out_chan_pr2 s; () end let pr2_no_nl s = if !print_to_stderr then begin prerr_string !_prefix_pr; do_n !_tab_level_print (fun () -> prerr_string " "); prerr_string s; flush stderr; out_chan_pr2 ~newline:false s; () end let pr_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx () = pr "-----------------------------------------------------------------------" let pr2_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx () = pr2 "-----------------------------------------------------------------------" let reset_pr_indent () = _tab_level_print := 0 (* old: * let pr s = (print_string s; print_string "\n"; flush stdout) * let pr2 s = (prerr_string s; prerr_string "\n"; flush stderr) *) (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* I can not use the _xxx ref tech that I use for common_extra.ml here because * ocaml don't like the polymorphism of Dumper mixed with refs. * * let (_dump_func : ('a -> string) ref) = ref * (fun x -> failwith "no dump yet, have you included common_extra.cmo?") * let (dump : 'a -> string) = fun x -> * !_dump_func x * * So I have included directly dumper.ml in common.ml. It's more practical * when want to give script that use my common.ml, I just have to give * this file. *) (* start of dumper.ml *) (* Dump an OCaml value into a printable string. * By Richard W.M. Jones (rich@annexia.org). * dumper.ml 1.2 2005/02/06 12:38:21 rich Exp *) open Printf open Obj let rec dump r = if is_int r then string_of_int (magic r : int) else ( (* Block. *) let rec get_fields acc = function | 0 -> acc | n -> let n = n-1 in get_fields (field r n :: acc) n in let rec is_list r = if is_int r then ( if (magic r : int) = 0 then true (* [] *) else false ) else ( let s = size r and t = tag r in if t = 0 && s = 2 then is_list (field r 1) (* h :: t *) else false ) in let rec get_list r = if is_int r then [] else let h = field r 0 and t = get_list (field r 1) in h :: t in let opaque name = (* XXX In future, print the address of value 'r'. Not possible in * pure OCaml at the moment. *) "<" ^ name ^ ">" in let s = size r and t = tag r in (* From the tag, determine the type of block. *) if is_list r then ( (* List. *) let fields = get_list r in "[" ^ String.concat "; " (List.map dump fields) ^ "]" ) else if t = 0 then ( (* Tuple, array, record. *) let fields = get_fields [] s in "(" ^ String.concat ", " (List.map dump fields) ^ ")" ) (* Note that [lazy_tag .. forward_tag] are < no_scan_tag. Not * clear if very large constructed values could have the same * tag. XXX *) else if t = lazy_tag then opaque "lazy" else if t = closure_tag then opaque "closure" else if t = object_tag then ( (* Object. *) let fields = get_fields [] s in let clasz, id, slots = match fields with h::h'::t -> h, h', t | _ -> assert false in (* No information on decoding the class (first field). So just print * out the ID and the slots. *) "Object #" ^ dump id ^ " (" ^ String.concat ", " (List.map dump slots) ^ ")" ) else if t = infix_tag then opaque "infix" else if t = forward_tag then opaque "forward" else if t < no_scan_tag then ( (* Constructed value. *) let fields = get_fields [] s in "Tag" ^ string_of_int t ^ " (" ^ String.concat ", " (List.map dump fields) ^ ")" ) else if t = string_tag then ( "\"" ^ String.escaped (magic r : string) ^ "\"" ) else if t = double_tag then ( string_of_float (magic r : float) ) else if t = abstract_tag then opaque "abstract" else if t = custom_tag then opaque "custom" else if t = final_tag then opaque "final" else failwith ("dump: impossible tag (" ^ string_of_int t ^ ")") ) let dump v = dump (repr v) (* end of dumper.ml *) (* let (dump : 'a -> string) = fun x -> Dumper.dump x *) (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let pr2_gen x = pr2 (dump x) (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let _already_printed = Hashtbl.create 101 let disable_pr2_once = ref false let xxx_once f s = if !disable_pr2_once then pr2 s else if not (Hashtbl.mem _already_printed s) then begin Hashtbl.add _already_printed s true; f ("(ONCE) " ^ s); end let pr2_once s = xxx_once pr2 s let clear_pr2_once _ = Hashtbl.clear _already_printed (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let mk_pr2_wrappers aref = let fpr2 s = if !aref then pr2 s else (* just to the log file *) out_chan_pr2 s in let fpr2_once s = if !aref then pr2_once s else xxx_once out_chan_pr2 s in fpr2, fpr2_once (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* could also be in File section *) let redirect_stdout file f = begin let chan = open_out file in let descr = Unix.descr_of_out_channel chan in let saveout = Unix.dup Unix.stdout in Unix.dup2 descr Unix.stdout; flush stdout; let res = f() in flush stdout; Unix.dup2 saveout Unix.stdout; close_out chan; res end let redirect_stdout_opt optfile f = match optfile with | None -> f() | Some outfile -> redirect_stdout outfile f let redirect_stdout_stderr file f = begin let chan = open_out file in let descr = Unix.descr_of_out_channel chan in let saveout = Unix.dup Unix.stdout in let saveerr = Unix.dup Unix.stderr in Unix.dup2 descr Unix.stdout; Unix.dup2 descr Unix.stderr; flush stdout; flush stderr; f(); flush stdout; flush stderr; Unix.dup2 saveout Unix.stdout; Unix.dup2 saveerr Unix.stderr; close_out chan; end let redirect_stdin file f = begin let chan = open_in file in let descr = Unix.descr_of_in_channel chan in let savein = Unix.dup Unix.stdin in Unix.dup2 descr Unix.stdin; let res = f() in Unix.dup2 savein Unix.stdin; close_in chan; res end let redirect_stdin_opt optfile f = match optfile with | None -> f() | Some infile -> redirect_stdin infile f (* cf end let with_pr2_to_string f = *) (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) include Printf (* cf common.mli, fprintf, printf, eprintf, sprintf. * also what is this ? * val bprintf : Buffer.t -> ('a, Buffer.t, unit) format -> 'a * val kprintf : (string -> 'a) -> ('b, unit, string, 'a) format4 -> 'b *) (* ex of printf: * printf "%02d" i * for padding *) let spf = sprintf (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let _chan = ref stderr let start_log_file () = let filename = (spf "/tmp/debugml%d:%d" (Unix.getuid()) (Unix.getpid())) in pr2 (spf "now using %s for logging" filename); _chan := open_out filename let dolog s = output_string !_chan (s ^ "\n"); flush !_chan let verbose_level = ref 1 let log s = if !verbose_level >= 1 then dolog s let log2 s = if !verbose_level >= 2 then dolog s let log3 s = if !verbose_level >= 3 then dolog s let log4 s = if !verbose_level >= 4 then dolog s let if_log f = if !verbose_level >= 1 then f() let if_log2 f = if !verbose_level >= 2 then f() let if_log3 f = if !verbose_level >= 3 then f() let if_log4 f = if !verbose_level >= 4 then f() (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let pause () = (pr2 "pause: type return"; ignore(read_line ())) (* src: from getopt from frish *) let bip () = Printf.printf "\007"; flush stdout let wait () = Unix.sleep 1 (* was used by fix_caml *) let _trace_var = ref 0 let add_var() = incr _trace_var let dec_var() = decr _trace_var let get_var() = !_trace_var let (print_n: int -> string -> unit) = fun i s -> do_n i (fun () -> print_string s) let (printerr_n: int -> string -> unit) = fun i s -> do_n i (fun () -> prerr_string s) let _debug = ref true let debugon () = _debug := true let debugoff () = _debug := false let debug f = if !_debug then f () else () (* now in prelude: * let debugger = ref false *) (*****************************************************************************) (* Profiling *) (*****************************************************************************) let get_mem() = command2("grep VmData /proc/" ^ string_of_int (Unix.getpid()) ^ "/status") let memory_stat () = let stat = Gc.stat() in let conv_mo x = x * 4 / 1000000 in Printf.sprintf "maximal = %d Mo\n" (conv_mo stat.Gc.top_heap_words) ^ Printf.sprintf "current = %d Mo\n" (conv_mo stat.Gc.heap_words) ^ Printf.sprintf "lives = %d Mo\n" (conv_mo stat.Gc.live_words) (* Printf.printf "fragments = %d Mo\n" (conv_mo stat.Gc.fragments); *) let timenow () = "sys:" ^ (string_of_float (Sys.time ())) ^ " seconds" ^ ":real:" ^ (let tm = Unix.time () +> Unix.gmtime in tm.Unix.tm_min +> string_of_int ^ " min:" ^ tm.Unix.tm_sec +> string_of_int ^ ".00 seconds") let _count1 = ref 0 let _count2 = ref 0 let _count3 = ref 0 let _count4 = ref 0 let _count5 = ref 0 let count1 () = incr _count1 let count2 () = incr _count2 let count3 () = incr _count3 let count4 () = incr _count4 let count5 () = incr _count5 let profile_diagnostic_basic () = Printf.sprintf "count1 = %d\ncount2 = %d\ncount3 = %d\ncount4 = %d\ncount5 = %d\n" !_count1 !_count2 !_count3 !_count4 !_count5 let time_func f = (* let _ = Timing () in *) let x = f () in (* let _ = Timing () in *) x (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) type prof = PALL | PNONE | PSOME of string list let profile = ref PNONE let show_trace_profile = ref false let check_profile category = match !profile with PALL -> true | PNONE -> false | PSOME l -> List.mem category l let _profile_table = ref (Hashtbl.create 100) let adjust_profile_entry category difftime = let (xtime, xcount) = (try Hashtbl.find !_profile_table category with Not_found -> let xtime = ref 0.0 in let xcount = ref 0 in Hashtbl.add !_profile_table category (xtime, xcount); (xtime, xcount) ) in xtime := !xtime +. difftime; xcount := !xcount + 1; () let profile_start category = failwith "todo" let profile_end category = failwith "todo" (* subtil: don't forget to give all argumens to f, otherwise partial app * and will profile nothing. * * todo: try also detect when complexity augment each time, so can * detect the situation for a function gets worse and worse ? *) let profile_code category f = if not (check_profile category) then f() else begin if !show_trace_profile then pr2 (spf "p: %s" category); let t = Unix.gettimeofday () in let res, prefix = try Some (f ()), "" with Timeout -> None, "*" in let category = prefix ^ category in (* add a '*' to indicate timeout func *) let t' = Unix.gettimeofday () in adjust_profile_entry category (t' -. t); (match res with | Some res -> res | None -> raise Timeout ); end let _is_in_exclusif = ref (None: string option) let profile_code_exclusif category f = if not (check_profile category) then f() else begin match !_is_in_exclusif with | Some s -> failwith (spf "profile_code_exclusif: %s but already in %s " category s); | None -> _is_in_exclusif := (Some category); finalize (fun () -> profile_code category f ) (fun () -> _is_in_exclusif := None ) end let profile_code_inside_exclusif_ok category f = failwith "Todo" (* todo: also put % ? also add % to see if coherent numbers *) let profile_diagnostic () = if !profile = PNONE then "" else let xs = Hashtbl.fold (fun k v acc -> (k,v)::acc) !_profile_table [] +> List.sort (fun (k1, (t1,n1)) (k2, (t2,n2)) -> compare t2 t1) in with_open_stringbuf (fun (pr,_) -> pr "---------------------"; pr "profiling result"; pr "---------------------"; xs +> List.iter (fun (k, (t,n)) -> pr (sprintf "%-40s : %10.3f sec %10d count" k !t !n) ) ) let report_if_take_time timethreshold s f = let t = Unix.gettimeofday () in let res = f () in let t' = Unix.gettimeofday () in if (t' -. t > float_of_int timethreshold) then pr2 (sprintf "Note: processing took %7.1fs: %s" (t' -. t) s); res let profile_code2 category f = profile_code category (fun () -> if !profile = PALL then pr2 ("starting: " ^ category); let t = Unix.gettimeofday () in let res = f () in let t' = Unix.gettimeofday () in if !profile = PALL then pr2 (spf "ending: %s, %fs" category (t' -. t)); res ) (*****************************************************************************) (* Test *) (*****************************************************************************) let example b = assert b let _ex1 = example (enum 1 4 = [1;2;3;4]) let assert_equal a b = if not (a = b) then failwith ("assert_equal: those 2 values are not equal:\n\t" ^ (dump a) ^ "\n\t" ^ (dump b) ^ "\n") let (example2: string -> bool -> unit) = fun s b -> try assert b with x -> failwith s (*-------------------------------------------------------------------*) let _list_bool = ref [] let (example3: string -> bool -> unit) = fun s b -> _list_bool := (s,b)::(!_list_bool) (* could introduce a fun () otherwise the calculus is made at compile time * and this can be long. This would require to redefine test_all. * let (example3: string -> (unit -> bool) -> unit) = fun s func -> * _list_bool := (s,func):: (!_list_bool) * * I would like to do as a func that take 2 terms, and make an = over it * avoid to add this ugly fun (), but pb of type, cant do that :( *) let (test_all: unit -> unit) = fun () -> List.iter (fun (s, b) -> Printf.printf "%s: %s\n" s (if b then "passed" else "failed") ) !_list_bool let (test: string -> unit) = fun s -> Printf.printf "%s: %s\n" s (if (List.assoc s (!_list_bool)) then "passed" else "failed") let _ex = example3 "++" ([1;2]++[3;4;5] = [1;2;3;4;5]) (*-------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Regression testing *) (*-------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* cf end of file. It uses too many other common functions so I * have put the code at the end of this file. *) (* todo? take code from julien signoles in calendar-2.0.2/tests *) (* (* Generic functions used in the tests. *) val reset : unit -> unit val nb_ok : unit -> int val nb_bug : unit -> int val test : bool -> string -> unit val test_exn : 'a Lazy.t -> string -> unit let ok_ref = ref 0 let ok () = incr ok_ref let nb_ok () = !ok_ref let bug_ref = ref 0 let bug () = incr bug_ref let nb_bug () = !bug_ref let reset () = ok_ref := 0; bug_ref := 0 let test x s = if x then ok () else begin Printf.printf "%s\n" s; bug () end;; let test_exn x s = try ignore (Lazy.force x); Printf.printf "%s\n" s; bug () with _ -> ok ();; *) (*****************************************************************************) (* Quickcheck like (sfl) *) (*****************************************************************************) (* Better than quickcheck, cos cant do a test_all_prop in haskell cos * prop were functions, whereas here we have not prop_Unix x = ... but * laws "unit" ... * * How to do without overloading ? objet ? can pass a generator as a * parameter, mais lourd, prefer automatic inferring of the * generator? But at the same time quickcheck does not do better cos * we must explictly type the property. So between a * prop_unit:: [Int] -> [Int] -> bool ... * prop_unit x = reverse [x] == [x] * and * let _ = laws "unit" (fun x -> reverse [x] = [x]) (listg intg) * there is no real differences. * * Yes I define typeg generator but quickcheck too, he must define * class instance. I emulate the context Gen a => Gen [a] by making * listg take as a param a type generator. Moreover I have not the pb of * monad. I can do random independently, so my code is more simple * I think than the haskell code of quickcheck. * * update: apparently Jane Street have copied some of my code for their * Ounit_util.ml and quichcheck.ml in their Core library :) *) (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* generators *) (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) type 'a gen = unit -> 'a let (ig: int gen) = fun () -> Random.int 10 let (lg: ('a gen) -> ('a list) gen) = fun gen () -> foldn (fun acc i -> (gen ())::acc) [] (Random.int 10) let (pg: ('a gen) -> ('b gen) -> ('a * 'b) gen) = fun gen1 gen2 () -> (gen1 (), gen2 ()) let polyg = ig let (ng: (string gen)) = fun () -> "a" ^ (string_of_int (ig ())) let (oneofl: ('a list) -> 'a gen) = fun xs () -> List.nth xs (Random.int (List.length xs)) (* let oneofl l = oneof (List.map always l) *) let (oneof: (('a gen) list) -> 'a gen) = fun xs -> List.nth xs (Random.int (List.length xs)) let (always: 'a -> 'a gen) = fun e () -> e let (frequency: ((int * ('a gen)) list) -> 'a gen) = fun xs -> let sums = sum_int (List.map fst xs) in let i = Random.int sums in let rec freq_aux acc = function | (x,g)::xs -> if i < acc+x then g else freq_aux (acc+x) xs | _ -> failwith "frequency" in freq_aux 0 xs let frequencyl l = frequency (List.map (fun (i,e) -> (i,always e)) l) (* let b = oneof [always true; always false] () let b = frequency [3, always true; 2, always false] () *) (* cant do this: * let rec (lg: ('a gen) -> ('a list) gen) = fun gen -> oneofl [[]; lg gen ()] * nor * let rec (lg: ('a gen) -> ('a list) gen) = fun gen -> oneof [always []; lg gen] * * because caml is not as lazy as haskell :( fix the pb by introducing a size * limit. take the bounds/size as parameter. morover this is needed for * more complex type. * * how make a bintreeg ?? we need recursion * * let rec (bintreeg: ('a gen) -> ('a bintree) gen) = fun gen () -> * let rec aux n = * if n = 0 then (Leaf (gen ())) * else frequencyl [1, Leaf (gen ()); 4, Branch ((aux (n / 2)), aux (n / 2))] * () * in aux 20 * *) (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* property *) (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* todo: a test_all_laws, better syntax (done already a little with ig in * place of intg. En cas d'erreur, print the arg that not respect * * todo: with monitoring, as in haskell, laws = laws2, no need for 2 func, * but hard i found * * todo classify, collect, forall *) (* return None when good, and Just the_problematic_case when bad *) let (laws: string -> ('a -> bool) -> ('a gen) -> 'a option) = fun s func gen -> let res = foldn (fun acc i -> let n = gen() in (n, func n)::acc) [] 1000 in let res = List.filter (fun (x,b) -> not b) res in if res = [] then None else Some (fst (List.hd res)) let rec (statistic_number: ('a list) -> (int * 'a) list) = function | [] -> [] | x::xs -> let (splitg, splitd) = List.partition (fun y -> y = x) xs in (1+(List.length splitg), x)::(statistic_number splitd) (* in pourcentage *) let (statistic: ('a list) -> (int * 'a) list) = fun xs -> let stat_num = statistic_number xs in let totals = sum_int (List.map fst stat_num) in List.map (fun (i, v) -> ((i * 100) / totals), v) stat_num let (laws2: string -> ('a -> (bool * 'b)) -> ('a gen) -> ('a option * ((int * 'b) list ))) = fun s func gen -> let res = foldn (fun acc i -> let n = gen() in (n, func n)::acc) [] 1000 in let stat = statistic (List.map (fun (x,(b,v)) -> v) res) in let res = List.filter (fun (x,(b,v)) -> not b) res in if res = [] then (None, stat) else (Some (fst (List.hd res)), stat) (* let b = laws "unit" (fun x -> reverse [x] = [x] )ig let b = laws "app " (fun (xs,ys) -> reverse (xs++ys) = reverse ys++reverse xs)(pg (lg ig)(lg ig)) let b = laws "rev " (fun xs -> reverse (reverse xs) = xs )(lg ig) let b = laws "appb" (fun (xs,ys) -> reverse (xs++ys) = reverse xs++reverse ys)(pg (lg ig)(lg ig)) let b = laws "max" (fun (x,y) -> x <= y ==> (max x y = y) )(pg ig ig) let b = laws2 "max" (fun (x,y) -> ((x <= y ==> (max x y = y)), x <= y))(pg ig ig) *) (* todo, do with coarbitrary ?? idea is that given a 'a, generate a 'b * depending of 'a and gen 'b, that is modify gen 'b, what is important is * that each time given the same 'a, we must get the same 'b !!! *) (* let (fg: ('a gen) -> ('b gen) -> ('a -> 'b) gen) = fun gen1 gen2 () -> let b = laws "funs" (fun (f,g,h) -> x <= y ==> (max x y = y) )(pg ig ig) *) (* let one_of xs = List.nth xs (Random.int (List.length xs)) let take_one xs = if empty xs then failwith "Take_one: empty list" else let i = Random.int (List.length xs) in List.nth xs i, filter_index (fun j _ -> i <> j) xs *) (*****************************************************************************) (* Persistence *) (*****************************************************************************) let get_value filename = let chan = open_in filename in let x = input_value chan in (* <=> Marshal.from_channel *) (close_in chan; x) let write_value valu filename = let chan = open_out filename in (output_value chan valu; (* <=> Marshal.to_channel *) (* Marshal.to_channel chan valu [Marshal.Closures]; *) close_out chan) let write_back func filename = write_value (func (get_value filename)) filename let read_value f = get_value f let marshal__to_string2 v flags = Marshal.to_string v flags let marshal__to_string a b = profile_code "Marshalling" (fun () -> marshal__to_string2 a b) let marshal__from_string2 v flags = Marshal.from_string v flags let marshal__from_string a b = profile_code "Marshalling" (fun () -> marshal__from_string2 a b) (*****************************************************************************) (* Counter *) (*****************************************************************************) let _counter = ref 0 let counter () = (_counter := !