Coccinelle Coccinelle allows programmers to easily write some complex style-preserving source-to-source transformations on C source code, like for instance to perform some refactorings. To install Coccinelle from its source, see the instructions in install.txt. Once you have installed Coccinelle (either from the source or from one of the binary form available on the Coccinelle website), You may have to setup a few environment variables so that the Coccinelle program knows where to find its configuration files. For bash do: $ source For tcsh do: $ source env.csh You can then test coccinelle with: $ spatch -sp_file demos/simple.cocci demos/simple.c -o /tmp/new_simple.c If you downloaded the bytecode version of spatch you may first have to install OCaml (which contains the 'ocamlrun' bytecode interpreter, the equivalent of 'java', the Java virtual machine, but for OCaml) and then do: $ ocamlrun spatch -sp_file demos/simple.cocci demos/simple.c -o /tmp/new_simple.c For more information on Coccinelle, type 'make docs' and have a look at the files in the docs/ directory. You may need to install the texlive-fonts-extra packages from your distribution to compile some of the LaTeX documentation files. ** Runtime dependencies under Debian/Ubuntu** - For the OCaml scripting feature in SmPL ocaml-native-compilers or ocaml-nox