(* * Copyright 2010, INRIA, University of Copenhagen * Julia Lawall, Rene Rydhof Hansen, Gilles Muller, Nicolas Palix * Copyright 2005-2009, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, University of Copenhagen * Yoann Padioleau, Julia Lawall, Rene Rydhof Hansen, Henrik Stuart, Gilles Muller, Nicolas Palix * This file is part of Coccinelle. * * Coccinelle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, according to version 2 of the License. * * Coccinelle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Coccinelle. If not, see . * * The authors reserve the right to distribute this or future versions of * Coccinelle under other licenses. *) module Ast = Ast_cocci module V = Visitor_ast module TC = Type_cocci (* Issues: 1. If a rule X depends on a rule Y (in a positive way), then we can ignore the constants in X. 2. If a rule X contains a metavariable that is not under a disjunction and that is inherited from rule Y, then we can ignore the constants in X. 3. If a rule contains a constant x in + code then subsequent rules that have it in - or context should not include it in their list of required constants. *) (* This doesn't do the . -> trick of get_constants for record fields, as that does not fit well with the recursive structure. It was not clear that that was completely safe either, although eg putting a newline after the . or -> is probably unusual. *) (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* This phase collects everything. One can then filter out what it not wanted *) (* True means nothing was found False should never drift to the top, it is the neutral element of or and an or is never empty *) type combine = And of combine list | Or of combine list | Elem of string | False | True (* glimpse often fails on large queries. We can safely remove arguments of && as long as we don't remove all of them (note that there is no negation). This tries just removing one of them and then orders the results by increasing number of ors (ors are long, increasing the chance of failure, and are less restrictive, possibly increasing the chance of irrelevant code. *) let reduce_glimpse x = let rec loop x k q = match x with Elem _ -> q() | And [x] -> loop x (function changed_l -> k (And [changed_l])) q | And l -> kloop l (function changed_l -> k (And changed_l)) (function _ -> let rec rloop l k = match l with [] -> q() | x::xs -> (k xs) :: rloop xs (function changed_xs -> k (x :: changed_xs)) in rloop l (function changed_l -> k (And changed_l))) | Or l -> kloop l (function changed_l -> k (Or changed_l)) q | _ -> failwith "not possible" and kloop l k q = match l with [] -> q() | x::xs -> loop x (function changed_x -> k (changed_x::xs)) (function _ -> kloop xs (function changed_xs -> k (x :: changed_xs)) q) in let rec count_ors = function Elem _ -> 0 | And l -> List.fold_left (+) 0 (List.map count_ors l) | Or l -> ((List.length l) - 1) + (List.fold_left (+) 0 (List.map count_ors l)) | _ -> failwith "not possible" in let res = loop x (function x -> x) (function _ -> []) in let res = List.map (function x -> (count_ors x,x)) res in let res = List.sort compare res in List.map (function (_,x) -> x) res let interpret_glimpse strict x = let rec loop = function Elem x -> x | And [x] -> loop x | Or [x] -> loop x | And l -> Printf.sprintf "{%s}" (String.concat ";" (List.map loop l)) | Or l -> Printf.sprintf "{%s}" (String.concat "," (List.map loop l)) | True -> if strict then failwith "True should not be in the final result" else "True" | False -> if strict then failwith "False should not be in the final result. Perhaps your rule doesn't contain any +/-/* code" else "False" in match x with True -> None | False when strict -> failwith "False should not be in the final result. Perhaps your rule doesn't contain any +/-/* code" | _ -> Some (if strict then List.map loop (x::reduce_glimpse x) else [loop x]) (* grep only does or *) let interpret_grep strict x = let rec loop = function Elem x -> [x] | And l -> List.concat (List.map loop l) | Or l -> List.concat (List.map