val ast_to_control_flow : Ast_c.toplevel -> Control_flow_c.cflow option val deadcode_detection : Control_flow_c.cflow -> unit val check_control_flow : Control_flow_c.cflow -> unit val annotate_loop_nodes : Control_flow_c.cflow -> Control_flow_c.cflow type error = | DeadCode of Common.parse_info option | CaseNoSwitch of Common.parse_info | OnlyBreakInSwitch of Common.parse_info | WeirdSwitch of Common.parse_info | NoEnclosingLoop of Common.parse_info | GotoCantFindLabel of string * Common.parse_info | NoExit of Common.parse_info | DuplicatedLabel of string | NestedFunc | ComputedGoto | Define of Common.parse_info exception Error of error val report_error : error -> unit