(* Yoann Padioleau * * Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Ecole des Mines de Nantes * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * file license.txt for more details. *) open Common open Parser_c (*****************************************************************************) (* Is_xxx, categories *) (*****************************************************************************) (* could define a type token_class = Comment | Ident | Operator | ... * update: now token_c can maybe do that. * but still, sometimes tokens belon to multiple classes. Could maybe * return then a set of classes. *) let is_space = function | TCommentSpace _ -> true | TCommentNewline _ -> true | _ -> false let is_whitespace = is_space let is_just_comment_or_space = function | TComment _ -> true | TCommentSpace _ -> true | TCommentNewline _ -> true | _ -> false let is_real_comment = is_just_comment_or_space let is_just_comment = function | TComment _ -> true | _ -> false let is_comment = function | TComment _ | TCommentSpace _ | TCommentNewline _ | TCommentCpp _ | TCommentMisc _ -> true | _ -> false (* coupling with comment_annotater_c.ml. * In fact more tokens than comments are not in the ast, but * they were usually temporally created by ocamllex and removed * in parsing_hacks. *) let is_not_in_ast = is_comment let is_fake_comment = function | TCommentCpp _ | TCommentMisc _ -> true | _ -> false let is_not_comment x = not (is_comment x) (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let is_cpp_instruction = function | TInclude _ | TDefine _ | TIfdef _ | TIfdefelse _ | TIfdefelif _ | TEndif _ | TIfdefBool _ | TIfdefMisc _ | TIfdefVersion _ | TUndef _ | TCppDirectiveOther _ -> true | _ -> false let is_gcc_token = function | Tasm _ | Tinline _ | Tattribute _ | Ttypeof _ -> true | _ -> false (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let is_opar = function | TOPar _ | TOParDefine _ -> true | _ -> false let is_cpar = function | TCPar _ | TCParEOL _ -> true | _ -> false let is_obrace = function | TOBrace _ | TOBraceDefineInit _ -> true | _ -> false let is_cbrace = function | TCBrace _ -> true | _ -> false (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* end of file *) let is_eof = function | EOF x -> true | _ -> false (* end of macro *) let is_eom = function | TDefEOL _ -> true | _ -> false let is_statement = function | Tfor _ | Tdo _ | Tif _ | Twhile _ | Treturn _ | Tbreak _ | Telse _ | Tswitch _ | Tcase _ | Tcontinue _ | Tgoto _ | TPtVirg _ | TMacroIterator _ -> true | _ -> false (* is_start_of_something is used in parse_c for error recovery, to find * a synchronisation token. * * Would like to put TIdent or TDefine, TIfdef but they can be in the * middle of a function, for instance with label:. * * Could put Typedefident but fired ? it would work in error recovery * on the already_passed tokens, which has been already gone in the * Parsing_hacks.lookahead machinery, but it will not work on the * "next" tokens. But because the namespace for labels is different * from namespace for ident/typedef, we can use the name for a typedef * for a label and so dangerous to put Typedefident at true here. * * Can look in parser_c.output to know