_counter +1; !_counter) let _counter2 = ref 0 let counter2 () = (_counter2 := !_counter2 +1; !_counter2) let _counter3 = ref 0 let counter3 () = (_counter3 := !_counter3 +1; !_counter3) type timestamp = int (*****************************************************************************) (* String_of *) (*****************************************************************************) (* To work with the macro system autogenerated string_of and print_ function (kind of deriving a la haskell) *) (* int, bool, char, float, ref ?, string *) let string_of_string s = "\"" ^ s "\"" let string_of_list f xs = "[" ^ (xs +> List.map f +> String.concat ";" ) ^ "]" let string_of_unit () = "()" let string_of_array f xs = "[|" ^ (xs +> Array.to_list +> List.map f +> String.concat ";") ^ "|]" let string_of_option f = function | None -> "None " | Some x -> "Some " ^ (f x) let print_bool x = print_string (if x then "True" else "False") let print_option pr = function | None -> print_string "None" | Some x -> print_string "Some ("; pr x; print_string ")" let print_list pr xs = begin print_string "["; List.iter (fun x -> pr x; print_string ",") xs; print_string "]"; end (* specialised let (string_of_list: char list -> string) = List.fold_left (fun acc x -> acc^(Char.escaped x)) "" *) let rec print_between between fn = function | [] -> () | [x] -> fn x | x::xs -> fn x; between(); print_between between fn xs let adjust_pp_with_indent f = Format.open_box !_tab_level_print; (*Format.force_newline();*) f(); Format.close_box (); Format.print_newline() let adjust_pp_with_indent_and_header s f = Format.open_box (!_tab_level_print + String.length s); do_n !_tab_level_print (fun () -> Format.print_string " "); Format.print_string s; f(); Format.close_box (); Format.print_newline() let pp_do_in_box f = Format.open_box 1; f(); Format.close_box () let pp_do_in_zero_box f = Format.open_box 0; f(); Format.close_box () let pp_f_in_box f = Format.open_box 1; let res = f() in Format.close_box (); res let pp s = Format.print_string s let mk_str_func_of_assoc_conv xs = let swap (x,y) = (y,x) in (fun s -> let xs' = List.map swap xs in List.assoc s xs' ), (fun a -> List.assoc a xs ) (* julia: convert something printed using format to print into a string *) (* now at bottom of file let format_to_string f = ... *) (*****************************************************************************) (* Macro *) (*****************************************************************************) (* put your macro in macro.ml4, and you can test it interactivly as in lisp *) let macro_expand s = let c = open_out "/tmp/ttttt.ml" in begin output_string c s; close_out c; command2 (Commands.ocamlc_cmd ^ " -c -pp '" ^ Commands.camlp4o_cmd ^" pa_extend.cmo q_MLast.cmo -impl' " ^ "-I +" ^ Commands.camlp4_cmd ^ " -impl macro.ml4"); command2 (Commands.camlp4o_cmd ^" ./macro.cmo pr_o.cmo /tmp/ttttt.ml"); Unix.unlink "/tmp/ttttt.ml"; end (* let t = macro_expand "{ x + y | (x,y) <- [(1,1);(2,2);(3,3)] and x>2 and y<3}" let x = { x + y | (x,y) <- [(1,1);(2,2);(3,3)] and x > 2 and y < 3} let t = macro_expand "{1 .. 10}" let x = {1 .. 10} +> List.map (fun i -> i) let t = macro_expand "[1;2] to append to [2;4]" let t = macro_expand "{x = 2; x = 3}" let t = macro_expand "type 'a bintree = Leaf of 'a | Branch of ('a bintree * 'a bintree)" *) (*****************************************************************************) (* Composition/Control *) (*****************************************************************************) (* I like the obj.func object notation. In OCaml cant use '.' so I use +> * * update: it seems that F# agrees with me :) but they use |> *) (* now in prelude: * let (+>) o f = f o *) let (+!>) refo f = refo := f !refo (* alternatives: * let ((@): 'a -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b) = fun a b -> b a * let o f g x = f (g x) *) let ($) f g x = g (f x) let compose f g x = f (g x) (* dont work :( let ( ° ) f g x = f(g(x)) *) (* trick to have something similar to the 1 `max` 4 haskell infix notation. by Keisuke Nakano on the caml mailing list. > let ( /* ) x y = y x > and ( */ ) x y = x y or let ( <| ) x y = y x and ( |> ) x y = x y > Then we can make an infix operator <| f |> for a binary function f. *) let flip f = fun a b -> f b a let curry f x y = f (x,y) let uncurry f (a,b) = f a b let id = fun x -> x let do_nothing () = () let rec applyn n f o = if n = 0 then o else applyn (n-1) f (f o) let forever f = while true do f(); done class ['a] shared_variable_hook (x:'a) = object(self) val mutable data = x val mutable registered = [] method set x = begin data <- x; pr "refresh registered"; registered +> List.iter (fun f -> f()); end method get = data method modify f = self#set (f self#get) method register f = registered <- f :: registered end (* src: from aop project. was called ptFix *) let rec fixpoint trans elem = let image = trans elem in if (image = elem) then elem (* point fixe *) else fixpoint trans image (* le point fixe pour les objets. was called ptFixForObjetct *) let rec fixpoint_for_object trans elem = let image = trans elem in if (image#equal elem) then elem (* point fixe *) else fixpoint_for_object trans image let (add_hook: ('a -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b) ref -> ('a -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b) -> unit) = fun var f -> let oldvar = !var in var := fun arg k -> f arg (fun x -> oldvar x k) let (add_hook_action: ('a -> unit) -> ('a -> unit) list ref -> unit) = fun f hooks -> push2 f hooks let (run_hooks_action: 'a -> ('a -> unit) list ref -> unit) = fun obj hooks -> !hooks +> List.iter (fun f -> try f obj with _ -> ()) type 'a mylazy = (unit -> 'a) (* a la emacs *) let save_excursion reference f = let old = !reference in let res = try f() with e -> reference := old; raise e in reference := old; res let save_excursion_and_disable reference f = save_excursion reference (fun () -> reference := false; f () ) let save_excursion_and_enable reference f = save_excursion reference (fun () -> reference := true; f () ) let memoized h k f = try Hashtbl.find h k with Not_found -> let v = f () in begin Hashtbl.add h k v; v end let cache_in_ref myref f = match !myref with | Some e -> e | None -> let e = f () in myref := Some e; e let once f = let already = ref false in (fun x -> if not !already then begin already := true; f x end ) (* cache_file, cf below *) let before_leaving f x = f x; x (* finalize, cf prelude *) (* cheat *) let rec y f = fun x -> f (y f) x (*****************************************************************************) (* Concurrency *) (*****************************************************************************) (* from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_locking * * "When using file locks, care must be taken to ensure that operations * are atomic. When creating the lock, the process must verify that it * does not exist and then create it, but without allowing another * process the opportunity to create it in the meantime. Various * schemes are used to implement this, such as taking advantage of * system calls designed for this purpose (but such system calls are * not usually available to shell scripts) or by creating the lock file * under a temporary name and then attempting to move it into place." * * => can't use 'if(not (file_exist xxx)) then create_file xxx' because * file_exist/create_file are not in atomic section (classic problem). * * from man open: * * "O_EXCL When used with O_CREAT, if the file already exists it * is an error and the open() will fail. In this context, a * symbolic link exists, regardless of where it points to. * O_EXCL is broken on NFS file systems; programs which * rely on it for performing locking tasks will contain a * race condition. The solution for performing atomic file * locking using a lockfile is to create a unique file on * the same file system (e.g., incorporating host- name and * pid), use link(2) to make a link to the lockfile. If * link(2) returns 0, the lock is successful. Otherwise, * use stat(2) on the unique file to check if its link * count has increased to 2, in which case the lock is also * successful." *) exception FileAlreadyLocked (* Racy if lock file on NFS!!! But still racy with recent Linux ? *) let acquire_file_lock filename = pr2 ("Locking file: " ^ filename); try let _fd = Unix.openfile filename [Unix.O_CREAT;Unix.O_EXCL] 0o777 in () with Unix.Unix_error (e, fm, argm) -> pr2 (spf "exn Unix_error: %s %s %s\n" (Unix.error_message e) fm argm); raise FileAlreadyLocked let release_file_lock filename = pr2 ("Releasing file: " ^ filename); Unix.unlink filename; () (*****************************************************************************) (* Error managment *) (*****************************************************************************) exception Todo exception Impossible exception Here exception ReturnExn exception Multi_found (* to be consistent with Not_found *) exception WrongFormat of string (* old: let _TODO () = failwith "TODO", now via fix_caml with raise Todo *) let internal_error s = failwith ("internal error: "^s) let error_cant_have x = internal_error ("cant have this case: " ^(dump x)) let myassert cond = if cond then () else failwith "assert error" (* before warning I was forced to do stuff like this: * * let (fixed_int_to_posmap: fixed_int -> posmap) = fun fixed -> * let v = ((fix_to_i fixed) / (power 2 16)) in * let _ = Printf.printf "coord xy = %d\n" v in * v * * The need for printf make me force to name stuff :( * How avoid ? use 'it' special keyword ? * In fact dont have to name it, use +> (fun v -> ...) so when want * erase debug just have to erase one line. *) let warning s v = (pr2 ("Warning: " ^ s ^ "; value = " ^ (dump v)); v) let exn_to_s exn = Printexc.to_string exn (* alias *) let string_of_exn exn = exn_to_s exn (* want or of merd, but cant cos cant put die ... in b (strict call) *) let (|||) a b = try a with _ -> b (* emacs/lisp inspiration, (vouillon does that too in unison I think) *) (* now in Prelude: * let unwind_protect f cleanup = ... * let finalize f cleanup = ... *) type error = Error of string (* sometimes to get help from ocaml compiler to tell me places where * I should update, we sometimes need to change some type from pair * to triple, hence this kind of fake type. *) type evotype = unit let evoval = () (*****************************************************************************) (* Environment *) (*****************************************************************************) let check_stack = ref true let check_stack_size limit = if !check_stack then begin pr2 "checking stack size (do ulimit -s 50000 if problem)"; let rec aux i = if i = limit then 0 else 1 + aux (i + 1) in assert(aux 0 = limit); () end let test_check_stack_size limit = (* bytecode: 100000000 *) (* native: 10000000 *) check_stack_size (int_of_string limit) (* only relevant in bytecode, in native the stacklimit is the os stacklimit * (adjustable by ulimit -s) *) let _init_gc_stack = Gc.set {(Gc.get ()) with Gc.stack_limit = 100 * 1024 * 1024} (* if process a big set of files then dont want get overflow in the middle * so for this we are ready to spend some extra time at the beginning that * could save far more later. *) let check_stack_nbfiles nbfiles = if nbfiles > 200 then check_stack_size 10000000 (*****************************************************************************) (* Arguments/options and command line (cocci and acomment) *) (*****************************************************************************) (* * Why define wrappers ? Arg not good enough ? Well the Arg.Rest is not that * good and I need a way sometimes to get a list of argument. * * I could define maybe a new Arg.spec such as * | String_list of (string list -> unit), but the action may require * some flags to be set, so better to process this after all flags have * been set by parse_options. So have to split. Otherwise it would impose * an order of the options such as * -verbose_parsing -parse_c file1 file2. and I really like to use bash * history and add just at the end of my command a -profile for instance. * * * Why want a -action arg1 arg2 arg3 ? (which in turn requires this * convulated scheme ...) Why not use Arg.String action such as * "-parse_c", Arg.String (fun file -> ...) ? * I want something that looks like ocaml function but at the UNIX * command line level. So natural to have this scheme instead of * -taxo_file arg2 -sample_file arg3 -parse_c arg1. * * * Why not use the toplevel ? * - because to debug, ocamldebug is far superior to the toplevel * (can go back, can go directly to a specific point, etc). * I want a kind of testing at cmdline level. * - Also I don't have file completion when in the ocaml toplevel. * I have to type "/path/to/xxx" without help. * * * Why having variable flags ? Why use 'if !verbose_parsing then ...' ? * why not use strings and do stuff like the following * 'if (get_config "verbose_parsing") then ...' * Because I want to make the interface for flags easier for the code * that use it. The programmer should not be bothered wether this * flag is set via args cmd line or a config file, so I want to make it * as simple as possible, just use a global plain caml ref variable. * * Same spirit a little for the action. Instead of having function such as * test_parsing_c, I could do it only via string. But I still prefer * to have plain caml test functions. Also it makes it easier to call * those functions from a toplevel for people who prefer the toplevel. * * * So have flag_spec and action_spec. And in flag have debug_xxx flags, * verbose_xxx flags and other flags. * * I would like to not have to separate the -xxx actions spec from the * corresponding actions, but those actions may need more than one argument * and so have to wait for parse_options, which in turn need the options * spec, so circle. * * Also I dont want to mix code with data structures, so it's better that the * options variable contain just a few stuff and have no side effects except * setting global variables. * * Why not have a global variable such as Common.actions that * other modules modify ? No, I prefer to do less stuff behind programmer's * back so better to let the user merge the different options at call * site, but at least make it easier by providing shortcut for set of options. * * * * * todo? isn't unison or scott-mcpeak-lib-in-cil handles that kind of * stuff better ? That is the need to localize command line argument * while still being able to gathering them. Same for logging. * Similiar to the type prof = PALL | PNONE | PSOME of string list. * Same spirit of fine grain config in log4j ? * * todo? how mercurial/cvs/git manage command line options ? because they * all have a kind of DSL around arguments with some common options, * specific options, conventions, etc. * * * todo? generate the corresponding noxxx options ? * todo? generate list of options and show their value ? * * todo? make it possible to set this value via a config file ? * * *) type arg_spec_full = Arg.key * Arg.spec * Arg.doc type cmdline_options = arg_spec_full list (* the format is a list of triples: * (title of section * (optional) explanation of sections * options) *) type options_with_title = string * string * arg_spec_full list type cmdline_sections = options_with_title list (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* now I use argv as I like at the call sites to show that * this function internally use argv. *) let parse_options options usage_msg argv = let args = ref [] in (try Arg.parse_argv argv options (fun file -> args := file::!args) usage_msg; args := List.rev !args; !args with | Arg.Bad msg -> eprintf "%s" msg; exit 2 | Arg.Help msg -> printf "%s" msg; exit 0 ) let usage usage_msg options = Arg.usage (Arg.align options) usage_msg (* for coccinelle *) (* If you don't want the -help and --help that are appended by Arg.align *) let arg_align2 xs = Arg.align xs +> List.rev +> drop 2 +> List.rev let short_usage usage_msg ~short_opt = usage usage_msg short_opt let long_usage usage_msg ~short_opt ~long_opt = pr usage_msg; pr ""; let all_options_with_title = (("main options", "", short_opt)::long_opt) in all_options_with_title +> List.iter (fun (title, explanations, xs) -> pr title; pr_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(); if explanations <> "" then begin pr explanations; pr "" end; arg_align2 xs +> List.iter (fun (key,action,s) -> pr (" " ^ key ^ s) ); pr ""; ); () (* copy paste of Arg.parse. Don't want the default -help msg *) let arg_parse2 l msg short_usage_fun = let args = ref [] in let f = (fun file -> args := file::!args) in let l = Arg.align l in (try begin Arg.parse_argv Sys.argv l f msg; args := List.rev !args; !args end with | Arg.Bad msg -> (* eprintf "%s" msg; exit 2; *) let xs = lines msg in (* take only head, it's where the error msg is *) pr2 (List.hd xs); short_usage_fun(); raise (UnixExit (2)) | Arg.Help msg -> (* printf "%s" msg; exit 0; *) raise Impossible (* -help is specified in speclist *) ) (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* kind of unit testing framework, or toplevel like functionnality * at shell command line. I realize than in fact It follows a current trend * to