loop l) | True -> if strict then failwith "True should not be in the final result" else ["True"] | False -> if strict then failwith "False should not be in the final result. Perhaps your rule doesn't contain any +/-/* code" else ["False"] in match x with True -> None | False when strict -> failwith "False should not be in the final result. Perhaps your rule doesn't contain any +/-/* code" | _ -> Some (loop x) let interpret_google strict x = (* convert to dnf *) let rec dnf = function Elem x -> [x] | Or l -> List.fold_left Common.union_set [] (List.map dnf l) | And l -> let l = List.map dnf l in List.fold_left (function prev -> function cur -> List.fold_left Common.union_set [] (List.map (function x -> List.map (function y -> Printf.sprintf "%s %s" x y) prev) cur)) [] l | True -> ["True"] | False -> if strict then failwith "False should not be in the final result. Perhaps your rule doesn't contain any +/-/* code" else ["False"] in match x with True -> None | False when strict -> failwith "False should not be in the final result. Perhaps your rule doesn't contain any +/-/* code" | _ -> Some (dnf x) let combine2c x = match interpret_glimpse false x with None -> "None" | Some x -> String.concat " || " x let norm = function And l -> And (List.sort compare l) | Or l -> Or (List.sort compare l) | x -> x let rec merge l1 l2 = match (l1,l2) with ([],l2) -> l2 | (l1,[]) -> l1 | (x::xs,y::ys) -> (match compare x y with -1 -> x::(merge xs l2) | 0 -> x::(merge xs ys) | 1 -> y::(merge l1 ys) | _ -> failwith "not possible") let intersect l1 l2 = List.filter (function l1e -> List.mem l1e l2) l1 let minus_set l1 l2 = List.filter (function l1e -> not (List.mem l1e l2)) l1 let rec insert x l = merge [x] l let rec build_and x y = if x = y then x else match (x,y) with (True,x) | (x,True) -> x | (False,x) | (x,False) -> False | (And l1,And l2) -> And (merge l1 l2) | (x,Or l) when List.mem x l -> x | (Or l,x) when List.mem x l -> x | (Or l1,Or l2) when not ((intersect l1 l2) = []) -> let inner = build_and (List.fold_left build_or False (minus_set l1 l2)) (List.fold_left build_or False (minus_set l2 l1)) in List.fold_left build_or inner (intersect l1 l2) | (x,And l) | (And l,x) -> if List.mem x l then And l else let others = List.filter (function Or l -> not(List.mem x l) | _ -> true) l in And (insert x others) | (x,y) -> norm(And [x;y]) and build_or x y = if x = y then x else match (x,y) with (True,x) | (x,True) -> True | (False,x) | (x,False) -> x | (Or l1,Or l2) -> Or (merge l1 l2) | (x,And l) when List.mem x l -> x | (And l,x) when List.mem x l -> x | (And l1,And l2) when not ((intersect l1 l2) = []) -> let inner = build_or (List.fold_left build_and True (minus_set l1 l2)) (List.fold_left build_and True (minus_set l2 l1)) in List.fold_left build_and inner (intersect l1 l2) | (x,Or l) | (Or l,x) -> if List.mem x l then Or l else let others = List.filter (function And l -> not(List.mem x l) | _ -> true) l in Or (insert x others) | (x,y) -> norm(Or [x;y]) let keep x = Elem x let drop x = True let do_get_constants constants keywords env neg_pos = let donothing r k e = k e in let option_default = True in let bind = build_and in let inherited ((nm1,_) as x) = (* ignore virtuals *) if nm1 = "virtual" then option_default (* perhaps inherited, but value not required, so no constraints *) else if List.mem x neg_pos then option_default else (try List.assoc nm1 env with Not_found -> False) in let minherited name = inherited (Ast.unwrap_mcode name) in let mcode _ x = List.fold_left bind option_default (List.map (function Ast.MetaPos(name,constraints,_,keep,inh) -> minherited name) (Ast.get_pos_var x)) in (* if one branch gives no information, then we have to take anything *) let disj_union_all = List.fold_left build_or False in let ident r k i = match Ast.unwrap i with Ast.Id(name) -> bind (k i) (match Ast.unwrap_mcode name with "NULL" -> keywords "NULL" | nm -> constants nm) | Ast.MetaId(name,_,_,_) | Ast.MetaFunc(name,_,_,_) | Ast.MetaLocalFunc(name,_,_,_) -> bind (k i) (minherited