(* * Copyright 2012, INRIA * Julia Lawall, Gilles Muller * Copyright 2010-2011, INRIA, University of Copenhagen * Julia Lawall, Rene Rydhof Hansen, Gilles Muller, Nicolas Palix * Copyright 2005-2009, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, University of Copenhagen * Yoann Padioleau, Julia Lawall, Rene Rydhof Hansen, Henrik Stuart, Gilles Muller, Nicolas Palix * This file is part of Coccinelle. * * Coccinelle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, according to version 2 of the License. * * Coccinelle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Coccinelle. If not, see . * * The authors reserve the right to distribute this or future versions of * Coccinelle under other licenses. *) # 0 "./cocci_vs_c.ml" open Common module A = Ast_cocci module B = Ast_c module F = Control_flow_c module Flag = Flag_matcher (*****************************************************************************) (* Wrappers *) (*****************************************************************************) let pr2, pr2_once = Common.mk_pr2_wrappers Flag_matcher.verbose_matcher let (+++) a b = match a with Some x -> Some x | None -> b let error ii str = match ii with [] -> failwith str | ii::_ -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "%s: %d: %s" (Ast_c.file_of_info ii) (Ast_c.line_of_info ii) str) (*****************************************************************************) (* Helpers *) (*****************************************************************************) type sequence = Ordered | Unordered let seqstyle eas = match A.unwrap eas with | A.DOTS _ -> Ordered | A.CIRCLES _ -> Unordered | A.STARS _ -> failwith "not handling stars" let (redots : 'a A.dots -> 'a list -> 'a A.dots)=fun eas easundots -> A.rewrap eas ( match A.unwrap eas with | A.DOTS _ -> A.DOTS easundots | A.CIRCLES _ -> A.CIRCLES easundots | A.STARS _ -> A.STARS easundots ) let (need_unordered_initialisers : B.initialiser B.wrap2 list -> bool) = fun ibs -> ibs +> List.exists (fun (ib, icomma) -> match B.unwrap ib with | B.InitDesignators _ | B.InitFieldOld _ | B.InitIndexOld _ -> true | B.InitExpr _ | B.InitList _ -> false) (* For the #include in the .cocci, need to find where is * the '+' attached to this element, to later find the first concrete * #include or last one in the series of #includes in the * .c. *) type include_requirement = | IncludeMcodeBefore | IncludeMcodeAfter | IncludeNothing (* todo? put in semantic_c.ml *) type info_ident = | Function | LocalFunction (* entails Function *) | DontKnow let term mc = A.unwrap_mcode mc let mcodekind mc = A.get_mcodekind mc let mcode_contain_plus = function | A.CONTEXT (_,A.NOTHING) -> false | A.CONTEXT _ -> true | A.MINUS (_,_,_,A.NOREPLACEMENT) -> false | A.MINUS (_,_,_,A.REPLACEMENT _) -> true (* repl is nonempty *) | A.PLUS _ -> raise Impossible let mcode_simple_minus = function | A.MINUS (_,_,_,A.NOREPLACEMENT) -> true | _ -> false (* In transformation.ml sometime I build some mcodekind myself and * julia has put None for the pos. But there is no possible raise * NoMatch in those cases because it is for the minusall trick or for * the distribute, so either have to build those pos, in fact a range, * because for the distribute have to erase a fullType with one * mcodekind, or add an argument to tag_with_mck such as "safe" that * don't do the check_pos. Hence this DontCarePos constructor. *) let minusizer = ("fake","fake"), {A.line = 0; A.column =0; A.strbef=[]; A.straft=[]}, (A.MINUS(A.DontCarePos,[],A.ALLMINUS,A.NOREPLACEMENT)), [] let generalize_mcode ia = let (s1, i, mck, pos) = ia in let new_mck = match mck with | A.PLUS _ -> raise Impossible | A.CONTEXT (A.NoPos,x) -> A.CONTEXT (A.DontCarePos,x) | A.MINUS (A.NoPos,inst,adj,x) -> A.MINUS (A.DontCarePos,inst,adj,x) | A.CONTEXT ((A.FixPos _|A.DontCarePos), _) | A.MINUS ((A.FixPos _|A.DontCarePos), _, _, _) -> raise Impossible in (s1, i, new_mck, pos) (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* 0x0 is equivalent to 0, value format isomorphism *) let equal_c_int s1 s2 = try int_of_string s1 =|= int_of_string s2 with Failure("int_of_string") -> s1 =$= s2 (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Normally A should reuse some types of Ast_c, so those * functions should not exist. * * update: but now Ast_c depends on A, so can't make too * A depends on Ast_c, so have to stay with those equal_xxx * functions. *) let equal_unaryOp a b = match a, b with | A.GetRef , B.GetRef -> true | A.GetRefLabel, B.GetRefLabel -> true | A.DeRef , B.DeRef -> true | A.UnPlus , B.UnPlus -> true | A.UnMinus , B.UnMinus -> true | A.Tilde , B.Tilde -> true | A.Not , B.Not -> true | _, (B.Not|B.Tilde|B.UnMinus|B.UnPlus|B.DeRef|B.GetRef|B.GetRefLabel) -> false let equal_arithOp a b = match a, b with | A.Plus , B.Plus -> true | A.Minus , B.Minus -> true | A.Mul , B.Mul -> true | A.Div , B.Div -> true | A.Mod , B.Mod -> true | A.DecLeft , B.DecLeft -> true | A.DecRight , B.DecRight -> true | A.And , B.And -> true | A.Or , B.Or -> true | A.Xor , B.Xor -> true | _, (B.Xor|B.Or|B.And|B.DecRight|B.DecLeft|B.Mod|B.Div|B.Mul|B.Minus|B.Plus) -> false let equal_logicalOp a b = match a, b with | A.Inf , B.Inf -> true | A.Sup , B.Sup -> true | A.InfEq , B.InfEq -> true | A.SupEq , B.SupEq -> true | A.Eq , B.Eq -> true | A.NotEq , B.NotEq -> true | A.AndLog , B.AndLog -> true | A.OrLog , B.OrLog -> true | _, (B.OrLog|B.AndLog|B.NotEq|B.Eq|B.SupEq|B.InfEq|B.Sup|B.Inf) -> false let equal_assignOp a b = match a, b with | A.SimpleAssign, B.SimpleAssign -> true | A.OpAssign a, B.OpAssign b -> equal_arithOp a b | _, (B.OpAssign _|B.SimpleAssign) -> false let equal_fixOp a b = match a, b with | A.Dec, B.Dec -> true | A.Inc, B.Inc -> true | _, (B.Inc|B.Dec) -> false let equal_binaryOp a b = match a, b with | A.Arith a, B.Arith b -> equal_arithOp a b | A.Logical a, B.Logical b -> equal_logicalOp a b | _, (B.Logical _ | B.Arith _) -> false let equal_structUnion a b = match a, b with | A.Struct, B.Struct -> true | A.Union, B.Union -> true | _, (B.Struct|B.Union) -> false let equal_sign a b = match a, b with | A.Signed, B.Signed -> true | A.Unsigned, B.UnSigned -> true | _, (B.UnSigned|B.Signed) -> false let equal_storage a b = match a, b with | A.Static , B.Sto B.Static | A.Auto , B.Sto B.Auto | A.Register , B.Sto B.Register | A.Extern , B.Sto B.Extern -> true | _, (B.NoSto | B.StoTypedef) -> false | _, (B.Sto (B.Register|B.Static|B.Auto|B.Extern)) -> false (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) let equal_metavarval valu valu' = match valu, valu' with | Ast_c.MetaIdVal (a,_), Ast_c.MetaIdVal (b,_) -> a =$= b | Ast_c.MetaFuncVal a, Ast_c.MetaFuncVal b -> a =$= b | Ast_c.MetaLocalFuncVal a, Ast_c.MetaLocalFuncVal b -> (* do something more ? *) a =$= b (* al_expr before comparing !!! and accept when they match. * Note that here we have Astc._expression, so it is a match * modulo isomorphism (there is no metavariable involved here, * just isomorphisms). => TODO call isomorphism_c_c instead of * =*=. Maybe would be easier to transform ast_c in ast_cocci * and call the iso engine of julia. *) | Ast_c.MetaExprVal (a,_), Ast_c.MetaExprVal (b,_) -> Lib_parsing_c.al_expr a =*= Lib_parsing_c.al_expr b | Ast_c.MetaExprListVal a, Ast_c.MetaExprListVal b -> Lib_parsing_c.al_arguments a =*= Lib_parsing_c.al_arguments b | Ast_c.MetaDeclVal a, Ast_c.MetaDeclVal b -> Lib_parsing_c.al_declaration a =*= Lib_parsing_c.al_declaration b | Ast_c.MetaFieldVal a, Ast_c.MetaFieldVal b -> Lib_parsing_c.al_field a =*= Lib_parsing_c.al_field b | Ast_c.MetaFieldListVal a, Ast_c.MetaFieldListVal b -> Lib_parsing_c.al_fields a =*= Lib_parsing_c.al_fields b | Ast_c.MetaStmtVal a, Ast_c.MetaStmtVal b -> Lib_parsing_c.al_statement a =*= Lib_parsing_c.al_statement b | Ast_c.MetaInitVal a, Ast_c.MetaInitVal b -> Lib_parsing_c.al_init a =*= Lib_parsing_c.al_init b | Ast_c.MetaInitListVal a, Ast_c.MetaInitListVal b -> Lib_parsing_c.al_inits a =*= Lib_parsing_c.al_inits b | Ast_c.MetaTypeVal a, Ast_c.MetaTypeVal b -> (* old: Lib_parsing_c.al_type a =*= Lib_parsing_c.al_type b *) C_vs_c.eq_type a b | Ast_c.MetaListlenVal a, Ast_c.MetaListlenVal b -> a =|= b | Ast_c.MetaParamVal a, Ast_c.MetaParamVal b -> Lib_parsing_c.al_param a =*= Lib_parsing_c.al_param b | Ast_c.MetaParamListVal a, Ast_c.MetaParamListVal b -> Lib_parsing_c.al_params a =*= Lib_parsing_c.al_params b | Ast_c.MetaPosVal (posa1,posa2), Ast_c.MetaPosVal (posb1,posb2) -> Ast_cocci.equal_pos posa1 posb1 && Ast_cocci.equal_pos posa2 posb2 | Ast_c.MetaPosValList l1, Ast_c.MetaPosValList l2 -> List.exists (function (fla,cea,posa1,posa2) -> List.exists (function (flb,ceb,posb1,posb2) -> fla =$= flb && cea =$= ceb && Ast_c.equal_posl posa1 posb1 && Ast_c.equal_posl posa2 posb2) l2) l1 | (B.MetaPosValList _|B.MetaListlenVal _|B.MetaPosVal _|B.MetaStmtVal _ |B.MetaDeclVal _ |B.MetaFieldVal _ |B.MetaFieldListVal _ |B.MetaTypeVal _ |B.MetaInitVal _ |B.MetaInitListVal _ |B.MetaParamListVal _|B.MetaParamVal _|B.MetaExprListVal _ |B.MetaExprVal _|B.MetaLocalFuncVal _|B.MetaFuncVal _|B.MetaIdVal _ ), _ -> raise Impossible (* probably only one argument needs to be stripped, because inherited metavariables containing expressions are stripped in advance. But don't know which one is which... *) let equal_inh_metavarval valu valu'= match valu, valu' with | Ast_c.MetaIdVal (a,_), Ast_c.MetaIdVal (b,_) -> a =$= b | Ast_c.MetaFuncVal a, Ast_c.MetaFuncVal b -> a =$= b | Ast_c.MetaLocalFuncVal a, Ast_c.MetaLocalFuncVal b -> (* do something more ? *) a =$= b (* al_expr before comparing !!! and accept when they match. * Note that here we have Astc._expression, so it is a match * modulo isomorphism (there is no metavariable involved here, * just isomorphisms). => TODO call isomorphism_c_c instead of * =*=. Maybe would be easier to transform ast_c in ast_cocci * and call the iso engine of julia. *) | Ast_c.MetaExprVal (a,_), Ast_c.MetaExprVal (b,_) -> Lib_parsing_c.al_inh_expr a =*= Lib_parsing_c.al_inh_expr b | Ast_c.MetaExprListVal a, Ast_c.MetaExprListVal b -> Lib_parsing_c.al_inh_arguments a =*= Lib_parsing_c.al_inh_arguments b | Ast_c.MetaDeclVal a, Ast_c.MetaDeclVal b -> Lib_parsing_c.al_inh_declaration a =*= Lib_parsing_c.al_inh_declaration b | Ast_c.MetaFieldVal a, Ast_c.MetaFieldVal b -> Lib_parsing_c.al_inh_field a =*= Lib_parsing_c.al_inh_field b | Ast_c.MetaFieldListVal a, Ast_c.MetaFieldListVal b -> Lib_parsing_c.al_inh_field_list a =*= Lib_parsing_c.al_inh_field_list b | Ast_c.MetaStmtVal a, Ast_c.MetaStmtVal b -> Lib_parsing_c.al_inh_statement a =*= Lib_parsing_c.al_inh_statement b | Ast_c.MetaInitVal a, Ast_c.MetaInitVal b -> Lib_parsing_c.al_inh_init a =*= Lib_parsing_c.al_inh_init b | Ast_c.MetaInitListVal a, Ast_c.MetaInitListVal b -> Lib_parsing_c.al_inh_inits a =*= Lib_parsing_c.al_inh_inits b | Ast_c.MetaTypeVal a, Ast_c.MetaTypeVal b -> (* old: Lib_parsing_c.al_inh_type a =*= Lib_parsing_c.al_inh_type b *) C_vs_c.eq_type a b | Ast_c.MetaListlenVal a, Ast_c.MetaListlenVal b -> a =|= b | Ast_c.MetaParamVal a, Ast_c.MetaParamVal b -> Lib_parsing_c.al_param a =*= Lib_parsing_c.al_param b | Ast_c.MetaParamListVal a, Ast_c.MetaParamListVal b -> Lib_parsing_c.al_params a =*= Lib_parsing_c.al_params b | Ast_c.MetaPosVal (posa1,posa2), Ast_c.MetaPosVal (posb1,posb2) -> Ast_cocci.equal_pos posa1 posb1 && Ast_cocci.equal_pos posa2 posb2 | Ast_c.MetaPosValList l1, Ast_c.MetaPosValList l2 -> List.exists (function (fla,cea,posa1,posa2) -> List.exists (function (flb,ceb,posb1,posb2) -> fla =$= flb && cea =$= ceb && Ast_c.equal_posl posa1 posb1 && Ast_c.equal_posl posa2 posb2) l2) l1 | (B.MetaPosValList _|B.MetaListlenVal _|B.MetaPosVal _|B.MetaStmtVal _ |B.MetaDeclVal _ |B.MetaFieldVal _ |B.MetaFieldListVal _ |B.MetaTypeVal _ |B.MetaInitVal _ |B.MetaInitListVal _ |B.MetaParamListVal _|B.MetaParamVal _|B.MetaExprListVal _ |B.MetaExprVal _|B.MetaLocalFuncVal _|B.MetaFuncVal _|B.MetaIdVal _ ), _ -> raise Impossible (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* could put in ast_c.ml, next to the split/unsplit_comma *) let split_signb_baseb_ii (baseb, ii) = let iis = ii +> List.map (fun info -> (B.str_of_info info), info) in match baseb, iis with | B.Void, ["void",i1] -> None, [i1] | B.FloatType (B.CFloat),["float",i1] -> None, [i1] | B.FloatType (B.CDouble),["double",i1] -> None, [i1] | B.FloatType (B.CLongDouble),["long",i1;"double",i2] -> None,[i1;i2] | B.IntType (B.CChar), ["char",i1] -> None, [i1] | B.IntType (B.Si (sign, base)), xs -> let (signed,rest) = match (sign,xs) with (_,[]) -> None,[] | (B.Signed,(("signed",i1)::rest)) -> (Some (B.Signed,i1),rest) | (B.Signed,rest) -> (None,rest) | (B.UnSigned,(("unsigned",i1)::rest)) -> (Some (B.UnSigned,i1),rest) | (B.UnSigned,rest) -> (* is this case possible? *) (None,rest) in (* The original code only allowed explicit signed and unsigned for char, while this code allows char by itself. Not sure that needs to be checked for here. If it does, then add a special case. *) let base_res = match (base,rest) with B.CInt, ["int",i1] -> [i1] | B.CInt, [] -> [] | B.CInt, ["",i1] -> (* no type is specified at all *) (match i1.B.pinfo with B.FakeTok(_,_) -> [] | _ -> error [i1] ("unrecognized signed int: "^ (String.concat " "(List.map fst iis)))) | B.CChar2, ["char",i2] -> [i2] | B.CShort, ["short",i1] -> [i1] | B.CShort, ["short",i1;"int",i2] -> [i1;i2] | B.CLong, ["long",i1] -> [i1] | B.CLong, ["long",i1;"int",i2] -> [i1;i2] | B.CLongLong, ["long",i1;"long",i2] -> [i1;i2] | B.CLongLong, ["long",i1;"long",i2;"int",i3] -> [i1;i2;i3] | _ -> error (List.map snd iis) ("strange type1, maybe because of weird order: "^ (String.concat " " (List.map fst iis))) in (signed,base_res) | B.SizeType, ["size_t",i1] -> None, [i1] | B.SSizeType, ["ssize_t",i1] -> None, [i1] | B.PtrDiffType, ["ptrdiff_t",i1] -> None, [i1] | _ -> error (List.map snd iis) ("strange type2, maybe because of weird order: "^ (String.concat " " (List.map fst iis))) (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) let rec unsplit_icomma xs = match xs with | [] -> [] | x::y::xs -> (match A.unwrap y with | A.IComma mcode -> (x, y)::unsplit_icomma xs | _ -> failwith "wrong ast_cocci in initializer" ) | _ -> failwith ("wrong ast_cocci in initializer, should have pair " ^ "number of Icomma") let resplit_initialiser ibs iicomma = match iicomma, ibs with | [], [] -> [] | [], _ -> failwith "should have a iicomma, do you generate fakeInfo in parser?" | iicommas, [] -> error iicommas "shouldn't have a iicomma" | [iicomma], x::xs -> let elems = List.map fst (x::xs) in let commas = List.map snd (x::xs) +> List.flatten in let commas = commas @ [iicomma] in zip elems commas | _ -> raise Impossible let rec split_icomma xs = match xs with | [] -> [] | (x,y)::xs -> x::y::split_icomma xs let rec unsplit_initialiser ibs_unsplit = match ibs_unsplit with | [] -> [], [] (* empty iicomma *) | (x, commax)::xs -> let (xs, lastcomma) = unsplit_initialiser_bis commax xs in (x, [])::xs, lastcomma and unsplit_initialiser_bis comma_before = function | [] -> [], [comma_before] | (x, commax)::xs -> let (xs, lastcomma) = unsplit_initialiser_bis commax xs in (x, [comma_before])::xs, lastcomma (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* coupling: same in type_annotater_c.ml *) let structdef_to_struct_name ty = match ty with | qu, (B.StructUnion (su, sopt, fields), iis) -> (match sopt,iis with | Some s , [i1;i2;i3;i4] -> qu, (B.StructUnionName (su, s), [i1;i2]) | None, _ -> ty | x -> raise Impossible ) | _ -> raise Impossible (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) let one_initialisation_to_affectation x = let ({B.v_namei = var; B.v_type = returnType; B.v_type_bis = tybis; B.v_storage = storage; B.v_local = local}, iisep) = x in match var with | Some (name, iniopt) -> (match iniopt with | B.ValInit (iini, (B.InitExpr e, ii_empty2)) -> let local = match local with Ast_c.NotLocalDecl -> Ast_c.NotLocalVar | Ast_c.LocalDecl -> (match Ast_c.info_of_type returnType with None -> failwith "no returnType info" | Some ii -> Ast_c.LocalVar ii) in let typexp = (* old: Lib_parsing_c.al_type returnType * but this type has not the typename completed so * instead try to use tybis *) match !tybis with | Some ty_with_typename_completed -> ty_with_typename_completed | None -> raise Impossible in let typ = ref (Some (typexp,local), Ast_c.NotTest) in let ident = name in let idexpr = Ast_c.mk_e_bis (B.Ident ident) typ Ast_c.noii in let assign = Ast_c.mk_e (B.Assignment (idexpr,B.SimpleAssign, e)) [iini] in Some assign | _ -> None) | _ -> None let initialisation_to_affectation decl = match decl with | B.MacroDecl _ -> F.Decl decl | B.MacroDeclInit _ -> F.Decl decl (* not sure... *) | B.DeclList (xs, iis) -> (* todo?: should not do that if the variable is an array cos * will have x[] = , mais de toute facon ca sera pas un InitExp *) let possible_assignment = List.fold_left (function prev -> function x -> match prev,one_initialisation_to_affectation x with _,None -> prev | None,Some x -> Some x | Some prev,Some x -> (* [] is clearly an invalid ii value for a sequence. hope that no one looks at it, since nothing will match the sequence. Fortunately, SmPL doesn't support , expressions. *) Some (Ast_c.mk_e (Ast_c.Sequence (prev, x)) [])) None xs in match possible_assignment with Some x -> F.DefineExpr x | None -> F.Decl decl (*****************************************************************************) (* Functor parameter combinators *) (*****************************************************************************) (* monad like stuff * src: papers on parser combinators in haskell (cf a pearl by meijer in ICFP) * * version0: was not tagging the SP, so just tag the C * val (>>=): * (tin -> 'c tout) -> ('c -> (tin -> 'b tout)) -> (tin -> 'b tout) * val return : 'b -> tin -> 'b tout * val fail : tin -> 'b tout * * version1: now also tag the SP so return a ('a * 'b) *) type mode = PatternMode | TransformMode module type PARAM = sig type tin type 'x tout type ('a, 'b) matcher = 'a -> 'b -> tin -> ('a * 'b) tout val mode : mode val (>>=): (tin -> ('a * 'b) tout) -> ('a -> 'b -> (tin -> ('c * 'd) tout)) -> (tin -> ('c * 'd) tout) val return : ('a * 'b) -> tin -> ('a *'b) tout val fail : tin -> ('a * 'b) tout val (>||>) : (tin -> 'x tout) -> (tin -> 'x tout) -> (tin -> 'x tout) val (>|+|>) : (tin -> 'x tout) -> (tin -> 'x tout) -> (tin -> 'x tout) val (>&&>) : (tin -> bool) -> (tin -> 'x tout) -> (tin -> 'x tout) val tokenf : ('a A.mcode, B.info) matcher val tokenf_mck : (A.mcodekind, B.info) matcher val distrf_e : (A.meta_name A.mcode, B.expression) matcher val distrf_args : (A.meta_name A.mcode, (Ast_c.argument, Ast_c.il) either list) matcher val distrf_type : (A.meta_name A.mcode, Ast_c.fullType) matcher val distrf_params : (A.meta_name A.mcode, (Ast_c.parameterType, Ast_c.il) either list) matcher val distrf_param : (A.meta_name A.mcode, Ast_c.parameterType) matcher val distrf_ini : (A.meta_name A.mcode, Ast_c.initialiser) matcher val distrf_inis : (A.meta_name A.mcode, (Ast_c.initialiser, Ast_c.il) either list) matcher val distrf_decl : (A.meta_name A.mcode, Ast_c.declaration) matcher val distrf_field : (A.meta_name A.mcode, Ast_c.field) matcher val distrf_node : (A.meta_name A.mcode, Control_flow_c.node) matcher val distrf_define_params : (A.meta_name A.mcode, (string Ast_c.wrap, Ast_c.il) either list) matcher val distrf_enum_fields : (A.meta_name A.mcode, (B.oneEnumType, B.il) either list) matcher val distrf_struct_fields : (A.meta_name A.mcode, B.field list) matcher val distrf_cst : (A.meta_name A.mcode, (B.constant, string) either B.wrap) matcher val cocciExp : (A.expression, B.expression) matcher -> (A.expression, F.node) matcher val cocciExpExp : (A.expression, B.expression) matcher -> (A.expression, B.expression) matcher val cocciTy : (A.fullType, B.fullType) matcher -> (A.fullType, F.node) matcher val cocciInit : (A.initialiser, B.initialiser) matcher -> (A.initialiser, F.node) matcher val envf : A.keep_binding -> A.inherited -> A.meta_name A.mcode * Ast_c.metavar_binding_kind * (unit -> Common.filename * string * Ast_c.posl * Ast_c.posl) -> (unit -> tin -> 'x tout) -> (tin -> 'x tout) val check_idconstraint : ('a -> 'b -> bool) -> 'a -> 'b -> (unit -> tin -> 'x tout) -> (tin -> 'x tout) val check_constraints_ne : ('a, 'b) matcher -> 'a list -> 'b -> (unit -> tin -> 'x tout) -> (tin -> 'x tout) val all_bound : A.meta_name list -> (tin -> bool) val optional_storage_flag : (bool -> tin -> 'x tout) -> (tin -> 'x tout) val optional_qualifier_flag : (bool -> tin -> 'x tout) -> (tin -> 'x tout) val value_format_flag : (bool -> tin -> 'x tout) -> (tin -> 'x tout) val optional_declarer_semicolon_flag : (bool -> tin -> 'x tout) -> (tin -> 'x tout) end (*****************************************************************************) (* Functor code, "Cocci vs C" *) (*****************************************************************************) module COCCI_VS_C = functor (X : PARAM) -> struct type ('a, 'b) matcher = 'a -> 'b -> X.tin -> ('a * 'b) X.tout let (>>=) = X.(>>=) let return = X.return let fail = X.fail let (>||>) = X.(>||>) let (>|+|>) = X.(>|+|>) let (>&&>) = X.(>&&>) let tokenf = X.tokenf (* should be raise Impossible when called from transformation.ml *) let fail2 () = match X.mode with | PatternMode -> fail | TransformMode -> raise Impossible let (option: ('a,'b) matcher -> ('a option,'b option) matcher)= fun f t1 t2 -> match (t1,t2) with | (Some t1, Some t2) -> f t1 t2 >>= (fun t1 t2 -> return (Some t1, Some t2) ) | (None, None) -> return (None, None) | _ -> fail (* Dots are sometimes used as metavariables, since like metavariables they can match other things. But they no longer have the same type. Perhaps these functions could be avoided by introducing an appropriate level of polymorphism, but I don't know how to declare polymorphism across functors *) let dots2metavar (_,info,mcodekind,pos) = (("","..."),info,mcodekind,pos) let metavar2dots (_,info,mcodekind,pos) = ("...",info,mcodekind,pos) let metavar2ndots (_,info,mcodekind,pos) = ("<+...",info,mcodekind,pos) let satisfies_regexpconstraint c id : bool = match c with A.IdRegExp (_,recompiled) -> Regexp.string_match recompiled id | A.IdNotRegExp (_,recompiled) -> not (Regexp.string_match recompiled id) let satisfies_iconstraint c id : bool = not (List.mem id c) let satisfies_econstraint c exp : bool = let warning s = pr2_once ("WARNING: "^s); false in match Ast_c.unwrap_expr exp with Ast_c.Ident (name) -> (match name with Ast_c.RegularName rname -> satisfies_regexpconstraint c (Ast_c.unwrap_st rname) | Ast_c.CppConcatenatedName _ -> warning "Unable to apply a constraint on a CppConcatenatedName identifier!" | Ast_c.CppVariadicName _ -> warning "Unable to apply a constraint on a CppVariadicName identifier!" | Ast_c.CppIdentBuilder _ -> warning "Unable to apply a constraint on a CppIdentBuilder identifier!") | Ast_c.Constant cst -> (match cst with | Ast_c.String (str, _) -> satisfies_regexpconstraint c str | Ast_c.MultiString strlist -> warning "Unable to apply a constraint on a multistring constant!" | Ast_c.Char (char , _) -> satisfies_regexpconstraint c char | Ast_c.Int (int , _) -> satisfies_regexpconstraint c int | Ast_c.Float (float, _) -> satisfies_regexpconstraint c float) | _ -> warning "Unable to apply a constraint on an expression!" (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* This has to be up here to allow adequate polymorphism *) let list_matcher match_dots rebuild_dots match_comma rebuild_comma match_metalist rebuild_metalist mktermval special_cases element distrf get_iis = fun eas ebs -> let rec loop = function [], [] -> return ([], []) | [], eb::ebs -> fail | ea::eas, ebs -> X.all_bound (A.get_inherited ea) >&&> let try_matches = (match match_dots ea, ebs with Some (mcode, optexpr), ys -> (* todo: if optexpr, then a WHEN and so may have to filter yys *) if optexpr <> None then failwith "not handling when in a list"; (* '...' can take more or less the beginnings of the arguments *) let startendxs = (* if eas is empty there is only one possible match. the same if eas is just a comma *) match eas with [] -> [(ys,[])] | [c] when not(ys=[]) && (match match_comma c with Some _ -> true | None -> false) -> let r = List.rev ys in [(List.rev(List.tl r),[List.hd r])] | _ -> Common.zip (Common.inits ys) (Common.tails ys) in Some (startendxs +> List.fold_left (fun acc (startxs, endxs) -> acc >||> ( (* allow '...', and maybe its associated ',' to match nothing. * for the associated ',' see below how we handle the EComma * to match nothing. *) (if null startxs then if mcode_contain_plus (mcodekind mcode) then fail (*failwith "I have no token that I could accroche myself on"*) else return (dots2metavar mcode, []) else (* subtil: we dont want the '...' to match until the * comma. cf -test pb_params_iso. We would get at * "already tagged" error. * this is because both f (... x, ...) and f (..., x, ...) * would match a f(x,3) with our "optional-comma" strategy. *) (match Common.last startxs with | Right _ -> fail | Left _ -> distrf (dots2metavar mcode) startxs)) >>= (fun mcode startxs -> let mcode = metavar2dots mcode in loop (eas, endxs) >>= (fun eas endxs -> return ( (rebuild_dots (mcode, optexpr) +> A.rewrap ea) ::eas, startxs ++ endxs ))) ) ) fail) | None,_ -> None) +++ (match match_comma ea, ebs with | Some ia1, Right ii::ebs -> Some (let ib1 = tuple_of_list1 ii in tokenf ia1 ib1 >>= (fun ia1 ib1 -> loop (eas, ebs) >>= (fun eas ebs -> return ( (rebuild_comma ia1 +> A.rewrap ea)::eas, (Right [ib1])::ebs ) ))) | Some ia1, ebs -> (* allow ',' to maching nothing. optional comma trick *) Some (if mcode_contain_plus (mcodekind ia1) then fail else loop (eas, ebs)) | None,_ -> None) +++ (match match_metalist ea, ebs with Some (ida,leninfo,keep,inherited), ys -> let startendxs = Common.zip (Common.inits ys) (Common.tails ys) in Some (startendxs +> List.fold_left (fun acc (startxs, endxs) -> acc >||> ( let ok = if null startxs then if mcode_contain_plus (mcodekind ida) then false (* failwith "no token that I could accroche myself on" *) else true else (match Common.last startxs with | Right _ -> false | Left _ -> true) in if not ok then fail else let startxs' = Ast_c.unsplit_comma startxs in let len = List.length startxs' in (match leninfo with | A.MetaListLen (lenname,lenkeep,leninherited) -> let max_min _ = failwith "no pos" in X.envf lenkeep leninherited (lenname, Ast_c.MetaListlenVal (len), max_min) | A.CstListLen n -> if len = n then (function f -> f()) else (function f -> fail) | A.AnyListLen -> function f -> f()) (fun () -> let max_min _ = Lib_parsing_c.lin_col_by_pos (get_iis startxs) in X.envf keep inherited (ida, mktermval startxs', max_min) (fun () -> if null startxs then return (ida, []) else distrf ida (Ast_c.split_comma startxs')) >>= (fun ida startxs -> loop (eas, endxs) >>= (fun eas endxs -> return ( (rebuild_metalist(ida,leninfo,keep,inherited)) +> A.rewrap ea::eas, startxs ++ endxs )) ) ) )) fail) | None,_ -> None) +++ special_cases ea eas ebs in match try_matches with Some res -> res | None -> (match ebs with | (Left eb)::ebs -> element ea eb >>= (fun ea eb -> loop (eas, ebs) >>= (fun eas ebs -> return (ea::eas, Left eb::ebs))) | (Right y)::ys -> raise Impossible | [] -> fail) in loop (eas,ebs) (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* toc: * - expression * - ident * - arguments * - parameters * - declaration * - initialisers * - type * - node *) (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) let rec (expression: (A.expression, Ast_c.expression) matcher) = fun ea eb -> if A.get_test_exp ea && not (Ast_c.is_test eb) then fail else X.all_bound (A.get_inherited ea) >&&> let wa x = A.rewrap ea x in match A.unwrap ea, eb with (* general case: a MetaExpr can match everything *) | A.MetaExpr (ida,constraints,keep,opttypa,form,inherited), (((expr, opttypb), ii) as expb) -> (* old: before have a MetaConst. Now we factorize and use 'form' to * differentiate between different cases *) let rec matches_id = function B.Ident(name) -> true | B.Cast(ty,e) -> matches_id (B.unwrap_expr e) | _ -> false in let form_ok = match (form,expr) with (A.ANY,_) -> true | (A.CONST,e) -> let rec matches = function B.Constant(c) -> true | B.Ident (nameidb) -> let s = Ast_c.str_of_name nameidb in if s =~ "^[A-Z_][A-Z_0-9]*$" then begin pr2_once ("warning: " ^ s ^ " treated as a constant"); true end else false | B.Cast(ty,e) -> matches (B.unwrap_expr e) | B.Unary(e,B.UnMinus) -> matches (B.unwrap_expr e) | B.SizeOfExpr(exp) -> true | B.SizeOfType(ty) -> true | _ -> false in matches e | (A.LocalID,e) -> (matches_id e) && (match !opttypb with (Some (_,Ast_c.LocalVar _),_) -> true | _ -> false) | (A.ID,e) -> matches_id e in if form_ok then (let (opttypb,_testb) = !opttypb in match opttypa, opttypb with | None, _ -> return ((),()) | Some _, None -> pr2_once ("Missing type information. Certainly a pb in " ^ "annotate_typer.ml"); fail | Some tas, Some tb -> tas +> List.fold_left (fun acc ta -> acc >|+|> compatible_type ta tb) fail ) >>= (fun () () -> let meta_expr_val l x = Ast_c.MetaExprVal(x,l) in match constraints with Ast_cocci.NoConstraint -> return (meta_expr_val [],()) | Ast_cocci.NotIdCstrt cstrt -> X.check_idconstraint satisfies_econstraint cstrt eb (fun () -> return (meta_expr_val [],())) | Ast_cocci.NotExpCstrt cstrts -> X.check_constraints_ne expression cstrts eb (fun () -> return (meta_expr_val [],())) | Ast_cocci.SubExpCstrt cstrts -> return (meta_expr_val cstrts,())) >>= (fun wrapper () -> let max_min _ = Lib_parsing_c.lin_col_by_pos (Lib_parsing_c.ii_of_expr expb) in X.envf keep inherited (ida, wrapper expb, max_min) (fun () -> X.distrf_e ida expb >>= (fun ida expb -> return ( A.MetaExpr (ida,constraints,keep,opttypa,form,inherited)+> A.rewrap ea, expb )) )) else fail (* old: * | A.MetaExpr(ida,false,opttypa,_inherited), expb -> * D.distribute_mck (mcodekind ida) D.distribute_mck_e expb binding * * but bug! because if have not tagged SP, then transform without doing * any checks. Hopefully now have tagged SP technique. *) | A.AsExpr(exp,asexp), expb -> expression exp expb >>= (fun exp expb -> expression asexp expb >>= (fun asexp expb -> return( ((A.AsExpr(exp,asexp)) +> wa, expb)))) (* old: * | A.Edots _, _ -> raise Impossible. * * In fact now can also have the Edots inside normal expression, not * just in arg lists. in 'x[...];' less: in if(<... x ... y ...