have a main cmdline program where can then select different actions, * as in cvs/hg/git where do hg , and the shell even * use a curried syntax :) * * * Not-perfect-but-basic-feels-right: an action * spec looks like this: * * let actions () = [ * "-parse_taxo", " ", * Common.mk_action_1_arg test_parse_taxo; * ... * ] * * Not-perfect-but-basic-feels-right because for such functionality we * need a way to transform a string into a caml function and pass arguments * and the preceding design does exactly that, even if then the * functions that use this design are not so convenient to use (there * are 2 places where we need to pass those data, in the options and in the * main dispatcher). * * Also it's not too much intrusive. Still have an * action ref variable in the main.ml and can still use the previous * simpler way to do where the match args with in main.ml do the * dispatch. * * Use like this at option place: * (Common.options_of_actions actionref (Test_parsing_c.actions())) ++ * Use like this at dispatch action place: * | xs when List.mem !action (Common.action_list all_actions) -> * Common.do_action !action xs all_actions * *) type flag_spec = Arg.key * Arg.spec * Arg.doc type action_spec = Arg.key * Arg.doc * action_func and action_func = (string list -> unit) type cmdline_actions = action_spec list exception WrongNumberOfArguments let options_of_actions action_ref actions = actions +> List.map (fun (key, doc, _func) -> (key, (Arg.Unit (fun () -> action_ref := key)), doc) ) let (action_list: cmdline_actions -> Arg.key list) = fun xs -> List.map (fun (a,b,c) -> a) xs let (do_action: Arg.key -> string list (* args *) -> cmdline_actions -> unit) = fun key args xs -> let assoc = xs +> List.map (fun (a,b,c) -> (a,c)) in let action_func = List.assoc key assoc in action_func args (* todo? if have a function with default argument ? would like a * mk_action_0_or_1_arg ? *) let mk_action_0_arg f = (function | [] -> f () | _ -> raise WrongNumberOfArguments ) let mk_action_1_arg f = (function | [file] -> f file | _ -> raise WrongNumberOfArguments ) let mk_action_2_arg f = (function | [file1;file2] -> f file1 file2 | _ -> raise WrongNumberOfArguments ) let mk_action_3_arg f = (function | [file1;file2;file3] -> f file1 file2 file3 | _ -> raise WrongNumberOfArguments ) let mk_action_n_arg f = f (*****************************************************************************) (* Equality *) (*****************************************************************************) (* Using the generic (=) is tempting, but it backfires, so better avoid it *) (* To infer all the code that use an equal, and that should be * transformed, is not that easy, because (=) is used by many * functions, such as List.find, List.mem, and so on. So the strategy * is to turn what you were previously using into a function, because * (=) return an exception when applied to a function. Then you simply * use ocamldebug to infer where the code has to be transformed. *) (* src: caml mailing list ? *) let (=|=) : int -> int -> bool = (=) let (=<=) : char -> char -> bool = (=) let (=$=) : string -> string -> bool = (=) let (=:=) : bool -> bool -> bool = (=) (* the evil generic (=). I define another symbol to more easily detect * it, cos the '=' sign is syntaxically overloaded in caml. It is also * used to define function. *) let (=*=) = (=) (* if really want to forbid to use '=' let (=) = (=|=) *) let (=) () () = false (*###########################################################################*) (* And now basic types *) (*###########################################################################*) (*****************************************************************************) (* Bool *) (*****************************************************************************) let (==>) b1 b2 = if b1 then b2 else true (* could use too => *) (* superseded by another <=> below let (<=>) a b = if a =*= b then 0 else if a < b then -1 else 1 *) let xor a b = not (a =*= b) (*****************************************************************************) (* Char *) (*****************************************************************************) let string_of_char c = String.make 1 c let is_single = String.contains ",;()[]{}_`" let is_symbol = String.contains "!@#$%&*+./<=>?\\^|:-~" let is_space = String.contains "\n\t " let cbetween min max c = (int_of_char c) <= (int_of_char max) && (int_of_char c) >= (int_of_char min) let is_upper = cbetween 'A' 'Z' let is_lower = cbetween 'a' 'z' let is_alpha c = is_upper c || is_lower c let is_digit = cbetween '0' '9' let string_of_chars cs = cs +> List.map (String.make 1) +> String.concat "" (*****************************************************************************) (* Num *) (*****************************************************************************) (* since 3.08, div by 0 raise Div_by_rezo, and not anymore a hardware trap :)*) let (/!) x y = if y =|= 0 then (log "common.ml: div by 0"; 0) else x / y (* now in prelude * let rec (do_n: int -> (unit -> unit) -> unit) = fun i f -> * if i = 0 then () else (f(); do_n (i-1) f) *) (* now in prelude * let rec (foldn: ('a -> int -> 'a) -> 'a -> int -> 'a) = fun f acc i -> * if i = 0 then acc else foldn f (f acc i) (i-1) *) let sum_float = List.fold_left (+.) 0.0 let sum_int = List.fold_left (+) 0 let pi = 3.14159265358979323846 let pi2 = pi /. 2.0 let pi4 = pi /. 4.0 (* 180 = pi *) let (deg_to_rad: float -> float) = fun deg -> (deg *. pi) /. 180.0 let clampf = function | n when n < 0.0 -> 0.0 | n when n > 1.0 -> 1.0 | n -> n let square x = x *. x let rec power x n = if n =|= 0 then 1 else x * power x (n-1) let between i min max = i > min && i < max let (between_strict: int -> int -> int -> bool) = fun a b c -> a < b && b < c let bitrange x p = let v = power 2 p in between x (-v) v (* descendant *) let (prime1: int -> int option) = fun x -> let rec prime1_aux n = if n =|= 1 then None else if (x / n) * n =|= x then Some n else prime1_aux (n-1) in if x =|= 1 then None else if x < 0 then failwith "negative" else prime1_aux (x-1) (* montant, better *) let (prime: int -> int option) = fun x -> let rec prime_aux n = if n =|= x then None else if (x / n) * n =|= x then Some n else prime_aux (n+1) in if x =|= 1 then None else if x < 0 then failwith "negative" else prime_aux 2 let sum xs = List.fold_left (+) 0 xs let product = List.fold_left ( * ) 1 let decompose x = let rec decompose x = if x =|= 1 then [] else (match prime x with | None -> [x] | Some n -> n::decompose (x / n) ) in assert (product (decompose x) =|= x); decompose x let mysquare x = x * x let sqr a = a *. a type compare = Equal | Inf | Sup let (<=>) a b = if a =*= b then Equal else if a < b then Inf else Sup let (<==>) a b = if a =*= b then 0 else if a < b then -1 else 1 type uint = int let int_of_stringchar s = fold_left_with_index (fun acc e i -> acc + (Char.code e*(power 8 i))) 0 (List.rev (list_of_string s)) let int_of_base s base = fold_left_with_index (fun acc e i -> let j = Char.code e - Char.code '0' in if j >= base then failwith "not in good base" else acc + (j*(power base i)) ) 0 (List.rev (list_of_string s)) let int_of_stringbits s = int_of_base s 2 let _ = example (int_of_stringbits "1011" =|= 1*8 + 1*2 + 1*1) let int_of_octal s = int_of_base s 8 let _ = example (int_of_octal "017" =|= 15) (* let int_of_hex s = int_of_base s 16, NONONONO cos 'A' - '0' does not give 10 !! *) let int_of_all s = if String.length s >= 2 && (String.get s 0 =<= '0') && is_digit (String.get s 1) then int_of_octal s else int_of_string s let (+=) ref v = ref := !ref + v let (-=) ref v = ref := !ref - v let pourcent x total = (x * 100) / total let pourcent_float x total = ((float_of_int x) *. 100.0) /. (float_of_int total) let pourcent_float_of_floats x total = (x *. 100.0) /. total let pourcent_good_bad good bad = (good * 100) / (good + bad) let pourcent_good_bad_float good bad = (float_of_int good *. 100.0) /. (float_of_int good +. float_of_int bad) type 'a max_with_elem = int ref * 'a ref let update_max_with_elem (aref, aelem) ~is_better (newv, newelem) = if is_better newv aref then begin aref := newv; aelem := newelem; end (*****************************************************************************) (* Numeric/overloading *) (*****************************************************************************) type 'a numdict = NumDict of (('a-> 'a -> 'a) * ('a-> 'a -> 'a) * ('a-> 'a -> 'a) * ('a -> 'a));; let add (NumDict(a, m, d, n)) = a;; let mul (NumDict(a, m, d, n)) = m;; let div (NumDict(a, m, d, n)) = d;; let neg (NumDict(a, m, d, n)) = n;; let numd_int = NumDict(( + ),( * ),( / ),( ~- ));; let numd_float = NumDict(( +. ),( *. ), ( /. ),( ~-. ));; let testd dict n = let ( * ) x y = mul dict x y in let ( / ) x y = div dict x y in let ( + ) x y = add dict x y in (* Now you can define all sorts of things in terms of *, /, + *) let f num = (num * num) / (num + num) in f n;; module ArithFloatInfix = struct let (+..) = (+) let (-..) = (-) let (/..) = (/) let ( *.. ) = ( * ) let (+) = (+.) let (-) = (-.) let (/) = (/.) let ( * ) = ( *. ) let (+=) ref v = ref := !ref + v let (-=) ref v = ref := !ref - v end (*****************************************************************************) (* Tuples *) (*****************************************************************************) type 'a pair = 'a * 'a type 'a triple = 'a * 'a * 'a let fst3 (x,_,_) = x let snd3 (_,y,_) = y let thd3 (_,_,z) = z let sndthd (a,b,c) = (b,c) let map_fst f (x, y) = f x, y let map_snd f (x, y) = x, f y let pair f (x,y) = (f x, f y) (* for my ocamlbeautify script *) let snd = snd let fst = fst let double a = a,a let swap (x,y) = (y,x) let tuple_of_list1 = function [a] -> a | _ -> failwith "tuple_of_list1" let tuple_of_list2 = function [a;b] -> a,b | _ -> failwith "tuple_of_list2" let tuple_of_list3 = function [a;b;c] -> a,b,c | _ -> failwith "tuple_of_list3" let tuple_of_list4 = function [a;b;c;d] -> a,b,c,d | _ -> failwith "tuple_of_list4" let tuple_of_list5 = function [a;b;c;d;e] -> a,b,c,d,e | _ -> failwith "tuple_of_list5" let tuple_of_list6 = function [a;b;c;d;e;f] -> a,b,c,d,e,f | _ -> failwith "tuple_of_list6" (*****************************************************************************) (* Maybe *) (*****************************************************************************) (* type 'a maybe = Just of 'a | None *) type ('a,'b) either = Left of 'a | Right of 'b (* with sexp *) type ('a, 'b, 'c) either3 = Left3 of 'a | Middle3 of 'b | Right3 of 'c (* with sexp *) let just = function | (Some x) -> x | _ -> failwith "just: pb" let some = just let fmap f = function | None -> None | Some x -> Some (f x) let map_option = fmap let do_option f = function | None -> () | Some x -> f x let optionise f = try Some (f ()) with Not_found -> None (* pixel *) let some_or = function | None -> id | Some e -> fun _ -> e let partition_either f l = let rec part_either left right = function | [] -> (List.rev left, List.rev right) | x :: l -> (match f x with | Left e -> part_either (e :: left) right l | Right e -> part_either left (e :: right) l) in part_either [] [] l let partition_either3 f l = let rec part_either left middle right = function | [] -> (List.rev left, List.rev middle, List.rev right) | x :: l -> (match f x with | Left3 e -> part_either (e :: left) middle right l | Middle3 e -> part_either left (e :: middle) right l | Right3 e -> part_either left middle (e :: right) l) in part_either [] [] [] l (* pixel *) let rec filter_some = function | [] -> [] | None :: l -> filter_some l | Some e :: l -> e :: filter_some l let map_filter f xs = xs +> List.map f +> filter_some (* avoid recursion *) let tail_map_filter f xs = List.rev (List.fold_left (function prev -> function cur -> match f cur with Some x -> x :: prev | None -> prev) [] xs) let rec find_some p = function | [] -> raise Not_found | x :: l -> match p x with | Some v -> v | None -> find_some p l (* same let map_find f xs = xs +> List.map f +> List.find (function Some x -> true | None -> false) +> (function Some x -> x | None -> raise Impossible) *) let list_to_single_or_exn xs = match xs with | [] -> raise Not_found | x::y::zs -> raise Multi_found | [x] -> x (*****************************************************************************) (* TriBool *) (*****************************************************************************) type bool3 = True3 | False3 | TrueFalsePb3 of string (*****************************************************************************) (* Regexp, can also use PCRE *) (*****************************************************************************) (* Note: OCaml Str regexps are different from Perl regexp: * - The OCaml regexp must match the entire way. * So "testBee" =~ "Bee" is wrong * but "testBee" =~ ".*Bee" is right * Can have the perl behavior if use Str.search_forward instead of * Str.string_match. * - Must add some additional \ in front of some special char. So use * \\( \\| and also \\b * - It does not always handle newlines very well. * - \\b does consider _ but not numbers in indentifiers. * * Note: PCRE regexps are then different from Str regexps ... * - just use '(' ')' for grouping, not '\\)' * - still need \\b for word boundary, but this time it works ... * so can match some word that have some digits in them. * *) (* put before String section because String section use some =~ *) (* let gsubst = global_replace *) let (==~) s re = Str.string_match re s 0 let _memo_compiled_regexp = Hashtbl.create 101 let candidate_match_func s re = (* old: Str.string_match (Str.regexp re) s 0 *) let compile_re = memoized _memo_compiled_regexp re (fun () -> Str.regexp re) in Str.string_match compile_re s 0 let match_func s re = profile_code "Common.=~" (fun () -> candidate_match_func s re) let (=~) s re = match_func s re let string_match_substring re s = try let _i = Str.search_forward re s 0 in true with Not_found -> false let _ = example(string_match_substring (Str.regexp "foo") "a foo b") let _ = example(string_match_substring (Str.regexp "\\bfoo\\b") "a foo b") let _ = example(string_match_substring (Str.regexp "\\bfoo\\b") "a\n\nfoo b") let _ = example(string_match_substring (Str.regexp "\\bfoo_bar\\b") "a\n\nfoo_bar b") (* does not work :( let _ = example(string_match_substring (Str.regexp "\\bfoo_bar2\\b") "a\n\nfoo_bar2 b") *) let (regexp_match: string -> string -> string) = fun s re -> assert(s =~ re); Str.matched_group 1 s (* beurk, side effect code, but hey, it is convenient *) (* now in prelude * let (matched: int -> string -> string) = fun i s -> * Str.matched_group i s * * let matched1 = fun s -> matched 1 s * let matched2 = fun s -> (matched 1 s, matched 2 s) * let matched3 = fun s -> (matched 1 s, matched 2 s, matched 3 s) * let matched4 = fun s -> (matched 1 s, matched 2 s, matched 3 s, matched 4 s) * let matched5 = fun s -> (matched 1 s, matched 2 s, matched 3 s, matched 4 s, matched 5 s) * let matched6 = fun s -> (matched 1 s, matched 2 s, matched 3 s, matched 4 s, matched 5 s, matched 6 s) *) let split sep s = Str.split (Str.regexp sep) s let _ = example (split "/" "" =*= []) let join sep xs = String.concat sep xs let _ = example (join "/" ["toto"; "titi"; "tata"] =$= "toto/titi/tata") (* let rec join str = function | [] -> "" | [x] -> x | x::xs -> x ^ str ^ (join str xs) *) let (split_list_regexp: string -> string list -> (string * string list) list) = fun re xs -> let rec split_lr_aux (heading, accu) = function | [] -> [(heading, List.rev accu)] | x::xs -> if x =~ re then (heading, List.rev accu)::split_lr_aux (x, []) xs else split_lr_aux (heading, x::accu) xs in split_lr_aux ("__noheading__", []) xs +> (fun xs -> if (List.hd xs) =*= ("__noheading__",[]) then List.tl xs else xs) let regexp_alpha = Str.regexp "^[a-zA-Z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*$" let all_match re s = let regexp = Str.regexp re in let res = ref [] in let _ = Str.global_substitute regexp (fun _s -> let substr = Str.matched_string s in assert(substr ==~ regexp); (* @Effect: also use it's side effect *) let paren_matched = matched1 substr in push2 paren_matched res; "" (* @Dummy *) ) s in List.rev !res let _ = example (all_match "\\(@[A-Za-z]+\\)" "ca va @Et toi @Comment" =*= ["@Et";"@Comment"]) let global_replace_regexp re f_on_substr s = let regexp = Str.regexp re in Str.global_substitute regexp (fun _wholestr -> let substr = Str.matched_string s in f_on_substr substr ) s let regexp_word_str = "\\([a-zA-Z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*\\)" let regexp_word = Str.regexp regexp_word_str let regular_words s = all_match regexp_word_str s let contain_regular_word s = let xs = regular_words s in List.length xs >= 1 (*****************************************************************************) (* Strings *) (*****************************************************************************) let slength = String.length let concat = String.concat (* ruby *) let i_to_s = string_of_int let s_to_i = int_of_string (* strings take space in memory. Better when can share the space used by similar strings *) let _shareds = Hashtbl.create 100 let (shared_string: string -> string) = fun s -> try Hashtbl.find _shareds s with Not_found -> (Hashtbl.add _shareds s s; s) let chop = function | "" -> "" | s -> String.sub s 0 (String.length s - 1) let chop_dirsymbol = function | s when s =~ "\\(.*\\)/$" -> matched1 s | s -> s let () s (i,j) = String.sub s i (if j < 0 then String.length s - i + j + 1 else j - i) (* let _ = example ( "tototati"(3,-2) = "otat" ) *) let () s i = String.get s i (* pixel *) let rec split_on_char c s = try let sp = String.index s c in String.sub s 0 sp :: split_on_char c (String.sub s (sp+1) (String.length s - sp - 1)) with Not_found -> [s] let lowercase = String.lowercase let quote s = "\"" ^ s ^ "\"" (* easier to have this to be passed as hof, because ocaml dont have * haskell "section" operators *) let null_string s = s =$= "" let is_blank_string s = s =~ "^\\([ \t]\\)*$" (* src: lablgtk2/examples/entrycompletion.ml *) let is_string_prefix s1 s2 = (String.length s1 <= String.length s2) && (String.sub s2 0 (String.length s1) =$= s1) let plural i s = if i =|= 1 then Printf.sprintf "%d %s" i s else Printf.sprintf "%d %ss" i s let showCodeHex xs = List.iter (fun i -> printf "%02x" i) xs let take_string n s = String.sub s 0 (n-1) let take_string_safe n s = if n > String.length s then s else take_string n s (* used by LFS *) let size_mo_ko i = let ko = (i / 1024) mod 1024 in let mo = (i / 1024) / 1024 in (if mo > 0 then sprintf "%dMo%dKo" mo ko else sprintf "%dKo" ko ) let size_ko i = let ko = i / 1024 in sprintf "%dKo" ko (* done in summer 2007 for julia * Reference: P216 of gusfeld book * For two strings S1 and S2, D(i,j) is defined to be the edit distance of S1[1..i] to S2[1..j] * So edit distance of S1 (of length n) and S2 (of length m) is D(n,m) * * Dynamic programming technique * base: * D(i,0) = i for all i (cos to go from S1[1..i] to 0 characteres of S2 you have to delete all characters from S1[1..i] * D(0,j) = j for all j (cos j characters must be inserted) * recurrence: * D(i,j) = min([D(i-1, j)+1, D(i, j - 1 + 1), D(i-1, j-1) + t(i,j)]) * where t(i,j) is equal to 1 if S1(i) != S2(j) and 0 if equal * intuition = there is 4 possible action = deletion, insertion, substitution, or match * so Lemma = * * D(i,j) must be one of the three * D(i, j-1) + 1 * D(i-1, j)+1 * D(i-1, j-1) + * t(i,j) * * *) let matrix_distance s1 s2 = let n = (String.length s1) in let m = (String.length s2) in let mat = Array.make_matrix (n+1) (m+1) 0 in let t i j = if String.get s1 (i-1) =<= String.get s2 (j-1) then 0 else 1 in let min3 a b c = min (min a b) c in begin for i = 0 to n do mat.