open Common type patch = patchitem list and patchitem = File of filename * string (* header line *) * string list let parse_patch filename = let xs = filename in let xxs = Common.split_list_regexp "^diff" xs in xxs +> (fun (s, body) -> if s =~ "^diff --git a/\\([^ ]*\\) b/\\([^ ]*\\)" then begin let (a,b) = matched2 s in assert(a =$= b); File (a, s, body) end else failwith ("wrong line in git diff:" ^ s) ) let unparse_patch xs outfile = Common.with_open_outfile outfile (fun (pr_no_nl, _chan) -> let pr s = pr_no_nl (s ^ "\n") in xs +> List.iter (function (File (file, header, body)) -> pr header; body +> List.iter pr; ) )