open Common type kbuild_info = directory list and directory = Directory of string (*dirname*) * group list and group = Group of filename list let directories_to_assoc xs = xs +> (function (Directory (s, ys)) -> s, ys) let directories_to_hash xs = xs +> directories_to_assoc +> Common.hash_of_list let files_of_groups xs = xs +> (function Group ys -> ys) +> Common.union_all let adjust_dirs dirs = dirs +> Common.map_filter (fun s -> match s with | s when s =~ "^\\.$" -> None | s when s =~ "^\\./\\.git" -> None | s when s =~ "^\\./\\.tmp_versions" -> None | s when s =~ "^\\./include/config/" -> None | s when s =~ "^\\./usr/include" -> None | s when s =~ "^\\./\\(.*\\)" -> Some (matched1 s) | s -> Some s ) let unparse_kbuild_info xs filename = Common.with_open_outfile filename (fun (pr_no_nl,chan) -> let pr s = pr_no_nl (s ^ "\n") in xs +> List.iter (function Directory (s, ys) -> pr s; ys +> List.iter (function Group zs -> pr (" " ^ (join " " zs)); ); pr ""; ) ) let parse_kbuild_info filename = let xs = cat filename in let xs = xs +> (Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "#.*") "" ) in let xs = xs +> List.filter (fun s -> not (s =~ "^[ \t]*$")) in (* split by header of section *) let xs = xs +> Common.split_list_regexp "^[^ ]" in xs +> (fun (s, xs) -> let groups = xs +> (fun s -> assert (s =~ "^[ ]+\\(.*\\)"); let files = matched1 s in let cfiles = Common.split " +" files in Group cfiles ) in Directory (s, groups) ) let generate_naive_kbuild_info dirs = dirs +> (fun s -> let files = Common.readdir_to_file_list s in let files_ext = files +> Common.dbe_of_filename_safe in let cfiles = files_ext +> Common.map_filter (function | Left (d,base, "c") -> if base =~ ".*\\.mod$" then None else Some base | _ -> None ) in let ys = cfiles +> (fun c -> Group [c ^ ".c"]) in Directory (s, ys) ) let generate_kbuild_info_from_depcocci dirs outfile = Common.with_open_outfile outfile (fun (pr_no_nl, chan) -> dirs +> List.iter (fun s -> pr_no_nl (s ^ "\n"); let depcocci = (Filename.concat s "depcocci.dep") in depcocci +> List.iter (fun s -> pr_no_nl (s ^ "\n")); pr_no_nl "\n"; ) ) (* dirs +> (fun s -> let groups = depcocci +> (fun s -> Group (Common.split " +" s)) in Directory (s, groups) ) *) type makefile = { obj_dirs : string stack ref; obj_config: (string list) stack ref; obj_objs: (string * (string list)) stack ref; } let empty_makefile () = failwith "empty_makefile" let parse_makefile file = let xs = file in let s = Common.unlines xs in let s = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "\\\\\n") "" s in let xs = Common.lines_with_nl s in let xs = xs +> (Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "#.*") "" ) in let xs = xs +> List.filter (fun s -> not (s =~ "^[ \t]*$")) in let _m = empty_makefile () in xs +> List.iter (fun s -> match s with | s when s =~ "obj-\\$(CONFIG_.*)[ \t]*[\\+:]=\\(.*/\\)" -> pr2_no_nl ("DIR: " ^ s) | s when s =~ "obj-y[ \t]*\\+=\\(.*/\\)" -> pr2_no_nl ("DIR: " ^ s) | s when s =~ "obj-\\$(CONFIG_.*)[ \t]*[\\+:]=\\(.*\\)" -> let s = matched1 s in let objs = Common.split "[ \t]+" s in assert(List.for_all (fun s -> thd3 (Common.dbe_of_filename s) =$= "o") objs); pr2 ("OBJS: " ^ (join "|" objs)) | s when s =~ "[a-zA-Z0-9_]+-objs[ \t]*[\\+:]=\\(.*\\)" -> let s = matched1 s in let objs = Common.split "[ \t]+" s in pr2 ("OBJSMODULE: " ^ (join "|" objs)) | s -> pr2_no_nl ("OTHER: " ^ s) ) let generate_less_naive_kbuild_info dirs = dirs +> (fun s -> let files = Common.readdir_to_file_list s in let files_ext = files +> Common.dbe_of_filename_safe in let cfiles = files_ext +> Common.map_filter (function | Left (d,base, "c") -> if base =~ ".*\\.mod$" then None else Some base | _ -> None ) in match cfiles with | [] -> Directory (s, []) | _::_ -> if Common.lfile_exists (Filename.concat s "Makefile") then let _res = parse_makefile (Filename.concat s "Makefile") in let ys = cfiles +> (fun c -> Group [c ^ ".c"]) in Directory (s, ys) else failwith ("no Makefile found in: " ^ s) ) (* a = current info file, in general manually extended; b = generated one *) let check_up_to_date a b = let das = directories_to_assoc a in let dbs = directories_to_assoc b in let all_dirs = (das +> fst) $+$ (dbs +> fst) in all_dirs +> List.iter (fun dir -> match optionise (fun () -> List.assoc dir das), optionise (fun () -> List.assoc dir dbs) with | None, None -> raise (Impossible 57) | None, Some gbs -> pr2 ("new directory appeared:" ^ dir) | Some gas, None -> pr2 ("old directory disappeared:" ^ dir) | Some gas, Some gbs -> let afiles = files_of_groups gas in let bfiles = files_of_groups gbs in let all_files = afiles $+$ bfiles in all_files +> List.iter (fun file -> match List.mem file afiles, List.mem file bfiles with | false, false -> raise (Impossible 58) | false, true -> pr2 ("new file appeared:" ^ file ^ " in " ^ dir) | true, false -> pr2 ("old file disappeared:" ^ file ^ " in " ^ dir) | true, true -> () ) ) let files_in_dirs dirs kbuild_info = dirs +> (fun dir -> let dir = Common.chop_dirsymbol dir in (* could use assoc, but we accept "parasite" prefix *) let gooddirs = kbuild_info +> Common.map_filter (function (Directory (s, groups)) -> if dir =~ ("\\(.*\\)" ^ s ^ "$") then let prefix = matched1 dir in Some (prefix, s, groups) else None ) in (match gooddirs with | [prefix, dir, groups] -> groups +> (function (Group xs) -> Group (xs +> (fun s -> Filename.concat (prefix ^ dir) s)) ) | [] -> pr2 ("can't find kbuild info for directory :" ^ dir); [] | x::y::ys -> pr2 ("too much kbuild info candidate for directory :" ^ dir); [] ) ) +> List.concat