>) *) | A.Edots (mcode, None), expb -> X.distrf_e (dots2metavar mcode) expb >>= (fun mcode expb -> return ( A.Edots (metavar2dots mcode, None) +> A.rewrap ea , expb )) | A.Edots (_, Some expr), _ -> failwith "not handling when on Edots" | A.Ident ida, ((B.Ident (nameidb), typ),noii) -> assert (null noii); ident_cpp DontKnow ida nameidb >>= (fun ida nameidb -> return ( ((A.Ident ida)) +> wa, ((B.Ident (nameidb), typ),Ast_c.noii) )) | A.MetaErr _, _ -> failwith "not handling MetaErr" (* todo?: handle some isomorphisms in int/float ? can have different * format : 1l can match a 1. * * todo: normally string can contain some metavar too, so should * recurse on the string *) | A.Constant (ia1), ((B.Constant (ib) , typ),ii) -> (* for everything except the String case where can have multi elems *) let do1 () = let ib1 = tuple_of_list1 ii in tokenf ia1 ib1 >>= (fun ia1 ib1 -> return ( ((A.Constant ia1)) +> wa, ((B.Constant (ib), typ),[ib1]) )) in (match term ia1, ib with | A.Int x, B.Int (y,_) -> X.value_format_flag (fun use_value_equivalence -> if use_value_equivalence then if equal_c_int x y then do1() else fail else if x =$= y then do1() else fail ) | A.Char x, B.Char (y,_) when x =$= y (* todo: use kind ? *) -> do1() | A.Float x, B.Float (y,_) when x =$= y (* todo: use floatType ? *) -> do1() | A.String sa, B.String (sb,_kind) when sa =$= sb -> (match ii with | [ib1] -> tokenf ia1 ib1 >>= (fun ia1 ib1 -> return ( ((A.Constant ia1)) +> wa, ((B.Constant (ib), typ),[ib1]) )) | _ -> fail (* multi string, not handled *) ) | _, B.MultiString _ -> (* todo cocci? *) fail | _, (B.String _ | B.Float _ | B.Char _ | B.Int _) -> fail ) | A.FunCall (ea, ia1, eas, ia2), ((B.FunCall (eb, ebs), typ),ii) -> (* todo: do special case to allow IdMetaFunc, cos doing the * recursive call will be too late, match_ident will not have the * info whether it was a function. todo: but how detect when do * x.field = f; how know that f is a Func ? By having computed * some information before the matching! * * Allow match with FunCall containing types. Now ast_cocci allow * type in parameter, and morover ast_cocci allow f(...) and those * ... could match type. *) let (ib1, ib2) = tuple_of_list2 ii in expression ea eb >>= (fun ea eb -> tokenf ia1 ib1 >>= (fun ia1 ib1 -> tokenf ia2 ib2 >>= (fun ia2 ib2 -> arguments (seqstyle eas) (A.undots eas) ebs >>= (fun easundots ebs -> let eas = redots eas easundots in return ( ((A.FunCall (ea, ia1, eas, ia2)) +> wa, ((B.FunCall (eb, ebs),typ), [ib1;ib2]) )))))) | A.Assignment (ea1, opa, ea2, simple), ((B.Assignment (eb1, opb, eb2), typ),ii) -> let (opbi) = tuple_of_list1 ii in if equal_assignOp (term opa) opb then expression ea1 eb1 >>= (fun ea1 eb1 -> expression ea2 eb2 >>= (fun ea2 eb2 -> tokenf opa opbi >>= (fun opa opbi -> return ( (A.Assignment (ea1, opa, ea2, simple)) +> wa, ((B.Assignment (eb1, opb, eb2), typ), [opbi]) )))) else fail | A.Sequence (ea1, opa, ea2), ((B.Sequence (eb1, eb2), typ),ii) -> let (opbi) = tuple_of_list1 ii in expression ea1 eb1 >>= (fun ea1 eb1 -> expression ea2 eb2 >>= (fun ea2 eb2 -> tokenf opa opbi >>= (fun opa opbi -> return ( (A.Sequence (ea1, opa, ea2)) +> wa, ((B.Sequence (eb1, eb2), typ), [opbi]) )))) | A.CondExpr(ea1,ia1,ea2opt,ia2,ea3),((B.CondExpr(eb1,eb2opt,eb3),typ),ii) -> let (ib1, ib2) = tuple_of_list2 ii in expression ea1 eb1 >>= (fun ea1 eb1 -> option expression ea2opt eb2opt >>= (fun ea2opt eb2opt -> expression ea3 eb3 >>= (fun ea3 eb3 -> tokenf ia1 ib1 >>= (fun ia1 ib1 -> tokenf ia2 ib2 >>= (fun ia2 ib2 -> return ( ((A.CondExpr(ea1,ia1,ea2opt,ia2,ea3))) +> wa, ((B.CondExpr (eb1, eb2opt, eb3),typ), [ib1;ib2]) )))))) (* todo?: handle some isomorphisms here ? *) | A.Postfix (ea, opa), ((B.Postfix (eb, opb), typ),ii) -> let opbi = tuple_of_list1 ii in if equal_fixOp (term opa) opb then expression ea eb >>= (fun ea eb -> tokenf opa opbi >>= (fun opa opbi -> return ( ((A.Postfix (ea, opa))) +> wa, ((B.Postfix (eb, opb), typ),[opbi]) ))) else fail | A.Infix (ea, opa), ((B.Infix (eb, opb), typ),ii) -> let opbi = tuple_of_list1 ii in if equal_fixOp (term opa) opb then expression ea eb >>= (fun ea eb -> tokenf opa opbi >>= (fun opa opbi -> return ( ((A.Infix (ea, opa))) +> wa, ((B.Infix (eb, opb), typ),[opbi]) ))) else fail | A.Unary (ea, opa), ((B.Unary (eb, opb), typ),ii) -> let opbi = tuple_of_list1 ii in if equal_unaryOp (term opa) opb then expression ea eb >>= (fun ea eb -> tokenf opa opbi >>= (fun opa opbi -> return ( ((A.Unary (ea, opa))) +> wa, ((B.Unary (eb, opb), typ),[opbi]) ))) else fail | A.Binary (ea1, opa, ea2), ((B.Binary (eb1, opb, eb2), typ),ii) -> let opbi = tuple_of_list1 ii in if equal_binaryOp (term opa) opb then expression ea1 eb1 >>= (fun ea1 eb1 -> expression ea2 eb2 >>= (fun ea2 eb2 -> tokenf opa opbi >>= (fun opa opbi -> return ( ((A.Binary (ea1, opa, ea2))) +> wa, ((B.Binary (eb1, opb, eb2), typ),[opbi] ))))) else fail | A.Nested (ea1, opa, ea2), eb -> let rec loop eb = expression ea1 eb >|+|> (match eb with ((B.Binary (eb1, opb, eb2), typ),ii) when equal_binaryOp (term opa) opb -> let opbi = tuple_of_list1 ii in let left_to_right = (expression ea1 eb1 >>= (fun ea1 eb1 -> expression ea2 eb2 >>= (fun ea2 eb2 -> tokenf opa opbi >>= (fun opa opbi -> return ( ((A.Nested (ea1, opa, ea2))) +> wa, ((B.Binary (eb1, opb, eb2), typ),[opbi] )))))) in let right_to_left = (expression ea2 eb1 >>= (fun ea2 eb1 -> expression ea1 eb2 >>= (fun ea1 eb2 -> tokenf opa opbi >>= (fun opa opbi -> return ( ((A.Nested (ea1, opa, ea2))) +> wa, ((B.Binary (eb1, opb, eb2), typ),[opbi] )))))) in let in_left = (expression ea2 eb2 >>= (fun ea2 eb2 -> tokenf opa opbi >>= (fun opa opbi -> (* be last, to be sure the rest is marked *) loop eb1 >>= (fun ea1 eb1 -> return ( ((A.Nested (ea1, opa, ea2))) +> wa, ((B.Binary (eb1, opb, eb2), typ),[opbi] )))))) in let in_right = (expression ea2 eb1 >>= (fun ea2 eb1 -> tokenf opa opbi >>= (fun opa opbi -> (* be last, to be sure the rest is marked *) loop eb2 >>= (fun ea1 eb2 -> return ( ((A.Nested (ea1, opa, ea2))) +> wa, ((B.Binary (eb1, opb, eb2), typ),[opbi] )))))) in left_to_right >|+|> right_to_left >|+|> in_left >|+|> in_right | _ -> fail) in loop eb (* todo?: handle some isomorphisms here ? (with pointers = Unary Deref) *) | A.ArrayAccess (ea1, ia1, ea2, ia2),((B.ArrayAccess (eb1, eb2), typ),ii) -> let (ib1, ib2) = tuple_of_list2 ii in expression ea1 eb1 >>= (fun ea1 eb1 -> expression ea2 eb2 >>= (fun ea2 eb2 -> tokenf ia1 ib1 >>= (fun ia1 ib1 -> tokenf ia2 ib2 >>= (fun ia2 ib2 -> return ( ((A.ArrayAccess (ea1, ia1, ea2, ia2))) +> wa, ((B.ArrayAccess (eb1, eb2),typ), [ib1;ib2]) ))))) (* todo?: handle some isomorphisms here ? *) | A.RecordAccess (ea, ia1, ida), ((B.RecordAccess (eb, idb), typ),ii) -> let (ib1) = tuple_of_list1 ii in ident_cpp DontKnow ida idb >>= (fun ida idb -> tokenf ia1 ib1 >>= (fun ia1 ib1 -> expression ea eb >>= (fun ea eb -> return ( ((A.RecordAccess (ea, ia1, ida))) +> wa, ((B.RecordAccess (eb, idb), typ), [ib1]) )))) | A.RecordPtAccess (ea,ia1,ida),((B.RecordPtAccess (eb, idb), typ), ii) -> let (ib1) = tuple_of_list1 ii in ident_cpp DontKnow ida idb >>= (fun ida idb -> tokenf ia1 ib1 >>= (fun ia1 ib1 -> expression ea eb >>= (fun ea eb -> return ( ((A.RecordPtAccess (ea, ia1, ida))) +> wa, ((B.RecordPtAccess (eb, idb), typ), [ib1]) )))) (* todo?: handle some isomorphisms here ? * todo?: do some iso-by-absence on cast ? * by trying | ea, B.Case (typb, eb) -> match_e_e ea eb ? *) | A.Cast (ia1, typa, ia2, ea), ((B.Cast (typb, eb), typ),ii) -> let (ib1, ib2) = tuple_of_list2 ii in fullType typa typb >>= (fun typa typb -> expression ea eb >>= (fun ea eb -> tokenf ia1 ib1 >>= (fun ia1 ib1 -> tokenf ia2 ib2 >>= (fun ia2 ib2 -> return ( ((A.Cast (ia1, typa, ia2, ea))) +> wa, ((B.Cast (typb, eb),typ),[ib1;ib2]) ))))) | A.SizeOfExpr (ia1, ea), ((B.SizeOfExpr (eb), typ),ii) -> let ib1 = tuple_of_list1 ii in expression ea eb >>= (fun ea eb -> tokenf ia1 ib1 >>= (fun ia1 ib1 -> return ( ((A.SizeOfExpr (ia1, ea))) +> wa, ((B.SizeOfExpr (eb), typ),[ib1]) ))) | A.SizeOfType (ia1, ia2, typa, ia3), ((B.SizeOfType typb, typ),ii) -> let (ib1,ib2,ib3) = tuple_of_list3 ii in fullType typa typb >>= (fun typa typb -> tokenf ia1 ib1 >>= (fun ia1 ib1 -> tokenf ia2 ib2 >>= (fun ia2 ib2 -> tokenf ia3 ib3 >>= (fun ia3 ib3 -> return ( ((A.SizeOfType (ia1, ia2, typa, ia3))) +> wa, ((B.SizeOfType (typb),typ),[ib1;ib2;ib3]) ))))) (* todo? iso ? allow all the combinations ? *) | A.Paren (ia1, ea, ia2), ((B.ParenExpr (eb), typ),ii) -> let (ib1, ib2) = tuple_of_list2 ii in expression ea eb >>= (fun ea eb -> tokenf ia1 ib1 >>= (fun ia1 ib1 -> tokenf ia2 ib2 >>= (fun ia2 ib2 -> return ( ((A.Paren (ia1, ea, ia2))) +> wa, ((B.ParenExpr (eb), typ), [ib1;ib2]) )))) | A.NestExpr(starter,exps,ender,None,true), eb -> (match A.unwrap exps with A.DOTS [exp] -> X.cocciExpExp expression exp eb >>= (fun exp eb -> X.distrf_e (dots2metavar starter) eb >>= (fun mcode eb -> return ( (A.NestExpr (metavar2ndots mcode, A.rewrap exps (A.DOTS [exp]),ender,None,true)) +> wa, eb ) )) | _ -> failwith "for nestexpr, only handling the case with dots and only one exp") | A.NestExpr _, _ -> failwith "only handling multi and no when code in a nest expr" (* only in arg lists or in define body *) | A.TypeExp _, _ -> fail | A.Constructor (ia1, typa, ia2, ia), ((B.Constructor (typb, ib), typ),ii) -> let (ib1, ib2) = tuple_of_list2 ii in fullType typa typb >>= (fun typa typb -> initialiser ia ib >>= (fun ia ib -> tokenf ia1 ib1 >>= (fun ia1 ib1 -> tokenf ia2 ib2 >>= (fun ia2 ib2 -> return ( ((A.Constructor (ia1, typa, ia2, ia))) +> wa, ((B.Constructor (typb, ib),typ),[ib1;ib2]) ))))) (* only in arg lists *) | A.MetaExprList _, _ | A.EComma _, _ | A.Ecircles _, _ | A.Estars _, _ -> raise Impossible | A.DisjExpr eas, eb -> eas +> List.fold_left (fun acc ea -> acc >|+|> (expression ea eb)) fail | A.UniqueExp _,_ | A.OptExp _,_ -> failwith "not handling Opt/Unique/Multi on expr" (* Because of Exp cant put a raise Impossible; have to put a fail *) (* have not a counter part in coccinelle, for the moment *) | _, ((B.Sequence _,_),_) | _, ((B.StatementExpr _,_),_) | _, ((B.New _,_),_) | _, ((B.Delete _,_),_) -> fail | _, (((B.Cast (_, _)|B.ParenExpr _|B.SizeOfType _|B.SizeOfExpr _| B.Constructor (_, _)| B.RecordPtAccess (_, _)| B.RecordAccess (_, _)|B.ArrayAccess (_, _)| B.Binary (_, _, _)|B.Unary (_, _)| B.Infix (_, _)|B.Postfix (_, _)| B.Assignment (_, _, _)|B.CondExpr (_, _, _)| B.FunCall (_, _)|B.Constant _|B.Ident _), _),_) -> fail (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) and (ident_cpp: info_ident -> (A.ident, B.name) matcher) = fun infoidb ida idb -> match idb with | B.RegularName (s, iis) -> let iis = tuple_of_list1 iis in ident infoidb ida (s, iis) >>= (fun ida (s,iis) -> return ( ida, (B.RegularName (s, [iis])) )) | B.CppConcatenatedName _ | B.CppVariadicName _ |B.CppIdentBuilder _ -> (* This should be moved to the Id case of ident. Metavariables should be allowed to be bound to such variables. But doing so would require implementing an appropriate distr function *) fail and (ident: info_ident -> (A.ident, string * Ast_c.info) matcher) = fun infoidb ida ((idb, iib) as ib) -> (* (idb, iib) as ib *) let check_constraints constraints idb = let meta_id_val l x = Ast_c.MetaIdVal(x,l) in match constraints with A.IdNoConstraint -> return (meta_id_val [],()) | A.IdNegIdSet (str,meta) -> X.check_idconstraint satisfies_iconstraint str idb (fun () -> return (meta_id_val meta,())) | A.IdRegExpConstraint re -> X.check_idconstraint satisfies_regexpconstraint re idb (fun () -> return (meta_id_val [],())) in X.all_bound (A.get_inherited ida) >&&> match A.unwrap ida with | A.Id sa -> if (term sa) =$= idb then tokenf sa iib >>= (fun sa iib -> return ( ((A.Id sa)) +> A.rewrap ida, (idb, iib) )) else fail | A.MetaId(mida,constraints,keep,inherited) -> check_constraints constraints idb >>= (fun wrapper () -> let max_min _ = Lib_parsing_c.lin_col_by_pos [iib] in (* use drop_pos for ids so that the pos is not added a second time in the call to tokenf *) X.envf keep inherited (A.drop_pos mida, wrapper idb, max_min) (fun () -> tokenf mida iib >>= (fun mida iib -> return ( ((A.MetaId (mida, constraints, keep, inherited)) +> A.rewrap ida, (idb, iib) ))) )) | A.MetaFunc(mida,constraints,keep,inherited) -> let is_function _ = check_constraints constraints idb >>= (fun wrapper () -> let max_min _ = Lib_parsing_c.lin_col_by_pos [iib] in X.envf keep inherited (A.drop_pos mida,Ast_c.MetaFuncVal idb,max_min) (fun () -> tokenf mida iib >>= (fun mida iib -> return ( ((A.MetaFunc(mida,constraints,keep,inherited)))+>A.rewrap ida, (idb, iib) )) )) in (match infoidb with | LocalFunction | Function -> is_function() | DontKnow -> failwith "MetaFunc, need more semantic info about id" (* the following implementation could possibly be useful, if one follows the convention that a macro is always in capital letters and that a macro is not a function. (if idb =~ "^[A-Z_][A-Z_0-9]*$" then fail else is_function())*) ) | A.MetaLocalFunc(mida,constraints,keep,inherited) -> (match infoidb with | LocalFunction -> check_constraints constraints idb >>= (fun wrapper () -> let max_min _ = Lib_parsing_c.lin_col_by_pos [iib] in X.envf keep inherited (A.drop_pos mida,Ast_c.MetaLocalFuncVal idb, max_min) (fun () -> tokenf mida iib >>= (fun mida iib -> return ( ((A.MetaLocalFunc(mida,constraints,keep,inherited))) +> A.rewrap ida, (idb, iib) )) )) | Function -> fail | DontKnow -> failwith "MetaLocalFunc, need more semantic info about id" ) | A.AsIdent(id,asid) -> ident infoidb id ib >>= (fun id ib -> ident infoidb asid ib >>= (fun asid ib -> return( ((A.AsIdent(id,asid)) +> A.rewrap ida, ib)))) (* not clear why disj things are needed, after disjdistr? *) | A.DisjId ias -> ias +> List.fold_left (fun acc ia -> acc >|+|> (ident infoidb ia ib)) fail | A.OptIdent _ | A.UniqueIdent _ -> failwith "not handling Opt/Unique for ident" (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) and (arguments: sequence -> (A.expression list, Ast_c.argument Ast_c.wrap2 list) matcher) = fun seqstyle eas ebs -> match seqstyle with | Unordered -> failwith "not handling ooo" | Ordered -> arguments_bis eas (Ast_c.split_comma ebs) >>= (fun eas ebs_splitted -> return (eas, (Ast_c.unsplit_comma ebs_splitted)) ) (* because '...' can match nothing, need to take care when have * ', ...' or '...,' as in f(..., X, Y, ...). It must match * f(1,2) for instance. * So I have added special cases such as (if startxs = []) and code * in the Ecomma matching rule. * * old: Must do some try, for instance when f(...,X,Y,...) have to * test