(i).(0) <- i done; for j = 0 to m do mat.(0).(j) <- j; done; for i = 1 to n do for j = 1 to m do mat.(i).(j) <- min3 (mat.(i).(j-1) + 1) (mat.(i-1).(j) + 1) (mat.(i-1).(j-1) + t i j) done done; mat end let edit_distance s1 s2 = (matrix_distance s1 s2).(String.length s1).(String.length s2) let test = edit_distance "vintner" "writers" let _ = assert (edit_distance "winter" "winter" =|= 0) let _ = assert (edit_distance "vintner" "writers" =|= 5) (*****************************************************************************) (* Filenames *) (*****************************************************************************) let dirname = Filename.dirname let basename = Filename.basename type filename = string (* TODO could check that exist :) type sux *) (* with sexp *) type dirname = string (* TODO could check that exist :) type sux *) (* with sexp *) module BasicType = struct type filename = string end let (filesuffix: filename -> string) = fun s -> (try regexp_match s ".+\\.\\([a-zA-Z0-9_]+\\)$" with _ -> "NOEXT") let (fileprefix: filename -> string) = fun s -> (try regexp_match s "\\(.+\\)\\.\\([a-zA-Z0-9_]+\\)?$" with _ -> s) let _ = example (filesuffix "toto.c" =$= "c") let _ = example (fileprefix "toto.c" =$= "toto") (* assert (s = fileprefix s ^ filesuffix s) let withoutExtension s = global_replace (regexp "\\..*$") "" s let () = example "without" (withoutExtension "toto.s.toto" = "toto") *) let adjust_ext_if_needed filename ext = if String.get ext 0 <> '.' then failwith "I need an extension such as .c not just c"; if not (filename =~ (".*\\" ^ ext)) then filename ^ ext else filename let db_of_filename file = dirname file, basename file let filename_of_db (basedir, file) = Filename.concat basedir file let dbe_of_filename file = (* raise Invalid_argument if no ext, so safe to use later the unsafe * fileprefix and filesuffix functions. *) ignore(Filename.chop_extension file); Filename.dirname file, Filename.basename file +> fileprefix, Filename.basename file +> filesuffix let filename_of_dbe (dir, base, ext) = Filename.concat dir (base ^ "." ^ ext) let dbe_of_filename_safe file = try Left (dbe_of_filename file) with Invalid_argument _ -> Right (Filename.dirname file, Filename.basename file) let dbe_of_filename_nodot file = let (d,b,e) = dbe_of_filename file in let d = if d =$= "." then "" else d in d,b,e let replace_ext file oldext newext = let (d,b,e) = dbe_of_filename file in assert(e =$= oldext); filename_of_dbe (d,b,newext) let normalize_path file = let (dir, filename) = Filename.dirname file, Filename.basename file in let xs = split "/" dir in let rec aux acc = function | [] -> List.rev acc | x::xs -> (match x with | "." -> aux acc xs | ".." -> aux (List.tl acc) xs | x -> aux (x::acc) xs ) in let xs' = aux [] xs in Filename.concat (join "/" xs') filename (* let relative_to_absolute s = if Filename.is_relative s then begin let old = Sys.getcwd () in Sys.chdir s; let current = Sys.getcwd () in Sys.chdir old; s end else s *) let relative_to_absolute s = if Filename.is_relative s then Sys.getcwd () ^ "/" ^ s else s let is_relative s = Filename.is_relative s let is_absolute s = not (is_relative s) (* @Pre: prj_path must not contain regexp symbol *) let filename_without_leading_path prj_path s = let prj_path = chop_dirsymbol prj_path in if s =~ ("^" ^ prj_path ^ "/\\(.*\\)$") then matched1 s else failwith (spf "cant find filename_without_project_path: %s %s" prj_path s) (*****************************************************************************) (* i18n *) (*****************************************************************************) type langage = | English | Francais | Deutsch (* gettext ? *) (*****************************************************************************) (* Dates *) (*****************************************************************************) (* maybe I should use ocamlcalendar, but I don't like all those functors ... *) type month = | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec type year = Year of int type day = Day of int type wday = Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday type date_dmy = DMY of day * month * year type hour = Hour of int type minute = Min of int type second = Sec of int type time_hms = HMS of hour * minute * second type full_date = date_dmy * time_hms (* intervalle *) type days = Days of int type time_dmy = TimeDMY of day * month * year type float_time = float let check_date_dmy (DMY (day, month, year)) = raise Todo let check_time_dmy (TimeDMY (day, month, year)) = raise Todo let check_time_hms (HMS (x,y,a)) = raise Todo (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* older code *) let int_to_month i = assert (i <= 12 && i >= 1); match i with | 1 -> "Jan" | 2 -> "Feb" | 3 -> "Mar" | 4 -> "Apr" | 5 -> "May" | 6 -> "Jun" | 7 -> "Jul" | 8 -> "Aug" | 9 -> "Sep" | 10 -> "Oct" | 11 -> "Nov" | 12 -> "Dec" (* | 1 -> "January" | 2 -> "February" | 3 -> "March" | 4 -> "April" | 5 -> "May" | 6 -> "June" | 7 -> "July" | 8 -> "August" | 9 -> "September" | 10 -> "October" | 11 -> "November" | 12 -> "December" *) | _ -> raise Impossible let month_info = [ 1 , Jan, "Jan", "January", 31; 2 , Feb, "Feb", "February", 28; 3 , Mar, "Mar", "March", 31; 4 , Apr, "Apr", "April", 30; 5 , May, "May", "May", 31; 6 , Jun, "Jun", "June", 30; 7 , Jul, "Jul", "July", 31; 8 , Aug, "Aug", "August", 31; 9 , Sep, "Sep", "September", 30; 10 , Oct, "Oct", "October", 31; 11 , Nov, "Nov", "November", 30; 12 , Dec, "Dec", "December", 31; ] let week_day_info = [ 0 , Sunday , "Sun" , "Dim" , "Sunday"; 1 , Monday , "Mon" , "Lun" , "Monday"; 2 , Tuesday , "Tue" , "Mar" , "Tuesday"; 3 , Wednesday , "Wed" , "Mer" , "Wednesday"; 4 , Thursday , "Thu" ,"Jeu" ,"Thursday"; 5 , Friday , "Fri" , "Ven" , "Friday"; 6 , Saturday , "Sat" ,"Sam" , "Saturday"; ] let i_to_month_h = month_info +> List.map (fun (i,month,monthstr,mlong,days) -> i, month) let s_to_month_h = month_info +> List.map (fun (i,month,monthstr,mlong,days) -> monthstr, month) let slong_to_month_h = month_info +> List.map (fun (i,month,monthstr,mlong,days) -> mlong, month) let month_to_s_h = month_info +> List.map (fun (i,month,monthstr,mlong,days) -> month, monthstr) let month_to_i_h = month_info +> List.map (fun (i,month,monthstr,mlong,days) -> month, i) let i_to_wday_h = week_day_info +> List.map (fun (i,day,dayen,dayfr,daylong) -> i, day) let wday_to_en_h = week_day_info +> List.map (fun (i,day,dayen,dayfr,daylong) -> day, dayen) let wday_to_fr_h = week_day_info +> List.map (fun (i,day,dayen,dayfr,daylong) -> day, dayfr) let month_of_string s = List.assoc s s_to_month_h let month_of_string_long s = List.assoc s slong_to_month_h let string_of_month s = List.assoc s month_to_s_h let month_of_int i = List.assoc i i_to_month_h let int_of_month m = List.assoc m month_to_i_h let wday_of_int i = List.assoc i i_to_wday_h let string_en_of_wday wday = List.assoc wday wday_to_en_h let string_fr_of_wday wday = List.assoc wday wday_to_fr_h (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let wday_str_of_int ~langage i = let wday = wday_of_int i in match langage with | English -> string_en_of_wday wday | Francais -> string_fr_of_wday wday | Deutsch -> raise Todo let string_of_date_dmy (DMY (Day n, month, Year y)) = (spf "%02d-%s-%d" n (string_of_month month) y) let string_of_unix_time ?(langage=English) tm = let y = tm.Unix.tm_year + 1900 in let mon = string_of_month (month_of_int (tm.Unix.tm_mon + 1)) in let d = tm.Unix.tm_mday in let h = tm.Unix.tm_hour in let min = tm.Unix.tm_min in let s = tm.Unix.tm_sec in let wday = wday_str_of_int ~langage tm.Unix.tm_wday in spf "%02d/%03s/%04d (%s) %02d:%02d:%02d" d mon y wday h min s (* ex: 21/Jul/2008 (Lun) 21:25:12 *) let unix_time_of_string s = if s =~ ("\\([0-9][0-9]\\)/\\(...\\)/\\([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]\\) " ^ "\\(.*\\) \\([0-9][0-9]\\):\\([0-9][0-9]\\):\\([0-9][0-9]\\)") then let (sday, smonth, syear, _sday, shour, smin, ssec) = matched7 s in let y = s_to_i syear - 1900 in let mon = smonth +> month_of_string +> int_of_month +> (fun i -> i -1) in let tm = Unix.localtime (Unix.time ()) in { tm with Unix.tm_year = y; Unix.tm_mon = mon; Unix.tm_mday = s_to_i sday; Unix.tm_hour = s_to_i shour; Unix.tm_min = s_to_i smin; Unix.tm_sec = s_to_i ssec; } else failwith ("unix_time_of_string: " ^ s) let short_string_of_unix_time ?(langage=English) tm = let y = tm.Unix.tm_year + 1900 in let mon = string_of_month (month_of_int (tm.Unix.tm_mon + 1)) in let d = tm.Unix.tm_mday in let _h = tm.Unix.tm_hour in let _min = tm.Unix.tm_min in let _s = tm.Unix.tm_sec in let wday = wday_str_of_int ~langage tm.Unix.tm_wday in spf "%02d/%03s/%04d (%s)" d mon y wday let string_of_unix_time_lfs time = spf "%02d--%s--%d" time.Unix.tm_mday (int_to_month (time.Unix.tm_mon + 1)) (time.Unix.tm_year + 1900) (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let string_of_floattime ?langage i = let tm = Unix.localtime i in string_of_unix_time ?langage tm let short_string_of_floattime ?langage i = let tm = Unix.localtime i in short_string_of_unix_time ?langage tm let floattime_of_string s = let tm = unix_time_of_string s in let (sec,_tm) = Unix.mktime tm in sec (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let days_in_week_of_day day = let tm = Unix.localtime day in let wday = tm.Unix.tm_wday in let wday = if wday =|= 0 then 6 else wday -1 in let mday = tm.Unix.tm_mday in let start_d = mday - wday in let end_d = mday + (6 - wday) in enum start_d end_d +> List.map (fun mday -> Unix.mktime {tm with Unix.tm_mday = mday} +> fst ) let first_day_in_week_of_day day = List.hd (days_in_week_of_day day) let last_day_in_week_of_day day = last (days_in_week_of_day day) (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* (modified) copy paste from ocamlcalendar/src/date.ml *) let days_month = [| 0; 31; 59; 90; 120; 151; 181; 212; 243; 273; 304; 334(*; 365*) |] let rough_days_since_jesus (DMY (Day nday, month, Year year)) = let n = nday + (days_month.(int_of_month month -1)) + year * 365 in Days n let is_more_recent d1 d2 = let (Days n1) = rough_days_since_jesus d1 in let (Days n2) = rough_days_since_jesus d2 in (n1 > n2) let max_dmy d1 d2 = if is_more_recent d1 d2 then d1 else d2 let min_dmy d1 d2 = if is_more_recent d1 d2 then d2 else d1 let maximum_dmy ds = foldl1 max_dmy ds let minimum_dmy ds = foldl1 min_dmy ds let rough_days_between_dates d1 d2 = let (Days n1) = rough_days_since_jesus d1 in let (Days n2) = rough_days_since_jesus d2 in Days (n2 - n1) let _ = example (rough_days_between_dates (DMY (Day 7, Jan, Year 1977)) (DMY (Day 13, Jan, Year 1977)) =*= Days 6) (* because of rough days, it is a bit buggy, here it should return 1 *) (* let _ = assert_equal (rough_days_between_dates (DMY (Day 29, Feb, Year 1977)) (DMY (Day 1, Mar , Year 1977))) (Days 1) *) (* from julia, in gitsort.ml *) (* let antimonths = [(1,31);(2,28);(3,31);(4,30);(5,31); (6,6);(7,7);(8,31);(9,30);(10,31); (11,30);(12,31);(0,31)] let normalize (year,month,day,hour,minute,second) = if hour < 0 then let (day,hour) = (day - 1,hour + 24) in if day = 0 then let month = month - 1 in let day = List.assoc month antimonths in let day = if month = 2 && year / 4 * 4 = year && not (year / 100 * 100 = year) then 29 else day in if month = 0 then (year-1,12,day,hour,minute,second) else (year,month,day,hour,minute,second) else (year,month,day,hour,minute,second) else (year,month,day,hour,minute,second) *) let mk_date_dmy day month year = let date = DMY (Day day, month_of_int month, Year year) in (* check_date_dmy date *) date (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* conversion to unix.tm *) let dmy_to_unixtime (DMY (Day n, month, Year year)) = let tm = { Unix.tm_sec = 0; (** Seconds 0..60 *) tm_min = 0; (** Minutes 0..59 *) tm_hour = 12; (** Hours 0..23 *) tm_mday = n; (** Day of month 1..31 *) tm_mon = (int_of_month month -1); (** Month of year 0..11 *) tm_year = year - 1900; (** Year - 1900 *) tm_wday = 0; (** Day of week (Sunday is 0) *) tm_yday = 0; (** Day of year 0..365 *) tm_isdst = false; (** Daylight time savings in effect *) } in Unix.mktime tm let unixtime_to_dmy tm = let n = tm.Unix.tm_mday in let month = month_of_int (tm.Unix.tm_mon + 1) in let year = tm.Unix.tm_year + 1900 in DMY (Day n, month, Year year) let unixtime_to_floattime tm = Unix.mktime tm +> fst let floattime_to_unixtime sec = Unix.localtime sec let sec_to_days sec = let minfactor = 60 in let hourfactor = 60 * 60 in let dayfactor = 60 * 60 * 24 in let days = sec / dayfactor in let hours = (sec mod dayfactor) / hourfactor in let mins = (sec mod hourfactor) / minfactor in let sec = (sec mod 60) in (* old: Printf.sprintf "%d days, %d hours, %d minutes" days hours mins *) (if days > 0 then plural days "day" ^ " " else "") ^ (if hours > 0 then plural hours "hour" ^ " " else "") ^ (if mins > 0 then plural mins "min" ^ " " else "") ^ (spf "%dsec" sec) let sec_to_hours sec = let minfactor = 60 in let hourfactor = 60 * 60 in let hours = sec / hourfactor in let mins = (sec mod hourfactor) / minfactor in let sec = (sec mod 60) in (* old: Printf.sprintf "%d days, %d hours, %d minutes" days hours mins *) (if hours > 0 then plural hours "hour" ^ " " else "") ^ (if mins > 0 then plural mins "min" ^ " " else "") ^ (spf "%dsec" sec) let test_date_1 () = let date = DMY (Day 17, Sep, Year 1991) in let float, tm = dmy_to_unixtime date in pr2 (spf "date: %.0f" float); () (* src: ferre in logfun/.../date.ml *) let day_secs : float = 86400. let today : unit -> float = fun () -> (Unix.time () ) let yesterday : unit -> float = fun () -> (Unix.time () -. day_secs) let tomorrow : unit -> float = fun () -> (Unix.time () +. day_secs) let lastweek : unit -> float = fun () -> (Unix.time () -. (7.0 *. day_secs)) let lastmonth : unit -> float = fun () -> (Unix.time () -. (30.0 *. day_secs)) let week_before : float_time -> float_time = fun d -> (d -. (7.0 *. day_secs)) let month_before : float_time -> float_time = fun d -> (d -. (30.0 *. day_secs)) let week_after : float_time -> float_time = fun d -> (d +. (7.0 *. day_secs)) (*****************************************************************************) (* Lines/words/strings *) (*****************************************************************************) (* now in prelude: * let (list_of_string: string -> char list) = fun s -> * (enum 0 ((String.length s) - 1) +> List.map (String.get s)) *) let _ = example (list_of_string "abcd" =*= ['a';'b';'c';'d']) (* let rec (list_of_stream: ('a Stream.t) -> 'a list) = parser | [< 'c ; stream >] -> c :: list_of_stream stream | [<>] -> [] let (list_of_string: string -> char list) = Stream.of_string $ list_of_stream *) (* now in prelude: * let (lines: string -> string list) = fun s -> ... *) let (lines_with_nl: string -> string list) = fun s -> let rec lines_aux = function | [] -> [] | [x] -> if x =$= "" then [] else [x ^ "\n"] (* old: [x] *) | x::xs -> let e = x ^ "\n" in e::lines_aux xs in (time_func (fun () -> Str.split_delim (Str.regexp "\n") s)) +> lines_aux (* in fact better make it return always complete lines, simplify *) (* Str.split, but lines "\n1\n2\n" dont return the \n and forget the first \n => split_delim better than split *) (* +> List.map (fun s -> s ^ "\n") but add an \n even at the end => lines_aux *) (* old: slow let chars = list_of_string s in chars +> List.fold_left (fun (acc, lines) char -> let newacc = acc ^ (String.make 1 char) in if char = '\n' then ("", newacc::lines) else (newacc, lines) ) ("", []) +> (fun (s, lines) -> List.rev (s::lines)) *) (* CHECK: unlines (lines x) = x *) let (unlines: string list -> string) = fun s -> (String.concat "\n" s) ^ "\n" let (words: string -> string list) = fun s -> Str.split (Str.regexp "[ \t()\";]+") s let (unwords: string list -> string) = fun s -> String.concat "" s let (split_space: string -> string list) = fun s -> Str.split (Str.regexp "[ \t\n]+") s (* todo opti ? *) let nblines s = lines s +> List.length let _ = example (nblines "" =|= 0) let _ = example (nblines "toto" =|= 1) let _ = example (nblines "toto\n" =|= 1) let _ = example (nblines "toto\ntata" =|= 2) let _ = example (nblines "toto\ntata\n" =|= 2) (*****************************************************************************) (* Process/Files *) (*****************************************************************************) let cat_orig file = let chan = open_in file in let rec cat_orig_aux () = try (* cant do input_line chan::aux() cos ocaml eval from right to left ! *) let l = input_line chan in l :: cat_orig_aux () with End_of_file -> [] in cat_orig_aux() (* tail recursive efficient version *) let cat file = let chan = open_in file in let rec cat_aux acc () = (* cant do input_line chan::aux() cos ocaml eval from right to left ! *) let (b, l) = try (true, input_line chan) with End_of_file -> (false, "") in if b then cat_aux (l::acc) () else acc in cat_aux [] () +> List.rev +> (fun x -> close_in chan; x) let cat_array file = (""::cat file) +> Array.of_list let interpolate str = begin command2 ("printf \"%s\\n\" " ^ str ^ ">/tmp/caml"); cat "/tmp/caml" end (* could do a print_string but printf dont like print_string *) let echo s = printf "%s" s; flush stdout; s let usleep s = for i = 1 to s do () done let sleep_little () = (*old: *) Unix.sleep 1 (*ignore(Sys.command ("usleep " ^ !_sleep_time))*) (* now in prelude: * let command2 s = ignore(Sys.command s) *) let do_in_fork f = let pid = Unix.fork () in if pid =|= 0 then begin (* Unix.setsid(); *) Sys.set_signal Sys.sigint (Sys.Signal_handle (fun _ -> pr2 "being killed"; Unix.kill 0 Sys.sigkill; )); f(); exit 0; end else pid let process_output_to_list2 = fun command -> let chan = Unix.open_process_in command in let res = ref ([] : string list) in let rec process_otl_aux () = let e = input_line chan in res := e::!res; process_otl_aux() in try process_otl_aux () with End_of_file -> let stat = Unix.close_process_in chan in (List.rev !res,stat) let cmd_to_list command = let (l,_) = process_output_to_list2 command in l let process_output_to_list = cmd_to_list let cmd_to_list_and_status = process_output_to_list2 (* now in prelude: * let command2 s = ignore(Sys.command s) *) let _batch_mode = ref false let command2_y_or_no cmd = if !