(* * Copyright (C) 2010, University of Copenhagen DIKU and INRIA. * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Julia Lawall * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * file license.txt for more details. * * This file was part of Coccinelle. *) module Ast = Ast_cocci module V = Visitor_ast let error x s = failwith (Printf.sprintf "unparse_hrule: line: %d, %s" (Ast.get_line x) s) let names = ref ([] : (string * int ref) list) let started_files = ref ([] : (string * bool) list) let typedefs = ref ([] : (string * string list ref) list) let current_outfile = ref "" let prefix = "_cocci_" (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Create rule to check for header include *) let print_header_rule pr srcfile = match Str.split (Str.regexp "/") srcfile with [x] -> pr "@header@\n@@\n\n#include \""; pr x; pr "\"\n\n"; true | l -> let rec loop = function [] -> false | [x] -> pr "@header@\n@@\n\n#include \""; pr x; pr "\"\n\n"; true | "include"::(x::xs) -> pr "@header@\n@@\n\n#include <"; let x = if Str.string_match (Str.regexp "asm-") x 0 then "asm" else x in pr (String.concat "/" (x::xs)); pr ">\n\n"; true | x::xs -> loop xs in loop l (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Print check that we are not in the defining function *) let print_check_rule pr function_name function_name_count header_req = (if header_req then pr (Printf.sprintf "@same_%s depends on header@\n" function_name_count) else pr (Printf.sprintf "@same_%s@\n" function_name_count)); pr "position p;\n"; pr "@@\n\n"; pr function_name; pr "@p(...) { ... }\n\n" (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* get parameters of the matched function *) let rec env_lookup fn = function [] -> failwith "no binding" | (nm,vl)::rest when fn nm -> vl | _::rest -> env_lookup fn rest let get_paramst env = let argname = ref ("","") in let fn ((_,nm) as name) = if nm = "ARGS" then (argname := name; true) else false in match env_lookup fn env with Ast_c.MetaParamListVal(paramst) -> (paramst,!argname) | _ -> failwith "not possible" let get_function_name rule env = let donothing r k e = k e in let option_default = [] in let bind = Common.union_set in let do_any_list_list r any_list_list = List.fold_left (List.fold_left (function prev -> function cur -> bind (r.V.combiner_anything cur) prev)) [] any_list_list in let mcode r mc = match Ast.get_mcodekind mc with Ast.MINUS(_,_,_,any_list_list) -> do_any_list_list r any_list_list | Ast.CONTEXT(_,any_befaft) -> (match any_befaft with Ast.BEFORE(any_list_list,_) | Ast.AFTER(any_list_list,_) -> do_any_list_list r any_list_list | Ast.BEFOREAFTER(ba,aa,_) -> bind (do_any_list_list r ba) (do_any_list_list r aa) | Ast.NOTHING -> []) | Ast.PLUS _ -> [] in let expression r k e = bind (k e) (match Ast.unwrap e with Ast.FunCall(fn,lp,args,rp) -> (match Ast.undots args with [e] -> (match Ast.unwrap e with Ast.MetaExprList(nm,_,_,_) -> (match (Ast.unwrap_mcode nm,Ast.get_mcodekind nm) with ((_,"ARGS"), Ast.PLUS _) -> (match Ast.unwrap fn with Ast.Ident(id) -> (match Ast.unwrap id with Ast.MetaId(nm,_,_,_) | Ast.MetaFunc(nm,_,_,_) | Ast.MetaLocalFunc(nm,_,_,_) -> [Ast.unwrap_mcode