the transfo for all the combinations and if multiple transfo * possible ? pb ? => the type is to return a expression option ? use * some combinators to help ? * update: with the tag-SP approach, no more a problem. *) and arguments_bis = fun eas ebs -> let match_dots ea = match A.unwrap ea with A.Edots(mcode, optexpr) -> Some (mcode, optexpr) | _ -> None in let build_dots (mcode, optexpr) = A.Edots(mcode, optexpr) in let match_comma ea = match A.unwrap ea with A.EComma ia1 -> Some ia1 | _ -> None in let build_comma ia1 = A.EComma ia1 in let match_metalist ea = match A.unwrap ea with A.MetaExprList(ida,leninfo,keep,inherited) -> Some(ida,leninfo,keep,inherited) | _ -> None in let build_metalist (ida,leninfo,keep,inherited) = A.MetaExprList(ida,leninfo,keep,inherited) in let mktermval v = Ast_c.MetaExprListVal v in let special_cases ea eas ebs = None in list_matcher match_dots build_dots match_comma build_comma match_metalist build_metalist mktermval special_cases argument X.distrf_args Lib_parsing_c.ii_of_args eas ebs and argument arga argb = X.all_bound (A.get_inherited arga) >&&> match A.unwrap arga, argb with | A.TypeExp tya, Right (B.ArgType {B.p_register=b,iib; p_namei=sopt;p_type=tyb}) -> if b || sopt <> None then (* failwith "the argument have a storage and ast_cocci does not have"*) fail else (* b = false and sopt = None *) fullType tya tyb >>= (fun tya tyb -> return ( (A.TypeExp tya) +> A.rewrap arga, (Right (B.ArgType {B.p_register=(b,iib); p_namei=sopt; p_type=tyb;})) )) | A.TypeExp tya, _ -> fail | _, Right (B.ArgType _) -> fail | _, Left argb -> expression arga argb >>= (fun arga argb -> return (arga, Left argb) ) | _, Right (B.ArgAction y) -> fail (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* todo? facto code with argument ? *) and (parameters: sequence -> (A.parameterTypeDef list, Ast_c.parameterType Ast_c.wrap2 list) matcher) = fun seqstyle eas ebs -> match seqstyle with | Unordered -> failwith "not handling ooo" | Ordered -> parameters_bis eas (Ast_c.split_comma ebs) >>= (fun eas ebs_splitted -> return (eas, (Ast_c.unsplit_comma ebs_splitted)) ) and parameters_bis eas ebs = let match_dots ea = match A.unwrap ea with A.Pdots(mcode) -> Some (mcode, None) | _ -> None in let build_dots (mcode, _optexpr) = A.Pdots(mcode) in let match_comma ea = match A.unwrap ea with A.PComma ia1 -> Some ia1 | _ -> None in let build_comma ia1 = A.PComma ia1 in let match_metalist ea = match A.unwrap ea with A.MetaParamList(ida,leninfo,keep,inherited) -> Some(ida,leninfo,keep,inherited) | _ -> None in let build_metalist (ida,leninfo,keep,inherited) = A.MetaParamList(ida,leninfo,keep,inherited) in let mktermval v = Ast_c.MetaParamListVal v in let special_cases ea eas ebs = (* a case where one smpl parameter matches a list of C parameters *) match A.unwrap ea,ebs with A.VoidParam ta, ys -> Some (match eas, ebs with | [], [Left eb] -> let {B.p_register=(hasreg,iihasreg); p_namei = idbopt; p_type=tb; } = eb in if idbopt =*= None && not hasreg then match tb with | (qub, (B.BaseType B.Void,_)) -> fullType ta tb >>= (fun ta tb -> return ( [(A.VoidParam ta) +> A.rewrap ea], [Left {B.p_register=(hasreg, iihasreg); p_namei = idbopt; p_type = tb;}] )) | _ -> fail else fail | _ -> fail) | _ -> None in list_matcher match_dots build_dots match_comma build_comma match_metalist build_metalist mktermval special_cases parameter X.distrf_params Lib_parsing_c.ii_of_params eas ebs (* let split_register_param = fun (hasreg, idb, ii_b_s) -> match hasreg, idb, ii_b_s with | false, Some s, [i1] -> Left (s, [], i1) | true, Some s, [i1;i2] -> Left (s, [i1], i2) | _, None, ii -> Right ii | _ -> raise Impossible *) and parameter = fun parama paramb -> match A.unwrap parama, paramb with A.MetaParam (ida,keep,inherited), eb -> (* todo: use quaopt, hasreg ? *) let max_min _ = Lib_parsing_c.lin_col_by_pos (Lib_parsing_c.ii_of_param eb) in X.envf keep inherited (ida,Ast_c.MetaParamVal eb,max_min) (fun () -> X.distrf_param ida eb ) >>= (fun ida eb -> return (A.MetaParam(ida,keep,inherited)+> A.rewrap parama,eb)) | A.Param (typa, idaopt), eb -> let {B.p_register = (hasreg,iihasreg); p_namei = nameidbopt; p_type = typb;} = paramb in fullType typa typb >>= (fun typa typb -> match idaopt, nameidbopt with | Some ida, Some nameidb -> (* todo: if minus on ida, should also minus the iihasreg ? *) ident_cpp DontKnow ida nameidb >>= (fun ida nameidb -> return ( A.Param (typa, Some ida)+> A.rewrap parama, {B.p_register = (hasreg, iihasreg); p_namei = Some (nameidb); p_type = typb} )) | None, None -> return ( A.Param (typa, None)+> A.rewrap parama, {B.p_register=(hasreg,iihasreg); p_namei = None; p_type = typb;} ) (* why handle this case ? because of transform_proto ? we may not * have an ident in the proto. * If have some plus on ida ? do nothing about ida ? *) (* not anymore !!! now that julia is handling the proto. | _, Right iihasreg -> return ( (idaopt, typa), ((hasreg, None, typb), iihasreg) ) *) | Some _, None -> fail | None, Some _ -> fail) | (A.OptParam _ | A.UniqueParam _), _ -> failwith "not handling Opt/Unique for Param" | A.Pcircles (_), ys -> raise Impossible (* in Ordered mode *) | _ -> fail (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) and (declaration: (A.mcodekind * bool * A.declaration,B.declaration) matcher) = fun (mckstart, allminus, decla) declb -> X.all_bound (A.get_inherited decla) >&&> match A.unwrap decla, declb with (* Un MetaDecl est introduit dans l'asttoctl pour sauter au dessus * de toutes les declarations qui sont au debut d'un fonction et * commencer le reste du match au premier statement. Alors, ca matche * n'importe quelle declaration. On n'a pas besoin d'ajouter * quoi que ce soit dans l'environnement. C'est une sorte de DDots. * * When the SP want to remove the whole function, the minus is not * on the MetaDecl but on the MetaRuleElem. So there should * be no transform of MetaDecl, just matching are allowed. *) | A.MetaDecl (ida,keep,inherited), _ -> let max_min _ = Lib_parsing_c.lin_col_by_pos (Lib_parsing_c.ii_of_decl declb) in X.envf keep inherited (ida, Ast_c.MetaDeclVal declb, max_min) (fun () -> X.distrf_decl ida declb ) >>= (fun ida declb -> return ((mckstart, allminus, (A.MetaDecl (ida, keep, inherited))+> A.rewrap decla), declb)) | A.AsDecl(dec,asdec), decb -> declaration (mckstart, allminus, dec) decb >>= (fun (mckstart, allminus, dec) decb -> let asmckstart = A.CONTEXT(A.NoPos,A.NOTHING) in declaration (asmckstart,false,asdec) decb >>= (fun (_,_,asdec) decb -> return( ((mckstart, allminus, (A.AsDecl(dec,asdec)) +> A.rewrap decla), decb)))) | _, (B.DeclList ([var], iiptvirgb::iifakestart::iisto)) -> onedecl allminus decla (var,iiptvirgb,iisto) >>= (fun decla (var,iiptvirgb,iisto)-> X.tokenf_mck mckstart iifakestart >>= (fun mckstart iifakestart -> return ( (mckstart, allminus, decla), (B.DeclList ([var], iiptvirgb::iifakestart::iisto)) ))) | _, (B.DeclList (xs, ((iiptvirgb::iifakestart::iisto) as ii))) -> let indexify l = let rec loop n = function [] -> [] | x::xs -> (n,x)::(loop (n+1) xs) in loop 0 l in let rec repln n vl cur = function [] -> [] | x::xs -> if n = cur then vl :: xs else x :: (repln n vl (cur+1) xs) in if X.mode =*= PatternMode || A.get_safe_decl decla then (indexify xs) +> List.fold_left (fun acc (n,var) -> (* consider all possible matches *) acc >||> (function tin -> ( X.tokenf_mck mckstart iifakestart >>= (fun mckstart iifakestart -> onedecl allminus decla (var, iiptvirgb, iisto) >>= (fun decla (var, iiptvirgb, iisto) -> return ( (mckstart, allminus, decla), (* adjust the variable that was chosen *) (B.DeclList (repln n var 0 xs, iiptvirgb::iifakestart::iisto)) )))) tin)) fail else error ii "More than one variable in the declaration, and so it cannot be transformed. Check that there is no transformation on the type or the ;" | A.MacroDecl (sa,lpa,eas,rpa,enda), B.MacroDecl ((sb,ebs,true),ii) -> let (iisb, lpb, rpb, iiendb, iifakestart, iistob) = (match ii with | iisb::lpb::rpb::iiendb::iifakestart::iisto -> (iisb,lpb,rpb,iiendb, iifakestart,iisto) | _ -> raise Impossible ) in (if allminus then minusize_list iistob else return ((), iistob) ) >>= (fun () iistob -> X.tokenf_mck mckstart iifakestart >>= (fun mckstart iifakestart -> ident DontKnow sa (sb, iisb) >>= (fun sa (sb, iisb) -> tokenf lpa lpb >>= (fun lpa lpb -> tokenf rpa rpb >>= (fun rpa rpb -> tokenf enda iiendb >>= (fun enda iiendb -> arguments (seqstyle eas) (A.undots eas) ebs >>= (fun easundots ebs -> let eas = redots eas easundots in return ( (mckstart, allminus, (A.MacroDecl (sa,lpa,eas,rpa,enda)) +> A.rewrap decla), (B.MacroDecl ((sb,ebs,true), [iisb;lpb;rpb;iiendb;iifakestart] ++ iistob)) )))))))) | A.MacroDecl (sa,lpa,eas,rpa,enda), B.MacroDecl ((sb,ebs,false),ii) -> X.optional_declarer_semicolon_flag (fun optional_declarer_semicolon -> match mcodekind enda, optional_declarer_semicolon with A.CONTEXT (_,A.NOTHING), true -> let (iisb, lpb, rpb, iifakestart, iistob) = (match ii with | iisb::lpb::rpb::iifakestart::iisto -> (iisb,lpb,rpb,iifakestart,iisto) | _ -> raise Impossible) in (if allminus then minusize_list iistob else return ((), iistob)) >>= (fun () iistob -> X.tokenf_mck mckstart iifakestart >>= (fun mckstart iifakestart -> ident DontKnow sa (sb, iisb) >>= (fun sa (sb, iisb) -> tokenf lpa lpb >>= (fun lpa lpb -> tokenf rpa rpb >>= (fun rpa rpb -> arguments (seqstyle eas) (A.undots eas) ebs >>= (fun easundots ebs -> let eas = redots eas easundots in return ( (mckstart, allminus, (A.MacroDecl (sa,lpa,eas,rpa,enda)) +> A.rewrap decla), (B.MacroDecl ((sb,ebs,false), [iisb;lpb;rpb;iifakestart] ++ iistob)) ))))))) | _ -> fail) | A.MacroDeclInit (sa,lpa,eas,rpa,weqa,inia,enda), B.MacroDeclInit ((sb,ebs,inib),ii) -> let (iisb, lpb, rpb, weqb, iiendb, iifakestart, iistob) = (match ii with | iisb::lpb::rpb::weqb::iiendb::iifakestart::iisto -> (iisb,lpb,rpb,weqb,iiendb, iifakestart,iisto) | _ -> raise Impossible ) in (if allminus then minusize_list iistob else return ((), iistob) ) >>= (fun () iistob -> X.tokenf_mck mckstart iifakestart >>= (fun mckstart iifakestart -> ident DontKnow sa (sb, iisb) >>= (fun sa (sb, iisb) -> tokenf lpa lpb >>= (fun lpa lpb -> tokenf rpa rpb >>= (fun rpa rpb -> tokenf weqa weqb >>= (fun weqa weqb -> tokenf enda iiendb >>= (fun enda iiendb -> arguments (seqstyle eas) (A.undots eas) ebs >>= (fun easundots ebs -> initialiser inia inib >>= (fun inia inib -> let eas = redots eas easundots in return ( (mckstart, allminus, (A.MacroDeclInit(sa,lpa,eas,rpa,weqa,inia,enda)) +> A.rewrap decla), (B.MacroDeclInit ((sb,ebs,inib), [iisb;lpb;rpb;iiendb;iifakestart] ++ iistob)) )))))))))) | A.MacroDeclInit (sa,lpa,eas,rpa,weqa,inia,enda), _ -> fail | _, (B.MacroDecl _ |B.MacroDeclInit _ |B.DeclList _) -> fail and onedecl = fun allminus decla (declb, iiptvirgb, iistob) -> X.all_bound (A.get_inherited decla) >&&> match A.unwrap decla, declb with (* kind of typedef iso, we must unfold, it's for the case * T { }; that we want to match against typedef struct { } xx_t; *) | A.TyDecl (tya0, ptvirga), ({B.v_namei = Some (nameidb, B.NoInit); B.v_type = typb0; B.v_storage = (B.StoTypedef, inl); B.v_local = local; B.v_attr = attrs; B.v_type_bis = typb0bis; }, iivirg) -> (match A.unwrap tya0, typb0 with | A.Type(allminus,cv1,tya1), ((qu,il),typb1) -> (* allminus doesn't seem useful here - nothing done with cv1 *) (match A.unwrap tya1, typb1 with | A.StructUnionDef(tya2, lba, declsa, rba), (B.StructUnion (sub, sbopt, declsb), ii) -> let (iisub, iisbopt, lbb, rbb) = match sbopt with | None -> let (iisub, lbb, rbb) = tuple_of_list3 ii in (iisub, [], lbb, rbb) | Some s -> pr2 (sprintf "warning: both a typedef (%s) and struct name introduction (%s)" (Ast_c.str_of_name nameidb) s ); pr2 "warning: I will consider only the typedef"; let (iisub, iisb, lbb, rbb) = tuple_of_list4 ii in (iisub, [iisb], lbb, rbb) in let structnameb = structdef_to_struct_name (Ast_c.nQ, (B.StructUnion (sub, sbopt, declsb), ii)) in let fake_typeb = Ast_c.nQ,((B.TypeName (nameidb, Some (Lib_parsing_c.al_type structnameb))), []) in tokenf ptvirga iiptvirgb >>= (fun ptvirga iiptvirgb -> tokenf lba lbb >>= (fun lba lbb -> tokenf rba rbb >>= (fun rba rbb -> struct_fields (A.undots declsa) declsb >>=(fun undeclsa declsb -> let declsa = redots declsa undeclsa in (match A.unwrap tya2 with | A.Type(allminus, cv3, tya3) -> (* again allminus not used *) (match A.unwrap tya3 with | A.MetaType(ida,keep, inherited) -> fullType tya2 fake_typeb >>= (fun tya2 fake_typeb -> let tya1 = A.StructUnionDef(tya2,lba,declsa,rba)+> A.rewrap tya1 in let tya0 = A.Type(allminus, cv1, tya1) +> A.rewrap tya0 in let typb1 = B.StructUnion (sub,sbopt, declsb), [iisub] @ iisbopt @ [lbb;rbb] in let typb0 = ((qu, il), typb1) in match fake_typeb with | _nQ, ((B.TypeName (nameidb, _typ)),[]) -> return ( (A.TyDecl (tya0, ptvirga)) +> A.rewrap decla, (({B.v_namei = Some (nameidb, B.NoInit); B.v_type = typb0; B.v_storage = (B.StoTypedef, inl); B.v_local = local; B.v_attr = attrs; B.v_type_bis = typb0bis; }, iivirg),iiptvirgb,iistob) ) | _ -> raise Impossible ) (* do we need EnumName here too? *) | A.StructUnionName(sua, sa) -> fullType tya2 structnameb >>= (fun tya2 structnameb -> let tya1 = A.StructUnionDef(tya2,lba,declsa,rba)+> A.rewrap tya1 in let tya0 = A.Type(allminus, cv1, tya1) +> A.rewrap tya0 in match structnameb with | _nQ, (B.StructUnionName (sub, s), [iisub;iisbopt]) -> let typb1 = B.StructUnion (sub,sbopt, declsb), [iisub;iisbopt;lbb;rbb] in let typb0 = ((qu, il), typb1) in return ( (A.TyDecl (tya0, ptvirga)) +> A.rewrap decla, (({B.v_namei = Some (nameidb, B.NoInit); B.v_type = typb0; B.v_storage = (B.StoTypedef, inl); B.v_local = local; B.v_attr = attrs; B.v_type_bis = typb0bis; }, iivirg),iiptvirgb,iistob) ) | _ -> raise Impossible ) | _ -> raise Impossible ) | _ -> fail ))))) | _ -> fail ) | _ -> fail ) | A.UnInit (stoa, typa, ida, ptvirga), ({B.v_namei= Some (nameidb, _);B.v_storage= (B.StoTypedef,_);}, iivirg) -> fail | A.Init (stoa, typa, ida, eqa, inia, ptvirga), ({B.v_namei=Some(nameidb, _);B.v_storage=(B.StoTypedef,_);}, iivirg) -> fail (* could handle iso here but handled in standard.iso *) | A.UnInit (stoa, typa, ida, ptvirga), ({B.v_namei = Some (nameidb, B.NoInit); B.v_type = typb; B.v_storage = stob; B.v_local = local; B.v_attr = attrs; B.v_type_bis = typbbis; }, iivirg) -> tokenf ptvirga iiptvirgb >>= (fun ptvirga iiptvirgb -> fullType typa typb >>= (fun typa typb -> ident_cpp DontKnow ida nameidb >>= (fun ida nameidb -> storage_optional_allminus allminus stoa (stob, iistob) >>= (fun stoa (stob, iistob) -> return ( (A.UnInit (stoa, typa, ida, ptvirga)) +> A.rewrap decla, (({B.v_namei = Some (nameidb, B.NoInit); B.v_type = typb; B.v_storage = stob; B.v_local = local; B.v_attr = attrs; B.v_type_bis = typbbis; },iivirg), iiptvirgb,iistob) ))))) | A.Init (stoa, typa, ida, eqa, inia, ptvirga), ({B.v_namei = Some(nameidb, B.ValInit (iieqb, inib)); B.v_type = typb; B.v_storage = stob; B.v_local = local; B.v_attr = attrs; B.v_type_bis = typbbis; },iivirg) -> tokenf