_batch_mode then begin command2 cmd; true end else begin pr2 (cmd ^ " [y/n] ?"); match read_line () with | "y" | "yes" | "Y" -> command2 cmd; true | "n" | "no" | "N" -> false | _ -> failwith "answer by yes or no" end let command2_y_or_no_exit_if_no cmd = let res = command2_y_or_no cmd in if res then () else raise (UnixExit (1)) let mkdir ?(mode=0o770) file = Unix.mkdir file mode let read_file_orig file = cat file +> unlines let read_file file = let ic = open_in file in let size = in_channel_length ic in let buf = String.create size in really_input ic buf 0 size; close_in ic; buf let write_file ~file s = let chan = open_out file in (output_string chan s; close_out chan) let filesize file = (Unix.stat file).Unix.st_size let filemtime file = (Unix.stat file).Unix.st_mtime (* opti? use wc -l ? *) let nblines_file file = cat file +> List.length let lfile_exists filename = try (match (Unix.lstat filename).Unix.st_kind with | (Unix.S_REG | Unix.S_LNK) -> true | _ -> false ) with Unix.Unix_error (Unix.ENOENT, _, _) -> false | Unix.Unix_error (Unix.ENOTDIR, _, _) -> false | Unix.Unix_error (error, _, fl) -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "unexpected error %s for file %s" (Unix.error_message error) fl) let is_directory file = (Unix.stat file).Unix.st_kind =*= Unix.S_DIR (* src: from chailloux et al book *) let capsule_unix f args = try (f args) with Unix.Unix_error (e, fm, argm) -> log (Printf.sprintf "exn Unix_error: %s %s %s\n" (Unix.error_message e) fm argm) let (readdir_to_kind_list: string -> Unix.file_kind -> string list) = fun path kind -> Sys.readdir path +> Array.to_list +> List.filter (fun s -> try let stat = Unix.lstat (path ^ "/" ^ s) in stat.Unix.st_kind =*= kind with e -> pr2 ("EXN pb stating file: " ^ s); false ) let (readdir_to_dir_list: string -> string list) = fun path -> readdir_to_kind_list path Unix.S_DIR let (readdir_to_file_list: string -> string list) = fun path -> readdir_to_kind_list path Unix.S_REG let (readdir_to_link_list: string -> string list) = fun path -> readdir_to_kind_list path Unix.S_LNK let (readdir_to_dir_size_list: string -> (string * int) list) = fun path -> Sys.readdir path +> Array.to_list +> map_filter (fun s -> let stat = Unix.lstat (path ^ "/" ^ s) in if stat.Unix.st_kind =*= Unix.S_DIR then Some (s, stat.Unix.st_size) else None ) (* could be in control section too *) (* Why a use_cache argument ? because sometimes want disable it but dont * want put the cache_computation funcall in comment, so just easier to * pass this extra option. *) let cache_computation2 ?(verbose=false) ?(use_cache=true) file ext_cache f = if not use_cache then f () else begin if not (Sys.file_exists file) then failwith ("can't find: " ^ file); let file_cache = (file ^ ext_cache) in if Sys.file_exists file_cache && filemtime file_cache >= filemtime file then begin if verbose then pr2 ("using cache: " ^ file_cache); get_value file_cache end else begin let res = f () in write_value res file_cache; res end end let cache_computation ?verbose ?use_cache a b c = profile_code "Common.cache_computation" (fun () -> cache_computation2 ?verbose ?use_cache a b c) let cache_computation_robust2 dest_dir file ext_cache (need_no_changed_files, need_no_changed_variables) ext_depend f = (if not (Sys.file_exists file) then failwith ("can't find: " ^ file)); let (file_cache,dependencies_cache) = let file_cache = (file ^ ext_cache) in let dependencies_cache = (file ^ ext_depend) in match dest_dir with None -> (file_cache, dependencies_cache) | Some dir -> let file_cache = Filename.concat dir (if String.get file_cache 0 =*= '/' then String.sub file_cache 1 ((String.length file_cache) - 1) else file_cache) in let dependencies_cache = Filename.concat dir (if String.get dependencies_cache 0 =*= '/' then String.sub dependencies_cache 1 ((String.length dependencies_cache) - 1) else dependencies_cache) in let _ = Sys.command (Printf.sprintf "mkdir -p %s" (Filename.dirname file_cache)) in (file_cache,dependencies_cache) in let dependencies = (* could do md5sum too *) ((file::need_no_changed_files) +> List.map (fun f -> f, filemtime f), need_no_changed_variables) in if Sys.file_exists dependencies_cache && get_value dependencies_cache =*= dependencies then (*begin pr2 ("cache computation reuse " ^ file);*) get_value file_cache (*end*) else begin (*pr2 ("cache computation recompute " ^ file);*) let res = f () in write_value dependencies dependencies_cache; write_value res file_cache; res end let cache_computation_robust a b c d e = profile_code "Common.cache_computation_robust" (fun () -> cache_computation_robust2 None a b c d e) let cache_computation_robust_in_dir a b c d e f = profile_code "Common.cache_computation_robust" (fun () -> cache_computation_robust2 a b c d e f) (* dont forget that cmd_to_list call bash and so pattern may contain * '*' symbols that will be expanded, so can do glob "*.c" *) let glob pattern = cmd_to_list ("ls -1 " ^ pattern) (* update: have added the -type f, so normally need less the sanity_check_xxx * function below *) let files_of_dir_or_files ext xs = xs +> List.map (fun x -> if is_directory x then cmd_to_list ("find " ^ x ^" -noleaf -type f -name \"*." ^ext^"\"") else [x] ) +> List.concat let files_of_dir_or_files_no_vcs ext xs = xs +> List.map (fun x -> if is_directory x then cmd_to_list ("find " ^ x ^" -noleaf -type f -name \"*." ^ext^"\"" ^ "| grep -v /.hg/ |grep -v /CVS/ | grep -v /.git/ |grep -v /_darcs/" ) else [x] ) +> List.concat let files_of_dir_or_files_no_vcs_post_filter regex xs = xs +> List.map (fun x -> if is_directory x then cmd_to_list ("find " ^ x ^ " -noleaf -type f | grep -v /.hg/ |grep -v /CVS/ | grep -v /.git/ |grep -v /_darcs/" ) +> List.filter (fun s -> s =~ regex) else [x] ) +> List.concat let sanity_check_files_and_adjust ext files = let files = files +> List.filter (fun file -> if not (file =~ (".*\\."^ext)) then begin pr2 ("warning: seems not a ."^ext^" file"); false end else if is_directory file then begin pr2 (spf "warning: %s is a directory" file); false end else true ) in files (* taken from mlfuse, the predecessor of ocamlfuse *) type rwx = [`R|`W|`X] list let file_perm_of : u:rwx -> g:rwx -> o:rwx -> Unix.file_perm = fun ~u ~g ~o -> let to_oct l = List.fold_left (fun acc p -> acc lor ((function `R -> 4 | `W -> 2 | `X -> 1) p)) 0 l in let perm = ((to_oct u) lsl 6) lor ((to_oct g) lsl 3) lor (to_oct o) in perm (* pixel *) let has_env var = try let _ = Sys.getenv var in true with Not_found -> false (* emacs/lisp inspiration (eric cooper and yaron minsky use that too) *) let (with_open_outfile: filename -> (((string -> unit) * out_channel) -> 'a) -> 'a) = fun file f -> let chan = open_out file in let pr s = output_string chan s in unwind_protect (fun () -> let res = f (pr, chan) in close_out chan; res) (fun e -> close_out chan) let (with_open_infile: filename -> ((in_channel) -> 'a) -> 'a) = fun file f -> let chan = open_in file in unwind_protect (fun () -> let res = f chan in close_in chan; res) (fun e -> close_in chan) let (with_open_outfile_append: filename -> (((string -> unit) * out_channel) -> 'a) -> 'a) = fun file f -> let chan = open_out_gen [Open_creat;Open_append] 0o666 file in let pr s = output_string chan s in unwind_protect (fun () -> let res = f (pr, chan) in close_out chan; res) (fun e -> close_out chan) (* now in prelude: * exception Timeout *) (* it seems that the toplevel block such signals, even with this explicit * command :( * let _ = Unix.sigprocmask Unix.SIG_UNBLOCK [Sys.sigalrm] *) (* could be in Control section *) (* subtil: have to make sure that timeout is not intercepted before here, so * avoid exn handle such as try (...) with _ -> cos timeout will not bubble up * enough. In such case, add a case before such as * with Timeout -> raise Timeout | _ -> ... * * question: can we have a signal and so exn when in a exn handler ? *) let interval_timer = ref true let timeout_function timeoutval = fun f -> try if !interval_timer then begin Sys.set_signal Sys.sigvtalrm (Sys.Signal_handle (fun _ -> raise Timeout)); ignore (Unix.setitimer Unix.ITIMER_VIRTUAL {Unix.it_interval=float_of_int timeoutval; Unix.it_value =float_of_int timeoutval}); let x = f() in ignore(Unix.alarm 0); x end else begin Sys.set_signal Sys.sigalrm (Sys.Signal_handle (fun _ -> raise Timeout )); ignore(Unix.alarm timeoutval); let x = f() in ignore(Unix.alarm 0); x end with Timeout -> begin log "timeout (we abort)"; (*pr2 (List.hd(cmd_to_list "free -m | grep Mem"));*) raise Timeout; end | e -> (* subtil: important to disable the alarm before relaunching the exn, * otherwise the alarm is still running. * * robust?: and if alarm launched after the log (...) ? * Maybe signals are disabled when process an exception handler ? *) begin ignore(Unix.alarm 0); (* log ("exn while in transaction (we abort too, even if ...) = " ^ Printexc.to_string e); *) log "exn while in timeout_function"; raise e end let timeout_function_opt timeoutvalopt f = match timeoutvalopt with | None -> f() | Some x -> timeout_function x f (* removes only if the file does not exists *) let remove_file path = if Sys.file_exists path then Sys.remove path else () (* creation of tmp files, a la gcc *) let _temp_files_created = ref ([] : filename list) (* ex: new_temp_file "cocci" ".c" will give "/tmp/cocci-3252-434465.c" *) let new_temp_file prefix suffix = let processid = i_to_s (Unix.getpid ()) in let tmp_file = Filename.temp_file (prefix ^ "-" ^ processid ^ "-") suffix in push2 tmp_file _temp_files_created; tmp_file let save_tmp_files = ref false let erase_temp_files () = if not !save_tmp_files then begin !_temp_files_created +> List.iter (fun s -> (* pr2 ("erasing: " ^ s); *) remove_file s ); _temp_files_created := [] end let erase_this_temp_file f = if not !save_tmp_files then begin _temp_files_created := List.filter (function x -> not (x =$= f)) !_temp_files_created; remove_file f end (* now in prelude: exception UnixExit of int *) let exn_to_real_unixexit f = try f() with UnixExit x -> exit x let uncat xs file = with_open_outfile file (fun (pr,_chan) -> xs +> List.iter (fun s -> pr s; pr "\n"); ) (*****************************************************************************) (* List *) (*****************************************************************************) (* pixel *) let uncons l = (List.hd l, List.tl l) (* pixel *) let safe_tl l = try List.tl l with _ -> [] let push l v = l := v :: !l let rec zip xs ys = match (xs,ys) with | ([],[]) -> [] | ([],_) -> failwith "zip: not same length" | (_,[]) -> failwith "zip: not same length" | (x::xs,y::ys) -> (x,y)::zip xs ys let rec zip_safe xs ys = match (xs,ys) with | ([],_) -> [] | (_,[]) -> [] | (x::xs,y::ys) -> (x,y)::zip_safe xs ys let rec unzip zs = List.fold_right (fun e (xs, ys) -> (fst e::xs), (snd e::ys)) zs ([],[]) let map_withkeep f xs = xs +> List.map (fun x -> f x, x) (* now in prelude * let rec take n xs = * match (n,xs) with * | (0,_) -> [] * | (_,[]) -> failwith "take: not enough" * | (n,x::xs) -> x::take (n-1) xs *) let rec take_safe n xs = match (n,xs) with | (0,_) -> [] | (_,[]) -> [] | (n,x::xs) -> x::take_safe (n-1) xs let rec take_until p = function | [] -> [] | x::xs -> if p x then [] else x::(take_until p xs) let take_while p = take_until (p $ not) (* now in prelude: let rec drop n xs = ... *) let _ = example (drop 3 [1;2;3;4] =*= [4]) let rec drop_while p = function | [] -> [] | x::xs -> if p x then drop_while p xs else x::xs let rec drop_until p xs = drop_while (fun x -> not (p x)) xs let _ = example (drop_until (fun x -> x =|= 3) [1;2;3;4;5] =*= [3;4;5]) let span p xs = (take_while p xs, drop_while p xs) let rec (span: ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list * 'a list) = fun p -> function | [] -> ([], []) | x::xs -> if p x then let (l1, l2) = span p xs in (x::l1, l2) else ([], x::xs) let _ = example ((span (fun x -> x <= 3) [1;2;3;4;1;2] =*= ([1;2;3],[4;1;2]))) let rec groupBy eq l = match l with | [] -> [] | x::xs -> let (xs1,xs2) = List.partition (fun x' -> eq x x') xs in (x::xs1)::(groupBy eq xs2) let rec group_by_mapped_key fkey l = match l with | [] -> [] | x::xs -> let k = fkey x in let (xs1,xs2) = List.partition (fun x' -> let k2 = fkey x' in k=*=k2) xs in (k, (x::xs1))::(group_by_mapped_key fkey xs2) let (exclude_but_keep_attached: ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> ('a * 'a list) list)= fun f xs -> let rec aux_filter acc ans = function | [] -> (* drop what was accumulated because nothing to attach to *) List.rev ans | x::xs -> if f x then aux_filter (x::acc) ans xs else aux_filter [] ((x, List.rev acc)::ans) xs in aux_filter [] [] xs let _ = example (exclude_but_keep_attached (fun x -> x =|= 3) [3;3;1;3;2;3;3;3] =*= [(1,[3;3]);(2,[3])]) let (group_by_post: ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> ('a list * 'a) list * 'a list)= fun f xs -> let rec aux_filter grouped_acc acc = function | [] -> List.rev grouped_acc, List.rev acc | x::xs -> if f x then aux_filter ((List.rev acc,x)::grouped_acc) [] xs else aux_filter grouped_acc (x::acc) xs in aux_filter [] [] xs let _ = example (group_by_post (fun x -> x =|= 3) [1;1;3;2;3;4;5;3;6;6;6] =*= ([([1;1],3);([2],3);[4;5],3], [6;6;6])) let (group_by_pre: ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list * ('a * 'a list) list)= fun f xs -> let xs' = List.rev xs in let (ys, unclassified) = group_by_post f xs' in List.rev unclassified, ys +> List.rev +> List.map (fun (xs, x) -> x, List.rev xs ) let _ = example (group_by_pre (fun x -> x =|= 3) [1;1;3;2;3;4;5;3;6;6;6] =*= ([1;1], [(3,[2]); (3,[4;5]); (3,[6;6;6])])) let (split_when: ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list * 'a * 'a list) = fun p l -> let rec loop acc = function | [] -> raise Not_found | x::xs -> if p x then List.rev acc, x, xs else loop (x :: acc) xs in loop [] l let _ = example (split_when (fun x -> x =|= 3) [1;2;3;4;1;2] =*= ([1;2],3,[4;1;2])) (* not so easy to come up with ... used in aComment for split_paragraph *) let rec split_gen_when_aux f acc xs = match xs with | [] -> if null acc then [] else [List.rev acc] | (x::xs) -> (match f (x::xs) with | None -> split_gen_when_aux f (x::acc) xs | Some (rest) -> let before = List.rev acc in if null before then split_gen_when_aux f [] rest else before::split_gen_when_aux f [] rest ) (* could avoid introduce extra aux function by using ?(acc = []) *) let split_gen_when f xs = split_gen_when_aux f [] xs (* generate exception (Failure "tl") if there is no element satisfying p *) let rec (skip_until: ('a list -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list) = fun p xs -> if p xs then xs else skip_until p (List.tl xs) let _ = example (skip_until (function 1::2::xs -> true | _ -> false) [1;3;4;1;2;4;5] =*= [1;2;4;5]) let rec skipfirst e = function | [] -> [] | e'::l when e =*= e' -> skipfirst e l | l -> l (* now in prelude: * let rec enum x n = ... *) let index_list xs = if null xs then [] (* enum 0 (-1) generate an exception *) else zip xs (enum 0 ((List.length xs) -1)) let index_list_and_total xs = let total = List.length xs in if null xs then [] (* enum 0 (-1) generate an exception *) else zip xs (enum 0 ((List.length xs) -1)) +> List.map (fun (a,b) -> (a,b,total)) let index_list_1 xs = xs +> index_list +> List.map (fun (x,i) -> x, i+1) let or_list = List.fold_left (||) false let and_list = List.fold_left (&&) true let avg_list xs = let sum = sum_int xs in (float_of_int sum) /. (float_of_int (List.length xs)) let snoc x xs = xs @ [x] let cons x xs = x::xs let head_middle_tail xs = match xs with | x::y::xs -> let head = x in let reversed = List.rev (y::xs) in let tail = List.hd reversed in let middle = List.rev (List.tl reversed) in head, middle, tail | _ -> failwith "head_middle_tail, too small list" let _ = assert_equal (head_middle_tail [1;2;3]) (1, [2], 3) let _ = assert_equal (head_middle_tail [1;3]) (1, [], 3) (* now in prelude * let (++) = (@) *) (* let (++) = (@), could do that, but if load many times the common, then pb *) (* let (++) l1 l2 = List.fold_right (fun x acc -> x::acc) l1 l2 *) let remove x xs = let newxs = List.filter (fun y -> y <> x) xs in assert (List.length newxs =|= List.length xs - 1); newxs let exclude p xs = List.filter (fun x -> not (p x)) xs (* now in prelude *) let fold_k f lastk acc xs = let rec fold_k_aux acc = function | [] -> lastk acc | x::xs -> f acc x (fun acc -> fold_k_aux acc xs) in fold_k_aux acc xs let rec list_init = function | [] -> raise Not_found | [x] -> [] | x::y::xs -> x::(list_init (y::xs)) let rec list_last = function | [] -> raise Not_found | [x] -> x | x::y::xs -> list_last (y::xs) (* pixel *) (* now in prelude * let last_n n l = List.rev (take n (List.rev l)) * let last l = List.hd (last_n 1 l) *) let rec join_gen a = function | [] -> [] | [x] -> [x] | x::xs -> x::a::(join_gen a xs) (* todo: foldl, foldr (a more consistent foldr) *) (* start pixel *) let iter_index f l = let rec iter_ n = function | [] -> () | e::l -> f e n ; iter_ (n+1) l in iter_ 0 l let map_index f l = let rec map_ n = function | [] -> [] | e::l -> f e n :: map_ (n+1) l in map_ 0 l (* pixel *) let filter_index f l = let rec filt i = function | [] -> [] | e::l -> if f i e then e :: filt (i+1) l else filt (i+1) l in filt 0 l (* pixel *) let do_withenv doit f env l = let r_env = ref env in let l' = doit (fun e -> let e', env' = f !r_env e in r_env := env' ; e' ) l in l', !r_env (* now in prelude: * let fold_left_with_index f acc = ... *) let map_withenv f env e = do_withenv List.map f env e let rec collect_accu f accu = function | [] -> accu | e::l -> collect_accu f (List.rev_append (f e) accu) l let collect f l = List.rev (collect_accu f [] l) (* cf also List.partition *) let rec fpartition p l = let rec part yes no = function | [] -> (List.rev yes, List.rev no) | x :: l -> (match p x with | None -> part yes (x :: no) l | Some v -> part (v :: yes) no l) in part [] [] l (* end pixel *) let rec removelast = function | [] -> failwith "removelast" | [_] -> [] | e::l -> e :: removelast l let remove x = List.filter (fun y -> y != x) let empty list = null list let rec inits = function | [] -> [[]] | e::l -> [] :: List.map (fun l -> e::l) (inits l) let rec tails = function | [] -> [[]] | (_::xs) as xxs -> xxs :: tails xs let reverse = List.rev let rev = List.rev let nth = List.nth let fold_left = List.fold_left let rev_map = List.rev_map (* pixel *) let rec fold_right1 f = function | [] -> failwith "fold_right1" | [e] -> e | e::l -> f e (fold_right1 f l) let maximum l = foldl1 max l let minimum l = foldl1 min l (* do a map tail recursive, and result is reversed, it is a tail recursive map => efficient *) let map_eff_rev = fun f l -> let rec map_eff_aux acc = function | [] -> acc | x::xs -> map_eff_aux ((f x)::acc) xs in map_eff_aux [] l let acc_map f l = let rec loop acc = function [] -> List.rev acc | x::xs -> loop ((f x)::acc) xs in loop [] l let rec (generate: int -> 'a -> 'a list) = fun i el -> if i =|= 0 then [] else el::(generate (i-1) el) let rec uniq = function | [] -> [] | e::l -> if List.mem e l then uniq l else e :: uniq l let has_no_duplicate xs = List.length xs =|= List.length (uniq xs) let is_set_as_list = has_no_duplicate let rec get_duplicates xs = match xs with | [] -> [] | x::xs -> if List.mem x xs then x::get_duplicates xs (* todo? could x from xs to avoid double dups?