open Common open Ast_c let score_path = "/home/pad/c-yacfe/tmp" let tmpfile = "/tmp/output.c" module Ast_to_flow = Control_flow_c_build (*****************************************************************************) (* Subsystem testing *) (*****************************************************************************) let test_tokens_c file = if not (file =~ ".*\\.c") then pr2 "warning: seems not a .c file"; Flag_parsing_c.debug_lexer := true; Flag_parsing_c.verbose_lexing := true; Flag_parsing_c.verbose_parsing := true; Parse_c.tokens file +> List.iter (fun x -> pr2_gen x); () (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let test_parse_gen xs ext = Flag_parsing_c.debug_typedef := true; Flag_parsing_c.debug_cpp := true; Flag_parsing_c.debug_etdt := false; Flag_parsing_c.filter_msg := true; let dirname_opt = match xs with | [x] when is_directory x -> Some x | _ -> None in (* old: let xs = if !Flag.dir then process_output_to_list ("find " ^ x ^" -name \"*.c\"") else x::xs in *) let fullxs = Common.files_of_dir_or_files_no_vcs ext xs in let stat_list = ref [] in let newscore = Common.empty_score () in Common.check_stack_nbfiles (List.length fullxs); fullxs +> List.iter (fun file -> if not (file =~ (".*\\."^ext)) then pr2 ("warning: seems not a ."^ext^" file"); pr2 ""; pr2 ("PARSING: " ^ file); let (xs, stat) = Parse_c.parse_c_and_cpp file in xs +> List.iter (fun (ast, (s, toks)) -> Parse_c.print_commentized toks ); Common.push2 stat stat_list; let s = sprintf "bad = %d, timeout = %B" stat.Parsing_stat.bad stat.Parsing_stat.have_timeout in if stat.Parsing_stat.bad =|= 0 && not stat.Parsing_stat.have_timeout then Hashtbl.add newscore file (Common.Ok) else Hashtbl.add newscore file (Common.Pb s) ); dirname_opt +> Common.do_option (fun dirname -> pr2_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(); pr2 "regression testing information"; pr2_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(); let str = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "/") "__" dirname in let def = if !Flag_parsing_c.filter_define_error then "_def_" else "" in let ext = if ext =$= "c" then "" else ext in Common.regression_testing newscore (Filename.concat score_path ("score_parsing__" ^str ^ def ^ ext ^ ".marshalled")) ); if not (null !stat_list) then begin Parsing_stat.print_recurring_problematic_tokens !stat_list; Parsing_stat.print_parsing_stat_list !stat_list; end; () let test_parse_c xs = test_parse_gen xs "c" let test_parse_h xs = test_parse_gen xs "h" let test_parse_ch xs = test_parse_gen xs "[ch]" (* could use a simpler parser than heavy parse_c_and_cpp here as there * is no more cpp stuff in the .i files *) let test_parse_i xs = test_parse_gen xs "i" (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* file can be "foo.c" or "foo.c:main" *) let test_cfg file = let (file, specific_func) = if file =~ "\\(.*\\.c\\):\\(.*\\)" then let (a,b) = matched2 file in a, Some b else file, None in if not (file =~ ".*\\.c") then pr2 "warning: seems not a .c file"; let (program, _stat) = Parse_c.parse_c_and_cpp file in program +> List.iter (fun (e,_) -> let toprocess = match specific_func, e with | None, _ -> true | Some s, Ast_c.Definition (defbis,_) -> s =$= Ast_c.str_of_name (defbis.Ast_c.f_name) | _, _ -> false in if toprocess then (* old: Flow_to_ast.test !Flag.show_flow def *) (try let flow = Ast_to_flow.ast_to_control_flow e in flow +> do_option (fun flow -> Ast_to_flow.deadcode_detection flow; let flow = Ast_to_flow.annotate_loop_nodes flow in let flow' = (* if !Flag_cocci.show_before_fixed_flow then flow else Ctlcocci_integration.fix_flow_ctl flow *) flow in let filename = Filename.temp_file "output" ".dot" in Ograph_extended.print_ograph_mutable flow' (filename) true ) with Ast_to_flow.Error (x) -> Ast_to_flow.report_error x ) ) let test_cfg_ifdef file = let (ast2, _stat) = Parse_c.parse_c_and_cpp file in let ast = Parse_c.program_of_program2 ast2 in let ast = Cpp_ast_c.cpp_ifdef_statementize ast in ast +> List.iter (fun e -> (try let flow = Ast_to_flow.ast_to_control_flow e in flow +> do_option (fun flow -> Ast_to_flow.deadcode_detection flow; let flow = Ast_to_flow.annotate_loop_nodes flow in Ograph_extended.print_ograph_mutable flow ("/tmp/") true ) with Ast_to_flow.Error (x) -> Ast_to_flow.report_error x ) ) (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let test_parse_unparse infile = if not (infile =~ ".