ptvirga iiptvirgb >>= (fun ptvirga iiptvirgb -> tokenf eqa iieqb >>= (fun eqa iieqb -> fullType typa typb >>= (fun typa typb -> ident_cpp DontKnow ida nameidb >>= (fun ida nameidb -> storage_optional_allminus allminus stoa (stob, iistob) >>= (fun stoa (stob, iistob) -> initialiser inia inib >>= (fun inia inib -> return ( (A.Init (stoa, typa, ida, eqa, inia, ptvirga)) +> A.rewrap decla, (({B.v_namei = Some(nameidb, B.ValInit (iieqb, inib)); B.v_type = typb; B.v_storage = stob; B.v_local = local; B.v_attr = attrs; B.v_type_bis = typbbis; },iivirg), iiptvirgb,iistob) ))))))) | A.Init (stoa, typa, ida, eqa, inia, ptvirga), ({B.v_namei = Some(nameidb, B.ConstrInit _); B.v_type = typb; B.v_storage = stob; B.v_local = local; B.v_attr = attrs; B.v_type_bis = typbbis; },iivirg) -> fail (* C++ constructor declaration not supported in SmPL *) (* do iso-by-absence here ? allow typedecl and var ? *) | A.TyDecl (typa, ptvirga), ({B.v_namei = None; B.v_type = typb; B.v_storage = stob; B.v_local = local; B.v_attr = attrs; B.v_type_bis = typbbis; }, iivirg) -> if stob =*= (B.NoSto, false) then tokenf ptvirga iiptvirgb >>= (fun ptvirga iiptvirgb -> fullType typa typb >>= (fun typa typb -> return ( (A.TyDecl (typa, ptvirga)) +> A.rewrap decla, (({B.v_namei = None; B.v_type = typb; B.v_storage = stob; B.v_local = local; B.v_attr = attrs; B.v_type_bis = typbbis; }, iivirg), iiptvirgb, iistob) ))) else fail | A.Typedef (stoa, typa, ida, ptvirga), ({B.v_namei = Some (nameidb, B.NoInit); B.v_type = typb; B.v_storage = (B.StoTypedef,inline); B.v_local = local; B.v_attr = attrs; B.v_type_bis = typbbis; },iivirg) -> tokenf ptvirga iiptvirgb >>= (fun ptvirga iiptvirgb -> fullType typa typb >>= (fun typa typb -> (match iistob with | [iitypedef] -> tokenf stoa iitypedef >>= (fun stoa iitypedef -> return (stoa, [iitypedef]) ) | _ -> error iistob "weird, have both typedef and inline or nothing"; ) >>= (fun stoa iistob -> (match A.unwrap ida with | A.MetaType(_,_,_) -> let fake_typeb = Ast_c.nQ, ((B.TypeName (nameidb, Ast_c.noTypedefDef())), []) in fullTypebis ida fake_typeb >>= (fun ida fake_typeb -> match fake_typeb with | _nQ, ((B.TypeName (nameidb, _typ)), []) -> return (ida, nameidb) | _ -> raise Impossible ) | A.TypeName sa -> (match nameidb with | B.RegularName (sb, iidb) -> let iidb1 = tuple_of_list1 iidb in if (term sa) =$= sb then tokenf sa iidb1 >>= (fun sa iidb1 -> return ( (A.TypeName sa) +> A.rewrap ida, B.RegularName (sb, [iidb1]) )) else fail | B.CppConcatenatedName _ | B.CppVariadicName _ |B.CppIdentBuilder _ -> raise Todo ) | _ -> raise Impossible ) >>= (fun ida nameidb -> return ( (A.Typedef (stoa, typa, ida, ptvirga)) +> A.rewrap decla, (({B.v_namei = Some (nameidb, B.NoInit); B.v_type = typb; B.v_storage = (B.StoTypedef,inline); B.v_local = local; B.v_attr = attrs; B.v_type_bis = typbbis; }, iivirg), iiptvirgb, iistob) ) )))) | _, ({B.v_namei = None;}, _) -> (* old: failwith "no variable in this declaration, weird" *) fail | A.DisjDecl declas, declb -> declas +> List.fold_left (fun acc decla -> acc >|+|> (* (declaration (mckstart, allminus, decla) declb) *) (onedecl allminus decla (declb,iiptvirgb, iistob)) ) fail (* only in struct type decls *) | A.Ddots(dots,whencode), _ -> raise Impossible | A.OptDecl _, _ | A.UniqueDecl _, _ -> failwith "not handling Opt/Unique Decl" | _, ({B.v_namei=Some _}, _) -> fail (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) and (initialiser: (A.initialiser, Ast_c.initialiser) matcher) = fun ia ib -> X.all_bound (A.get_inherited ia) >&&> match (A.unwrap ia,ib) with | (A.MetaInit(ida,keep,inherited), ib) -> let max_min _ = Lib_parsing_c.lin_col_by_pos (Lib_parsing_c.ii_of_ini ib) in X.envf keep inherited (ida, Ast_c.MetaInitVal ib, max_min) (fun () -> X.distrf_ini ida ib >>= (fun ida ib -> return ( A.MetaInit (ida,keep,inherited) +> A.rewrap ia, ib )) ) | A.AsInit(ini,asini), inib -> initialiser ini inib >>= (fun ini inib -> initialiser asini inib >>= (fun asini inib -> return( ((A.AsInit(ini,asini)) +> A.rewrap ia, inib)))) | (A.InitExpr expa, ib) -> (match A.unwrap expa, ib with | A.Edots (mcode, None), ib -> X.distrf_ini (dots2metavar mcode) ib >>= (fun mcode ib -> return ( A.InitExpr (A.Edots (metavar2dots mcode, None) +> A.rewrap expa) +> A.rewrap ia, ib )) | A.Edots (_, Some expr), _ -> failwith "not handling when on Edots" | _, (B.InitExpr expb, ii) -> assert (null ii); expression expa expb >>= (fun expa expb -> return ( (A.InitExpr expa) +> A.rewrap ia, (B.InitExpr expb, ii) )) | _ -> fail ) | (A.ArInitList (ia1, ias, ia2), (B.InitList ibs, ii)) -> (match ii with | ib1::ib2::iicommaopt -> tokenf ia1 ib1 >>= (fun ia1 ib1 -> tokenf ia2 ib2 >>= (fun ia2 ib2 -> ar_initialisers (A.undots ias) (ibs, iicommaopt) >>= (fun iasundots (ibs,iicommaopt) -> return ( (A.ArInitList (ia1, redots ias iasundots, ia2)) +> A.rewrap ia, (B.InitList ibs, ib1::ib2::iicommaopt) )))) | _ -> raise Impossible ) | (A.StrInitList (allminus, ia1, ias, ia2, []), (B.InitList ibs, ii)) -> (match ii with | ib1::ib2::iicommaopt -> tokenf ia1 ib1 >>= (fun ia1 ib1 -> tokenf ia2 ib2 >>= (fun ia2 ib2 -> str_initialisers allminus ias (ibs, iicommaopt) >>= (fun ias (ibs,iicommaopt) -> return ( (A.StrInitList (allminus, ia1, ias, ia2, [])) +> A.rewrap ia, (B.InitList ibs, ib1::ib2::iicommaopt) )))) | _ -> raise Impossible ) | (A.StrInitList (allminus, i1, ias, i2, whencode), (B.InitList ibs, _ii)) -> failwith "TODO: not handling whencode in initialisers" | (A.InitGccExt (designatorsa, ia2, inia), (B.InitDesignators (designatorsb, inib), ii2))-> let iieq = tuple_of_list1 ii2 in tokenf ia2 iieq >>= (fun ia2 iieq -> designators designatorsa designatorsb >>= (fun designatorsa designatorsb -> initialiser inia inib >>= (fun inia inib -> return ( (A.InitGccExt (designatorsa, ia2, inia)) +> A.rewrap ia, (B.InitDesignators (designatorsb, inib), [iieq]) )))) | (A.InitGccName (ida, ia1, inia), (B.InitFieldOld (idb, inib), ii)) -> (match ii with | [iidb;iicolon] -> ident DontKnow ida (idb, iidb) >>= (fun ida (idb, iidb) -> initialiser inia inib >>= (fun inia inib -> tokenf ia1 iicolon >>= (fun ia1 iicolon -> return ( (A.InitGccName (ida, ia1, inia)) +> A.rewrap ia, (B.InitFieldOld (idb, inib), [iidb;iicolon]) )))) | _ -> fail ) | A.IComma(comma), _ -> raise Impossible | A.UniqueIni _,_ | A.OptIni _,_ -> failwith "not handling Opt/Unique on initialisers" | _, (B.InitIndexOld (_, _), _) -> fail | _, (B.InitFieldOld (_, _), _) -> fail | _, ((B.InitDesignators (_, _)|B.InitList _|B.InitExpr _), _) -> fail and designators dla dlb = match (dla,dlb) with ([],[]) -> return ([], []) | ([],_) | (_,[]) -> fail | (da::dla,db::dlb) -> designator da db >>= (fun da db -> designators dla dlb >>= (fun dla dlb -> return (da::dla, db::dlb))) and designator da db = match (da,db) with (A.DesignatorField (ia1, ida), (B.DesignatorField idb,ii1)) -> let (iidot, iidb) = tuple_of_list2 ii1 in tokenf ia1 iidot >>= (fun ia1 iidot -> ident DontKnow ida (idb, iidb) >>= (fun ida (idb, iidb) -> return ( A.DesignatorField (ia1, ida), (B.DesignatorField idb, [iidot;iidb]) ))) | (A.DesignatorIndex (ia1,ea,ia2), (B.DesignatorIndex eb, ii1)) -> let (ib1, ib2) = tuple_of_list2 ii1 in tokenf ia1 ib1 >>= (fun ia1 ib1 -> tokenf ia2 ib2 >>= (fun ia2 ib2 -> expression ea eb >>= (fun ea eb -> return ( A.DesignatorIndex (ia1,ea,ia2), (B.DesignatorIndex eb, [ib1;ib2]) )))) | (A.DesignatorRange (ia1,e1a,ia2,e2a,ia3), (B.DesignatorRange (e1b, e2b), ii1)) -> let (ib1, ib2, ib3) = tuple_of_list3 ii1 in tokenf ia1 ib1 >>= (fun ia1 ib1 -> tokenf ia2 ib2 >>= (fun ia2 ib2 -> tokenf ia3 ib3 >>= (fun ia3 ib3 -> expression e1a e1b >>= (fun e1a e1b -> expression e2a e2b >>= (fun e2a e2b -> return ( A.DesignatorRange (ia1,e1a,ia2,e2a,ia3), (B.DesignatorRange (e1b, e2b), [ib1;ib2;ib3]) )))))) | (_, ((B.DesignatorField _|B.DesignatorIndex _|B.DesignatorRange _), _)) -> fail and str_initialisers = fun allminus ias (ibs, iicomma) -> let ias_unsplit = unsplit_icomma ias in let ibs_split = resplit_initialiser ibs iicomma in if need_unordered_initialisers ibs then initialisers_unordered2 allminus ias_unsplit ibs_split >>= (fun ias_unsplit ibs_split -> return ( split_icomma ias_unsplit, unsplit_initialiser ibs_split)) else fail and ar_initialisers = fun ias (ibs, iicomma) -> (* this doesn't check need_unordered_initialisers because ... can be implemented as ordered, even if it matches unordered initializers *) let ibs = resplit_initialiser ibs iicomma in let ibs = List.concat (List.map (function (elem,comma) -> [Left elem; Right [comma]]) ibs) in initialisers_ordered2 ias ibs >>= (fun ias ibs_split -> let ibs,iicomma = match List.rev ibs_split with (Right comma)::rest -> (Ast_c.unsplit_comma (List.rev rest),comma) | (Left _)::_ -> (Ast_c.unsplit_comma ibs_split,[]) (* possible *) | [] -> ([],[]) in return (ias, (ibs,iicomma))) and initialisers_ordered2 = fun ias ibs -> let match_dots ea = match A.unwrap ea with A.Idots(mcode, optexpr) -> Some (mcode, optexpr) | _ -> None in let build_dots (mcode, optexpr) = A.Idots(mcode, optexpr) in let match_comma ea = match A.unwrap ea with A.IComma ia1 -> Some ia1 | _ -> None in let build_comma ia1 = A.IComma ia1 in let match_metalist ea = match A.unwrap ea with A.MetaInitList(ida,leninfo,keep,inherited) -> Some(ida,leninfo,keep,inherited) | _ -> None in let build_metalist (ida,leninfo,keep,inherited) = A.MetaInitList(ida,leninfo,keep,inherited) in let mktermval v = Ast_c.MetaInitListVal v in let special_cases ea eas ebs = None in let no_ii x = failwith "not possible" in list_matcher match_dots build_dots match_comma build_comma match_metalist build_metalist mktermval special_cases initialiser X.distrf_inis no_ii ias ibs and initialisers_unordered2 = fun allminus ias ibs -> match ias, ibs with | [], ys -> if allminus then let rec loop = function [] -> return ([],[]) | (ib,comma)::ibs -> X.distrf_ini minusizer ib >>= (fun _ ib -> tokenf minusizer comma >>= (fun _ comma -> loop ibs >>= (fun l ibs -> return(l,(ib,comma)::ibs)))) in loop ibs else return ([], ys) | x::xs, ys -> let permut = Common.uncons_permut_lazy ys in permut +> List.fold_left (fun acc ((e, pos), rest) -> acc >||> (initialiser_comma x e >>= (fun x e -> let rest = Lazy.force rest in initialisers_unordered2 allminus xs rest >>= (fun xs rest -> return ( x::xs, Common.insert_elem_pos (e, pos) rest )))) ) fail and initialiser_comma (x,xcomma) (y, commay) = match A.unwrap xcomma with A.IComma commax -> tokenf commax commay >>= (fun commax commay -> initialiser x y >>= (fun x y -> return ( (x, (A.IComma commax) +> A.rewrap xcomma), (y, commay)))) | _ -> raise Impossible (* unsplit_iicomma wrong *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) and (struct_fields: (A.declaration list, B.field list) matcher) = fun eas ebs -> let match_dots ea = match A.unwrap ea with A.Ddots(mcode, optexpr) -> Some (mcode, optexpr) | _ -> None in let build_dots (mcode, optexpr) = A.Ddots(mcode, optexpr) in let match_comma ea = None in let build_comma ia1 = failwith "not possible" in let match_metalist ea = match A.unwrap ea with A.MetaFieldList(ida,leninfo,keep,inherited) -> Some(ida,leninfo,keep,inherited) | _ -> None in let build_metalist (ida,leninfo,keep,inherited) = A.MetaFieldList(ida,leninfo,keep,inherited) in let mktermval v = (* drop empty ii information, because nothing between elements *) let v = List.map Ast_c.unwrap v in Ast_c.MetaFieldListVal v in let special_cases ea eas ebs = None in let no_ii x = failwith "not possible" in let make_ebs ebs = List.map (function x -> Left x) ebs in let unmake_ebs ebs = List.map (function Left x -> x | Right x -> failwith "no right") ebs in let distrf mcode startxs = let startxs = unmake_ebs startxs in X.distrf_struct_fields mcode startxs >>= (fun mcode startxs -> return (mcode,make_ebs startxs)) in list_matcher match_dots build_dots match_comma build_comma match_metalist build_metalist mktermval special_cases struct_field distrf no_ii eas (make_ebs ebs) >>= (fun eas ebs -> return (eas,unmake_ebs ebs)) and (struct_field: (A.declaration, B.field) matcher) = fun fa fb -> match A.unwrap fa,fb with | A.MetaField (ida,keep,inherited), _ -> let max_min _ = Lib_parsing_c.lin_col_by_pos (Lib_parsing_c.ii_of_field fb) in X.envf keep inherited (ida, Ast_c.MetaFieldVal fb, max_min) (fun () -> X.distrf_field ida fb ) >>= (fun ida fb -> return ((A.MetaField (ida, keep, inherited))+> A.rewrap fa, fb)) | _,B.DeclarationField (B.FieldDeclList (onefield_multivars,iiptvirg)) -> let iiptvirgb = tuple_of_list1 iiptvirg in (match onefield_multivars with | [] -> raise Impossible | [onevar,iivirg] -> assert (null iivirg); (match onevar with | B.BitField (sopt, typb, _, expr) -> pr2_once "warning: bitfield not handled by ast_cocci"; fail | B.Simple (None, typb) -> pr2_once "warning: unnamed struct field not handled by ast_cocci"; fail | B.Simple (Some nameidb, typb) -> (* build a declaration from a struct field *) let allminus = false in let iisto = [] in let stob = B.NoSto, false in let fake_var = ({B.v_namei = Some (nameidb, B.NoInit); B.v_type = typb; B.v_storage = stob; B.v_local = Ast_c.NotLocalDecl; B.v_attr = Ast_c.noattr; B.v_type_bis = ref None; (* the struct field should also get expanded ? no it's not * important here, we will rematch very soon *) }, iivirg) in onedecl allminus fa (fake_var,iiptvirgb,iisto) >>= (fun fa (var,iiptvirgb,iisto) -> match fake_var with | ({B.v_namei = Some (nameidb, B.NoInit); B.v_type = typb; B.v_storage = stob; }, iivirg) -> let onevar = B.Simple (Some nameidb, typb) in return ( (fa), ((B.DeclarationField (B.FieldDeclList ([onevar, iivirg], [iiptvirgb]))) ) ) | _ -> raise Impossible ) ) | x::y::xs -> pr2_once "PB: More that one variable in decl. Have to split"; fail ) | _,B.EmptyField _iifield -> fail | A.MacroDecl (sa,lpa,eas,rpa,enda),B.MacroDeclField ((sb,ebs),ii) -> raise Todo | _,B.MacroDeclField ((sb,ebs),ii) -> fail | _,B.CppDirectiveStruct directive -> fail | _,B.IfdefStruct directive -> fail and enum_fields = fun eas ebs -> let match_dots ea = match A.unwrap ea with A.Edots(mcode, optexpr) -> Some (mcode, optexpr) | _ -> None in let build_dots (mcode, optexpr) = A.Edots(mcode, optexpr) in let match_comma ea = match A.unwrap ea with A.EComma ia1 -> Some ia1 | _ -> None in let build_comma ia1 = A.EComma ia1 in let match_metalist ea = None in let build_metalist (ida,leninfo,keep,inherited) = failwith "not possible" in let mktermval v = failwith "not possible" in let special_cases ea eas ebs = None in list_matcher match_dots build_dots match_comma build_comma match_metalist build_metalist mktermval special_cases enum_field X.distrf_enum_fields Lib_parsing_c.ii_of_enum_fields eas ebs and enum_field ida idb = X.all_bound (A.get_inherited ida) >&&> match A.unwrap ida, idb with A.Ident(id),(nameidb,None) -> ident_cpp DontKnow id nameidb >>= (fun id nameidb -> return ((A.Ident id) +> A.rewrap ida, (nameidb,None))) | A.Ident(id),(nameidb,Some _) -> fail (* should we have an iso? *) | A.Assignment(ea1,opa,ea2,init),(nameidb,Some(opbi,eb2)) -> (match