*) else get_duplicates xs let rec all_assoc e = function | [] -> [] | (e',v) :: l when e=*=e' -> v :: all_assoc e l | _ :: l -> all_assoc e l let prepare_want_all_assoc l = List.map (fun n -> n, uniq (all_assoc n l)) (uniq (List.map fst l)) let rotate list = List.tl list ++ [(List.hd list)] let or_list = List.fold_left (||) false let and_list = List.fold_left (&&) true let rec (return_when: ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a list -> 'b) = fun p -> function | [] -> raise Not_found | x::xs -> (match p x with None -> return_when p xs | Some b -> b) let rec splitAt n xs = if n =|= 0 then ([],xs) else (match xs with | [] -> ([],[]) | (x::xs) -> let (a,b) = splitAt (n-1) xs in (x::a, b) ) let pack n xs = let rec pack_aux l i = function | [] -> failwith "not on a boundary" | [x] -> if i =|= n then [l++[x]] else failwith "not on a boundary" | x::xs -> if i =|= n then (l++[x])::(pack_aux [] 1 xs) else pack_aux (l++[x]) (i+1) xs in pack_aux [] 1 xs let min_with f = function | [] -> raise Not_found | e :: l -> let rec min_with_ min_val min_elt = function | [] -> min_elt | e::l -> let val_ = f e in if val_ < min_val then min_with_ val_ e l else min_with_ min_val min_elt l in min_with_ (f e) e l let two_mins_with f = function | e1 :: e2 :: l -> let rec min_with_ min_val min_elt min_val2 min_elt2 = function | [] -> min_elt, min_elt2 | e::l -> let val_ = f e in if val_ < min_val2 then if val_ < min_val then min_with_ val_ e min_val min_elt l else min_with_ min_val min_elt val_ e l else min_with_ min_val min_elt min_val2 min_elt2 l in let v1 = f e1 in let v2 = f e2 in if v1 < v2 then min_with_ v1 e1 v2 e2 l else min_with_ v2 e2 v1 e1 l | _ -> raise Not_found let grep_with_previous f = function | [] -> [] | e::l -> let rec grep_with_previous_ previous = function | [] -> [] | e::l -> if f previous e then e :: grep_with_previous_ e l else grep_with_previous_ previous l in e :: grep_with_previous_ e l let iter_with_previous f = function | [] -> () | e::l -> let rec iter_with_previous_ previous = function | [] -> () | e::l -> f previous e ; iter_with_previous_ e l in iter_with_previous_ e l let iter_with_before_after f xs = let rec aux before_rev after = match after with | [] -> () | x::xs -> f before_rev x xs; aux (x::before_rev) xs in aux [] xs (* kind of cartesian product of x*x *) let rec (get_pair: ('a list) -> (('a * 'a) list)) = function | [] -> [] | x::xs -> (List.map (fun y -> (x,y)) xs) ++ (get_pair xs) (* retourne le rang dans une liste d'un element *) let rang elem liste = let rec rang_rec elem accu = function | [] -> raise Not_found | a::l -> if a =*= elem then accu else rang_rec elem (accu+1) l in rang_rec elem 1 liste (* retourne vrai si une liste contient des doubles *) let rec doublon = function | [] -> false | a::l -> if List.mem a l then true else doublon l let rec (insert_in: 'a -> 'a list -> 'a list list) = fun x -> function | [] -> [[x]] | y::ys -> (x::y::ys) :: (List.map (fun xs -> y::xs) (insert_in x ys)) (* insert_in 3 [1;2] = [[3; 1; 2]; [1; 3; 2]; [1; 2; 3]] *) let rec (permutation: 'a list -> 'a list list) = function | [] -> [] | [x] -> [[x]] | x::xs -> List.flatten (List.map (insert_in x) (permutation xs)) (* permutation [1;2;3] = * [[1; 2; 3]; [2; 1; 3]; [2; 3; 1]; [1; 3; 2]; [3; 1; 2]; [3; 2; 1]] *) let rec remove_elem_pos pos xs = match (pos, xs) with | _, [] -> failwith "remove_elem_pos" | 0, x::xs -> xs | n, x::xs -> x::(remove_elem_pos (n-1) xs) let rec insert_elem_pos (e, pos) xs = match (pos, xs) with | 0, xs -> e::xs | n, x::xs -> x::(insert_elem_pos (e, (n-1)) xs) | n, [] -> failwith "insert_elem_pos" let rec uncons_permut xs = let indexed = index_list xs in indexed +> List.map (fun (x, pos) -> (x, pos), remove_elem_pos pos xs) let _ = example (uncons_permut ['a';'b';'c'] =*= [('a', 0), ['b';'c']; ('b', 1), ['a';'c']; ('c', 2), ['a';'b'] ]) let rec uncons_permut_lazy xs = let indexed = index_list xs in indexed +> List.map (fun (x, pos) -> (x, pos), lazy (remove_elem_pos pos xs) ) (* pixel *) let rec map_flatten f l = let rec map_flatten_aux accu = function | [] -> accu | e :: l -> map_flatten_aux (List.rev (f e) ++ accu) l in List.rev (map_flatten_aux [] l) let rec repeat e n = let rec repeat_aux acc = function | 0 -> acc | n when n < 0 -> failwith "repeat" | n -> repeat_aux (e::acc) (n-1) in repeat_aux [] n let rec map2 f = function | [] -> [] | x::xs -> let r = f x in r::map2 f xs let rec map3 f l = let rec map3_aux acc = function | [] -> acc | x::xs -> map3_aux (f x::acc) xs in map3_aux [] l (* let tails2 xs = map rev (inits (rev xs)) let res = tails2 [1;2;3;4] let res = tails [1;2;3;4] let id x = x *) let pack_sorted same xs = let rec pack_s_aux acc xs = match (acc,xs) with | ((cur,rest),[]) -> cur::rest | ((cur,rest), y::ys) -> if same (List.hd cur) y then pack_s_aux (y::cur, rest) ys else pack_s_aux ([y], cur::rest) ys in pack_s_aux ([List.hd xs],[]) (List.tl xs) +> List.rev let test = pack_sorted (=*=) [1;1;1;2;2;3;4] let rec keep_best f = let rec partition e = function | [] -> e, [] | e' :: l -> match f(e,e') with | None -> let (e'', l') = partition e l in e'', e' :: l' | Some e'' -> partition e'' l in function | [] -> [] | e::l -> let (e', l') = partition e l in e' :: keep_best f l' let rec sorted_keep_best f = function | [] -> [] | [a] -> [a] | a :: b :: l -> match f a b with | None -> a :: sorted_keep_best f (b :: l) | Some e -> sorted_keep_best f (e :: l) let (cartesian_product: 'a list -> 'b list -> ('a * 'b) list) = fun xs ys -> xs +> List.map (fun x -> ys +> List.map (fun y -> (x,y))) +> List.flatten let _ = assert_equal (cartesian_product [1;2] ["3";"4";"5"]) [1,"3";1,"4";1,"5"; 2,"3";2,"4";2,"5"] let sort_prof a b = profile_code "Common.sort_by_xxx" (fun () -> List.sort a b) let sort_by_val_highfirst xs = sort_prof (fun (k1,v1) (k2,v2) -> compare v2 v1) xs let sort_by_val_lowfirst xs = sort_prof (fun (k1,v1) (k2,v2) -> compare v1 v2) xs let sort_by_key_highfirst xs = sort_prof (fun (k1,v1) (k2,v2) -> compare k2 k1) xs let sort_by_key_lowfirst xs = sort_prof (fun (k1,v1) (k2,v2) -> compare k1 k2) xs let _ = example (sort_by_key_lowfirst [4, (); 7,()] =*= [4,(); 7,()]) let _ = example (sort_by_key_highfirst [4,(); 7,()] =*= [7,(); 4,()]) let sortgen_by_key_highfirst xs = sort_prof (fun (k1,v1) (k2,v2) -> compare k2 k1) xs let sortgen_by_key_lowfirst xs = sort_prof (fun (k1,v1) (k2,v2) -> compare k1 k2) xs (*----------------------------------*) (* sur surEnsemble [p1;p2] [[p1;p2;p3] [p1;p2] ....] -> [[p1;p2;p3] ... *) (* mais pas p2;p3 *) (* (aop) *) let surEnsemble liste_el liste_liste_el = List.filter (function liste_elbis -> List.for_all (function el -> List.mem el liste_elbis) liste_el ) liste_liste_el;; (*----------------------------------*) (* combinaison/product/.... (aop) *) (* 123 -> 123 12 13 23 1 2 3 *) let rec realCombinaison = function | [] -> [] | [a] -> [[a]] | a::l -> let res = realCombinaison l in let res2 = List.map (function x -> a::x) res in res2 ++ res ++ [[a]] (* genere toutes les combinaisons possible de paire *) (* par exemple combinaison [1;2;4] -> [1, 2; 1, 4; 2, 4] *) let rec combinaison = function | [] -> [] | [a] -> [] | [a;b] -> [(a, b)] | a::b::l -> (List.map (function elem -> (a, elem)) (b::l)) ++ (combinaison (b::l)) (*----------------------------------*) (* list of list(aop) *) (* insere elem dans la liste de liste (si elem est deja present dans une de *) (* ces listes, on ne fait rien *) let rec insere elem = function | [] -> [[elem]] | a::l -> if (List.mem elem a) then a::l else a::(insere elem l) let rec insereListeContenant lis el = function | [] -> [el::lis] | a::l -> if List.mem el a then (List.append lis a)::l else a::(insereListeContenant lis el l) (* fusionne les listes contenant et1 et et2 dans la liste de liste*) let rec fusionneListeContenant (et1, et2) = function | [] -> [[et1; et2]] | a::l -> (* si les deux sont deja dedans alors rien faire *) if List.mem et1 a then if List.mem et2 a then a::l else insereListeContenant a et2 l else if List.mem et2 a then insereListeContenant a et1 l else a::(fusionneListeContenant (et1, et2) l) (*****************************************************************************) (* Arrays *) (*****************************************************************************) (* do bound checking ? *) let array_find_index f a = let rec array_find_index_ i = if f i then i else array_find_index_ (i+1) in try array_find_index_ 0 with _ -> raise Not_found let array_find_index_via_elem f a = let rec array_find_index_ i = if f a.(i) then i else array_find_index_ (i+1) in try array_find_index_ 0 with _ -> raise Not_found type idx = Idx of int let next_idx (Idx i) = (Idx (i+1)) let int_of_idx (Idx i) = i let array_find_index_typed f a = let rec array_find_index_ i = if f i then i else array_find_index_ (next_idx i) in try array_find_index_ (Idx 0) with _ -> raise Not_found (*****************************************************************************) (* Matrix *) (*****************************************************************************) type 'a matrix = 'a array array let map_matrix f mat = mat +> Array.map (fun arr -> arr +> Array.map f) let (make_matrix_init: nrow:int -> ncolumn:int -> (int -> int -> 'a) -> 'a matrix) = fun ~nrow ~ncolumn f -> Array.init nrow (fun i -> Array.init ncolumn (fun j -> f i j ) ) let iter_matrix f m = Array.iteri (fun i e -> Array.iteri (fun j x -> f i j x ) e ) m let nb_rows_matrix m = Array.length m let nb_columns_matrix m = assert(Array.length m > 0); Array.length m.(0) (* check all nested arrays have the same size *) let invariant_matrix m = raise Todo let (rows_of_matrix: 'a matrix -> 'a list list) = fun m -> Array.to_list m +> List.map Array.to_list let (columns_of_matrix: 'a matrix -> 'a list list) = fun m -> let nbcols = nb_columns_matrix m in let nbrows = nb_rows_matrix m in (enum 0 (nbcols -1)) +> List.map (fun j -> (enum 0 (nbrows -1)) +> List.map (fun i -> m.(i).(j) )) let all_elems_matrix_by_row m = rows_of_matrix m +> List.flatten let ex_matrix1 = [| [|0;1;2|]; [|3;4;5|]; [|6;7;8|]; |] let ex_rows1 = [ [0;1;2]; [3;4;5]; [6;7;8]; ] let ex_columns1 = [ [0;3;6]; [1;4;7]; [2;5;8]; ] let _ = example (rows_of_matrix ex_matrix1 =*= ex_rows1) let _ = example (columns_of_matrix ex_matrix1 =*= ex_columns1) (*****************************************************************************) (* Fast array *) (*****************************************************************************) (* module B_Array = Bigarray.Array2 *) (* open B_Array open Bigarray *) (* for the string_of auto generation of camlp4 val b_array_string_of_t : 'a -> 'b -> string val bigarray_string_of_int16_unsigned_elt : 'a -> string val bigarray_string_of_c_layout : 'a -> string let b_array_string_of_t f a = "<>" let bigarray_string_of_int16_unsigned_elt a = "<>" let bigarray_string_of_c_layout a = "<>" *) (*****************************************************************************) (* Set. Have a look too at set*.mli *) (*****************************************************************************) type 'a set = 'a list (* with sexp *) let (empty_set: 'a set) = [] let (insert_set: 'a -> 'a set -> 'a set) = fun x xs -> if List.mem x xs then (* let _ = print_string "warning insert: already exist" in *) xs else x::xs let is_set xs = has_no_duplicate xs let (single_set: 'a -> 'a set) = fun x -> insert_set x empty_set let (set: 'a list -> 'a set) = fun xs -> xs +> List.fold_left (flip insert_set) empty_set let (exists_set: ('a -> bool) -> 'a set -> bool) = List.exists let (forall_set: ('a -> bool) -> 'a set -> bool) = List.for_all let (filter_set: ('a -> bool) -> 'a set -> 'a set) = List.filter let (fold_set: ('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b set -> 'a) = List.fold_left let (map_set: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a set -> 'b set) = List.map let (member_set: 'a -> 'a set -> bool) = List.mem let find_set = List.find let sort_set = List.sort let iter_set = List.iter let (top_set: 'a set -> 'a) = List.hd let (inter_set: 'a set -> 'a set -> 'a set) = fun s1 s2 -> s1 +> fold_set (fun acc x -> if member_set x s2 then insert_set x acc else acc) empty_set let (union_set: 'a set -> 'a set -> 'a set) = fun s1 s2 -> s2 +> fold_set (fun acc x -> if member_set x s1 then acc else insert_set x acc) s1 let (minus_set: 'a set -> 'a set -> 'a set) = fun s1 s2 -> s1 +> filter_set (fun x -> not (member_set x s2)) let union_all l = List.fold_left union_set [] l let big_union_set f xs = xs +> map_set f +> fold_set union_set empty_set let (card_set: 'a set -> int) = List.length let (include_set: 'a set -> 'a set -> bool) = fun s1 s2 -> (s1 +> forall_set (fun p -> member_set p s2)) let equal_set s1 s2 = include_set s1 s2 && include_set s2 s1 let (include_set_strict: 'a set -> 'a set -> bool) = fun s1 s2 -> (card_set s1 < card_set s2) && (include_set s1 s2) let ($*$) = inter_set let ($+$) = union_set let ($-$) = minus_set let ($?$) a b = profile_code "$?$" (fun () -> member_set a b) let ($<$) = include_set_strict let ($<=$) = include_set let ($=$) = equal_set (* as $+$ but do not check for memberness, allow to have set of func *) let ($@$) = fun a b -> a @ b let rec nub = function [] -> [] | x::xs -> if List.mem x xs then nub xs else x::(nub xs) (*****************************************************************************) (* Set as normal list *) (*****************************************************************************) (* let (union: 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list) = fun l1 l2 -> List.fold_left (fun acc x -> if List.mem x l1 then acc else x::acc) l1 l2 let insert_normal x xs = union xs [x] (* retourne lis1 - lis2 *) let minus l1 l2 = List.filter (fun x -> not (List.mem x l2)) l1 let inter l1 l2 = List.fold_left (fun acc x -> if List.mem x l2 then x::acc else acc) [] l1 let union_list = List.fold_left union [] let uniq lis = List.fold_left (function acc -> function el -> union [el] acc) [] lis (* pixel *) let rec non_uniq = function | [] -> [] | e::l -> if mem e l then e :: non_uniq l else non_uniq l let rec inclu lis1 lis2 = List.for_all (function el -> List.mem el lis2) lis1 let equivalent lis1 lis2 = (inclu lis1 lis2) && (inclu lis2 lis1) *) (*****************************************************************************) (* Set as sorted list *) (*****************************************************************************) (* liste trie, cos we need to do intersection, and insertion (it is a set cos when introduce has, if we create a new has => must do a recurse_rep and another categ can have to this has => must do an union *) (* let rec insert x = function | [] -> [x] | y::ys -> if x = y then y::ys else (if x < y then x::y::ys else y::(insert x ys)) (* same, suppose sorted list *) let rec intersect x y = match(x,y) with | [], y -> [] | x, [] -> [] | x::xs, y::ys -> if x = y then x::(intersect xs ys) else (if x < y then intersect xs (y::ys) else intersect (x::xs) ys ) (* intersect [1;3;7] [2;3;4;7;8];; *) *) (*****************************************************************************) (* Assoc *) (*****************************************************************************) type ('a,'b) assoc = ('a * 'b) list (* with sexp *) let (assoc_to_function: ('a, 'b) assoc -> ('a -> 'b)) = fun xs -> xs +> List.fold_left (fun acc (k, v) -> (fun k' -> if k =*= k' then v else acc k' )) (fun k -> failwith "no key in this assoc") (* simpler: let (assoc_to_function: ('a, 'b) assoc -> ('a -> 'b)) = fun xs -> fun k -> List.assoc k xs *) let (empty_assoc: ('a, 'b) assoc) = [] let fold_assoc = List.fold_left let insert_assoc = fun x xs -> x::xs let map_assoc = List.map let filter_assoc = List.filter let assoc = List.assoc let keys xs = List.map fst xs let lookup = assoc (* assert unique key ?