(* Yoann Padioleau * * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Ecole des Mines de Nantes * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * file license.txt for more details. *) open Common open Ast_c type compare_result = | Correct | Pb of string | PbOnlyInNotParsedCorrectly of string (*****************************************************************************) (* Normalise before comparing *) (*****************************************************************************) (* List taken from CVS manual, 'Keyword substitution' chapter. Note * that I do not put "Log" because it is used only in comment, and it * is not enough to substituate until the end of the line. *) let cvs_keyword_list = [ "Id";"Date"; "Revision"; (* the common one *) "Name";"Author";"CVSHeader";"Header";"Locker";"RCSfile";"Source";"State"; "Rev"; ] (* Can also have just dollarIDdollar but it is only when you have not * yet committed the file. After the commit it would be a dollarIddollar:. * If reput Id:, do not join the regexp!! otherwise CVS will modify it :) *) let cvs_keyword_regexp = Str.regexp ("\\$\\([A-Za-z_]+\\):[^\\$]*\\$") let cvs_compute_newstr s = Str.global_substitute cvs_keyword_regexp (fun _s -> let substr = Str.matched_string s in assert (substr ==~ cvs_keyword_regexp); (* use its side-effect *) let tag = matched1 substr in if not (List.mem tag cvs_keyword_list) then pr2_once ("unknown CVS keyword: " ^ tag); "CVS_MAGIC_STRING" ) s (* todo: get rid of the type for expressions ? *) let normal_form_program xs = let bigf = { Visitor_c.default_visitor_c_s with Visitor_c.kini_s = (fun (k,bigf) ini -> match ini with | InitList xs, [i1;i2;iicommaopt] -> k (InitList xs, [i1;i2]) | _ -> k ini ); Visitor_c.kexpr_s = (fun (k,bigf) e -> match e with (* todo: should also do something for multistrings *) | (Constant (String (s,kind)), typ), [ii] when Common.string_match_substring cvs_keyword_regexp s -> let newstr = cvs_compute_newstr s in (Constant (String (newstr,kind)), typ), [rewrap_str newstr ii] | _ -> k e ); Visitor_c.ktoplevel_s = (fun (k,bigf) p -> match p with | CppTop (Define _) -> raise Todo (* let (i1, i2, i3) = Common.tuple_of_list3 ii in if Common.string_match_substring cvs_keyword_regexp body then let newstr = cvs_compute_newstr body in Define ((s, newstr), [i1;i2;rewrap_str newstr i3]) else p *) | _ -> k p ); (* Visitor_c.kinfo_s = (fun (k,bigf) i -> let s = Ast_c.get_str_of_info i in if Common.string_match_substring cvs_keyword_regexp s then let newstr = cvs_compute_newstr s in rewrap_str newstr i else i ); *) } in xs +> List.map (fun p -> Visitor_c.vk_toplevel_s bigf p) let normal_form_token x = let x' = match x with | Parser_c.TString ((s, kind),i1) -> Parser_c.TString (("",kind), i1) | x -> x in x' +> Token_helpers.visitor_info_of_tok (fun info -> let info = Ast_c.al_info 0 info in let str = Ast_c.str_of_info info in if Common.string_match_substring cvs_keyword_regexp str then let newstr = cvs_compute_newstr str in rewrap_str newstr info else info ) (*****************************************************************************) (* Compare at Ast level *) (*****************************************************************************) (* Note that I do a (simple) astdiff to know if there is a difference, but * then I use diff to print the differences. So sometimes you have to dig * a little to find really where the real difference (one not involving * just spacing difference) was. * Note also that the astdiff is not very accurate. As I skip comments, * macro definitions, those are not in the Ast and if there is a diff * between 2 files regarding macro def, then I will not be able to report it :( * update: I now put the toplevel #define at least in the Ast. * update: You can use token_compare for more precise diff. * * todo?: finer grain astdiff, better report, more precise. * * todo: do iso between if() S and if() { S } *) let compare_ast filename1 filename2 = let xs = match !Flag_parsing_c.diff_lines with None -> Common.cmd_to_list ("diff -u -b -B "^filename1^ " " ^ filename2) | Some n -> Common.cmd_to_list ("diff -U "^n^" -b -B "^filename1^" "^filename2) in (* get rid of the --- and +++ lines *) let xs = if null xs then xs else Common.drop 2 xs in let process_filename filename = let (c, _stat) = Parse_c.parse_c_and_cpp filename in let c = List.map fst c in c +> Lib_parsing_c.al_program +> normal_form_program in let c1 = process_filename filename1 in let c2 = process_filename filename2 in let error = ref 0 in let pb_notparsed = ref 0 in let res = if List.length c1 <> List.length c2 then Pb "not same number of entities (func, decl, ...)" else begin zip c1 c2 +> List.iter (function | Declaration a, Declaration b -> if not (a =*= b) then incr error | Definition a, Definition b -> if not (a =*= b) then incr error | EmptyDef a, EmptyDef b -> if not (a =*= b) then incr error | MacroTop (a1,b1,c1), MacroTop (a2,b2,c2) -> if not ((a1,b1,c1) =*= (a2,b2,c2)) then incr error | CppTop (Include {i_include = a}), CppTop (Include {i_include = b}) -> if not (a =*= b) then incr error | CppTop Define _, CppTop Define _ -> raise Todo (* if not (a =*= b) then incr error *) | NotParsedCorrectly a, NotParsedCorrectly b -> if not (a =*= b) then incr pb_notparsed | NotParsedCorrectly a, _ -> (* Pb only in generated file *) incr error; | _, NotParsedCorrectly b -> incr pb_notparsed | FinalDef a, FinalDef b -> if not (a =*= b) then incr error | IfdefTop a, IfdefTop b -> if not (a =*= b) then incr error | (FinalDef _|EmptyDef _| MacroTop (_, _, _)|IfdefTop _| CppTop _|Definition _|Declaration _), _ -> incr error ); (match () with | _ when !pb_notparsed > 0 && !error =|= 0 -> PbOnlyInNotParsedCorrectly "" | _ when !error > 0 -> Pb "" | _ -> Correct ) end in res, xs (*****************************************************************************) (* Compare at token level *) (*****************************************************************************) (* Because I now commentize more in parsing, with parsing_hacks, * compare_ast may say that 2 programs are equal whereas they are not. * Here I compare token, and so have still the TCommentCpp and TCommentMisc * so at least detect such differences. * * Morover compare_ast is not very precise in his report when it * detects a difference. So token_diff is better. * * I do token_diff but I use programCelement2, so that * I know if I am in a "notparsable" zone. The tokens are * in (snd programCelement2). * * Faire aussi un compare_token qui se moque des TCommentMisc, * TCommentCPP et TIfdef ? Normalement si fait ca retrouvera * les meme resultats que compare_ast. * *) (* Pass only "true" comments, dont pass TCommentMisc and TCommentCpp *) let is_normal_space_or_comment = function | Parser_c.TComment _ | Parser_c.TCommentSpace _ | Parser_c.TCommentNewline _ (* | Parser_c.TComma _ *) (* UGLY, because of gcc_opt_comma isomorphism *) -> true | _ -> false (* convetion: compare_token generated_file expected_res * because when there is a notparsablezone in generated_file, I * don't issue a PbOnlyInNotParsedCorrectly *) let compare_token filename1 filename2 = let rec loop xs ys = match xs, ys with | [], [] -> None (* UGLY, because of gcc_opt_comma isomorphism *) | (Parser_c.TComma _::Parser_c.TCBrace _::xs), (Parser_c.TCBrace _::ys) -> loop xs ys | (Parser_c.TCBrace _::xs), (Parser_c.TComma _::Parser_c.TCBrace _::ys) -> loop xs ys | [], x::xs -> Some "not same number of tokens inside C elements" | x::xs, [] -> Some "not same number of tokens inside C elements" | x::xs, y::ys -> let x' = normal_form_token x in let y' = normal_form_token y in if x' =*= y' then loop xs ys else let str1, pos1 = Token_helpers.str_of_tok x, Token_helpers.pos_of_tok x in let str2, pos2 = Token_helpers.str_of_tok y, Token_helpers.pos_of_tok y in Some ("diff token: " ^ str1 ^" VS " ^ str2 ^ "\n" ^ Common.error_message filename1 (str1, pos1) ^ "\n" ^ Common.error_message filename2 (str2, pos2) ^ "\n" ) in let final_loop xs ys = loop (xs +> List.filter (fun x -> not (is_normal_space_or_comment x))) (ys +> List.filter (fun x -> not (is_normal_space_or_comment x))) in (* let toks1 = Parse_c.tokens filename1 in let toks2 = Parse_c.tokens filename2 in loop toks1 toks2 in *) let (c1, _stat) = Parse_c.parse_c_and_cpp filename1 in let (c2, _stat) = Parse_c.parse_c_and_cpp filename2 in let res = if List.length c1 <> List.length c2 then Pb "not same number of entities (func, decl, ...)" else zip c1 c2 +> Common.fold_k (fun acc ((a,infoa),(b,infob)) k -> match a, b with | NotParsedCorrectly a, NotParsedCorrectly b -> (match final_loop (snd infoa) (snd infob) with | None -> k acc | Some s -> PbOnlyInNotParsedCorrectly s ) | NotParsedCorrectly a, _ -> Pb "PB parsing only in generated-file" | _, NotParsedCorrectly b -> PbOnlyInNotParsedCorrectly "PB parsing only in expected-file" | _, _ -> (match final_loop (snd infoa) (snd infob) with | None -> k acc | Some s -> Pb s ) ) (fun acc -> acc) (Correct) in let xs = match !Flag_parsing_c.diff_lines with None -> Common.cmd_to_list ("diff -u -b -B "^filename1^ " " ^ filename2) | Some n -> Common.cmd_to_list ("diff -U "^n^" -b -B "^filename1^" "^filename2) in (* get rid of the --- and +++ lines *) let xs = if null xs then xs else Common.drop 2 xs in if null xs && (res <> Correct) then failwith "Impossible: How can diff be null and have not Correct in compare_c?"; res, xs (*****************************************************************************) let compare_default = compare_token let compare_result_to_string (correct, diffxs) = match correct with | Correct -> "seems correct" ^ "\n" | Pb s -> ("seems incorrect: " ^ s) ^ "\n" ^ "diff (result(-) vs expected_result(+)) = " ^ "\n" ^ (diffxs +> Common.join "\n") ^ "\n" | PbOnlyInNotParsedCorrectly s -> "seems incorrect, but only because of code that was not parsable" ^ "\n"^ ("explanation:" ^ s) ^ "\n" ^ "diff (result(-) vs expected_result(+)) = " ^ "\n" ^ (diffxs +> Common.join "\n") ^ "\n" let compare_result_to_bool correct = correct =*= Correct