A.unwrap ea1 with A.Ident(id) -> ident_cpp DontKnow id nameidb >>= (fun id nameidb -> expression ea2 eb2 >>= (fun ea2 eb2 -> tokenf opa opbi >>= (fun opa opbi -> (* only one kind of assignop *) return ( (A.Assignment((A.Ident(id))+>A.rewrap ea1,opa,ea2,init)) +> A.rewrap ida, (nameidb,Some(opbi,eb2)))))) | _ -> failwith "not possible") | A.Assignment(ea1,opa,ea2,init),(nameidb,None) -> fail | _ -> failwith ("not possible: "^(Dumper.dump (A.unwrap ida))) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) and (fullType: (A.fullType, Ast_c.fullType) matcher) = fun typa typb -> X.optional_qualifier_flag (fun optional_qualifier -> X.all_bound (A.get_inherited typa) >&&> match A.unwrap typa, typb with | A.Type(allminus,cv,ty1), ((qu,il),ty2) -> if qu.B.const && qu.B.volatile then pr2_once ("warning: the type is both const & volatile but cocci " ^ "does not handle that"); (* Drop out the const/volatile part that has been matched. * This is because a SP can contain const T v; in which case * later in match_t_t when we encounter a T, we must not add in * the environment the whole type. *) (match cv with (* "iso-by-absence" *) | None -> let do_stuff () = fullTypebis ty1 ((qu,il), ty2) >>= (fun ty1 ((qu,il), ty2) -> (if allminus then minusize_list il else return ((), il) ) >>= (fun () il -> return ( (A.Type(allminus, None, ty1)) +> A.rewrap typa, ((qu,il), ty2) ))) in (match optional_qualifier, qu.B.const || qu.B.volatile with | false, false -> do_stuff () | false, true -> fail | true, false -> do_stuff () | true, true -> if !Flag.show_misc then pr2_once "USING optional_qualifier builtin isomorphism"; do_stuff() ) | Some x -> (* todo: can be __const__ ? can be const & volatile so * should filter instead ? *) (match term x, il with | A.Const, [i1] when qu.B.const -> tokenf x i1 >>= (fun x i1 -> fullTypebis ty1 (Ast_c.nQ,ty2) >>= (fun ty1 (_, ty2) -> return ( (A.Type(allminus, Some x, ty1)) +> A.rewrap typa, ((qu, [i1]), ty2) ))) | A.Volatile, [i1] when qu.B.volatile -> tokenf x i1 >>= (fun x i1 -> fullTypebis ty1 (Ast_c.nQ,ty2) >>= (fun ty1 (_, ty2) -> return ( (A.Type(allminus, Some x, ty1)) +> A.rewrap typa, ((qu, [i1]), ty2) ))) | _ -> fail ) ) | A.AsType(ty,asty), tyb -> fullType ty tyb >>= (fun ty tyb -> fullType asty tyb >>= (fun asty tyb -> return( ((A.AsType(ty,asty)) +> A.rewrap typa, tyb)))) | A.DisjType typas, typb -> typas +> List.fold_left (fun acc typa -> acc >|+|> (fullType typa typb)) fail | A.OptType(_), _ | A.UniqueType(_), _ -> failwith "not handling Opt/Unique on type" ) (* * Why not (A.typeC, Ast_c.typeC) matcher ? * because when there is MetaType, we want that T record the whole type, * including the qualifier, and so this type (and the new_il function in * preceding function). *) and (fullTypebis: (A.typeC, Ast_c.fullType) matcher) = fun ta tb -> X.all_bound (A.get_inherited ta) >&&> match A.unwrap ta, tb with (* cas general *) | A.MetaType(ida,keep, inherited), typb -> let max_min _ = Lib_parsing_c.lin_col_by_pos (Lib_parsing_c.ii_of_type typb) in X.envf keep inherited (ida, B.MetaTypeVal typb, max_min) (fun () -> X.distrf_type ida typb >>= (fun ida typb -> return ( A.MetaType(ida,keep, inherited) +> A.rewrap ta, typb )) ) | unwrap, (qub, typb) -> typeC ta typb >>= (fun ta typb -> return (ta, (qub, typb)) ) and simulate_signed ta basea stringsa signaopt tb baseb ii rebuilda = (* In ii there is a list, sometimes of length 1 or 2 or 3. * And even if in baseb we have a Signed Int, that does not mean * that ii is of length 2, cos Signed is the default, so if in signa * we have Signed explicitly ? we cant "accrocher" this mcode to * something :( So for the moment when there is signed in cocci, * we force that there is a signed in c too (done in pattern.ml). *) let signbopt, iibaseb = split_signb_baseb_ii (baseb, ii) in (* handle some iso on type ? (cf complex C rule for possible implicit casting) *) match basea, baseb with | A.VoidType, B.Void | A.FloatType, B.FloatType (B.CFloat) | A.DoubleType, B.FloatType (B.CDouble) | A.SizeType, B.SizeType | A.SSizeType, B.SSizeType | A.PtrDiffType,B.PtrDiffType -> assert (signaopt =*= None); let stringa = tuple_of_list1 stringsa in let (ibaseb) = tuple_of_list1 ii in tokenf stringa ibaseb >>= (fun stringa ibaseb -> return ( (rebuilda ([stringa], signaopt)) +> A.rewrap ta, (B.BaseType baseb, [ibaseb]) )) | A.CharType, B.IntType B.CChar when signaopt =*= None -> let stringa = tuple_of_list1 stringsa in let ibaseb = tuple_of_list1 ii in tokenf stringa ibaseb >>= (fun stringa ibaseb -> return ( (rebuilda ([stringa], signaopt)) +> A.rewrap ta, (B.BaseType (B.IntType B.CChar), [ibaseb]) )) | A.CharType,B.IntType (B.Si (_sign, B.CChar2)) when signaopt <> None -> let stringa = tuple_of_list1 stringsa in let ibaseb = tuple_of_list1 iibaseb in sign signaopt signbopt >>= (fun signaopt iisignbopt -> tokenf stringa ibaseb >>= (fun stringa ibaseb -> return ( (rebuilda ([stringa], signaopt)) +> A.rewrap ta, (B.BaseType (baseb), iisignbopt ++ [ibaseb]) ))) | A.ShortType, B.IntType (B.Si (_, B.CShort)) | A.IntType, B.IntType (B.Si (_, B.CInt)) | A.LongType, B.IntType (B.Si (_, B.CLong)) -> let stringa = tuple_of_list1 stringsa in (match iibaseb with | [] -> (* iso-by-presence ? *) (* when unsigned int in SP, allow have just unsigned in C ? *) if mcode_contain_plus (mcodekind stringa) then fail else sign signaopt signbopt >>= (fun signaopt iisignbopt -> return ( (rebuilda ([stringa], signaopt)) +> A.rewrap ta, (B.BaseType (baseb), iisignbopt ++ []) )) | [x;y] -> (*pr2_once "warning: long int or short int not handled by ast_cocci";*) fail | [ibaseb] -> sign signaopt signbopt >>= (fun signaopt iisignbopt -> tokenf stringa ibaseb >>= (fun stringa ibaseb -> return ( (rebuilda ([stringa], signaopt)) +> A.rewrap ta, (B.BaseType (baseb), iisignbopt ++ [ibaseb]) ))) | _ -> raise Impossible ) | A.LongLongIntType, B.IntType (B.Si (_, B.CLongLong)) -> let (string1a,string2a,string3a) = tuple_of_list3 stringsa in (match iibaseb with [ibase1b;ibase2b;ibase3b] -> sign signaopt signbopt >>= (fun signaopt iisignbopt -> tokenf string1a ibase1b >>= (fun base1a ibase1b -> tokenf string2a ibase2b >>= (fun base2a ibase2b -> tokenf string3a ibase3b >>= (fun base3a ibase3b -> return ( (rebuilda ([base1a;base2a;base3a], signaopt)) +> A.rewrap ta, (B.BaseType (baseb), iisignbopt ++ [ibase1b;ibase2b;ibase3b]) ))))) | [ibase1b;ibase2b] -> fail (* int omitted *) | [] -> fail (* should something be done in this case? *) | _ -> raise Impossible) | A.LongLongType, B.IntType (B.Si (_, B.CLongLong)) | A.LongIntType, B.IntType (B.Si (_, B.CLong)) | A.ShortIntType, B.IntType (B.Si (_, B.CShort)) | A.LongDoubleType, B.FloatType B.CLongDouble -> let (string1a,string2a) = tuple_of_list2 stringsa in (match iibaseb with [ibase1b;ibase2b] -> sign signaopt signbopt >>= (fun signaopt iisignbopt -> tokenf string1a ibase1b >>= (fun base1a ibase1b -> tokenf string2a ibase2b >>= (fun base2a ibase2b -> return ( (rebuilda ([base1a;base2a], signaopt)) +> A.rewrap ta, (B.BaseType (baseb), iisignbopt ++ [ibase1b;ibase2b]) )))) | [ibase1b] -> fail (* short or long *) | [ibase1b;ibase2b;ibase3b] -> fail (* long long case *) | [] -> fail (* should something be done in this case? *) | _ -> raise Impossible) | _, (B.Void|B.FloatType _|B.IntType _ |B.SizeType|B.SSizeType|B.PtrDiffType) -> fail and simulate_signed_meta ta basea signaopt tb baseb ii rebuilda = (* In ii there is a list, sometimes of length 1 or 2 or 3. * And even if in baseb we have a Signed Int, that does not mean * that ii is of length 2, cos Signed is the default, so if in signa * we have Signed explicitely ? we cant "accrocher" this mcode to * something :( So for the moment when there is signed in cocci, * we force that there is a signed in c too (done in pattern.ml). *) let signbopt, iibaseb = split_signb_baseb_ii (baseb, ii) in let match_to_type rebaseb = sign signaopt signbopt >>= (fun signaopt iisignbopt -> let fta = A.rewrap basea (A.Type(false(*don't know*),None,basea)) in let ftb = Ast_c.nQ,(B.BaseType (rebaseb), iibaseb) in fullType fta ftb >>= (fun fta (_,tb) -> (match A.unwrap fta,tb with A.Type(_,_,basea), (B.BaseType baseb, ii) -> return ( (rebuilda (basea, signaopt)) +> A.rewrap ta, (B.BaseType (baseb), iisignbopt ++ ii) ) | _ -> failwith "not possible"))) in (* handle some iso on type ? (cf complex C rule for possible implicit casting) *) match baseb with | B.IntType (B.Si (_sign, B.CChar2)) -> match_to_type (B.IntType B.CChar) | B.IntType (B.Si (_, ty)) -> (match iibaseb with | [] -> fail (* metavariable has to match something *) | _ -> match_to_type (B.IntType (B.Si (B.Signed, ty))) ) | (B.Void|B.FloatType _|B.IntType _ |B.SizeType|B.SSizeType|B.PtrDiffType) -> fail and (typeC: (A.typeC, Ast_c.typeC) matcher) = fun ta tb -> match A.unwrap ta, tb with | A.BaseType (basea,stringsa), (B.BaseType baseb, ii) -> simulate_signed ta basea stringsa None tb baseb ii (function (stringsa, signaopt) -> A.BaseType (basea,stringsa)) | A.SignedT (signaopt, Some basea), (B.BaseType baseb, ii) -> (match A.unwrap basea with A.BaseType (basea1,strings1) -> simulate_signed ta basea1 strings1 (Some signaopt) tb baseb ii (function (strings1, Some signaopt) -> A.SignedT (signaopt, Some (A.rewrap basea (A.BaseType (basea1,strings1)))) | _ -> failwith "not possible") | A.MetaType(ida,keep,inherited) -> simulate_signed_meta ta basea (Some signaopt) tb baseb ii (function (basea, Some signaopt) -> A.SignedT(signaopt,Some basea) | _ -> failwith "not possible") | _ -> failwith "not possible") | A.SignedT (signa,None), (B.BaseType baseb, ii) -> let signbopt, iibaseb = split_signb_baseb_ii (baseb, ii) in (match iibaseb, baseb with | [], B.IntType (B.Si (_sign, B.CInt)) -> sign (Some signa) signbopt >>= (fun signaopt iisignbopt -> match signaopt with | None -> raise Impossible | Some signa -> return ( (A.SignedT (signa,None)) +> A.rewrap ta, (B.BaseType baseb, iisignbopt) ) ) | _ -> fail ) (* todo? iso with array *) | A.Pointer (typa, iamult), (B.Pointer typb, ii) -> let (ibmult) = tuple_of_list1 ii in fullType typa typb >>= (fun typa typb -> tokenf iamult ibmult >>= (fun iamult ibmult -> return ( (A.Pointer (typa, iamult)) +> A.rewrap ta, (B.Pointer typb, [ibmult]) ))) | A.FunctionType(allminus,tyaopt,lpa,paramsa,rpa), (B.FunctionType(tyb, (paramsb, (isvaargs, iidotsb))), ii) -> let (lpb, rpb) = tuple_of_list2 ii in if isvaargs then pr2_once ("Not handling well variable length arguments func. "^ "You have been warned"); tokenf lpa lpb >>= (fun lpa lpb -> tokenf rpa rpb >>= (fun rpa rpb -> fullType_optional_allminus allminus tyaopt tyb >>= (fun tyaopt tyb -> parameters (seqstyle paramsa) (A.undots paramsa) paramsb >>= (fun paramsaundots paramsb -> let paramsa = redots paramsa paramsaundots in return ( (A.FunctionType(allminus,tyaopt,lpa,paramsa,rpa) +> A.rewrap ta, (B.FunctionType(tyb, (paramsb, (isvaargs, iidotsb))), [lpb;rpb]) ) ))))) | A.FunctionPointer(tya,lp1a,stara,rp1a,lp2a,paramsa,rp2a), (B.ParenType t1, ii) -> let (lp1b, rp1b) = tuple_of_list2 ii in let (qu1b, t1b) = t1 in (match t1b with | B.Pointer t2, ii -> let (starb) = tuple_of_list1 ii in let (qu2b, t2b) = t2 in (match t2b with | B.FunctionType (tyb, (paramsb, (isvaargs, iidotsb))), ii -> let (lp2b, rp2b) = tuple_of_list2 ii in if isvaargs then pr2_once ("Not handling well variable length arguments func. "^ "You have been warned"); fullType tya tyb >>= (fun tya tyb -> tokenf lp1a lp1b >>= (fun lp1a lp1b -> tokenf rp1a rp1b >>= (fun rp1a rp1b -> tokenf lp2a lp2b >>= (fun lp2a lp2b -> tokenf rp2a rp2b >>= (fun rp2a rp2b -> tokenf stara starb >>= (fun stara starb -> parameters (seqstyle paramsa) (A.undots paramsa) paramsb >>= (fun paramsaundots paramsb -> let paramsa = redots paramsa paramsaundots in let t2 = (qu2b, (B.FunctionType (tyb, (paramsb, (isvaargs, iidotsb))), [lp2b;rp2b])) in let t1 = (qu1b, (B.Pointer t2, [starb])) in return ( (A.FunctionPointer(tya,lp1a,stara,rp1a,lp2a,paramsa,rp2a)) +> A.rewrap ta, (B.ParenType t1, [lp1b;rp1b]) ) ))))))) | _ -> fail ) | _ -> fail ) (* todo: handle the iso on optional size specification ? *) | A.Array (typa, ia1, eaopt, ia2), (B.Array (ebopt, typb), ii) -> let (ib1, ib2) = tuple_of_list2 ii in fullType typa typb >>= (fun typa typb -> option expression eaopt ebopt >>= (fun eaopt ebopt -> tokenf ia1 ib1 >>= (fun ia1 ib1 -> tokenf ia2 ib2 >>= (fun ia2 ib2 -> return ( (A.Array (typa, ia1, eaopt, ia2)) +> A.rewrap ta, (B.Array (ebopt, typb), [ib1;ib2]) ))))) (* todo: could also match a Struct that has provided a name *) (* This is for the case where the SmPL code contains "struct x", without a definition. In this case, the name field is always present. This case is also called from the case for A.StructUnionDef when a name is present in the C code. *) | A.StructUnionName(sua, Some sa), (B.StructUnionName (sub, sb), ii) -> (* sa is now an ident, not an mcode, old: ... && (term sa) =$= sb *) let (ib1, ib2) = tuple_of_list2 ii in if equal_structUnion (term sua) sub then ident DontKnow sa (sb, ib2) >>= (fun sa (sb, ib2) -> tokenf sua ib1 >>= (fun sua ib1 -> return ( (A.StructUnionName (sua, Some sa)) +> A.rewrap ta, (B.StructUnionName (sub, sb), [ib1;ib2]) ))) else fail | A.StructUnionDef(ty, lba, declsa, rba), (B.StructUnion (sub, sbopt, declsb), ii) -> let (ii_sub_sb, lbb, rbb) = match ii with [iisub; lbb; rbb] -> (Common.Left iisub,lbb,rbb) | [iisub; iisb; lbb; rbb] -> (Common.Right (iisub,iisb),lbb,rbb) | _ -> error ii "list of length 3 or 4 expected" in let process_type = match (sbopt,ii_sub_sb) with (None,Common.Left iisub) -> (* the following doesn't reconstruct the complete SP code, just the part that matched *) let rec loop s = match A.unwrap s with A.Type(allminus,None,ty) -> (match A.unwrap ty with A.StructUnionName(sua, None) -> (match (term sua, sub) with (A.Struct,B.Struct) | (A.Union,B.Union) -> return ((),()) | _ -> fail) >>= (fun _ _ -> tokenf sua iisub >>= (fun sua iisub -> let ty = A.Type(allminus,None, A.StructUnionName(sua, None) +> A.rewrap ty) +> A.rewrap s in return (ty,[iisub]))) | _ -> fail) | A.DisjType(disjs) -> disjs +> List.fold_left (fun acc disj -> acc >|+|> (loop disj)) fail | _ -> fail in loop ty | (Some sb,Common.Right (iisub,iisb)) -> (* build a StructUnionName from a StructUnion *) let fake_su = B.nQ, (B.StructUnionName (sub, sb), [iisub;iisb]) in fullType ty fake_su >>= (fun ty fake_su -> match fake_su with | _nQ, (B.StructUnionName (sub, sb), [iisub;iisb]) -> return (ty, [iisub; iisb]) | _ -> raise Impossible) | _ -> fail in process_type >>= (fun ty ii_sub_sb -> tokenf lba lbb >>= (fun lba lbb -> tokenf rba rbb >>= (fun rba rbb -> struct_fields (A.undots declsa) declsb >>=(fun undeclsa declsb -> let declsa = redots declsa undeclsa in return ( (A.StructUnionDef(ty, lba, declsa, rba)) +> A.rewrap ta, (B.StructUnion (sub, sbopt, declsb),ii_sub_sb@[lbb;rbb]) ))))) (* todo? handle isomorphisms ? because Unsigned Int can be match on a * uint in the C code. But some CEs consists in renaming some types, * so we don't want apply isomorphisms every time. *) | A.TypeName sa, (B.TypeName (nameb, typb), noii) -> assert (null noii); (match nameb with | B.RegularName (sb, iidb) -> let iidb1 = tuple_of_list1 iidb in if (term sa) =$= sb then tokenf sa iidb1 >>= (fun sa iidb1 -> return ( (A.TypeName sa) +> A.rewrap ta, (B.TypeName (B.RegularName (sb, [iidb1]), typb), noii) )) else fail | B.CppConcatenatedName _ | B.CppVariadicName _ |B.CppIdentBuilder _ -> raise Todo ) | _, (B.NoType, ii) -> fail | _, (B.TypeOfExpr e, ii) -> fail | _, (B.TypeOfType e, ii) -> fail | _, (B.ParenType e, ii) -> fail (* todo ?