*) let del_assoc key xs = xs +> List.filter (fun (k,v) -> k <> key) let replace_assoc (key, v) xs = insert_assoc (key, v) (del_assoc key xs) let apply_assoc key f xs = let old = assoc key xs in replace_assoc (key, f old) xs let big_union_assoc f xs = xs +> map_assoc f +> fold_assoc union_set empty_set (* todo: pb normally can suppr fun l -> .... l but if do that, then strange type _a => assoc_map is strange too => equal dont work *) let (assoc_reverse: (('a * 'b) list) -> (('b * 'a) list)) = fun l -> List.map (fun(x,y) -> (y,x)) l let (assoc_map: (('a * 'b) list) -> (('a * 'b) list) -> (('a * 'a) list)) = fun l1 l2 -> let (l1bis, l2bis) = (assoc_reverse l1, assoc_reverse l2) in List.map (fun (x,y) -> (y, List.assoc x l2bis )) l1bis let rec (lookup_list: 'a -> ('a , 'b) assoc list -> 'b) = fun el -> function | [] -> raise Not_found | (xs::xxs) -> try List.assoc el xs with Not_found -> lookup_list el xxs let (lookup_list2: 'a -> ('a , 'b) assoc list -> ('b * int)) = fun el xxs -> let rec lookup_l_aux i = function | [] -> raise Not_found | (xs::xxs) -> try let res = List.assoc el xs in (res,i) with Not_found -> lookup_l_aux (i+1) xxs in lookup_l_aux 0 xxs let _ = example (lookup_list2 "c" [["a",1;"b",2];["a",1;"b",3];["a",1;"c",7]] =*= (7,2)) let assoc_option k l = optionise (fun () -> List.assoc k l) let assoc_with_err_msg k l = try List.assoc k l with Not_found -> pr2 (spf "pb assoc_with_err_msg: %s" (dump k)); raise Not_found (*****************************************************************************) (* Assoc int -> xxx with binary tree. Have a look too at Mapb.mli *) (*****************************************************************************) (* ex: type robot_list = robot_info IntMap.t *) module IntMap = Map.Make (struct type t = int let compare = compare end) let intmap_to_list m = IntMap.fold (fun id v acc -> (id, v) :: acc) m [] let intmap_string_of_t f a = "" module IntIntMap = Map.Make (struct type t = int * int let compare = compare end) let intintmap_to_list m = IntIntMap.fold (fun id v acc -> (id, v) :: acc) m [] let intintmap_string_of_t f a = "" (*****************************************************************************) (* Hash *) (*****************************************************************************) (* il parait que better when choose a prime *) let hcreate () = Hashtbl.create 401 let hadd (k,v) h = Hashtbl.add h k v let hmem k h = Hashtbl.mem h k let hfind k h = Hashtbl.find h k let hreplace (k,v) h = Hashtbl.replace h k v let hiter = Hashtbl.iter let hfold = Hashtbl.fold let hremove k h = Hashtbl.remove h k let hash_to_list h = Hashtbl.fold (fun k v acc -> (k,v)::acc) h [] +> List.sort compare let hash_to_list_unsorted h = Hashtbl.fold (fun k v acc -> (k,v)::acc) h [] let hash_of_list xs = let h = Hashtbl.create 101 in begin xs +> List.iter (fun (k, v) -> Hashtbl.add h k v); h end let _ = let h = Hashtbl.create 101 in Hashtbl.add h "toto" 1; Hashtbl.add h "toto" 1; assert(hash_to_list h =*= ["toto",1; "toto",1]) let hfind_default key value_if_not_found h = try Hashtbl.find h key with Not_found -> (Hashtbl.add h key (value_if_not_found ()); Hashtbl.find h key) (* not as easy as Perl $h->{key}++; but still possible *) let hupdate_default key op value_if_not_found h = let old = hfind_default key value_if_not_found h in Hashtbl.replace h key (op old) let hfind_option key h = optionise (fun () -> Hashtbl.find h key) (* see below: let hkeys h = ... *) (*****************************************************************************) (* Hash sets *) (*****************************************************************************) type 'a hashset = ('a, bool) Hashtbl.t (* with sexp *) let hash_hashset_add k e h = match optionise (fun () -> Hashtbl.find h k) with | Some hset -> Hashtbl.replace hset e true | None -> let hset = Hashtbl.create 11 in begin Hashtbl.add h k hset; Hashtbl.replace hset e true; end let hashset_to_set baseset h = h +> hash_to_list +> List.map fst +> (fun xs -> baseset#fromlist xs) let hashset_to_list h = hash_to_list h +> List.map fst let hashset_of_list xs = xs +> List.map (fun x -> x, true) +> hash_of_list let hkeys h = let hkey = Hashtbl.create 101 in h +> Hashtbl.iter (fun k v -> Hashtbl.replace hkey k true); hashset_to_list hkey let group_assoc_bykey_eff2 xs = let h = Hashtbl.create 101 in xs +> List.iter (fun (k, v) -> Hashtbl.add h k v); let keys = hkeys h in keys +> List.map (fun k -> k, Hashtbl.find_all h k) let group_assoc_bykey_eff xs = profile_code2 "Common.group_assoc_bykey_eff" (fun () -> group_assoc_bykey_eff2 xs) let test_group_assoc () = let xs = enum 0 10000 +> List.map (fun i -> i_to_s i, i) in let xs = ("0", 2)::xs in (* let _ys = xs +> Common.groupBy (fun (a,resa) (b,resb) -> a =$= b) *) let ys = xs +> group_assoc_bykey_eff in pr2_gen ys let uniq_eff xs = let h = Hashtbl.create 101 in xs +> List.iter (fun k -> Hashtbl.add h k true ); hkeys h let diff_two_say_set_eff xs1 xs2 = let h1 = hashset_of_list xs1 in let h2 = hashset_of_list xs2 in let hcommon = Hashtbl.create 101 in let honly_in_h1 = Hashtbl.create 101 in let honly_in_h2 = Hashtbl.create 101 in h1 +> Hashtbl.iter (fun k _ -> if Hashtbl.mem h2 k then Hashtbl.replace hcommon k true else Hashtbl.add honly_in_h1 k true ); h2 +> Hashtbl.iter (fun k _ -> if Hashtbl.mem h1 k then Hashtbl.replace hcommon k true else Hashtbl.add honly_in_h2 k true ); hashset_to_list hcommon, hashset_to_list honly_in_h1, hashset_to_list honly_in_h2 (*****************************************************************************) (* Stack *) (*****************************************************************************) type 'a stack = 'a list (* with sexp *) let (empty_stack: 'a stack) = [] let (push: 'a -> 'a stack -> 'a stack) = fun x xs -> x::xs let (top: 'a stack -> 'a) = List.hd let (pop: 'a stack -> 'a stack) = List.tl let top_option = function | [] -> None | x::xs -> Some x (* now in prelude: * let push2 v l = l := v :: !l *) let pop2 l = let v = List.hd !l in begin l := List.tl !l; v end (*****************************************************************************) (* Undoable Stack *) (*****************************************************************************) (* Okasaki use such structure also for having efficient data structure * supporting fast append. *) type 'a undo_stack = 'a list * 'a list (* redo *) let (empty_undo_stack: 'a undo_stack) = [], [] (* push erase the possible redo *) let (push_undo: 'a -> 'a undo_stack -> 'a undo_stack) = fun x (undo,redo) -> x::undo, [] let (top_undo: 'a undo_stack -> 'a) = fun (undo, redo) -> List.hd undo let (pop_undo: 'a undo_stack -> 'a undo_stack) = fun (undo, redo) -> match undo with | [] -> failwith "empty undo stack" | x::xs -> xs, x::redo let (undo_pop: 'a undo_stack -> 'a undo_stack) = fun (undo, redo) -> match redo with | [] -> failwith "empty redo, nothing to redo" | x::xs -> x::undo, xs let redo_undo x = undo_pop x let top_undo_option = fun (undo, redo) -> match undo with | [] -> None | x::xs -> Some x (*****************************************************************************) (* Binary tree *) (*****************************************************************************) type 'a bintree = Leaf of 'a | Branch of ('a bintree * 'a bintree) (*****************************************************************************) (* N-ary tree *) (*****************************************************************************) (* no empty tree, must have one root at list *) type 'a tree = Tree of 'a * ('a tree) list let rec (tree_iter: ('a -> unit) -> 'a tree -> unit) = fun f tree -> match tree with | Tree (node, xs) -> f node; xs +> List.iter (tree_iter f) (*****************************************************************************) (* N-ary tree with updatable childrens *) (*****************************************************************************) (* no empty tree, must have one root at list *) type 'a treeref = | NodeRef of 'a * 'a treeref list ref let treeref_children_ref tree = match tree with | NodeRef (n, x) -> x let rec (treeref_node_iter: (* (('a * ('a, 'b) treeref list ref) -> unit) -> ('a, 'b) treeref -> unit *) 'a) = fun f tree -> match tree with (* | LeafRef _ -> ()*) | NodeRef (n, xs) -> f (n, xs); !xs +> List.iter (treeref_node_iter f) let find_treeref f tree = let res = ref [] in tree +> treeref_node_iter (fun (n, xs) -> if f (n,xs) then push2 (n, xs) res; ); match !res with | [n,xs] -> NodeRef (n, xs) | [] -> raise Not_found | x::y::zs -> raise Multi_found let rec (treeref_node_iter_with_parents: (* (('a * ('a, 'b) treeref list ref) -> ('a list) -> unit) -> ('a, 'b) treeref -> unit) *) 'a) = fun f tree -> let rec aux acc tree = match tree with (* | LeafRef _ -> ()*) | NodeRef (n, xs) -> f (n, xs) acc ; !xs +> List.iter (aux (n::acc)) in aux [] tree (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Leaf can seem redundant, but sometimes want to directly see if * a children is a leaf without looking if the list is empty. *) type ('a, 'b) treeref2 = | NodeRef2 of 'a * ('a, 'b) treeref2 list ref | LeafRef2 of 'b let treeref2_children_ref tree = match tree with | LeafRef2 _ -> failwith "treeref_tail: leaf" | NodeRef2 (n, x) -> x let rec (treeref_node_iter2: (('a * ('a, 'b) treeref2 list ref) -> unit) -> ('a, 'b) treeref2 -> unit) = fun f tree -> match tree with | LeafRef2 _ -> () | NodeRef2 (n, xs) -> f (n, xs); !xs +> List.iter (treeref_node_iter2 f) let find_treeref2 f tree = let res = ref [] in tree +> treeref_node_iter2 (fun (n, xs) -> if f (n,xs) then push2 (n, xs) res; ); match !res with | [n,xs] -> NodeRef2 (n, xs) | [] -> raise Not_found | x::y::zs -> raise Multi_found let rec (treeref_node_iter_with_parents2: (('a * ('a, 'b) treeref2 list ref) -> ('a list) -> unit) -> ('a, 'b) treeref2 -> unit) = fun f tree -> let rec aux acc tree = match tree with | LeafRef2 _ -> () | NodeRef2 (n, xs) -> f (n, xs) acc ; !xs +> List.iter (aux (n::acc)) in aux [] tree let find_treeref_with_parents_some f tree = let res = ref [] in tree +> treeref_node_iter_with_parents (fun (n, xs) parents -> match f (n,xs) parents with | Some v -> push2 v res; | None -> () ); match !res with | [v] -> v | [] -> raise Not_found | x::y::zs -> raise Multi_found let find_multi_treeref_with_parents_some f tree = let res = ref [] in tree +> treeref_node_iter_with_parents (fun (n, xs) parents -> match f (n,xs) parents with | Some v -> push2 v res; | None -> () ); match !res with | [v] -> !res | [] -> raise Not_found | x::y::zs -> !res (*****************************************************************************) (* Graph. Have a look too at Ograph_*.mli *) (*****************************************************************************) (* todo: generalise to put in common (need 'edge (and 'c ?), * and take in param a display func, cos caml sux, no overloading of show :( * Simple impelemntation. Can do also matrix, or adjacent list, or pointer(ref) * todo: do some check (dont exist already, ...) *) type 'node graph = ('node set) * (('node * 'node) set) let (add_node: 'a -> 'a graph -> 'a graph) = fun node (nodes, arcs) -> (node::nodes, arcs) let (del_node: 'a -> 'a graph -> 'a graph) = fun node (nodes, arcs) -> (nodes $-$ set [node], arcs) (* could do more job: let _ = assert (successors node (nodes, arcs) = empty) in +> List.filter (fun (src, dst) -> dst != node)) *) let (add_arc: ('a * 'a) -> 'a graph -> 'a graph) = fun arc (nodes, arcs) -> (nodes, set [arc] $+$ arcs) let (del_arc: ('a * 'a) -> 'a graph -> 'a graph) = fun arc (nodes, arcs) -> (nodes, arcs +> List.filter (fun a -> not (arc =*= a))) let (successors: 'a -> 'a graph -> 'a set) = fun x (nodes, arcs) -> arcs +> List.filter (fun (src, dst) -> src =*= x) +> List.map snd let (predecessors: 'a -> 'a graph -> 'a set) = fun x (nodes, arcs) -> arcs +> List.filter (fun (src, dst) -> dst =*= x) +> List.map fst let (nodes: 'a graph -> 'a set) = fun (nodes, arcs) -> nodes (* pre: no cycle *) let rec (fold_upward: ('b -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'a set -> 'b -> 'a graph -> 'b) = fun f xs acc graph -> match xs with | [] -> acc | x::xs -> (f acc x) +> (fun newacc -> fold_upward f (graph +> predecessors x) newacc graph) +> (fun newacc -> fold_upward f xs newacc graph) (* TODO avoid already visited *) let empty_graph = ([], []) (* let (add_arcs_toward: int -> (int list) -> 'a graph -> 'a graph) = fun i xs -> function (nodes, arcs) -> (nodes, (List.map (fun j -> (j,i) ) xs)++arcs) let (del_arcs_toward: int -> (int list) -> 'a graph -> 'a graph)= fun i xs g -> List.fold_left (fun acc el -> del_arc (el, i) acc) g xs let (add_arcs_from: int -> (int list) -> 'a graph -> 'a graph) = fun i xs -> function (nodes, arcs) -> (nodes, (List.map (fun j -> (i,j) ) xs)++arcs) let (del_node: (int * 'node) -> 'node graph -> 'node graph) = fun node -> function (nodes, arcs) -> let newnodes = List.filter (fun a -> not (node = a)) nodes in if newnodes = nodes then (raise Not_found) else (newnodes, arcs) let (replace_node: int -> 'node -> 'node graph -> 'node graph) = fun i n -> function (nodes, arcs) -> let newnodes = List.filter (fun (j,_) -> not (i = j)) nodes in ((i,n)::newnodes, arcs) let (get_node: int -> 'node graph -> 'node) = fun i -> function (nodes, arcs) -> List.assoc i nodes let (get_free: 'a graph -> int) = function (nodes, arcs) -> (maximum (List.map fst nodes))+1 (* require no cycle !! TODO if cycle check that we have already visited a node *) let rec (succ_all: int -> 'a graph -> (int list)) = fun i -> function (nodes, arcs) as g -> let direct = succ i g in union direct (union_list (List.map (fun i -> succ_all i g) direct)) let rec (pred_all: int -> 'a graph -> (int list)) = fun i -> function (nodes, arcs) as g -> let direct = pred i g in union direct (union_list (List.map (fun i -> pred_all i g) direct)) (* require that the nodes are different !! *) let rec (equal: 'a graph -> 'a graph -> bool) = fun g1 g2 -> let ((nodes1, arcs1),(nodes2, arcs2)) = (g1,g2) in try (* do 2 things, check same length and to assoc *) let conv = assoc_map nodes1 nodes2 in List.for_all (fun (i1,i2) -> List.mem (List.assoc i1 conv, List.assoc i2 conv) arcs2) arcs1 && (List.length arcs1 = List.length arcs2) (* could think that only forall is needed, but need check same lenth too*) with _ -> false let (display: 'a graph -> ('a -> unit) -> unit) = fun g display_func -> let rec aux depth i = print_n depth " "; print_int i; print_string "->"; display_func (get_node i g); print_string "\n"; List.iter (aux (depth+2)) (succ i g) in aux 0 1 let (display_dot: 'a graph -> ('a -> string) -> unit)= fun (nodes,arcs) func -> let file = open_out "test.dot" in output_string file "digraph misc {\n" ; List.iter (fun (n, node) -> output_int file n; output_string file " [label=\""; output_string file (func node); output_string file " \"];\n"; ) nodes; List.iter (fun (i1,i2) -> output_int file i1 ; output_string file " -> " ; output_int file i2 ; output_string file " ;\n"; ) arcs; output_string file "}\n" ; close_out file; let status = Unix.system "viewdot test.dot" in () (* todo: faire = graphe (int can change !!! => cant make simply =) reassign number first !! *) (* todo: mettre diff(modulo = !!) en rouge *) let (display_dot2: 'a graph -> 'a graph -> ('a -> string) -> unit) = fun (nodes1, arcs1) (nodes2, arcs2) func -> let file = open_out "test.dot" in output_string file "digraph misc {\n" ; output_string file "rotate = 90;\n"; List.iter (fun (n, node) -> output_string file "100"; output_int file n; output_string file " [label=\""; output_string file (func node); output_string file " \"];\n"; ) nodes1; List.iter (fun (n, node) -> output_string file "200"; output_int file n; output_string file " [label=\""; output_string file (func node); output_string file " \"];\n"; ) nodes2; List.iter (fun (i1,i2) -> output_string file "100"; output_int file i1 ; output_string file " -> " ; output_string file "100"; output_int file i2 ; output_string file " ;\n"; ) arcs1; List.iter (fun (i1,i2) -> output_string file "200"; output_int file i1 ; output_string file " -> " ; output_string file "200"; output_int file i2 ; output_string file " ;\n"; ) arcs2; (* output_string file "500 -> 1001; 500 -> 2001}\n" ; *) output_string file "}\n" ; close_out file; let status = Unix.system "viewdot test.dot" in () *) (*****************************************************************************) (* Generic op *) (*****************************************************************************) (* overloading *) let map = List.map (* note: really really slow, use rev_map if possible *) let filter = List.filter let fold = List.fold_left let member = List.mem let iter = List.iter let find = List.find let exists = List.exists let forall = List.for_all let big_union f xs = xs +> map f +> fold union_set empty_set (* let empty = [] *) let empty_list = [] let sort = List.sort let length = List.length (* in prelude now: let null xs = match xs with [] -> true | _ -> false *) let head = List.hd let tail = List.tl let is_singleton = fun xs -> List.length xs =|= 1 let tail_map f l = (* tail recursive map, using rev *) let rec loop acc = function [] -> acc | x::xs -> loop ((f x) :: acc) xs in List.rev(loop [] l) (*****************************************************************************) (* Geometry (raytracer) *) (*****************************************************************************) type vector = (float * float * float) type point = vector type color = vector (* color(0-1) *) (* todo: factorise *) let (dotproduct: vector * vector -> float) = fun ((x1,y1,z1),(x2,y2,z2)) -> (x1*.x2 +. y1*.y2 +. z1*.z2) let (vector_length: vector -> float) = fun (x,y,z) -> sqrt (square x +. square y +. square z) let (minus_point: point * point -> vector) = fun ((x1,y1,z1),(x2,y2,z2)) -> ((x1 -. x2),(y1 -. y2),(z1 -. z2)) let (distance: point * point -> float) = fun (x1, x2) -> vector_length (minus_point (x2,x1)) let (normalise: vector -> vector) = fun (x,y,z) -> let len = vector_length (x,y,z) in (x /. len, y /. len, z /. len) let (mult_coeff: vector -> float -> vector) = fun (x,y,z) c -> (x *. c, y *. c, z *. c) let (add_vector: vector -> vector -> vector) = fun v1 v2 -> let ((x1,y1,z1),(x2,y2,z2)) = (v1,v2) in (x1+.x2, y1+.y2, z1+.z2) let (mult_vector: vector -> vector -> vector) = fun v1 v2 -> let ((x1,y1,z1),(x2,y2,z2)) = (v1,v2) in (x1*.x2, y1*.y2, z1*.z2) let sum_vector = List.fold_left add_vector (0.0,0.0,0.0) (*****************************************************************************) (* Pics (raytracer) *) (*****************************************************************************) type pixel = (int * int * int) (* RGB *) (* required pixel list in row major order, line after line *) let (write_ppm: int -> int -> (pixel list) -> string -> unit) = fun width height xs filename -> let chan = open_out filename in begin output_string chan "P6\n"; output_string chan ((string_of_int width) ^ "\n"); output_string chan ((string_of_int height) ^ "\n"); output_string chan "255\n"; List.iter (fun (r,g,b) -> List.iter (fun byt -> output_byte chan byt) [r;g;b] ) xs; close_out chan end let test_ppm1 () = write_ppm 100 100 ((generate (50*100) (1,45,100)) ++ (generate (50*100) (1,1,100))) "img.ppm" (*****************************************************************************) (* Diff (lfs) *) (*****************************************************************************) type diff = Match | BnotinA | AnotinB let (diff: (int -> int -> diff -> unit)-> (string list * string list) -> unit)= fun f (xs,ys) -> let file1 = "/tmp/diff1-" ^ (string_of_int (Unix.getuid ())) in let file2 = "/tmp/diff2-" ^ (string_of_int (Unix.getuid ())) in let fileresult = "/tmp/diffresult-" ^ (string_of_int (Unix.getuid ())) in write_file file1 (unwords xs); write_file file2 (unwords ys); command2 ("diff --side-by-side -W 1 " ^ file1 ^ " " ^ file2 ^ " > " ^ fileresult); let res = cat fileresult in let a = ref 0 in let b = ref 0 in res +> List.iter (fun s -> match s with | ("" | " ") -> f !a !b Match; incr a; incr b; | ">" -> f !a !b BnotinA; incr b; | ("|" | "/" | "\\" ) -> f !a !b BnotinA; f !a !b AnotinB; incr a; incr b; | "<" -> f !a !b AnotinB; incr a; | _ -> raise Impossible ) (* let _ = diff ["0";"a";"b";"c";"d"; "f";"g";"h";"j";"q"; "z"] [ "a";"b";"c";"d";"e";"f";"g";"i";"j";"k";"r";"x";"y";"z"] (fun x y -> pr "match") (fun x y -> pr "a_not_in_b") (fun x y -> pr "b_not_in_a") *) let (diff2: (int -> int -> diff -> unit) -> (string * string) -> unit) = fun f (xstr,ystr) -> write_file "/tmp/diff1" xstr; write_file "/tmp/diff2" ystr; command2 ("diff --side-by-side --left-column -W 1 " ^ "/tmp/diff1 /tmp/diff2 > /tmp/diffresult"); let res = cat "/tmp/diffresult" in let a = ref 0 in let b = ref 0 in res +> List.iter (fun s -> match s with | "(" -> f !a !b Match; incr a; incr b; | ">" -> f !a !b BnotinA; incr b; | "|" -> f !a !b BnotinA; f !a !b AnotinB; incr a; incr b; | "<" -> f !a !b AnotinB; incr a; | _ -> raise Impossible ) (*****************************************************************************) (* Parsers (aop-colcombet) *) (*****************************************************************************) let parserCommon lexbuf parserer lexer = try let result = parserer lexer lexbuf in result with Parsing.Parse_error -> print_string "buf: "; print_string lexbuf.Lexing.lex_buffer; print_string "\n"; print_string "current: "; print_int lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_pos; print_string "\n"; raise Parsing.Parse_error (* marche pas ca neuneu *) (* let getDoubleParser parserer lexer string = let lexbuf1 = Lexing.from_string string in let chan = open_in string in let lexbuf2 = Lexing.from_channel chan in (parserCommon lexbuf1 parserer lexer , parserCommon lexbuf2 parserer lexer ) *) let getDoubleParser parserer lexer = ( (function string -> let lexbuf1 = Lexing.from_string string in parserCommon lexbuf1 parserer lexer ), (function string -> let chan = open_in string in let lexbuf2 = Lexing.from_channel chan in parserCommon lexbuf2 parserer lexer )) (*****************************************************************************) (* parser combinators *) (*****************************************************************************) (* cf parser_combinators.ml * * Could also use ocaml stream. but not backtrack and forced to do LL, * so combinators are better. * *) (*****************************************************************************) (* Parser related (cocci) *) (*****************************************************************************) type parse_info = { str: string; charpos: int; line: int; column: int; file: filename; } (* with sexp *) let fake_parse_info = { charpos = -1; str = ""; line = -1; column = -1; file = ""; } let string_of_parse_info x = spf "%s at %s:%d:%d" x.str x.file x.line x.column let string_of_parse_info_bis x = spf "%s:%d:%d" x.file x.line x.column let (info_from_charpos2: int -> filename -> (int * int * string)) = fun charpos filename -> (* Currently lexing.ml does not handle the line number position. * Even if there is some fields in the lexing structure, they are not * maintained by the lexing engine :( So the following code does not work: * let pos = Lexing.lexeme_end_p lexbuf in * sprintf "at file %s, line %d, char %d" pos.pos_fname pos.pos_lnum * (pos.pos_cnum - pos.pos_bol) in * Hence this function to overcome the previous limitation. *) let chan = open_in filename in let linen = ref 0 in let posl = ref 0 in let rec charpos_to_pos_aux last_valid = let s = try Some (input_line chan) with End_of_file when charpos =|= last_valid -> None in incr linen; match s with Some s -> let s = s ^ "\n" in if (!posl + slength s > charpos) then begin close_in chan; (!linen, charpos - !posl, s) end else begin posl := !posl + slength s; charpos_to_pos_aux !posl; end | None -> (!linen, charpos - !posl, "\n") in let res = charpos_to_pos_aux 0 in close_in chan; res let info_from_charpos a b = profile_code "Common.info_from_charpos" (fun () -> info_from_charpos2 a b) let full_charpos_to_pos2 = fun filename -> let size = (filesize filename + 2) in let arr = Array.create size (0,0) in let chan = open_in filename in let charpos = ref 0 in let line = ref 0 in let rec full_charpos_to_pos_aux () = try let s = (input_line chan) in incr line; (* '... +1 do' cos input_line dont return the trailing \n *) for i = 0 to (slength s - 1) + 1 do arr.