nm] | _ -> []) | _ -> []) | _ -> []) | _ -> []) | _ -> []) | _ -> []) in let names = (V.combiner bind option_default mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing expression donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing).V.combiner_top_level rule in match names with [name] -> (match env_lookup (function nm -> nm = name) env with Ast_c.MetaIdVal(s,_) | Ast_c.MetaFuncVal(s) | Ast_c.MetaLocalFuncVal(s) -> s | _ -> error rule "not possible") | _ -> error rule "inconsistent rule generation" (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Print metavariable declarations *) let rec print_typedef pr = function (Ast_c.TypeName(name,_),_) -> let s = Ast_c.str_of_name name in let typedefs = try List.assoc !current_outfile !typedefs with Not_found -> let td = ref [] in typedefs := (!current_outfile,td)::!typedefs; td in if not (List.mem s !typedefs) then (typedefs := s::!typedefs; pr "typedef "; pr s; pr ";\n") | (Ast_c.Pointer(_,ty),_) -> print_typedef pr ty | _ -> () let rewrap_str s ii = {ii with Ast_c.pinfo = (match ii.Ast_c.pinfo with Ast_c.OriginTok pi -> Ast_c.OriginTok { pi with Common.str = s;} | Ast_c.ExpandedTok (pi,vpi) -> Ast_c.ExpandedTok ({ pi with Common.str = s;},vpi) | Ast_c.FakeTok (_,vpi) -> Ast_c.FakeTok (s,vpi) | Ast_c.AbstractLineTok pi -> Ast_c.AbstractLineTok { pi with Common.str = s;})} let rewrap_prefix_name prefix name = match name with | Ast_c.RegularName (s, iiname) -> let iis = Common.tuple_of_list1 iiname in let iis' = rewrap_str (prefix^s) iis in Ast_c.RegularName (prefix ^ s, [iis']) | Ast_c.CppConcatenatedName _ | Ast_c.CppVariadicName _ | Ast_c.CppIdentBuilder _ -> raise Common.Todo let print_metavar pr = function | {Ast_c.p_namei = Some name; p_type = (_,(Ast_c.Pointer(_,(Ast_c.BaseType(Ast_c.Void),_)),_)); } -> let param = Ast_c.str_of_name name in pr ("expression "^prefix); pr param | ({Ast_c.p_namei = Some name; p_type = (_,ty)} : Ast_c.parameterType) -> let name' = rewrap_prefix_name prefix name in print_typedef pr ty; Pretty_print_c.pp_param_gen (function x -> let str = Ast_c.str_of_info x in if not (List.mem str ["const";"volatile"]) then pr str) (function _ -> pr " ") {Ast_c.p_register = (false,[]); p_namei = Some name'; p_type = (({Ast_c.const = false; Ast_c.volatile = false},[]),ty) } | _ -> failwith "function must have named parameters" let make_exp = function ({Ast_c.p_namei = Some name; p_type = ty}, comma_ii) -> let no_info = (None,Ast_c.NotTest) in let name' = rewrap_prefix_name prefix name in let exp = ((Ast_c.Ident (name'),ref no_info),Ast_c.noii) in (name,(Common.Left exp,comma_ii)) | _ -> failwith "bad parameter" let print_extra_typedefs pr env = let bigf = { Visitor_c.default_visitor_c with Visitor_c.ktype = (fun (k, bigf) ty -> match ty with (_,((Ast_c.TypeName(_,_),_) as ty)) -> print_typedef pr ty | _ -> k ty) } in List.iter (function (_,vl) -> match vl with Ast_c.MetaIdVal(_) | Ast_c.MetaFuncVal(_) | Ast_c.MetaLocalFuncVal(_) -> () | Ast_c.MetaExprVal(exp,_) -> Visitor_c.vk_expr bigf exp | Ast_c.MetaExprListVal(args) -> Visitor_c.vk_argument_list bigf args | Ast_c.MetaParamVal(param) -> Visitor_c.vk_param bigf param | Ast_c.MetaParamListVal(params) -> Visitor_c.vk_param_list bigf params | Ast_c.MetaTypeVal(ty) -> Visitor_c.vk_type bigf ty | Ast_c.MetaInitVal(ty) -> Visitor_c.vk_ini bigf ty | Ast_c.MetaDeclVal(decl) -> Visitor_c.vk_decl bigf decl | Ast_c.MetaFieldVal(field) -> Visitor_c.vk_struct_field bigf field | Ast_c.MetaStmtVal(stm) -> Visitor_c.vk_statement bigf stm | Ast_c.MetaPosVal _ | Ast_c.MetaPosValList _ | Ast_c.MetaListlenVal _ -> ()) env let rename argids env = let argenv = List.map (function name -> let arg = Ast_c.str_of_name name in (arg,prefix^arg) ) argids in let lookup x = try List.assoc x argenv with Not_found -> x in let bigf = { Visitor_c.default_visitor_c_s with Visitor_c.kexpr_s = (fun (k,bigf) e -> match e with ((Ast_c.Ident (name), info), []) -> (* pad: assert is_regular_ident ? *) let s = Ast_c.str_of_name name in let ii = Ast_c.info_of_name name in let new_name = lookup s in let new_id = Ast_c.RegularName (new_name, [rewrap_str new_name ii]) in ((Ast_c.Ident (new_id), info), Ast_c.noii) | _ -> k e) } in List.map (function (x,vl) -> (x, match vl with Ast_c.MetaIdVal(_) | Ast_c.MetaFuncVal(_) | Ast_c.MetaLocalFuncVal(_) -> vl | Ast_c.MetaExprVal(exp,c) -> Ast_c.MetaExprVal(Visitor_c.vk_expr_s bigf exp,c) | Ast_c.MetaExprListVal(args) -> Ast_c.MetaExprListVal(Visitor_c.vk_arguments_s bigf args) | Ast_c.MetaParamVal(param) -> Ast_c.MetaParamVal(Visitor_c.vk_param_s bigf param) | Ast_c.MetaParamListVal(params) -> Ast_c.MetaParamListVal(Visitor_c.vk_params_s bigf params) | Ast_c.MetaTypeVal(ty) -> Ast_c.MetaTypeVal(Visitor_c.vk_type_s bigf ty) | Ast_c.MetaInitVal(ini) -> Ast_c.MetaInitVal(Visitor_c.vk_ini_s bigf ini) | Ast_c.MetaDeclVal(stm) -> Ast_c.MetaDeclVal(Visitor_c.vk_decl_s bigf stm) | Ast_c.MetaFieldVal(stm) -> Ast_c.MetaFieldVal(Visitor_c.vk_struct_field_s bigf stm) | Ast_c.MetaStmtVal(stm) -> Ast_c.MetaStmtVal(Visitor_c.vk_statement_s bigf stm) | Ast_c.MetaPosVal _ | Ast_c.MetaPosValList _ | Ast_c.MetaListlenVal _ -> vl)) env let print_one_type pr env = function (Type_cocci.MetaType(name,keep,inherited)) as ty -> (try match List.assoc name env with Ast_c.MetaTypeVal ty -> Pretty_print_c.pp_type_gen (function x -> pr (Ast_c.str_of_info x)) (function _ -> pr " ") ty | _ -> failwith "impossible" with Not_found -> pr (Type_cocci.type2c ty)) | ty -> pr (Type_cocci.type2c ty) let print_types pr env = function None -> () | Some [ty] -> print_one_type pr env ty | Some types -> pr "{"; Common.print_between (function _ -> pr ", ") (print_one_type pr env) types; pr "}" let pp_meta_decl pr env decl = let no_arity = function Ast.NONE -> () | _ -> failwith "no arity allowed" in let pp_name (_,n) = pr n in match decl with Ast.MetaIdDecl(ar, name) -> (* ignore virtual *) no_arity ar; pr "identifier "; pp_name name; pr ";\n" | Ast.MetaFreshIdDecl(name, Ast.NoVal) -> pr "fresh identifier "; pp_name name; pr ";\n" | Ast.MetaFreshIdDecl(name, Ast.StringSeed x) -> pr "fresh identifier "; pp_name name; pr " = \""; pr x; pr "\";\n" | Ast.MetaFreshIdDecl(name, Ast.ListSeed x) -> failwith "unparse_hrule: not supported" | Ast.MetaTypeDecl(ar, name) -> no_arity