(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Menhir *) (* *) (* François Pottier, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot *) (* *) (* Copyright 2005-2008 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique *) (* et en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0, with the change *) (* described in file LICENSE. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) (* This module extends the LR(0) automaton with lookahead information in order to construct an SLR(1) automaton. The lookahead information is obtained by considering the FOLLOW sets. *) (* This construction is not used by Menhir, but can be used to check whether the grammar is in the class SLR(1). This check is performed when the log level [lg] is at least 1. *) open Grammar (* This flag, which is reserved for internal use, causes more information about SLR(1) conflict states to be printed. *) let tell_me_everything = false (* The following function turns an LR(0) state into an SLR(1) state. *) let make_slr_state (s : Lr0.node) : Lr0.concretelr1state = (* Obtain the set of LR(0) items associated with the state [s]. *) let items = Lr0.items s in (* Unfortunately, this set is not closed. We do not have a function that computes the closure of a set of LR(0) items -- we could build one using [Item.Closure], but that would be overkill. So, we first convert this set to a set of LR(1) items, then compute the closure at this level, and finally we turn this LR(1) state into an SLR(1) state by letting the lookahead sets be the FOLLOW sets. This is somewhat ugly and naïve, but seems to work. *) (* Convert this set to a set of LR(1) items. Here, we can use any set of tokens as the lookahead set. We use the empty set. *) let s = Item.Map.lift (fun item -> TerminalSet.empty) items in (* Compute the LR(1) closure. *) let s = Lr0.closure s in (* We now have an LR(1) state that has the correct set of LR(0) items but phony lookahead information. We convert it into an SLR(1) state by deciding that, for each item, the lookahead set is the FOLLOW set of the symbol that appears on the left-hand side of the item. *) Item.Map.fold (fun item toks accu -> let _, nt, _, _, _ = Item.def item in let follow_nt = Analysis.follow nt in assert (TerminalSet.subset toks follow_nt); (* sanity check *) Item.Map.add item follow_nt accu ) s Item.Map.empty (* Insertion of a new reduce action into the table of reductions. Copied from [Lr1] (boo, hiss). *) let addl prod tok reductions = let prods = try TerminalMap.lookup tok reductions with Not_found -> [] in TerminalMap.add tok (prod :: prods) reductions (* Same thing, for a set of tokens. *) let addl prod toks reductions = TerminalSet.fold (addl prod) toks reductions (* The following function turns a closed LR(1) state into a map of terminal symbols to reduction actions. Copied from a related function in [Lr0]. *) let reductions (s : Lr0.concretelr1state) : Production.index list TerminalMap.t = Item.Map.fold (fun item toks reductions -> match Item.classify item with | Item.Reduce prod -> addl prod toks reductions | Item.Shift _ -> reductions ) s TerminalMap.empty (* The following function turns a closed LR(1) state into a set of shift actions. *) let transitions (s : Lr0.concretelr1state) : TerminalSet.t = Item.Map.fold (fun item _ transitions -> match Item.classify item with | Item.Shift (Symbol.T tok, _) -> TerminalSet.add tok transitions | Item.Shift (Symbol.N _, _) | Item.Reduce _ -> transitions ) s TerminalSet.empty (* This function computes the domain of a terminal map, producing a terminal set. *) let domain (m : 'a TerminalMap.t) : TerminalSet.t = TerminalMap.fold (fun tok _ accu -> TerminalSet.add tok accu ) m TerminalSet.empty (* The following function checks whether a closed LR(1) state is free of conflicts. *) let state_is_ok (s : Lr0.concretelr1state) : bool = let reductions = reductions s and transitions = transitions s in (* Check for shift/reduce conflicts. *) TerminalSet.disjoint transitions (domain reductions) && (* Check for reduce/reduce conflicts. *) TerminalMap.fold (fun _ prods ok -> ok && match prods with | [] | [ _ ] -> true | _ :: _ :: _ -> false ) reductions true (* The following function counts the number of states in the SLR(1) automaton that have a conflict. *) let count_slr_violations () : int = let count = ref 0 in for s = 0 to Lr0.n - 1 do let s = make_slr_state s in if not (state_is_ok s) then begin incr count; if tell_me_everything then Printf.fprintf stderr "The following SLR(1) state has a conflict:\n%s" (Lr0.print_concrete s) end done; !count (* At log level 1, indicate whether the grammar is SLR(1). *) let () = Error.logG 1 (fun f -> let count = count_slr_violations() in if count = 0 then Printf.fprintf f "The grammar is SLR(1).\n" else Printf.fprintf f "The grammar is not SLR(1) -- %d states have a conflict.\n" count )