(!charpos + i) <- (!line, i); done; charpos := !charpos + slength s + 1; full_charpos_to_pos_aux(); with End_of_file -> for i = !charpos to Array.length arr - 1 do arr.(i) <- (!line, 0); done; (); in begin full_charpos_to_pos_aux (); close_in chan; arr end let full_charpos_to_pos a = profile_code "Common.full_charpos_to_pos" (fun () -> full_charpos_to_pos2 a) let test_charpos file = full_charpos_to_pos file +> dump +> pr2 let complete_parse_info filename table x = { x with file = filename; line = fst (table.(x.charpos)); column = snd (table.(x.charpos)); } let full_charpos_to_pos_large2 = fun filename -> let size = (filesize filename + 2) in (* old: let arr = Array.create size (0,0) in *) let arr1 = Bigarray.Array1.create Bigarray.int Bigarray.c_layout size in let arr2 = Bigarray.Array1.create Bigarray.int Bigarray.c_layout size in Bigarray.Array1.fill arr1 0; Bigarray.Array1.fill arr2 0; let chan = open_in filename in let charpos = ref 0 in let line = ref 0 in let rec full_charpos_to_pos_aux () = let s = (input_line chan) in incr line; (* '... +1 do' cos input_line dont return the trailing \n *) for i = 0 to (slength s - 1) + 1 do (* old: arr.(!charpos + i) <- (!line, i); *) arr1.{!charpos + i} <- (!line); arr2.{!charpos + i} <- i; done; charpos := !charpos + slength s + 1; full_charpos_to_pos_aux() in begin (try full_charpos_to_pos_aux (); with End_of_file -> for i = !charpos to (* old: Array.length arr *) Bigarray.Array1.dim arr1 - 1 do (* old: arr.(i) <- (!line, 0); *) arr1.{i} <- !line; arr2.{i} <- 0; done; ()); close_in chan; (fun i -> arr1.{i}, arr2.{i}) end let full_charpos_to_pos_large a = profile_code "Common.full_charpos_to_pos_large" (fun () -> full_charpos_to_pos_large2 a) let complete_parse_info_large filename table x = { x with file = filename; line = fst (table (x.charpos)); column = snd (table (x.charpos)); } (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Decalage is here to handle stuff such as cpp which include file and who * can make shift. *) let (error_messagebis: filename -> (string * int) -> int -> string)= fun filename (lexeme, lexstart) decalage -> let charpos = lexstart + decalage in let tok = lexeme in let (line, pos, linecontent) = info_from_charpos charpos filename in sprintf "File \"%s\", line %d, column %d, charpos = %d around = '%s', whole content = %s" filename line pos charpos tok (chop linecontent) let error_message = fun filename (lexeme, lexstart) -> try error_messagebis filename (lexeme, lexstart) 0 with End_of_file -> ("PB in Common.error_message, position " ^ i_to_s lexstart ^ " given out of file:" ^ filename) let error_message_short = fun filename (lexeme, lexstart) -> try let charpos = lexstart in let (line, pos, linecontent) = info_from_charpos charpos filename in sprintf "File \"%s\", line %d" filename line with End_of_file -> begin ("PB in Common.error_message, position " ^ i_to_s lexstart ^ " given out of file:" ^ filename); end (*****************************************************************************) (* Regression testing bis (cocci) *) (*****************************************************************************) (* todo: keep also size of file, compute md5sum ? cos maybe the file * has changed!. * * todo: could also compute the date, or some version info of the program, * can record the first date when was found a OK, the last date where * was ok, and then first date when found fail. So the * Common.Ok would have more information that would be passed * to the Common.Pb of date * date * date * string peut etre. * * todo? maybe use plain text file instead of marshalling. *) type score_result = Ok | Pb of string (* with sexp *) type score = (string (* usually a filename *), score_result) Hashtbl.t (* with sexp *) type score_list = (string (* usually a filename *) * score_result) list (* with sexp *) let empty_score () = (Hashtbl.create 101 : score) let regression_testing_vs newscore bestscore = let newbestscore = empty_score () in let allres = (hash_to_list newscore +> List.map fst) $+$ (hash_to_list bestscore +> List.map fst) in begin allres +> List.iter (fun res -> match optionise (fun () -> Hashtbl.find newscore res), optionise (fun () -> Hashtbl.find bestscore res) with | None, None -> raise Impossible | Some x, None -> Printf.printf "new test file appeared: %s\n" res; Hashtbl.add newbestscore res x; | None, Some x -> Printf.printf "old test file disappeared: %s\n" res; | Some newone, Some bestone -> (match newone, bestone with | Ok, Ok -> Hashtbl.add newbestscore res Ok | Pb x, Ok -> Printf.printf "PBBBBBBBB: a test file does not work anymore!!! : %s\n" res; Printf.printf "Error : %s\n" x; Hashtbl.add newbestscore res Ok | Ok, Pb x -> Printf.printf "Great: a test file now works: %s\n" res; Hashtbl.add newbestscore res Ok | Pb x, Pb y -> Hashtbl.add newbestscore res (Pb x); if not (x =$= y) then begin Printf.printf "Semipb: still error but not same error : %s\n" res; Printf.printf "%s\n" (chop ("Old error: " ^ y)); Printf.printf "New error: %s\n" x; end ) ); flush stdout; flush stderr; newbestscore end let regression_testing newscore best_score_file = pr2 ("regression file: "^ best_score_file); let (bestscore : score) = if not (Sys.file_exists best_score_file) then write_value (empty_score()) best_score_file; get_value best_score_file in let newbestscore = regression_testing_vs newscore bestscore in write_value newbestscore (best_score_file ^ ".old"); write_value newbestscore best_score_file; () let string_of_score_result v = match v with | Ok -> "Ok" | Pb s -> "Pb: " ^ s let total_scores score = let total = hash_to_list score +> List.length in let good = hash_to_list score +> List.filter (fun (s, v) -> v =*= Ok) +> List.length in good, total let print_total_score score = pr2 "--------------------------------"; pr2 "total score"; pr2 "--------------------------------"; let (good, total) = total_scores score in pr2 (sprintf "good = %d/%d" good total) let print_score score = score +> hash_to_list +> List.iter (fun (k, v) -> pr2 (sprintf "% s --> %s" k (string_of_score_result v)) ); print_total_score score; () (*****************************************************************************) (* Scope managment (cocci) *) (*****************************************************************************) (* could also make a function Common.make_scope_functions that return * the new_scope, del_scope, do_in_scope, add_env. Kind of functor :) *) type ('a, 'b) scoped_env = ('a, 'b) assoc list (* let rec lookup_env f env = match env with | [] -> raise Not_found | []::zs -> lookup_env f zs | (x::xs)::zs -> match f x with | None -> lookup_env f (xs::zs) | Some y -> y let member_env_key k env = try let _ = lookup_env (fun (k',v) -> if k = k' then Some v else None) env in true with Not_found -> false *) let rec lookup_env k env = match env with | [] -> raise Not_found | []::zs -> lookup_env k zs | ((k',v)::xs)::zs -> if k =*= k' then v else lookup_env k (xs::zs) let member_env_key k env = match optionise (fun () -> lookup_env k env) with | None -> false | Some _ -> true let new_scope scoped_env = scoped_env := []::!scoped_env let del_scope scoped_env = scoped_env := List.tl !scoped_env let do_in_new_scope scoped_env f = begin new_scope scoped_env; let res = f() in del_scope scoped_env; res end let add_in_scope scoped_env def = let (current, older) = uncons !scoped_env in scoped_env := (def::current)::older (* note that ocaml hashtbl store also old value of a binding when add * add a newbinding; that's why del_scope works *) type ('a, 'b) scoped_h_env = { scoped_h : ('a, 'b) Hashtbl.t; scoped_list : ('a, 'b) assoc list; } let empty_scoped_h_env () = { scoped_h = Hashtbl.create 101; scoped_list = [[]]; } let clone_scoped_h_env x = { scoped_h = Hashtbl.copy x.scoped_h; scoped_list = x.scoped_list; } let rec lookup_h_env k env = Hashtbl.find env.scoped_h k let member_h_env_key k env = match optionise (fun () -> lookup_h_env k env) with | None -> false | Some _ -> true let new_scope_h scoped_env = scoped_env := {!scoped_env with scoped_list = []::!scoped_env.scoped_list} let del_scope_h scoped_env = begin List.hd !scoped_env.scoped_list +> List.iter (fun (k, v) -> Hashtbl.remove !scoped_env.scoped_h k ); scoped_env := {!scoped_env with scoped_list = List.tl !scoped_env.scoped_list } end let clean_scope_h scoped_env = (* keep only top level (last scope) *) let rec loop _ = match (!scoped_env).scoped_list with [] | [_] -> () | _::_ -> del_scope_h scoped_env; loop () in loop() let do_in_new_scope_h scoped_env f = begin new_scope_h scoped_env; let res = f() in del_scope_h scoped_env; res end (* let add_in_scope scoped_env def = let (current, older) = uncons !scoped_env in scoped_env := (def::current)::older *) let add_in_scope_h x (k,v) = begin Hashtbl.add !x.scoped_h k v; x := { !x with scoped_list = ((k,v)::(List.hd !x.scoped_list))::(List.tl !x.scoped_list); }; end (*****************************************************************************) (* Terminal *) (*****************************************************************************) (* let ansi_terminal = ref true *) let (_execute_and_show_progress_func: (int (* length *) -> ((unit -> unit) -> unit) -> unit) ref) = ref (fun a b -> failwith "no execute yet, have you included common_extra.cmo?" ) let execute_and_show_progress len f = !_execute_and_show_progress_func len f (* now in common_extra.ml: * let execute_and_show_progress len f = ... *) (*****************************************************************************) (* Random *) (*****************************************************************************) let _init_random = Random.self_init () (* let random_insert i l = let p = Random.int (length l +1) in let rec insert i p l = if (p = 0) then i::l else (hd l)::insert i (p-1) (tl l) in insert i p l let rec randomize_list = function [] -> [] | a::l -> random_insert a (randomize_list l) *) let random_list xs = List.nth xs (Random.int (length xs)) (* todo_opti: use fisher/yates algorithm. * ref: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knuth_shuffle * * public static void shuffle (int[] array) * { * Random rng = new Random (); * int n = array.length; * while (--n > 0) * { * int k = rng.nextInt(n + 1); // 0 <= k <= n (!) * int temp = array[n]; * array[n] = array[k]; * array[k] = temp; * } * } *) let randomize_list xs = let permut = permutation xs in random_list permut let random_subset_of_list num xs = let array = Array.of_list xs in let len = Array.length array in let h = Hashtbl.create 101 in let cnt = ref num in while !cnt > 0 do let x = Random.int len in if not (Hashtbl.mem h (array.(x))) (* bugfix2: not just x :) *) then begin Hashtbl.add h (array.(x)) true; (* bugfix1: not just x :) *) decr cnt; end done; let objs = hash_to_list h +> List.map fst in objs (*****************************************************************************) (* Flags and actions *) (*****************************************************************************) (* I put it inside a func as it can help to give a chance to * change the globals before getting the options as some * options sometimes may want to show the default value. *) let cmdline_flags_devel () = [ "-debugger", Arg.Set debugger , " option to set if launched inside ocamldebug"; "-profile", Arg.Unit (fun () -> profile := PALL), " gather timing information about important functions"; ] let cmdline_flags_verbose () = [ "-verbose_level", Arg.Set_int verbose_level, " guess what"; "-disable_pr2_once", Arg.Set disable_pr2_once, " to print more messages"; "-show_trace_profile", Arg.Set show_trace_profile, " show trace"; ] let cmdline_flags_other () = [ "-nocheck_stack", Arg.Clear check_stack, " "; "-batch_mode", Arg.Set _batch_mode, " no interactivity" ] (* potentially other common options but not yet integrated: "-timeout", Arg.Set_int timeout, " interrupt LFS or buggy external plugins"; (* can't be factorized because of the $ cvs stuff, we want the date * of the main.ml file, not common.ml *) "-version", Arg.Unit (fun () -> pr2 "version: _dollar_Date: 2008/06/14 00:54:22 _dollar_"; raise (Common.UnixExit 0) ), " guess what"; "-shorthelp", Arg.Unit (fun () -> !short_usage_func(); raise (Common.UnixExit 0) ), " see short list of options"; "-longhelp", Arg.Unit (fun () -> !long_usage_func(); raise (Common.UnixExit 0) ), "-help", Arg.Unit (fun () -> !long_usage_func(); raise (Common.UnixExit 0) ), " "; "--help", Arg.Unit (fun () -> !long_usage_func(); raise (Common.UnixExit 0) ), " "; *) let cmdline_actions () = [ "-test_check_stack", " ", mk_action_1_arg test_check_stack_size; ] (*****************************************************************************) (* Postlude *) (*****************************************************************************) (* stuff put here cos of of forward definition limitation of ocaml *) (* Infix trick, seen in jane street lib and harrop's code, and maybe in GMP *) module Infix = struct let (+>) = (+>) let (==~) = (==~) let (=~) = (=~) end let main_boilerplate f = if not (!Sys.interactive) then exn_to_real_unixexit (fun () -> Sys.set_signal Sys.sigint (Sys.Signal_handle (fun _ -> pr2 "C-c intercepted, will do some cleaning before exiting"; (* But if do some try ... with e -> and if do not reraise the exn, * the bubble never goes at top and so I cant really C-c. * * A solution would be to not raise, but do the erase_temp_file in the * syshandler, here, and then exit. * The current solution is to not do some wild try ... with e * by having in the exn handler a case: UnixExit x -> raise ... | e -> *) Sys.set_signal Sys.sigint Sys.Signal_default; raise (UnixExit (-1)) )); (* The finalize below makes it tedious to go back to exn when use * 'back' in the debugger. Hence this special case. But the * Common.debugger will be set in main(), so too late, so * have to be quicker *) if Sys.argv +> Array.to_list +> List.exists (fun x -> x =$= "-debugger") then debugger := true; finalize (fun ()-> pp_do_in_zero_box (fun () -> f(); (* <---- here it is *) )) (fun()-> if !profile <> PNONE then pr2 (profile_diagnostic ()); erase_temp_files (); clear_pr2_once() ) ) (* let _ = if not !Sys.interactive then (main ()) *) (* based on code found in cameleon from maxence guesdon *) let md5sum_of_string s = let com = spf "echo %s | md5sum | cut -d\" \" -f 1" (Filename.quote s) in match cmd_to_list com with | [s] -> (*pr2 s;*) s | _ -> failwith "md5sum_of_string wrong output" let with_pr2_to_string f = let file = new_temp_file "pr2" "out" in redirect_stdout_stderr file f; cat file (* julia: convert something printed using format to print into a string *) let format_to_string f = let (nm,o) = Filename.open_temp_file "format_to_s" ".out" in Format.set_formatter_out_channel o; let _ = f() in Format.print_newline(); Format.print_flush(); Format.set_formatter_out_channel stdout; close_out o; let i = open_in nm in let lines = ref [] in let rec loop _ = let cur = input_line i in lines := cur :: !lines; loop() in (try loop() with End_of_file -> ()); close_in i; command2 ("rm -f " ^ nm); String.concat "\n" (List.rev !lines) (*****************************************************************************) (* Misc/test *) (*****************************************************************************) let (generic_print: 'a -> string -> string) = fun v typ -> write_value v "/tmp/generic_print"; command2 ("printf 'let (v:" ^ typ ^ ")= Common.get_value \"/tmp/generic_print\" " ^ " in v;;' " ^ " | calc.top > /tmp/result_generic_print"); cat "/tmp/result_generic_print" +> drop_while (fun e -> not (e =~ "^#.*")) +> tail +> unlines +> (fun s -> if (s =~ ".*= \\(.+\\)") then matched1 s else "error in generic_print, not good format:" ^ s) (* let main () = pr (generic_print [1;2;3;4] "int list") *) class ['a] olist (ys: 'a list) = object(o) val xs = ys method view = xs (* method fold f a = List.fold_left f a xs *) method fold : 'b. ('b -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'b = fun f accu -> List.fold_left f accu xs end (* let _ = write_value ((new setb[])#add 1) "/tmp/test" *) let typing_sux_test () = let x = Obj.magic [1;2;3] in let f1 xs = List.iter print_int xs in let f2 xs = List.iter print_string xs in (f1 x; f2 x) (* let (test: 'a osetb -> 'a ocollection) = fun o -> (o :> 'a ocollection) *) (* let _ = test (new osetb (Setb.empty)) *)