ar; pr "type "; pp_name name; pr ";\n" | Ast.MetaInitDecl(ar, name) -> no_arity ar; pr "initialiser "; pp_name name; pr ";\n" | Ast.MetaListlenDecl(name) -> () | Ast.MetaParamDecl(ar, name) -> no_arity ar; pr "parameter "; pp_name name; pr ";\n" | Ast.MetaParamListDecl(ar, name, Ast.AnyLen) -> no_arity ar; pr "parameter list "; pp_name name; pr ";\n" | Ast.MetaParamListDecl(ar, name, Ast.MetaLen len) -> no_arity ar; pr "parameter list "; pp_name name; pr "["; pp_name len; pr "]"; pr ";\n" | Ast.MetaParamListDecl(ar, name, Ast.CstLen len) -> no_arity ar; pr "parameter list "; pr (string_of_int len); pr "["; pr (string_of_int len); pr "]"; pr ";\n" | Ast.MetaConstDecl(ar, name, types) -> no_arity ar; pr "constant "; print_types pr env types; pp_name name; pr ";\n" | Ast.MetaErrDecl(ar, name) -> no_arity ar; pr "error "; pp_name name; pr ";\n" | Ast.MetaExpDecl(ar, name, None) -> no_arity ar; pr "expression "; pp_name name; pr ";\n" | Ast.MetaExpDecl(ar, name, types) -> no_arity ar; print_types pr env types; pp_name name; pr ";\n" | Ast.MetaIdExpDecl(ar, name, types) -> no_arity ar; pr "idexpression "; print_types pr env types; pp_name name; pr ";\n" | Ast.MetaLocalIdExpDecl(ar, name, types) -> no_arity ar; pr "local idexpression "; print_types pr env types; pp_name name; pr ";\n" | Ast.MetaExpListDecl(ar, name, Ast.AnyLen) -> no_arity ar; pr "parameter list "; pp_name name; pr ";\n" | Ast.MetaExpListDecl(ar, name, Ast.MetaLen len) -> no_arity ar; pr "parameter list "; pp_name name; pr "["; pp_name len; pr "]"; pr ";\n" | Ast.MetaExpListDecl(ar, name, Ast.CstLen len) -> no_arity ar; pr "parameter list "; pp_name name; pr "["; pr (string_of_int len); pr "]"; pr ";\n" | Ast.MetaDeclDecl(ar, name) -> no_arity ar; pr "declaration "; pp_name name; pr ";\n" | Ast.MetaFieldDecl(ar, name) -> no_arity ar; pr "field "; pp_name name; pr ";\n" | Ast.MetaStmDecl(ar, name) -> no_arity ar; pr "statement "; pp_name name; pr ";\n" | Ast.MetaStmListDecl(ar, name) -> no_arity ar; pr "statement list "; pp_name name; pr ";\n" | Ast.MetaFuncDecl(ar, name) -> no_arity ar; pr "function "; pp_name name; pr ";\n" | Ast.MetaLocalFuncDecl(ar, name) -> no_arity ar; pr "local function "; pp_name name; pr ";\n" | Ast.MetaPosDecl(ar, name) -> no_arity ar; pr "position "; pp_name name; pr ";\n" | Ast.MetaDeclarerDecl(ar, name) -> no_arity ar; pr "declarer "; pp_name name; pr ";\n" | Ast.MetaIteratorDecl(ar, name) -> no_arity ar; pr "iterator "; pp_name name; pr ";\n" let print_metavariables pr local_metas paramst env header_req function_name = (if header_req then pr "@depends on header@\n" else pr "@@\n"); pr (Printf.sprintf "position _p!=same_%s.p;\n" function_name); pr "identifier _f;\n"; let rec loop = function [] | [{Ast_c.p_type =(_,(Ast_c.BaseType(Ast_c.Void),_))},_] -> [] | ((first,_) as f)::rest -> print_metavar pr first; pr ";\n"; (make_exp f) :: loop rest in let args = loop paramst in print_extra_typedefs pr env; List.iter (pp_meta_decl pr env) local_metas; pr "@@\n\n"; args (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* print_start/end *) let print_start pr = pr "_f@_p(...) { <+...