(* * Copyright 2010, INRIA, University of Copenhagen * Julia Lawall, Rene Rydhof Hansen, Gilles Muller, Nicolas Palix * Copyright 2005-2009, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, University of Copenhagen * Yoann Padioleau, Julia Lawall, Rene Rydhof Hansen, Henrik Stuart, Gilles Muller, Nicolas Palix * This file is part of Coccinelle. * * Coccinelle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, according to version 2 of the License. * * Coccinelle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Coccinelle. If not, see . * * The authors reserve the right to distribute this or future versions of * Coccinelle under other licenses. *) (* * Copyright 2010, INRIA, University of Copenhagen * Julia Lawall, Rene Rydhof Hansen, Gilles Muller, Nicolas Palix * Copyright 2005-2009, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, University of Copenhagen * Yoann Padioleau, Julia Lawall, Rene Rydhof Hansen, Henrik Stuart, Gilles Muller, Nicolas Palix * This file is part of Coccinelle. * * Coccinelle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, according to version 2 of the License. * * Coccinelle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Coccinelle. If not, see . * * The authors reserve the right to distribute this or future versions of * Coccinelle under other licenses. *) open Common open Ast_c (* For the moment I do only eq_type and not eq_expr, etc. The reason * for eq_type is related to the typedef and struct isomorphism. Sometimes * one use the typedef and sometimes the structname. * * TODO: should use the isomorphisms engine of julia. * Maybe I can transform my ast_c in ast_cocci, and use julia's code ? * Maybe I can add some Disj in my ast_c ? *) module type PARAM = sig type tin type 'x tout type 'a matcher = 'a -> 'a -> tin -> 'a tout val (>>=): (tin -> 'a tout) -> ('a -> (tin -> 'b tout)) -> (tin -> 'b tout) val (>&&>) : bool -> (tin -> 'x tout) -> (tin -> 'x tout) val return : 'a -> tin -> 'a tout val fail : tin -> 'a tout end module C_VS_C = functor (X : PARAM) -> struct type 'a matcher = 'a -> 'a -> X.tin -> 'a X.tout let (>>=) = X.(>>=) let (>&&>) = X.(>&&>) let return = X.return let fail = X.fail let (option: 'a matcher -> ('a option matcher)) = fun f t1 t2 -> match (t1,t2) with | (Some t1, Some t2) -> f t1 t2 >>= (fun t -> return (Some t) ) | (None, None) -> return None | _ -> fail let same_s saopt sbopt = match saopt, sbopt with | None, None -> true | Some namea, Some nameb -> let sa = Ast_c.str_of_name namea in let sb = Ast_c.str_of_name nameb in sa =$= sb | _ -> false let rec fullType a b = let ((qua,iiqa), tya) = a in let ((qub,iiqb), tyb) = b in (qua.const =:= qub.const && qua.volatile =:= qub.volatile) >&&> let (qu,iiq) = (qua, iiqa) in typeC tya tyb >>= (fun ty -> return ((qu,iiq), ty) ) and typeC tya tyb = let (a, iia) = tya in let (b, iib) = tyb in let iix = iia in match a, b with | BaseType a, BaseType b -> a =*= b >&&> return (BaseType a, iix) | Pointer a, Pointer b -> fullType a b >>= (fun x -> return (Pointer x, iix)) | StructUnionName (sua, sa), StructUnionName (sub, sb) -> (sua =*= sub && sa =$= sb) >&&> return (StructUnionName (sua, sa), iix) | TypeName (namea, opta), TypeName (nameb, optb) -> let sa = Ast_c.str_of_name namea in let sb = Ast_c.str_of_name nameb in (* assert compatible opta optb ? *) (*option fullType opta optb*) sa =$= sb >&&> let opt = (match opta, optb with | None, None -> None | Some x, _ | _, Some x -> Some x ) in return (TypeName (namea, opt), iix) | Array (ea, a), Array (eb,b) -> let get_option f = function Some x -> Some (f x) | None -> None in let ea = get_option Lib_parsing_c.al_expr ea in let eb = get_option Lib_parsing_c.al_expr eb in ea =*= eb >&&> fullType a b >>= (fun x -> return (Array (ea, x), iix)) | FunctionType (returna, paramsa), FunctionType (returnb, paramsb) -> let (tsa, (ba,iihas3dotsa)) = paramsa in let (tsb, (bb,iihas3dotsb)) = paramsb in let bx = ba in let iihas3dotsx = iihas3dotsa in (ba =:= bb && List.length tsa =|= List.length tsb) >&&> fullType returna returnb >>= (fun returnx -> Common.zip tsa tsb +> List.fold_left (fun acc ((parama,iia),(paramb,iib))-> let iix = iia in acc >>= (fun xs -> let {p_register = (ba,iiba); p_namei = saopt; p_type = ta} = parama in let {p_register = (bb,iibb); p_namei = sbopt; p_type = tb} = paramb in let bx = ba in let iibx = iiba in let sxopt = saopt in (* todo? iso on name or argument ? *) (ba =:= bb && same_s saopt sbopt) >&&> fullType ta tb >>= (fun tx -> let