*\\.c") then pr2 "warning: seems not a .c file"; let (program2, _stat) = Parse_c.parse_c_and_cpp infile in let program2_with_ppmethod = program2 +> (fun x -> x, Unparse_c.PPnormal) in Unparse_c.pp_program program2_with_ppmethod tmpfile; Common.command2 ("cat " ^ tmpfile); (* if want see diff of space => no -b -B *) Common.command2 (spf "diff -u -p %s %s" infile tmpfile); (* +> Transformation.test_simple_trans1;*) () let parse_and_print_sexp file = let (ast2,_stat) = Parse_c.parse_c_and_cpp file in let ast = Parse_c.program_of_program2 ast2 in let _ast = Type_annoter_c.annotate_program !Type_annoter_c.initial_env ast in (* let sexp = Sexp_ast_c.sexp_of_program ast in let s = Sexp.to_string_hum sexp in *) Sexp_ast_c.show_info := false; let s = Sexp_ast_c.string_of_program ast in pr2 s; () let test_type_c infile = if not (infile =~ ".*\\.c") then pr2 "warning: seems not a .c file"; Flag_parsing_c.pretty_print_type_info := true; let (program2, _stat) = Parse_c.parse_c_and_cpp infile in let _program2 = program2 +> Common.unzip +> (fun (program, infos) -> Type_annoter_c.annotate_program !Type_annoter_c.initial_env program +> fst, infos ) +> Common.uncurry in let program2_with_ppmethod = program2 +> (fun x -> x, Unparse_c.PPnormal) in Unparse_c.pp_program program2_with_ppmethod tmpfile; Common.command2 ("cat " ^ tmpfile); ();; (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* ex: demos/platform_ifdef.c *) let test_comment_annotater infile = let (program2, _stat) = Parse_c.parse_c_and_cpp infile in let asts = program2 +> (fun (ast,_) -> ast) in let toks = program2 +> (fun (ast, (s, toks)) -> toks) +> List.flatten in Flag_parsing_c.pretty_print_comment_info := true; pr2 "pretty print, before comment annotation: --->"; Common.adjust_pp_with_indent (fun () -> asts +> List.iter (fun ast -> Pretty_print_c.pp_toplevel_simple ast; ); ); let _ = Comment_annotater_c.annotate_program toks asts in Common.adjust_pp_with_indent (fun () -> pr2 "pretty print, after comment annotation: --->"; asts +> List.iter (fun ast -> Pretty_print_c.pp_toplevel_simple ast; ); ); () (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* used by generic_makefile now *) let test_compare_c file1 file2 = let (correct, diffxs) = Compare_c.compare_default file1 file2 in let res = Compare_c.compare_result_to_bool correct in if res then raise (Common.UnixExit 0) else raise (Common.UnixExit (-1)) let test_compare_c_hardcoded () = Compare_c.compare_default "tests/compare1.c" "tests/compare2.c" (* "tests/equal_modulo1.c" "tests/equal_modulo2.c" *) +> Compare_c.compare_result_to_string +> pr2 (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let test_attributes file = let (ast2, _stat) = Parse_c.parse_c_and_cpp file in let ast = Parse_c.program_of_program2 ast2 in Visitor_c.vk_program { Visitor_c.default_visitor_c with Visitor_c.kdef = (fun (k, bigf) (defbis, ii) -> let sattr = Ast_c.s_of_attr defbis.f_attr in pr2 (spf "%-30s: %s" (Ast_c.str_of_name (defbis.f_name)) sattr); ); Visitor_c.kdecl = (fun (k, bigf) decl -> match decl with | DeclList (xs, ii) -> xs +> List.iter (fun (onedecl, iicomma) -> let sattr = Ast_c.s_of_attr onedecl.v_attr in let idname = match onedecl.v_namei with | Some (name, ini) -> Ast_c.str_of_name name | None -> "novar" in pr2 (spf "%-30s: %s" idname sattr); ); | _ -> () ); } ast; () let cpp_options () = [ Cpp_ast_c.I "/home/yyzhou/pad/linux/include"; ] ++ Cpp_ast_c.cpp_option_of_cmdline (!Flag_parsing_c.cpp_i_opts,!Flag_parsing_c.cpp_d_opts) let test_cpp file = let (ast2, _stat) = Parse_c.parse_c_and_cpp file in let dirname = Filename.dirname file in let ast = Parse_c.program_of_program2 