name) | Ast.DisjId(ids) -> disj_union_all (List.map r.V.combiner_ident ids) | _ -> k i in let rec type_collect res = function TC.ConstVol(_,ty) | TC.Pointer(ty) | TC.FunctionPointer(ty) | TC.Array(ty) -> type_collect res ty | TC.MetaType(tyname,_,_) -> inherited tyname | TC.TypeName(s) -> constants s | TC.EnumName(TC.Name s) -> constants s | TC.StructUnionName(_,TC.Name s) -> constants s | ty -> res in (* no point to do anything special for records because glimpse is word-oriented *) let expression r k e = match Ast.unwrap e with Ast.Constant(const) -> bind (k e) (match Ast.unwrap_mcode const with Ast.String s -> constants s | Ast.Char "\\0" -> option_default (* glimpse doesn't like it *) | Ast.Char s -> option_default (* probably not chars either *) (* the following were eg keywords "1", but not good for glimpse *) | Ast.Int s -> option_default (* glimpse doesn't index integers *) | Ast.Float s -> option_default (* probably not floats either *)) | Ast.MetaExpr(name,_,_,Some type_list,_,_) -> let types = List.fold_left type_collect option_default type_list in bind (k e) (bind (minherited name) types) | Ast.MetaErr(name,_,_,_) | Ast.MetaExpr(name,_,_,_,_,_) -> bind (k e) (minherited name) | Ast.MetaExprList(name,Ast.MetaListLen (lenname,_,_),_,_) -> bind (k e) (bind (minherited name) (minherited lenname)) | Ast.MetaExprList(name,_,_,_) -> minherited name | Ast.SizeOfExpr(sizeof,exp) -> bind (keywords "sizeof") (k e) | Ast.SizeOfType(sizeof,lp,ty,rp) -> bind (keywords "sizeof") (k e) | Ast.NestExpr(starter,expr_dots,ender,wc,false) -> option_default | Ast.NestExpr(starter,expr_dots,ender,wc,true) -> r.V.combiner_expression_dots expr_dots | Ast.DisjExpr(exps) -> disj_union_all (List.map r.V.combiner_expression exps) | Ast.OptExp(exp) -> option_default | Ast.Edots(_,_) | Ast.Ecircles(_,_) | Ast.Estars(_,_) -> option_default | _ -> k e in let fullType r k ft = match Ast.unwrap ft with Ast.DisjType(decls) -> disj_union_all (List.map r.V.combiner_fullType decls) | Ast.OptType(ty) -> option_default | _ -> k ft in let baseType = function Ast.VoidType -> keywords "void" | Ast.CharType -> keywords "char" | Ast.ShortType -> keywords "short" | Ast.IntType -> keywords "int" | Ast.DoubleType -> keywords "double" | Ast.FloatType -> keywords "float" | Ast.LongType | Ast.LongLongType -> keywords "long" | Ast.SizeType -> keywords "size_t" | Ast.SSizeType -> keywords "ssize_t" | Ast.PtrDiffType -> keywords "ptrdiff_t" in let typeC r k ty = match Ast.unwrap ty with Ast.BaseType(ty1,strings) -> bind (k ty) (baseType ty1) | Ast.TypeName(name) -> bind (k ty) (constants (Ast.unwrap_mcode name)) | Ast.MetaType(name,_,_) -> bind (minherited name) (k ty) | _ -> k ty in let declaration r k d = match Ast.unwrap d with Ast.MetaDecl(name,_,_) | Ast.MetaField(name,_,_) -> bind (k d) (minherited name) | Ast.MetaFieldList(name,Ast.MetaListLen(lenname,_,_),_,_) -> bind (minherited name) (bind (minherited lenname) (k d)) | Ast.DisjDecl(decls) -> disj_union_all (List.map r.V.combiner_declaration decls) | Ast.OptDecl(decl) -> option_default | Ast.Ddots(dots,whencode) -> option_default | _ -> k d in let initialiser r k i = match Ast.unwrap i with Ast.OptIni(ini) -> option_default | _ -> k i in let parameter r k p = match Ast.unwrap p with Ast.OptParam(param) -> option_default | Ast.MetaParam(name,_,_) -> bind (k p) (minherited name) | Ast.MetaParamList(name,Ast.MetaListLen(lenname,_,_),_,_) -> bind (minherited name) (bind (minherited lenname) (k p)) | Ast.MetaParamList(name,_,_,_) -> bind (k p) (minherited name) | _ -> k p in let rule_elem r k re = match Ast.unwrap re with Ast.MetaRuleElem(name,_,_) | Ast.MetaStmt(name,_,_,_) | Ast.MetaStmtList(name,_,_) -> bind (minherited name) (k re) | Ast.WhileHeader(whl,lp,exp,rp) -> bind (keywords "while") (k re) | Ast.WhileTail(whl,lp,exp,rp,sem) -> bind (keywords "do") (k re) | Ast.ForHeader(fr,lp,e1,sem1,e2,sem2,e3,rp) -> bind (keywords "for") (k re) | Ast.SwitchHeader(switch,lp,exp,rp) -> bind (keywords "switch") (k re) | Ast.Break(br,sem) -> bind (keywords "break") (k