\n" let print_end pr = pr "\n...+> }\n" (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Print call to the defined function *) let print_param_name pr = function {Ast_c.p_namei = Some name} -> pr (Ast_c.str_of_name name) | _ -> failwith "function must have named parameters" let pp_def_gen pr defn isexp = let {Ast_c.f_name = name; f_type = (_, (paramst, (b, iib))); } = defn in pr (Ast_c.str_of_name name); pr "("; (if b then failwith "not handling variable argument functions"); (match paramst with [] | [{Ast_c.p_type = (_,(Ast_c.BaseType(Ast_c.Void),_))},_] -> () | (first,_)::rest -> print_param_name pr first; List.iter (function (x,_) -> pr ", "; print_param_name pr x) rest); pr ")"; if not isexp then pr ";" (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Entry point *) let pp_rule local_metas ast env srcfile = let (paramst,args_name) = get_paramst env in (* get rule information *) let (rule,printable) = match ast with Ast.CocciRule(_,_,[body],_,_) -> (* could extend to use attributes *) (body, match Ast.unwrap body with Ast.DECL(s) -> [[Ast.StatementTag s]] | Ast.CODE(ss) -> [[Ast.StmtDotsTag ss]] | _ -> error body "bad rule body") | _ -> failwith "bad rule" in (* create the output file *) let outdir = match !Flag.make_hrule with Some outdir -> outdir | None -> error rule "not possible" in let function_name = get_function_name rule env in let function_name_count = try let cell = List.assoc function_name !names in let ct = !cell in cell := ct + 1; function_name ^ (string_of_int ct) with Not_found -> let cell = ref 1 in names := (function_name,cell) :: !names; function_name in let outfile = outdir ^ "/" ^ (if !Flag.hrule_per_file then Filename.chop_extension (Filename.basename srcfile) else function_name_count) in let escape_re = Str.regexp_string "/" in let dir = if !Flag.dir = "" then Filename.dirname srcfile else !Flag.dir in let outdirfile = Str.global_replace escape_re "_"dir in let outfile = outfile ^ outdirfile ^ ".cocci" in let saved_header_req = try let res = List.assoc outfile !started_files in Some res with Not_found -> None in current_outfile := outfile; Common.with_open_outfile_append outfile (fun (pr,chan) -> let header_req = match saved_header_req with Some x -> x | None -> let res = print_header_rule pr srcfile in started_files := (outfile,res)::!started_files; res in print_check_rule pr function_name function_name_count header_req; let args = print_metavariables pr local_metas paramst env header_req function_name_count in let (argids,args) = List.split args in let env = rename argids env in let env = (args_name,Ast_c.MetaExprListVal args)::env in print_start pr; (* for printing C tokens *) let pr_c info = match Ast_c.pinfo_of_info info with Ast_c.AbstractLineTok _ -> pr (Ast_c.str_of_info info) | Ast_c.FakeTok (s,_) -> pr s | _ -> Printf.printf "line: %s\n" (Common.dump info); error rule "not an abstract line" in let pr_space _ = pr " " in Unparse_cocci.pp_list_list_any ([env], (fun s _ _ _ _ -> pr s), pr_c, pr_space, pr_space, pr, (fun _ _ -> ()), (function _ -> ()), (function _ -> ())) true printable Unparse_cocci.InPlace; print_end pr; pr "\n")