# # Static configuration of Ocaml libraries # Add these libraries to the library list in configure in order to use them. # # Template: # LOCAL_$lib = modules to include when compiling $lib locally with bytecode ocaml # LOCALOPT_$lib = moduels to include when compiling $lib locally with optimizing ocaml # GLOBAL_$lib = modules to include when using $lib globally with bytecode ocaml # GLOBALOPT_$lib = modules to include when using $lib globally with optimizing ocaml # FLAGS_$lib = extra flags to pass to optimizing ocaml when using $lib at link time # # This file is included in the Makefile where these variables may be used depending # on your actual configuration. # # *Note* # Pay attention to the difference between -cclib and -ccopt: although the documentation # of -ccopt suggest that it subsumes -cclib, be sure to use -cclib for library includes. # # *Note* # the order in which library includes are specified matters! # pycaml library # Note: we added the pycaml_stubs wrapper twice: once for dynamic and once for # static linking. The ocaml compiler should use the static linking with the # stubs if possible. LOCAL_pycaml = $(PYCAMLDIR)/pycaml.cma LOCALOPT_pycaml = $(PYCAMLDIR)/pycaml.cmxa GLOBAL_pycaml = $(PYCAMLDIR)/pycaml.cma GLOBALOPT_pycaml = $(PYCAMLDIR)/pycaml.cmxa FLAGS_pycaml = $(CFLAGS_pycaml:%=-ccopt %) -dllib -lpycaml_stubs -cclib -lpycaml_stubs $(PYTHON_LIBS:%=-cclib %) OPTFLAGS_pycaml = $(CFLAGS_pycaml:%=-ccopt %) -cclib -lpycaml_stubs $(PYTHON_LIBS:%=-cclib %) # sexplib library LOCAL_sexplib = $(SEXPDIR)/sexplib.cmo LOCALOPT_sexplib = $(SEXPDIR)/sexplib.cmx GLOBAL_sexplib = $(SEXPDIR)/sexplib.cma GLOBALOPT_sexplib = $(SEXPDIR)/sexplib.cmxa FLAGS_sexplib = OPTFLAGS_sexplib = # pcre library # Note: see the comment of the pycaml library about the double appearance of the stubs library. LOCAL_pcre = $(PCREDIR)/pcre.cmo LOCALOPT_pcre = $(PCREDIR)/pcre.cmx GLOBAL_pcre = $(PCREDIR)/pcre.cma GLOBALOPT_pcre = $(PCREDIR)/pcre.cmxa FLAGS_pcre = $(PCRE_LIBS:%=-ccopt %) -dllib -lpcre_stubs -cclib -lpcre_stubs OPTFLAGS_pcre = $(PCRE_LIBS:%=-ccopt %) -cclib -lpcre_stubs # dynlink library LOCAL_dynlink = LOCALOPT_dynlink = GLOBAL_dynlink = $(DYNLINKDIR)/dynlink.cma GLOBALOPT_dynlink = $(DYNLINKDIR)/dynlink.cmxa FLAGS_dynlink = OPTFLAGS_dynlink = # extlib library LOCAL_extlib = $(EXTLIBDIR)/extLib.cma LOCALOPT_extlib = $(EXTLIBDIR)/extLib.cmxa GLOBAL_extlib = $(EXTLIBDIR)/extLib.cma GLOBALOPT_extlib = $(EXTLIBDIR)/extLib.cmxa FLAGS_extlib = OPTFLAGS_extlib = # type conv library LOCAL_type_conv = pa_type_conv.cma LOCALOPT_type_conv = pa_type_conv.cmxa GLOBAL_type_conv = pa_type_conv.cma GLOBALOPT_type_conv = pa_type_conv.cma FLAGS_type_conv = OPTFLAGS_type_conv =