re) | Ast.Continue(cont,sem) -> bind (keywords "continue") (k re) | Ast.Goto(_,i,_) -> bind (keywords "goto") (k re) | Ast.Default(def,colon) -> bind (keywords "default") (k re) | Ast.Include(inc,s) -> bind (k re) (match Ast.unwrap_mcode s with Ast.Local l | Ast.NonLocal l -> let strings = List.fold_left (function prev -> function (* just take the last thing, probably the most specific. everything is necessary anyway. *) Ast.IncPath s -> [Elem s] | Ast.IncDots -> prev) [] l in (match strings with [] -> True | x::xs -> List.fold_left bind x xs)) | Ast.DisjRuleElem(res) -> disj_union_all (List.map r.V.combiner_rule_elem res) | _ -> k re in let statement r k s = match Ast.unwrap s with Ast.Disj(stmt_dots) -> disj_union_all (List.map r.V.combiner_statement_dots stmt_dots) | Ast.Nest(starter,stmt_dots,ender,whn,false,_,_) -> option_default | Ast.Nest(starter,stmt_dots,ender,whn,true,_,_) -> r.V.combiner_statement_dots stmt_dots | Ast.OptStm(s) -> option_default | Ast.Dots(d,whn,_,_) | Ast.Circles(d,whn,_,_) | Ast.Stars(d,whn,_,_) -> option_default | _ -> k s in V.combiner bind option_default mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing ident expression fullType typeC initialiser parameter declaration rule_elem statement donothing donothing donothing (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) let filter_combine combine to_drop = let rec and_loop = function Elem x when List.mem x to_drop -> True | Or l -> List.fold_left build_or False (List.map or_loop l) | x -> x and or_loop = function Elem x when List.mem x to_drop -> False | And l -> List.fold_left build_and True (List.map and_loop l) | x -> x in or_loop combine (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) let get_all_constants minus_only = let donothing r k e = k e in let bind = Common.union_set in let option_default = [] in let mcode r (x,_,mcodekind,_) = match mcodekind with Ast.MINUS(_,_,_,_) -> [x] | _ when minus_only -> [] | _ -> [x] in let other r _ = [] in V.combiner bind option_default other mcode other other other other other other other other other other donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) let get_plus_constants = let donothing r k e = k e in let bind = Common.union_set in let option_default = [] in let recurse l = List.fold_left (List.fold_left (function prev -> function cur -> bind ((get_all_constants false).V.combiner_anything cur) prev)) [] l in let process_mcodekind = function Ast.MINUS(_,_,_,Ast.REPLACEMENT(anythings,_)) -> recurse anythings | Ast.CONTEXT(_,Ast.BEFORE(a,_)) -> recurse a | Ast.CONTEXT(_,Ast.AFTER(a,_)) -> recurse a | Ast.CONTEXT(_,Ast.BEFOREAFTER(a1,a2,_)) -> Common.union_set (recurse a1) (recurse a2) | _ -> [] in let mcode r mc = process_mcodekind (Ast.get_mcodekind mc) in let end_info (_,_,_,mc) = process_mcodekind mc in let rule_elem r k e = match Ast.unwrap e with Ast.FunHeader(bef,_,_,_,_,_,_) | Ast.Decl(bef,_,_) -> bind (process_mcodekind bef) (k e) | _ -> k e in let statement r k e = match Ast.unwrap e with Ast.IfThen(_,_,ei) | Ast.IfThenElse(_,_,_,_,ei) | Ast.While(_,_,ei) | Ast.For(_,_,ei) | Ast.Iterator(_,_,ei) -> bind (k e) (end_info ei) | _ -> k e in V.combiner bind option_default mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing rule_elem statement donothing donothing donothing (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* true means the rule should be analyzed, false means it should be ignored *) let rec dependencies env = function Ast.Dep s -> (try List.assoc s env with Not_found -> False) | Ast.AntiDep s -> True | Ast.EverDep s -> (try List.assoc s env with Not_found -> False) | Ast.NeverDep s -> True | Ast.AndDep (d1,d2) -> build_and (dependencies env d1) (dependencies env d2) | Ast.OrDep (d1,d2) -> build_or (dependencies env d1) (dependencies env d2) | Ast.NoDep -> True | Ast.FailDep -> False (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) let all_context = let bind x y = x && y in let option_default = true in let donothing recursor k e = k e in let process_mcodekind = function