*) | A.EnumName(en,Some namea), (B.EnumName nameb, ii) -> let (ib1,ib2) = tuple_of_list2 ii in ident DontKnow namea (nameb, ib2) >>= (fun namea (nameb, ib2) -> tokenf en ib1 >>= (fun en ib1 -> return ( (A.EnumName (en, Some namea)) +> A.rewrap ta, (B.EnumName nameb, [ib1;ib2]) ))) | A.EnumDef(ty, lba, idsa, rba), (B.Enum (sbopt, idsb), ii) -> let (ii_sub_sb, lbb, rbb, comma_opt) = match ii with [iisub; lbb; rbb; comma_opt] -> (Common.Left iisub,lbb,rbb,comma_opt) | [iisub; iisb; lbb; rbb; comma_opt] -> (Common.Right (iisub,iisb),lbb,rbb,comma_opt) | _ -> error ii "list of length 4 or 5 expected" in let process_type = match (sbopt,ii_sub_sb) with (None,Common.Left iisub) -> (* the following doesn't reconstruct the complete SP code, just the part that matched *) let rec loop s = match A.unwrap s with A.Type(allminus,None,ty) -> (match A.unwrap ty with A.EnumName(sua, None) -> tokenf sua iisub >>= (fun sua iisub -> let ty = A.Type(allminus,None,A.EnumName(sua, None) +> A.rewrap ty) +> A.rewrap s in return (ty,[iisub])) | _ -> fail) | A.DisjType(disjs) -> disjs +> List.fold_left (fun acc disj -> acc >|+|> (loop disj)) fail | _ -> fail in loop ty | (Some sb,Common.Right (iisub,iisb)) -> (* build an EnumName from an Enum *) let fake_su = B.nQ, (B.EnumName sb, [iisub;iisb]) in fullType ty fake_su >>= (fun ty fake_su -> match fake_su with | _nQ, (B.EnumName sb, [iisub;iisb]) -> return (ty, [iisub; iisb]) | _ -> raise Impossible) | _ -> fail in process_type >>= (fun ty ii_sub_sb -> tokenf lba lbb >>= (fun lba lbb -> tokenf rba rbb >>= (fun rba rbb -> let idsb = resplit_initialiser idsb [comma_opt] in let idsb = List.concat (List.map (function (elem,comma) -> [Left elem; Right [comma]]) idsb) in enum_fields (A.undots idsa) idsb >>= (fun unidsa idsb -> let idsa = redots idsa unidsa in let idsb,iicomma = match List.rev idsb with (Right comma)::rest -> (Ast_c.unsplit_comma (List.rev rest),comma) | (Left _)::_ -> (Ast_c.unsplit_comma idsb,[]) (* possible *) | [] -> ([],[]) in return ( (A.EnumDef(ty, lba, idsa, rba)) +> A.rewrap ta, (B.Enum (sbopt, idsb),ii_sub_sb@[lbb;rbb]@iicomma) )) ))) | _, (B.Enum _, _) -> fail (* todo cocci ?*) | _, ((B.TypeName _ | B.StructUnionName (_, _) | B.EnumName _ | B.StructUnion (_, _, _) | B.FunctionType _ | B.Array (_, _) | B.Pointer _ | B.BaseType _), _) -> fail (* todo: iso on sign, if not mentioned then free. tochange? * but that require to know if signed int because explicit * signed int, or because implicit signed int. *) and sign signa signb = match signa, signb with | None, None -> return (None, []) | Some signa, Some (signb, ib) -> if equal_sign (term signa) signb then tokenf signa ib >>= (fun signa ib -> return (Some signa, [ib]) ) else fail | _, _ -> fail and minusize_list iixs = iixs +> List.fold_left (fun acc ii -> acc >>= (fun xs ys -> tokenf minusizer ii >>= (fun minus ii -> return (minus::xs, ii::ys) ))) (return ([],[])) >>= (fun _xsminys ys -> return ((), List.rev ys) ) and storage_optional_allminus allminus stoa (stob, iistob) = (* "iso-by-absence" for storage, and return type. *) X.optional_storage_flag (fun optional_storage -> match stoa, stob with | None, (stobis, inline) -> let do_minus () = if allminus then minusize_list iistob >>= (fun () iistob -> return (None, (stob, iistob)) ) else return (None, (stob, iistob)) in (match optional_storage, stobis with | false, B.NoSto -> do_minus () | false, _ -> fail | true, B.NoSto -> do_minus () | true, _ -> if !Flag.show_misc then pr2_once "USING optional_storage builtin isomorphism"; do_minus() ) | Some x, ((stobis, inline)) -> if equal_storage (term x) stobis then let rec loop acc = function [] -> fail | i1::iistob -> let str = B.str_of_info i1 in (match str with "static" | "extern" | "auto" | "register" -> (* not very elegant, but tokenf doesn't know what token to match with *) tokenf x i1 >>= (fun x i1 -> let rebuilt = (List.rev acc) @ i1 :: iistob in return (Some x, ((stobis, inline), rebuilt))) | _ -> loop (i1::acc) iistob) in loop [] iistob else fail ) and inline_optional_allminus allminus inla (stob, iistob) = (* "iso-by-absence" for storage, and return type. *) X.optional_storage_flag (fun optional_storage -> match inla, stob with | None, (stobis, inline) -> let do_minus () = if allminus then minusize_list iistob >>= (fun () iistob -> return (None, (stob, iistob)) ) else return (None, (stob, iistob)) in if inline then if optional_storage then begin if !Flag.show_misc then pr2_once "USING optional_storage builtin isomorphism"; do_minus() end else fail (* inline not in SP and present in C code *) else do_minus() | Some x, ((stobis, inline)) -> if inline then let rec loop acc = function [] -> fail | i1::iistob -> let str = B.str_of_info i1 in (match str with "inline" -> (* not very elegant, but tokenf doesn't know what token to match with *) tokenf x i1 >>= (fun x i1 -> let rebuilt = (List.rev acc) @ i1 :: iistob in return (Some x, ((stobis, inline), rebuilt))) | _ -> loop (i1::acc) iistob) in loop [] iistob else fail (* SP has inline, but the C code does not *) ) and fullType_optional_allminus allminus tya retb = match tya with | None -> if allminus then X.distrf_type minusizer retb >>= (fun _x retb -> return (None, retb) ) else return (None, retb) | Some tya -> fullType tya retb >>= (fun tya retb -> return (Some tya, retb) ) (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) and compatible_base_type a signa b = let ok = return ((),()) in match a, b with | Type_cocci.VoidType, B.Void | Type_cocci.SizeType, B.SizeType | Type_cocci.SSizeType, B.SSizeType | Type_cocci.PtrDiffType, B.PtrDiffType -> assert (signa =*= None); ok | Type_cocci.CharType, B.IntType B.CChar when signa =*= None -> ok | Type_cocci.CharType, B.IntType (B.Si (signb, B.CChar2)) -> compatible_sign signa signb | Type_cocci.ShortType, B.IntType (B.Si (signb, B.CShort)) -> compatible_sign signa signb | Type_cocci.IntType, B.IntType (B.Si (signb, B.CInt)) -> compatible_sign signa signb | Type_cocci.LongType, B.IntType (B.Si (signb, B.CLong)) -> compatible_sign signa signb | Type_cocci.LongLongType, B.IntType (B.Si (signb, B.CLongLong)) -> compatible_sign signa signb | Type_cocci.FloatType, B.FloatType B.CFloat -> assert (signa =*= None); ok | Type_cocci.DoubleType, B.FloatType B.CDouble -> assert (signa =*= None); ok | _, B.FloatType B.CLongDouble -> pr2_once "no longdouble in cocci"; fail | Type_cocci.BoolType, _ -> failwith "no booltype in C" | _, (B.Void|B.FloatType _|B.IntType _ |B.SizeType|B.SSizeType|B.PtrDiffType) -> fail and compatible_base_type_meta a signa qua b ii local = match a, b with | Type_cocci.MetaType(ida,keep,inherited), B.IntType (B.Si (signb, B.CChar2)) -> compatible_sign signa signb >>= fun _ _ -> let newb = ((qua, (B.BaseType (B.IntType B.CChar),ii)),local) in compatible_type a newb | Type_cocci.MetaType(ida,keep,inherited), B.IntType (B.Si (signb, ty)) -> compatible_sign signa signb >>= fun _ _ -> let newb = ((qua, (B.BaseType (B.IntType (B.Si (B.Signed, ty))),ii)),local) in compatible_type a newb | _, B.FloatType B.CLongDouble -> pr2_once "no longdouble in cocci"; fail | _, (B.Void|B.FloatType _|B.IntType _ |B.SizeType|B.SSizeType|B.PtrDiffType) -> fail and compatible_type a (b,local) = let ok = return ((),()) in let rec loop = function | _, (qua, (B.NoType, _)) -> failwith "compatible_type: matching with NoType" | Type_cocci.BaseType a, (qua, (B.BaseType b,ii)) -> compatible_base_type a None b | Type_cocci.SignedT (signa,None), (qua, (B.BaseType b,ii)) -> compatible_base_type Type_cocci.IntType (Some signa) b | Type_cocci.SignedT (signa,Some ty), (qua, (B.BaseType b,ii)) -> (match ty with Type_cocci.BaseType ty -> compatible_base_type ty (Some signa) b | Type_cocci.MetaType(ida,keep,inherited) -> compatible_base_type_meta ty (Some signa) qua b ii local | _ -> failwith "not possible") | Type_cocci.Pointer a, (qub, (B.Pointer b, ii)) -> loop (a,b) | Type_cocci.FunctionPointer a, _ -> failwith "TODO: function pointer type doesn't store enough information to determine compatibility" | Type_cocci.Array a, (qub, (B.Array (eopt, b),ii)) -> (* no size info for cocci *) loop (a,b) | Type_cocci.StructUnionName (sua, name), (qub, (B.StructUnionName (sub, sb),ii)) -> if equal_structUnion_type_cocci sua sub then structure_type_name name sb ii else fail | Type_cocci.EnumName (name), (qub, (B.EnumName (sb),ii)) -> structure_type_name name sb ii | Type_cocci.TypeName sa, (qub, (B.TypeName (namesb, _typb),noii)) -> let sb = Ast_c.str_of_name namesb in if sa =$= sb then ok else fail | Type_cocci.ConstVol (qua, a), (qub, b) -> if (fst qub).B.const && (fst qub).B.volatile then begin pr2_once ("warning: the type is both const & volatile but cocci " ^ "does not handle that"); fail end else if (match qua with | Type_cocci.Const -> (fst qub).B.const | Type_cocci.Volatile -> (fst qub).B.volatile ) then loop (a,(Ast_c.nQ, b)) else fail | Type_cocci.MetaType (ida,keep,inherited), typb -> let max_min _ = Lib_parsing_c.lin_col_by_pos (Lib_parsing_c.ii_of_type typb) in X.envf keep inherited (A.make_mcode ida, B.MetaTypeVal typb, max_min) (fun () -> ok ) (* subtil: must be after the MetaType case *) | a, (qub, (B.TypeName (_namesb, Some b), noii)) -> (* kind of typedef iso *) loop (a,b) (* for metavariables of type expression *^* *) | Type_cocci.Unknown , _ -> ok | (_, (_, (( B.TypeOfType _|B.TypeOfExpr _|B.ParenType _| B.EnumName _|B.StructUnion (_, _, _)|B.Enum (_, _) ), _))) -> fail | (_, (_, (( B.StructUnionName (_, _)| B.FunctionType _| B.Array (_, _)|B.Pointer _|B.TypeName _| B.BaseType _ ), _))) -> fail and structure_type_name nm sb ii = match nm with Type_cocci.NoName -> ok | Type_cocci.Name sa -> if sa =$= sb then ok else fail | Type_cocci.MV(ida,keep,inherited) -> (* degenerate version of MetaId, no transformation possible *) let (ib1, ib2) = tuple_of_list2 ii in let max_min _ = Lib_parsing_c.lin_col_by_pos [ib2] in let mida = A.make_mcode ida in X.envf keep inherited (mida, B.MetaIdVal (sb,[]), max_min) (fun () -> ok) in loop (a,b) and compatible_sign signa signb = let ok = return ((),()) in match signa, signb with | None, B.Signed | Some Type_cocci.Signed, B.Signed | Some Type_cocci.Unsigned, B.UnSigned -> ok | _ -> fail and equal_structUnion_type_cocci a b = match a, b with | Type_cocci.Struct, B.Struct -> true | Type_cocci.Union, B.Union -> true | _, (B.Struct | B.Union) -> false (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) and inc_file (a, before_after) (b, h_rel_pos) = let rec aux_inc (ass, bss) passed = match ass, bss with | [], [] -> true | [A.IncDots], _ -> let passed = List.rev passed in (match before_after, !h_rel_pos with | IncludeNothing, _ -> true | IncludeMcodeBefore, Some x -> List.mem passed (x.Ast_c.first_of) | IncludeMcodeAfter, Some x -> List.mem passed (x.Ast_c.last_of) (* no info, maybe cos of a #include that was already in a .h *) | _, None -> false ) | (A.IncPath x)::xs, y::ys -> x =$= y && aux_inc (xs, ys) (x::passed) | _ -> failwith "IncDots not in last place or other pb" in match a, b with | A.Local ass, B.Local bss -> aux_inc (ass, bss) [] | A.NonLocal ass, B.NonLocal bss -> aux_inc (ass, bss) [] | _ -> false (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) and (define_params: sequence -> (A.define_param list, (string B.wrap) B.wrap2 list) matcher) = fun seqstyle eas ebs -> match seqstyle with | Unordered -> failwith "not handling ooo" | Ordered -> define_paramsbis eas (Ast_c.split_comma ebs) >>= (fun eas ebs_splitted -> return (eas, (Ast_c.unsplit_comma ebs_splitted)) ) (* todo? facto code with argument and parameters ? *) and define_paramsbis = fun eas ebs -> let match_dots ea = match A.unwrap ea with A.DPdots(mcode) -> Some (mcode, None) | _ -> None in let build_dots (mcode, _optexpr) = A.DPdots(mcode) in let match_comma ea = match A.unwrap ea with A.DPComma ia1 -> Some ia1 | _ -> None in let build_comma ia1 = A.DPComma ia1 in let match_metalist ea = None in let build_metalist (ida,leninfo,keep,inherited) = failwith "not possible" in let mktermval v = failwith "not possible" in let special_cases ea eas ebs = None in let no_ii x = failwith "not possible" in list_matcher match_dots build_dots match_comma build_comma match_metalist build_metalist mktermval special_cases define_parameter X.distrf_define_params no_ii eas ebs and define_parameter = fun parama paramb -> match A.unwrap parama, paramb with A.DParam ida, (idb, ii) -> let ib1 = tuple_of_list1 ii in ident DontKnow ida (idb, ib1) >>= (fun ida (idb, ib1) -> return ((A.DParam ida)+> A.rewrap parama,(idb, [ib1]))) | (A.OptDParam _ | A.UniqueDParam _), _ -> failwith "handling Opt/Unique for define parameters" | A.DPcircles (_), ys -> raise Impossible (* in Ordered mode *) | _ -> fail (*****************************************************************************) (* Entry points *) (*****************************************************************************) (* no global solution for positions here, because for a statement metavariable we want a MetaStmtVal, and for the others, it's not clear what we want *) let rec (rule_elem_node: (A.rule_elem, Control_flow_c.node) matcher) = fun re node -> let rewrap x = x >>= (fun a b -> return (A.rewrap re a, F.rewrap node b)) in X.all_bound (A.get_inherited re) >&&> rewrap ( match A.unwrap re, F.unwrap node with (* note: the order of the clauses is important. *) | _, F.Enter | _, F.Exit | _, F.ErrorExit -> fail2() (* the metaRuleElem contains just '-' information. We dont need to add * stuff in the environment. If we need stuff in environment, because * there is a + S somewhere, then this will be done via MetaStmt, not * via MetaRuleElem. * Can match TrueNode/FalseNode/... so must be placed before those cases. *) | A.MetaRuleElem(mcode,keep,inherited), unwrap_node -> let default = A.MetaRuleElem(mcode,keep,inherited), unwrap_node in (match unwrap_node with | F.CaseNode _ | F.TrueNode | F.FalseNode | F.AfterNode | F.LoopFallThroughNode | F.FallThroughNode | F.InLoopNode -> if X.mode =*= PatternMode then return default else if mcode_contain_plus (mcodekind mcode) then failwith "try add stuff on fake node" (* minusize or contextize a fake node is ok *) else return default | F.EndStatement None -> if X.mode =*= PatternMode then return default else (* DEAD CODE NOW ? only useful in -no_cocci_vs_c_3 ? if mcode_contain_plus (mcodekind mcode) then let fake_info = Ast_c.fakeInfo() in distrf distrf_node (mcodekind