ast2 in let ast = Cpp_ast_c.cpp_expand_include (cpp_options()) dirname ast in let _ast = Cpp_ast_c.cpp_ifdef_statementize ast in () (* CONFIG [ch] ? also do for .c ? maybe less needed now that I * add local_macros. *) let extract_macros ~selection dir = let ext = "h" in let fullxs = Common.files_of_dir_or_files_no_vcs ext [dir] in let macros_and_filename = fullxs +> (fun file -> pr2 (spf "processing: %s" file); let xs = Parse_c.extract_macros file in file, xs ) in let macros = if selection then Cpp_analysis_c.extract_dangerous_macros macros_and_filename else macros_and_filename in macros +> List.iter (fun (file, defs) -> pr ("/* PARSING: " ^ file ^ " */"); defs +> List.iter (fun (s, def) -> let str = Cpp_token_c.string_of_define_def def in pr str; ) ); () let test_parse xs = Flag_parsing_c.filter_msg_define_error := true; Flag_parsing_c.filter_define_error := true; Flag_parsing_c.verbose_lexing := false; Flag_parsing_c.verbose_parsing := false; let dirname_opt = match xs with | [x] when is_directory x -> Some x | _ -> None in dirname_opt +> Common.do_option (fun dir -> let ext = "h" in let fullxs = Common.files_of_dir_or_files_no_vcs ext [dir] in let macros_and_filename = fullxs +> (fun file -> pr2 (spf "processing: %s" file); let xs = Parse_c.extract_macros file in file, xs ) in let macros = Cpp_analysis_c.extract_dangerous_macros macros_and_filename in macros +> List.iter (fun (file, xs) -> xs +> List.iter (fun (x, def) -> let (s, params, body) = def in let str = Cpp_token_c.string_of_define_def def in pr str; (* builtins ? *) Hashtbl.replace !Parse_c._defs_builtins s (s, params, body); ); ); ); let ext = "[ch]" in let fullxs = Common.files_of_dir_or_files_no_vcs ext xs in let stat_list = ref [] in Common.check_stack_nbfiles (List.length fullxs); fullxs +> List.iter (fun file -> if not (file =~ (".*\\."^ext)) then pr2 ("warning: seems not a ."^ext^" file"); pr2 ""; pr2 ("PARSING: " ^ file); let (xs, stat) = Parse_c.parse_c_and_cpp file in xs +> List.iter (fun (ast, (s, toks)) -> Parse_c.print_commentized toks ); Common.push2 stat stat_list; ); if not (null !stat_list) then begin Parsing_stat.print_recurring_problematic_tokens !stat_list; Parsing_stat.print_parsing_stat_list !stat_list; end; () (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let test_xxx a = () (* ignore(Parse_c.parse_cpp_define_file "standard.h") pr2 "pr2"; pr "pr" Format.print_newline(); Format.printf "@[--@,--@,@[--@,--@,@]--@,--@,@]"; Format.print_newline(); Format.printf "@[(---@[(---@[(---@,)@]@,)@]@,)@]" *) (*****************************************************************************) (* Main entry for Arg *) (*****************************************************************************) let actions () = [ "-tokens_c", " ", Common.mk_action_1_arg test_tokens_c; "-parse_c", " ", Common.mk_action_n_arg test_parse_c; "-parse_h", " ", Common.mk_action_n_arg test_parse_h; "-parse_ch", " ", Common.mk_action_n_arg test_parse_ch; "-parse_i", " ", Common.mk_action_n_arg test_parse_i; "-parse", " ", Common.mk_action_n_arg test_parse; "-show_flow", " ", Common.mk_action_1_arg test_cfg; "-control_flow", " ", Common.mk_action_1_arg test_cfg; "-test_cfg_ifdef", " ", Common.mk_action_1_arg test_cfg_ifdef; "-parse_unparse", " ", Common.mk_action_1_arg test_parse_unparse; "-parse_and_print_sexp", " ", Common.mk_action_1_arg parse_and_print_sexp; "-type_c", " ", Common.mk_action_1_arg test_type_c; "-compare_c", " ", Common.mk_action_2_arg test_compare_c (* result is in unix code *); "-comment_annotater_c", " ", Common.mk_action_1_arg test_comment_annotater; "-compare_c_hardcoded", " ", Common.mk_action_0_arg test_compare_c_hardcoded; "-test_attributes", " ", Common.mk_action_1_arg test_attributes; "-test_cpp", " ", Common.mk_action_1_arg test_cpp; "-extract_macros", " ", Common.mk_action_1_arg (extract_macros ~selection:false) ; "-extract_macros_select", " ", Common.mk_action_1_arg (extract_macros ~selection:true); "-xxx", " <>", Common.mk_action_n_arg test_xxx; ]