Ast.CONTEXT(_,Ast.NOTHING) -> true | _ -> false in let mcode r e = process_mcodekind (Ast.get_mcodekind e) in let end_info (_,_,_,mc) = process_mcodekind mc in let initialiser r k e = match Ast.unwrap e with Ast.StrInitList(all_minus,_,_,_,_) -> not all_minus && k e | _ -> k e in let rule_elem r k e = match Ast.unwrap e with Ast.FunHeader(bef,_,_,_,_,_,_) | Ast.Decl(bef,_,_) -> bind (process_mcodekind bef) (k e) | _ -> k e in let statement r k e = match Ast.unwrap e with Ast.IfThen(_,_,ei) | Ast.IfThenElse(_,_,_,_,ei) | Ast.While(_,_,ei) | Ast.For(_,_,ei) | Ast.Iterator(_,_,ei) -> bind (k e) (end_info ei) | _ -> k e in V.combiner bind option_default mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing initialiser donothing donothing rule_elem statement donothing donothing donothing (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) let rule_fn tls in_plus env neg_pos = List.fold_left (function (rest_info,in_plus) -> function (cur,neg_pos) -> let minuses = let getter = do_get_constants keep drop env neg_pos in getter.V.combiner_top_level cur in let all_minuses = if !Flag.sgrep_mode2 then [] (* nothing removed for sgrep *) else (get_all_constants true).V.combiner_top_level cur in let plusses = get_plus_constants.V.combiner_top_level cur in (* the following is for eg -foo(2) +foo(x) then in another rule -foo(10); don't want to consider that foo is guaranteed to be created by the rule. not sure this works completely: what if foo is in both - and +, but in an or, so the cases aren't related? not sure this whole thing is a good idea. how do we know that something that is only in plus is really freshly created? *) let plusses = Common.minus_set plusses all_minuses in let was_bot = minuses = True in let new_minuses = filter_combine minuses in_plus in let new_plusses = Common.union_set plusses in_plus in (* perhaps it should be build_and here? we don't realy have multiple minirules anymore anyway. *) match new_minuses with True -> let getter = do_get_constants drop keep env neg_pos in let retry = getter.V.combiner_top_level cur in (match retry with True when not was_bot -> (rest_info, new_plusses) | x -> (build_or x rest_info, new_plusses)) | x -> (build_or x rest_info, new_plusses)) (False,in_plus) (List.combine tls neg_pos) let run rules neg_pos_vars = let (info,_,_,_) = List.fold_left (function (rest_info,in_plus,env,locals(*dom of env*)) -> function (Ast.ScriptRule (nm,_,deps,mv,_,_),_) -> let extra_deps = List.fold_left (function prev -> function (_,(rule,_),_) -> if rule = "virtual" then prev else Ast.AndDep (Ast.Dep rule,prev)) deps mv in (match dependencies env extra_deps with False -> (rest_info, in_plus, (nm,True)::env, nm::locals) | dependencies -> (build_or dependencies rest_info, in_plus, env, locals)) | (Ast.InitialScriptRule (_,_,deps,_),_) | (Ast.FinalScriptRule (_,_,deps,_),_) -> (* initialize and finalize dependencies are irrelevant to get_constants *) (rest_info, in_plus, env, locals) | (Ast.CocciRule (nm,(dep,_,_),cur,_,_),neg_pos_vars) -> let (cur_info,cur_plus) = rule_fn cur in_plus ((nm,True)::env) neg_pos_vars in (match dependencies env dep with False -> (rest_info,cur_plus,env,locals) | dependencies -> if List.for_all all_context.V.combiner_top_level cur then (rest_info,cur_plus,(nm,cur_info)::env,nm::locals) else (* no constants if dependent on another rule; then we need to find the constants of that rule *) (build_or (build_and dependencies cur_info) rest_info, cur_plus,env,locals))) (False,[],[],[]) (List.combine (rules : Ast.rule list) neg_pos_vars) in info let get_constants rules neg_pos_vars = match !Flag.scanner with Flag.NoScanner -> (None,None,None) | Flag.Grep -> let res = run rules neg_pos_vars in (interpret_grep true res,None,None) | Flag.Glimpse -> let res = run rules neg_pos_vars in (interpret_grep true res,interpret_glimpse true res,None) | Flag.Google _ -> let res = run rules neg_pos_vars in (interpret_grep true res,interpret_google true res,None) | Flag.IdUtils -> let res = run rules neg_pos_vars in (interpret_grep true res,None,Some res)