mcode) (F.EndStatement (Some fake_info)) else return unwrap_node *) raise Todo | F.EndStatement (Some i1) -> tokenf mcode i1 >>= (fun mcode i1 -> return ( A.MetaRuleElem (mcode,keep, inherited), F.EndStatement (Some i1) )) | F.FunHeader _ -> if X.mode =*= PatternMode then return default else failwith "a MetaRuleElem can't transform a headfunc" | _n -> if X.mode =*= PatternMode then return default else X.distrf_node (generalize_mcode mcode) node >>= (fun mcode node -> return ( A.MetaRuleElem(mcode,keep, inherited), F.unwrap node )) ) (* rene cant have found that a state containing a fake/exit/... should be * transformed * TODO: and F.Fake ? *) | _, F.EndStatement _ | _, F.CaseNode _ | _, F.TrueNode | _, F.FalseNode | _, F.AfterNode | _, F.FallThroughNode | _, F.LoopFallThroughNode | _, F.InLoopNode -> fail2() (* really ? diff between pattern.ml and transformation.ml *) | _, F.Fake -> fail2() (* cas general: a Meta can match everything. It matches only * "header"-statement. We transform only MetaRuleElem, not MetaStmt. * So can't have been called in transform. *) | A.MetaStmt (ida,keep,metainfoMaybeTodo,inherited), F.Decl(_) -> fail | A.MetaStmt (ida,keep,metainfoMaybeTodo,inherited), unwrap_node -> (* todo: should not happen in transform mode *) (match Control_flow_c.extract_fullstatement node with | Some stb -> let max_min _ = Lib_parsing_c.lin_col_by_pos (Lib_parsing_c.ii_of_stmt stb) in X.envf keep inherited (ida, Ast_c.MetaStmtVal stb, max_min) (fun () -> (* no need tag ida, we can't be called in transform-mode *) return ( A.MetaStmt (ida, keep, metainfoMaybeTodo, inherited), unwrap_node ) ) | None -> fail ) (* not me?: *) | A.MetaStmtList _, _ -> failwith "not handling MetaStmtList" | A.TopExp ea, F.DefineExpr eb -> expression ea eb >>= (fun ea eb -> return ( A.TopExp ea, F.DefineExpr eb )) | A.TopExp ea, F.DefineType eb -> (match A.unwrap ea with A.TypeExp(ft) -> fullType ft eb >>= (fun ft eb -> return ( A.TopExp (A.rewrap ea (A.TypeExp(ft))), F.DefineType eb )) | _ -> fail) (* It is important to put this case before the one that fails because * of the lack of the counter part of a C construct in SmPL (for instance * there is not yet a CaseRange in SmPL). Even if SmPL don't handle * yet certain constructs, those constructs may contain expression * that we still want and can transform. *) | A.Exp exp, nodeb -> (* kind of iso, initialisation vs affectation *) let node = match A.unwrap exp, nodeb with | A.Assignment (ea, op, eb, true), F.Decl decl -> initialisation_to_affectation decl +> F.rewrap node | _ -> node in (* Now keep fullstatement inside the control flow node, * so that can then get in a MetaStmtVar the fullstatement to later * pp back when the S is in a +. But that means that * Exp will match an Ifnode even if there is no such exp * inside the condition of the Ifnode (because the exp may * be deeper, in the then branch). So have to not visit * all inside a node anymore. * * update: j'ai choisi d'accrocher au noeud du CFG à la * fois le fullstatement et le partialstatement et appeler le * visiteur que sur le partialstatement. *) let expfn = match Ast_cocci.get_pos re with | None -> expression | Some pos -> (fun ea eb -> let (max,min) = Lib_parsing_c.max_min_by_pos (Lib_parsing_c.ii_of_expr eb) in let keep = Type_cocci.Unitary in let inherited = false in let max_min _ = failwith "no pos" in X.envf keep inherited (pos, B.MetaPosVal (min,max), max_min) (fun () -> expression ea eb ) ) in X.cocciExp expfn exp node >>= (fun exp node -> return ( A.Exp exp, F.unwrap node ) ) | A.Ty ty, nodeb -> X.cocciTy fullType ty node >>= (fun ty node -> return ( A.Ty ty, F.unwrap node ) ) | A.TopInit init, nodeb -> X.cocciInit initialiser init node >>= (fun init node -> return ( A.TopInit init, F.unwrap node ) ) | A.FunHeader (mckstart, allminus, fninfoa, ida, oparen, paramsa, cparen), F.FunHeader ({B.f_name = nameidb; f_type = (retb, (paramsb, (isvaargs, iidotsb))); f_storage = stob; f_attr = attrs; f_body = body; f_old_c_style = oldstyle; }, ii) -> assert (null body); if oldstyle <> None then pr2 "OLD STYLE DECL NOT WELL SUPPORTED"; (* fninfoa records the order in which the SP specified the various information, but this isn't taken into account in the matching. Could this be a problem for transformation? *) let stoa = match List.filter (function A.FStorage(s) -> true | _ -> false) fninfoa with [A.FStorage(s)] -> Some s | _ -> None in let tya = match List.filter (function A.FType(s) -> true | _ -> false) fninfoa with [A.FType(t)] -> Some t | _ -> None in let inla = match List.filter (function A.FInline(i) -> true | _ -> false) fninfoa with [A.FInline(i)] -> Some i | _ -> None in (match List.filter (function A.FAttr(a) -> true | _ -> false) fninfoa with [A.FAttr(a)] -> failwith "not checking attributes" | _ -> ()); (match ii with | ioparenb::icparenb::iifakestart::iistob -> (* maybe important to put ident as the first tokens to transform. * It's related to transform_proto. So don't change order * between the >>=. *) ident_cpp LocalFunction ida nameidb >>= (fun ida nameidb -> X.tokenf_mck mckstart iifakestart >>= (fun mckstart iifakestart -> tokenf oparen ioparenb >>= (fun oparen ioparenb -> tokenf cparen icparenb >>= (fun cparen icparenb -> parameters (seqstyle paramsa) (A.undots paramsa) paramsb >>= (fun paramsaundots paramsb -> let paramsa = redots paramsa paramsaundots in inline_optional_allminus allminus inla (stob, iistob) >>= (fun inla (stob, iistob) -> storage_optional_allminus allminus stoa (stob, iistob) >>= (fun stoa (stob, iistob) -> ( if isvaargs then pr2_once ("Not handling well variable length arguments func. "^ "You have been warned"); if allminus then minusize_list iidotsb else return ((),iidotsb) ) >>= (fun () iidotsb -> fullType_optional_allminus allminus tya retb >>= (fun tya retb -> let fninfoa = (match stoa with Some st -> [A.FStorage st] | None -> []) ++ (match inla with Some i -> [A.FInline i] | None -> []) ++ (match tya with Some t -> [A.FType t] | None -> []) in return ( A.FunHeader(mckstart,allminus,fninfoa,ida,oparen, paramsa,cparen), F.FunHeader ({B.f_name = nameidb; f_type = (retb, (paramsb, (isvaargs, iidotsb))); f_storage = stob; f_attr = attrs; f_body = body; f_old_c_style = oldstyle; (* TODO *) }, ioparenb::icparenb::iifakestart::iistob) ) ))))))))) | _ -> raise Impossible ) | A.Decl (mckstart,allminus,decla), F.Decl declb -> declaration (mckstart,allminus,decla) declb >>= (fun (mckstart,allminus,decla) declb -> return ( A.Decl (mckstart,allminus,decla), F.Decl declb )) | A.SeqStart mcode, F.SeqStart (st, level, i1) -> tokenf mcode i1 >>= (fun mcode i1 -> return ( A.SeqStart mcode, F.SeqStart (st, level, i1) )) | A.SeqEnd mcode, F.SeqEnd (level, i1) -> tokenf mcode i1 >>= (fun mcode i1 -> return ( A.SeqEnd mcode, F.SeqEnd (level, i1) )) | A.ExprStatement (Some ea, ia1), F.ExprStatement (st, (Some eb, ii)) -> let ib1 = tuple_of_list1 ii in expression ea eb >>= (fun ea eb -> tokenf ia1 ib1 >>= (fun ia1 ib1 -> return ( A.ExprStatement (Some ea, ia1), F.ExprStatement (st, (Some eb, [ib1])) ) )) | A.ExprStatement (None, ia1), F.ExprStatement (st, (None, ii)) -> let ib1 = tuple_of_list1 ii in tokenf ia1 ib1 >>= (fun ia1 ib1 -> return ( A.ExprStatement (None, ia1), F.ExprStatement (st, (None, [ib1])) ) ) | A.IfHeader (ia1,ia2, ea, ia3), F.IfHeader (st, (eb,ii)) -> let (ib1, ib2, ib3) = tuple_of_list3 ii in expression ea eb >>= (fun ea eb -> tokenf ia1 ib1 >>= (fun ia1 ib1 -> tokenf ia2 ib2 >>= (fun ia2 ib2 -> tokenf ia3 ib3 >>= (fun ia3 ib3 -> return ( A.IfHeader (ia1, ia2, ea, ia3), F.IfHeader (st, (eb,[ib1;ib2;ib3])) ))))) | A.Else ia, F.Else ib -> tokenf ia ib >>= (fun ia ib -> return (A.Else ia, F.Else ib) ) | A.WhileHeader (ia1, ia2, ea, ia3), F.WhileHeader (st, (eb, ii)) -> let (ib1, ib2, ib3) = tuple_of_list3 ii in expression ea eb >>= (fun ea eb -> tokenf ia1 ib1 >>= (fun ia1 ib1 -> tokenf ia2 ib2 >>= (fun ia2 ib2 -> tokenf ia3 ib3 >>= (fun ia3 ib3 -> return ( A.WhileHeader (ia1, ia2, ea, ia3), F.WhileHeader (st, (eb, [ib1;ib2;ib3])) ))))) | A.DoHeader ia, F.DoHeader (st, ib) -> tokenf ia ib >>= (fun ia ib -> return ( A.DoHeader ia, F.DoHeader (st, ib) )) | A.WhileTail (ia1,ia2,ea,ia3,ia4), F.DoWhileTail (eb, ii) -> let (ib1, ib2, ib3, ib4) = tuple_of_list4 ii in expression ea eb >>= (fun ea eb -> tokenf ia1 ib1 >>= (fun ia1 ib1 -> tokenf ia2 ib2 >>= (fun ia2 ib2 -> tokenf ia3 ib3 >>= (fun ia3 ib3 -> tokenf ia4 ib4 >>= (fun ia4 ib4 -> return ( A.WhileTail (ia1,ia2,ea,ia3,ia4), F.DoWhileTail (eb, [ib1;ib2;ib3;ib4]) )))))) | A.IteratorHeader (ia1, ia2, eas, ia3), F.MacroIterHeader (st, ((s,ebs),ii)) -> let (ib1, ib2, ib3) = tuple_of_list3 ii in ident DontKnow ia1 (s, ib1) >>= (fun ia1 (s, ib1) -> tokenf ia2 ib2 >>= (fun ia2 ib2 -> tokenf ia3 ib3 >>= (fun ia3 ib3 -> arguments (seqstyle eas) (A.undots eas) ebs >>= (fun easundots ebs -> let eas = redots eas easundots in return ( A.IteratorHeader (ia1, ia2, eas, ia3), F.MacroIterHeader (st, ((s,ebs), [ib1;ib2;ib3])) ))))) | A.ForHeader (ia1, ia2, ea1opt, ia3, ea2opt, ia4, ea3opt, ia5), F.ForHeader (st, (((eb1opt,ib3s), (eb2opt,ib4s), (eb3opt,ib4vide)), ii)) -> assert (null ib4vide); let (ib1, ib2, ib5) = tuple_of_list3 ii in let ib3 = tuple_of_list1 ib3s in let ib4 = tuple_of_list1 ib4s in tokenf ia1 ib1 >>= (fun ia1 ib1 -> tokenf ia2 ib2 >>= (fun ia2 ib2 -> tokenf ia3 ib3 >>= (fun ia3 ib3 -> tokenf ia4 ib4 >>= (fun ia4 ib4 -> tokenf ia5 ib5 >>= (fun ia5 ib5 -> option expression ea1opt eb1opt >>= (fun ea1opt eb1opt -> option expression ea2opt eb2opt >>= (fun ea2opt eb2opt -> option expression ea3opt eb3opt >>= (fun ea3opt eb3opt -> return ( A.ForHeader (ia1, ia2, ea1opt, ia3, ea2opt, ia4, ea3opt, ia5), F.ForHeader (st, (((eb1opt,[ib3]), (eb2opt,[ib4]), (eb3opt,[])), [ib1;ib2;ib5])) ))))))))) | A.SwitchHeader(ia1,ia2,ea,ia3), F.SwitchHeader (st, (eb,ii)) -> let (ib1, ib2, ib3) = tuple_of_list3 ii in tokenf ia1 ib1 >>= (fun ia1 ib1 -> tokenf ia2 ib2 >>= (fun ia2 ib2 -> tokenf ia3 ib3 >>= (fun ia3 ib3 -> expression ea eb >>= (fun ea eb -> return ( A.SwitchHeader(ia1,ia2,ea,ia3), F.SwitchHeader (st, (eb,[ib1;ib2;ib3])) ))))) | A.Break (ia1, ia2), F.Break (st, ((),ii)) -> let (ib1, ib2) = tuple_of_list2 ii in tokenf ia1 ib1 >>= (fun ia1 ib1 -> tokenf ia2 ib2 >>= (fun ia2 ib2 -> return ( A.Break (ia1, ia2), F.Break (st, ((),[ib1;ib2])) ))) | A.Continue (ia1, ia2), F.Continue (st, ((),ii)) -> let (ib1, ib2) = tuple_of_list2 ii in tokenf ia1 ib1 >>= (fun ia1 ib1 -> tokenf ia2 ib2 >>= (fun ia2 ib2 -> return ( A.Continue (ia1, ia2), F.Continue (st, ((),[ib1;ib2])) ))) | A.Return (ia1, ia2), F.Return (st, ((),ii)) -> let (ib1, ib2) = tuple_of_list2 ii in tokenf ia1 ib1 >>= (fun ia1 ib1 -> tokenf ia2 ib2 >>= (fun ia2 ib2 -> return ( A.Return (ia1, ia2), F.Return (st, ((),[ib1;ib2])) ))) | A.ReturnExpr (ia1, ea, ia2), F.ReturnExpr (st, (eb, ii)) -> let (ib1, ib2) = tuple_of_list2 ii in tokenf ia1 ib1 >>= (fun ia1 ib1 -> tokenf ia2 ib2 >>= (fun ia2 ib2 -> expression ea eb >>= (fun ea eb -> return ( A.ReturnExpr (ia1, ea, ia2), F.ReturnExpr (st, (eb, [ib1;ib2])) )))) | A.Include(incla,filea), F.Include {B.i_include = (fileb, ii); B.i_rel_pos = h_rel_pos; B.i_is_in_ifdef = inifdef; B.i_content = copt; } -> assert (copt =*= None); let include_requirment = match mcodekind incla, mcodekind filea with | A.CONTEXT (_, A.BEFORE _), _ -> IncludeMcodeBefore | _, A.CONTEXT (_, A.AFTER _) -> IncludeMcodeAfter | _ -> IncludeNothing in let (inclb, iifileb) = tuple_of_list2 ii in if inc_file (term filea, include_requirment) (fileb, h_rel_pos) then tokenf incla inclb >>= (fun incla inclb -> tokenf filea iifileb >>= (fun filea iifileb -> return ( A.Include(incla, filea), F.Include {B.i_include = (fileb, [inclb;iifileb]); B.i_rel_pos = h_rel_pos; B.i_is_in_ifdef = inifdef; B.i_content = copt; } ))) else fail | A.Undef(undefa,ida), F.DefineHeader ((idb, ii), B.Undef) -> let (defineb, iidb, ieol) = tuple_of_list3 ii in ident DontKnow ida (idb, iidb) >>= (fun ida (idb, iidb) -> tokenf undefa defineb >>= (fun undefa defineb -> return ( A.Undef(undefa,ida), F.DefineHeader ((idb,[defineb;iidb;ieol]),B.Undef) )) ) | A.DefineHeader(definea,ida,params), F.DefineHeader ((idb, ii), defkind) -> let (defineb, iidb, ieol) = tuple_of_list3 ii in ident DontKnow ida (idb, iidb) >>= (fun ida (idb, iidb) -> tokenf definea defineb >>= (fun definea defineb -> (match A.unwrap params, defkind with | A.NoParams, B.DefineVar -> return ( A.NoParams +> A.rewrap params, B.DefineVar ) | A.DParams(lpa,eas,rpa), (B.DefineFunc (ebs, ii)) -> let (lpb, rpb) = tuple_of_list2 ii in tokenf lpa lpb >>= (fun lpa lpb -> tokenf rpa rpb >>= (fun rpa rpb -> define_params (seqstyle eas) (A.undots eas) ebs >>= (fun easundots ebs -> let eas = redots eas easundots in return ( A.DParams (lpa,eas,rpa) +> A.rewrap params, B.DefineFunc (ebs,[lpb;rpb]) ) ))) | _ -> fail ) >>= (fun params defkind -> return ( A.DefineHeader (definea, ida, params), F.DefineHeader ((idb,[defineb;iidb;ieol]),defkind) )) )) | A.Default(def,colon), F.Default (st, ((),ii)) -> let (ib1, ib2) = tuple_of_list2 ii in tokenf def ib1 >>= (fun def ib1 -> tokenf colon ib2 >>= (fun colon ib2 -> return ( A.Default(def,colon), F.Default (st, ((),[ib1;ib2])) ))) | A.Case(case,ea,colon), F.Case (st, (eb,ii)) -> let (ib1, ib2) = tuple_of_list2 ii in tokenf case ib1 >>= (fun case ib1 -> expression ea eb >>= (fun ea eb -> tokenf colon ib2 >>= (fun colon ib2 -> return ( A.Case(case,ea,colon), F.Case (st, (eb,[ib1;ib2])) )))) (* only occurs in the predicates generated by asttomember *) | A.DisjRuleElem eas, _ -> (eas +> List.fold_left (fun acc ea -> acc >|+|> (rule_elem_node ea node)) fail) >>= (fun ea eb -> return (A.unwrap ea,F.unwrap eb)) | _, F.ExprStatement (_, (None, ii)) -> fail (* happen ? *) | A.Label(id,dd), F.Label (st, nameb, ((),ii)) -> let (ib2) = tuple_of_list1 ii in ident_cpp DontKnow id nameb >>= (fun ida nameb -> tokenf dd ib2 >>= (fun dd ib2 -> return ( A.Label (ida,dd), F.Label (st,nameb, ((),[ib2])) ))) | A.Goto(goto,id,sem), F.Goto (st,nameb, ((),ii)) -> let (ib1,ib3) = tuple_of_list2 ii in tokenf goto ib1 >>= (fun goto ib1 -> ident_cpp DontKnow id nameb >>= (fun id nameb -> tokenf sem ib3 >>= (fun sem ib3 -> return( A.Goto(goto,id,sem), F.Goto (st,nameb, ((),[ib1;ib3])) )))) (* have not a counter part in coccinelle, for the moment *) (* todo?: print a warning at least ? *) | _, F.CaseRange _ | _, F.Asm _ -> fail2() | _, F.MacroTop _ -> fail2() | _, (F.IfdefEndif _|F.IfdefElse _|F.IfdefHeader _) -> fail2 () | _, (F.MacroStmt (_, _)| F.DefineDoWhileZeroHeader _| F.EndNode|F.TopNode) -> fail | _, (F.Label (_, _, _)|F.Break (_, _)|F.Continue (_, _)|F.Default (_, _)| F.Case (_, _)|F.Include _|F.Goto _|F.ExprStatement _| F.DefineType _|F.DefineExpr _|F.DefineTodo| F.DefineHeader (_, _)|F.ReturnExpr (_, _)|F.Return (_, _)| F.MacroIterHeader (_, _)| F.SwitchHeader (_, _)|F.ForHeader (_, _)|F.DoWhileTail _|F.DoHeader (_, _)| F.WhileHeader (_, _)|F.Else _|F.IfHeader (_, _)| F.SeqEnd (_, _)|F.SeqStart (_, _, _)| F.Decl _|F.FunHeader _) -> fail ) end