what can be at toplevel * at the very beginning. *) let is_start_of_something = function | Tchar _ | Tshort _ | Tint _ | Tdouble _ | Tfloat _ | Tlong _ | Tunsigned _ | Tsigned _ | Tvoid _ | Tauto _ | Tregister _ | Textern _ | Tstatic _ | Tconst _ | Tvolatile _ | Ttypedef _ | Tstruct _ | Tunion _ | Tenum _ -> true | _ -> false let is_binary_operator = function | TOrLog _ | TAndLog _ | TOr _ | TXor _ | TAnd _ | TEqEq _ | TNotEq _ | TInf _ | TSup _ | TInfEq _ | TSupEq _ | TShl _ | TShr _ | TPlus _ | TMinus _ | TMul _ | TDiv _ | TMod _ -> true | _ -> false let is_stuff_taking_parenthized = function | Tif _ | Twhile _ | Tswitch _ | Ttypeof _ | TMacroIterator _ -> true | _ -> false (* used in the algorithms for "10 most problematic errors" *) let is_ident_like = function | TIdent _ | TypedefIdent _ | TIdentDefine _ | TDefParamVariadic _ | TUnknown _ | TMacroAttr _ | TMacroAttrStorage _ | TMacroStmt _ | TMacroString _ | TMacroDecl _ | TMacroDeclConst _ | TMacroIterator _ -> true | _ -> false (*****************************************************************************) (* Visitors *) (*****************************************************************************) (* Because ocamlyacc force us to do it that way. The ocamlyacc token * cant be a pair of a sum type, it must be directly a sum type. *) let info_of_tok = function | TString ((string, isWchar), i) -> i | TChar ((string, isWchar), i) -> i | TFloat ((string, floatType), i) -> i | TAssign (assignOp, i) -> i | TIdent (s, i) -> i | TypedefIdent (s, i) -> i | TInt (s, i) -> i | TDefine (ii) -> ii | TInclude (includes, filename, inifdef, i1) -> i1 | TUndef (s, ii) -> ii | TCppDirectiveOther (ii) -> ii | TIncludeStart (i1, inifdef) -> i1 | TIncludeFilename (s, i1) -> i1 | TDefEOL (i1) -> i1 | TOParDefine (i1) -> i1 | TIdentDefine (s, i) -> i | TCppEscapedNewline (ii) -> ii | TDefParamVariadic (s, i1) -> i1 | TCppConcatOp (ii) -> ii | TOBraceDefineInit (i1) -> i1 | TUnknown (i) -> i | TMacroIdentBuilder (s, i) -> i | TMacroAttr (s, i) -> i | TMacroAttrStorage (s, i) -> i | TMacroStmt (s, i) -> i | TMacroString (s, i) -> i | TMacroDecl (s, i) -> i | TMacroDeclConst (i) -> i | TMacroIterator (s,i) -> i (* | TMacroTop (s,i) -> i *) | TCParEOL (i1) -> i1 | TAction (i) -> i | TComment (i) -> i | TCommentSpace (i) -> i | TCommentNewline (i) -> i | TCommentCpp (cppkind, i) -> i | TCommentMisc (i) -> i | TCommentSkipTagStart (i) -> i | TCommentSkipTagEnd (i) -> i | TIfdef (_, i) -> i | TIfdefelse (_, i) -> i | TIfdefelif (_, i) -> i | TEndif (_, i) -> i | TIfdefBool (b, _, i) -> i | TIfdefMisc (b, _, i) -> i | TIfdefVersion (b, _, i) -> i | TOPar (i) -> i | TCPar (i) -> i | TOBrace (i) -> i | TCBrace (i) -> i | TOCro (i) -> i | TCCro (i) -> i | TDot (i) -> i | TComma (i) -> i | TPtrOp (i) -> i | TInc (i) -> i | TDec (i) -> i | TEq (i) -> i | TWhy (i) -> i | TTilde (i) -> i | TBang (i) -> i | TEllipsis (i) -> i | TDotDot (i) -> i | TPtVirg (i) -> i | TOrLog (i) -> i | TAndLog (i) -> i | TOr (i) -> i | TXor (i) -> i | TAnd (i) -> i | TEqEq (i) -> i | TNotEq (i) -> i | TInf (i) -> i | TSup (i) -> i | TInfEq (i) -> i | TSupEq (i) -> i | TShl (i) -> i | TShr (i) -> i | TPlus (i) -> i | TMinus (i) -> i | TMul (i) -> i | TDiv (i) -> i | TMod (i) -> i | Tchar (i) -> i | Tshort (i) -> i | Tint (i) -> i | Tdouble (i) -> i | Tfloat (i) -> i | Tlong (i) -> i | Tunsigned (i) -> i | Tsigned (i) -> i | Tvoid (i) -> i | Tauto (i) -> i | Tregister (i) -> i | Textern (i) -> i | Tstatic (i) -> i | Tconst (i) -> i | Tvolatile (i) -> i | Trestrict (i) -> i | Tstruct (i) -> i | Tenum (i) -> i | Ttypedef (i) -> i | Tunion (i) -> i | Tbreak (i) -> i | Telse (i) -> i | Tswitch (i) -> i | Tcase (i) -> i | Tcontinue (i) -> i | Tfor (i) -> i | Tdo (i) -> i | Tif (i) -> i | Twhile (i) -> i | Treturn (i) -> i | Tgoto (i) -> i | Tdefault (i) -> i | Tsizeof (i) -> i | Tasm (i) -> i | Tattribute (i) -> i | TattributeNoarg (i) -> i | Tinline (i) -> i | Ttypeof (i) -> i | EOF (i) -> i (* used by tokens to complete the parse_info with filename, line, col infos *) let visitor_info_of_tok f = function | TString ((s, isWchar), i) -> TString ((s, isWchar), f i) | TChar ((s, isWchar), i) -> TChar ((s, isWchar), f i) | TFloat ((s, floatType), i) -> TFloat ((s, floatType), f i) | TAssign (assignOp, i) -> TAssign (assignOp, f i) | TIdent (s, i) -> TIdent (s, f i) | TypedefIdent (s, i) -> TypedefIdent (s, f i) | TInt (s, i) -> TInt (s, f i) | TDefine (i1) -> TDefine(f i1) | TUndef (s,i1) -> TUndef(s, f i1) | TCppDirectiveOther (i1) -> TCppDirectiveOther(f i1) | TInclude (includes, filename, inifdef, i1) -> TInclude (includes, filename, inifdef, f i1) | TIncludeStart (i1, inifdef) -> TIncludeStart (f i1, inifdef) | TIncludeFilename (s, i1) -> TIncludeFilename (s, f i1) | TCppEscapedNewline (i1) -> TCppEscapedNewline (f i1) | TDefEOL (i1) -> TDefEOL (f i1) | TCppConcatOp (ii) -> TCppConcatOp (f ii) | TOParDefine (i1) -> TOParDefine (f i1) | TIdentDefine (s, i) -> TIdentDefine (s, f i) | TDefParamVariadic (s, i1) -> TDefParamVariadic (s, f i1) | TOBraceDefineInit (i1) -> TOBraceDefineInit (f i1) | TUnknown (i) -> TUnknown (f i) | TMacroIdentBuilder (s, i) -> TMacroIdentBuilder (s, f i) | TMacroAttr (s, i) -> TMacroAttr (s, f i) | TMacroAttrStorage (s, i) -> TMacroAttrStorage (s, f i) | TMacroStmt (s, i) -> TMacroStmt (s, f i) | TMacroString (s, i) -> TMacroString (s, f i) | TMacroDecl (s, i) -> TMacroDecl (s, f i) | TMacroDeclConst (i) -> TMacroDeclConst (f i) | TMacroIterator (s, i) -> TMacroIterator (s, f i) (* | TMacroTop (s,i) -> TMacroTop (s,f i) *) | TCParEOL (i) -> TCParEOL (f i) | TAction (i) -> TAction (f i) | TComment (i) -> TComment (f i) | TCommentSpace (i) -> TCommentSpace (f i) | TCommentNewline (i) -> TCommentNewline (f i) | TCommentCpp (cppkind, i) -> TCommentCpp (cppkind, f i) | TCommentMisc (i) -> TCommentMisc (f i) | TCommentSkipTagStart (i) -> TCommentSkipTagStart (f i) | TCommentSkipTagEnd (i) -> TCommentSkipTagEnd (f i) | TIfdef (t, i) -> TIfdef (t, f i) | TIfdefelse (t, i) -> TIfdefelse (t, f i) | TIfdefelif (t, i) -> TIfdefelif (t, f i) | TEndif (t, i) -> TEndif (t, f i) | TIfdefBool (b, t, i) -> TIfdefBool (b, t, f i) | TIfdefMisc (b, t, i) -> TIfdefMisc (b, t, f i) | TIfdefVersion (b, t, i) -> TIfdefVersion (b, t, f i) | TOPar (i) -> TOPar (f i) | TCPar (i) -> TCPar (f i) | TOBrace (i) -> TOBrace (f i) | TCBrace (i) -> TCBrace (f i) | TOCro (i) -> TOCro (f i) | TCCro (i) -> TCCro (f i) | TDot (i) -> TDot (f i) | TComma (i) -> TComma (f i) | TPtrOp (i) -> TPtrOp (f i) | TInc (i) -> TInc (f i) | TDec (i) -> TDec (f i) | TEq (i) -> TEq (f i) | TWhy (i) -> TWhy (f i) | TTilde (i) -> TTilde (f i) | TBang (i) -> TBang (f i) | TEllipsis (i) -> TEllipsis (f i) | TDotDot (i) -> TDotDot (f i) | TPtVirg (i) -> TPtVirg (f i) | TOrLog (i) -> TOrLog (f i) | TAndLog (i) -> TAndLog (f i) | TOr (i) -> TOr (f i) | TXor (i) -> TXor (f i) | TAnd (i) -> TAnd (f i) | TEqEq (i) -> TEqEq (f i) | TNotEq (i) -> TNotEq (f i) | TInf (i) -> TInf (f i) | TSup (i) -> TSup (f i) | TInfEq (i) -> TInfEq (f i) | TSupEq (i) -> TSupEq (f i) | TShl (i) -> TShl (f i) | TShr (i) -> TShr (f i) | TPlus (i) -> TPlus (f i) | TMinus (i) -> TMinus (f i) | TMul (i) -> TMul (f i) | TDiv (i) -> TDiv (f i) | TMod (i) -> TMod (f i) | Tchar (i) -> Tchar (f i) | Tshort (i) -> Tshort (f i) | Tint (i) -> Tint (f i) | Tdouble (i) -> Tdouble (f i) | Tfloat (i) -> Tfloat (f i) | Tlong (i) -> Tlong (f i) | Tunsigned (i) -> Tunsigned (f i) | Tsigned (i) -> Tsigned (f i) | Tvoid (i) -> Tvoid (f i) | Tauto (i) -> Tauto (f i) | Tregister (i) -> Tregister (f i) | Textern (i) -> Textern (f i) | Tstatic (i) -> Tstatic (f i) | Tconst (i) -> Tconst (f i) | Tvolatile (i) -> Tvolatile (f i) | Trestrict (i) -> Trestrict (f i) | Tstruct (i) -> Tstruct (f i) | Tenum (i) -> Tenum (f i) | Ttypedef (i) -> Ttypedef (f i) | Tunion (i) -> Tunion (f i) | Tbreak (i) -> Tbreak (f i) | Telse (i) -> Telse (f i) | Tswitch (i) -> Tswitch (f i) | Tcase (i) -> Tcase (f i) | Tcontinue (i) -> Tcontinue (f i) | Tfor (i) -> Tfor (f i) | Tdo (i) -> Tdo (f i) | Tif (i) -> Tif (f i) | Twhile (i) -> Twhile (f i) | Treturn (i) -> Treturn (f i) | Tgoto (i) -> Tgoto (f i) | Tdefault (i) -> Tdefault (f i) | Tsizeof (i) -> Tsizeof (f i) | Tasm (i) -> Tasm (f i) | Tattribute (i) -> Tattribute (f i) | TattributeNoarg (i) -> TattributeNoarg (f i) | Tinline (i) -> Tinline (f i) | Ttypeof (i) -> Ttypeof (f i) | EOF (i) -> EOF (f i) (*****************************************************************************) (* Accessors *) (*****************************************************************************) let linecol_of_tok tok = let info = info_of_tok tok in Ast_c.line_of_info info, Ast_c.col_of_info info let col_of_tok x = snd (linecol_of_tok x) let line_of_tok x = fst (linecol_of_tok x) let pos_of_tok x = Ast_c.opos_of_info (info_of_tok x) let str_of_tok x = Ast_c.str_of_info (info_of_tok x) let file_of_tok x = Ast_c.file_of_info (info_of_tok x) let pinfo_of_tok x = Ast_c.pinfo_of_info (info_of_tok x) let is_origin x = match pinfo_of_tok x with Ast_c.OriginTok _ -> true | _ -> false let is_expanded x = match pinfo_of_tok x with Ast_c.ExpandedTok _ -> true | _ -> false let is_fake x = match pinfo_of_tok x with Ast_c.FakeTok _ -> true | _ -> false let is_abstract x = match pinfo_of_tok x with Ast_c.AbstractLineTok _ -> true | _ -> false (*****************************************************************************) (* Helpers *) (*****************************************************************************) let is_same_line_or_close line tok = line_of_tok tok =|= line || line_of_tok tok =|= line - 1 || line_of_tok tok =|= line - 2