paramx = { p_register = (bx, iibx); p_namei = sxopt; p_type = tx; } in return ((paramx,iix)::xs) ) ) ) (return []) >>= (fun tsx -> let paramsx = (List.rev tsx, (bx, iihas3dotsx)) in return (FunctionType (returnx, paramsx), iix) )) | Enum (saopt, enuma), Enum (sbopt, enumb) -> (saopt =*= sbopt && List.length enuma =|= List.length enumb && Common.zip enuma enumb +> List.for_all (fun (((namesa,eopta), iicommaa), ((namesb,eoptb),iicommab)) -> let sa = str_of_name namesa in let sb = str_of_name namesb in sa =$= sb && (* todo ? eopta and b can have some info so ok to use =*= ? *) eopta =*= eoptb ) ) >&&> return (Enum (saopt, enuma), iix) | EnumName sa, EnumName sb -> sa =$= sb >&&> return (EnumName sa, iix) | ParenType a, ParenType b -> (* iso here ? *) fullType a b >>= (fun x -> return (ParenType x, iix) ) | TypeOfExpr ea, TypeOfExpr eb -> let ea = Lib_parsing_c.al_expr ea in let eb = Lib_parsing_c.al_expr eb in ea =*= eb >&&> return (TypeOfExpr ea, iix) | TypeOfType a, TypeOfType b -> fullType a b >>= (fun x -> return (TypeOfType x, iix)) (* | TypeOfType a, b -> | a, TypeOfType b -> *) | StructUnion (sua, saopt, sta), StructUnion (sub, sbopt, stb) -> (sua =*= sub && saopt =*= sbopt && List.length sta =|= List.length stb) >&&> Common.zip sta stb +> List.fold_left (fun acc ((fielda), (fieldb)) -> acc >>= (fun xs -> match fielda, fieldb with | EmptyField iia, EmptyField iib -> let iix = iia in return ((EmptyField iix)::xs) | DeclarationField (FieldDeclList (fa, iipta)), DeclarationField (FieldDeclList (fb, iiptb)) -> let iipt = iipta in (* TODO ?*) (List.length fa =|= List.length fb) >&&> Common.zip fa fb +> List.fold_left (fun acc2 ((fielda,iia),(fieldb,iib))-> let iix = iia in acc2 >>= (fun xs -> match fielda, fieldb with | Simple (nameaopt, ta), Simple (namebopt, tb) -> same_s nameaopt namebopt >&&> fullType ta tb >>= (fun tx -> return (((Simple (nameaopt, tx)), iix)::xs) ) | BitField (nameopta, ta, infoa, ea), BitField (nameoptb, tb, infob, eb) -> let infox = infoa in (same_s nameopta nameoptb && ea =*= eb) >&&> fullType ta tb >>= (fun tx -> return (((BitField (nameopta,tx,infox,ea)), iix)::xs) ) | _,_ -> fail ) ) (return []) >>= (fun fx -> return (((DeclarationField (FieldDeclList (List.rev fx,iipt))))::xs) ) | _ -> fail ) ) (return []) >>= (fun stx -> return (StructUnion (sua, saopt, List.rev stx), iix) ) (* choose the lub. * subtil: in the return must put iia, not iix, and in following case * must put iib and not iix, because we want the token corresponding * to the typedef. *) | TypeName (name, Some a), _ -> fullType a (Ast_c.nQ, tyb) >>= (fun x -> return (TypeName (name, Some x), iia) ) | _, TypeName (name, Some b) -> fullType b (Ast_c.nQ, tya) >>= (fun x -> return (TypeName (name, Some x), iib) (* subtil: *) ) | _, _ -> fail end module XEQ = struct type tin = unit type 'a tout = 'a option type 'a matcher = 'a -> 'a -> tin -> 'a tout let return x = fun tin -> Some x let fail = fun tin -> None let (>>=) m f = fun tin -> match m tin with | None -> None | Some x -> f x tin let (>&&>) b m = fun tin -> if b then m tin else fail tin end module EQ = C_VS_C (XEQ) let eq_type2 a b = EQ.fullType a b () <> None let merge_type2 a b = Common.some (EQ.fullType a b ()) let eq_type a b = Common.profile_code "C_vs_c" (fun () -> eq_type2 a b) let merge_type a b = Common.profile_code "C_vs_c" (fun () -> merge_type2 a b) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* This seemed like a reasonable place to put this, given the file name, but not sure that it is the case... This has to be compatible with the function equal_inh_metavarval. It is indeed not so clear why that is defined in cocci_vs_c.ml, and not here, since it is comparing C code to C code. *) let subexpression_of_expression small_exp big_exp = let res = ref false in (* because no appropriate functional visitor... *) let expr (k,bigf) big_exp = (* comparison used in Cocci_vs_c.equal_inh_metavarval *) (* have to strip each subexp, because stripping puts some offsets in the term rather than setting everything to 0. No idea why... *) if small_exp =*= Lib_parsing_c.al_inh_expr big_exp then res := true else k big_exp in let bigf = { Visitor_c.default_visitor_c with Visitor_c.kexpr = expr } in Visitor_c.vk_expr bigf big_exp; (*Printf.printf "comparison gives %b\n" !res; Pretty_print_c.pp_expression_simple small_exp; Format.print_newline(); Pretty_print_c.pp_expression_simple big_exp; Format.print_newline(); Printf.printf "--------------------------------\n";*) !res